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7946733 No.7946733 [Reply] [Original]

what does lit think of this book?

>> No.7946741

I didn't like. Prose was fine, plot okay. I just didn't like it. Also didn't like the anti-war theme

>> No.7946757

>Also didn't like the anti-war theme
What a surprise.

>> No.7946921


I liked it tbqh.

>> No.7946923


fuck off anti-fa nu-male

>> No.7946930

When will you be leaving your basement for the front line?

>> No.7946934

Soon as Trump is elected and there's a Fuhrer worth serving.
Anti-war themes are lame. It'd be like writing an anti-slavery book in 2016.

>> No.7946936

>le war is evil

I hate the bring up the six gorrilion, but going to war to stop genocide doesn't seem unreasonable at all.

>> No.7946945

Go back to /pol/, you mental midget.

>> No.7946949

No one went to war because of the holocaust you fucking idiot
That's worse than saying the american civil war was fought over slavery

>> No.7946951

So when does you flight to Darfur leave?

>> No.7946970


when there's a war worth fighting


wasn't me, and they phrased it like a retard, but they're right.

just another example of cupping the ear to the audience à la Hulk Hogan

>> No.7946990

>dat medal scene
Love the book. It's on my top five for my "segway into lit" list.

I'm pretty hawkish too & read it before I knew about the whole Metallica thing. So eat it all you basement fascist boys and peaceniks.

>> No.7947181

what was the american civil war fought for, then?

>segway into lit
!?!?!? :) !?!? :) ?!?!?
whats your list?

>> No.7947201
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>reads evola once

>> No.7947279

The final couple pages when he goes on that huge anti-war tirade are so disturbingly written. I should re-read this book soon.

>> No.7947295

>Tapping out his last rites in morris code

>> No.7947312

jesus christ im natsoc but you need to kys desu

>> No.7947337

Let's get this out of the way now : you're never leaving your basement.

>> No.7947356

>wanting to die in some foreign shithole so someone you've never met can get a promotion back home

>> No.7947374

I don't give a shit if you love/hate the anti-war message, this book is mediocre at best.

>> No.7947379

>being this ignorant about military service

>> No.7947383

I served

>> No.7947459

well let's see what you've written anon.

>> No.7947521

Interesting, albeit repetetitive. The further one reads, the better it gets. The last final pages—the ‘speech’—were unnecessary and trite, and cheapen the whole experience. The message one knows beforehand. Nonetheless, it is worth a read, although it certainly is no masterpiece.

>> No.7947529

this has never been a proper argument

>> No.7947561

but sir I'm curious to see what you have written.

>> No.7947604

I read this in high school and some of the lines stuck to me so hard.

Should be mandatory reading for teenagers desu.

>You're dead mister