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/lit/ - Literature

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794625 No.794625 [Reply] [Original]

So today, I saw a girl wearing a shirt featuring the cover in the attached picture.
I'm not a fan of Ayn Rand, but any girl my age (late teens) who obviously has an interest in reading I'd love to talk to.
So I said "Hey, nice shirt!"
She replies with "Awww, thanks! Hehehe, I don't even know what it means...it looks cool though!"

I don't know how I should feel, but I feel almost insulted. /lit/, this is what your high schools are filled with..

>> No.794632

My high school was filled with illiterate, dim-witted potheads. I suppose it was one of the better public schools.

>> No.794631

feels bad man.

>> No.794637

My high school was filled with Palahniuk and dystopian shit. I would have seriously settled for a girl who read Rand.

>> No.794646

She said so because she didn't want to talk to YOU about it.

Don't underestimate other peoples intelligence next time.

>> No.794656

How the devil would you know what she was thinking?

>> No.794666

I'm smart.

>> No.794671

Now you get the pain of /co/mrades when we see people wearing Green Lantern shirts and they don't read a single comic. It sucks.

>> No.794679

The worst is when someone says that X is their favorite musical artist.

"Oh you like X? What's your favorite album of theirs?"


Had an experience with a fellow who claimed that Bob Marley is his favorite and one of the greatest artists of all time. He could not name a single album of his.

>> No.794680

you should be happy that she hasn't wasted her time with bullshit, op. i would've high-fived her and grabbed dat ass.

>> No.794690


>> No.794692

This is what I would say If I was afraid of competition :)

>> No.794693

I was reading We the Living in the hallway, today. Meanwhile, girls were screaming "We've gotten away from the nationalists; now we can establish a communist revolution." I sighed.

>> No.794696

>>implying that having intelligence somehow also gives you the ability of being psychic

>> No.794698

what do you expect from a bob marley fan? they're always intoxicated from shooting up and snorting marijuana, moron.

>> No.794702


>> No.794707

That was just an example. You know my words are true.

>> No.794709

Stupid women.

>> No.794711

>implying you have to be a mongoloid dumbass to not know whats reasonable.

>> No.794719


>> No.794717

yeah man 19 is underage

>> No.794716

>implying you would know as you have little intelligence

>> No.794718
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>implying it's reasonable to purposely make yourself look like an idiot and reject conversation with someone of similar interests

>> No.794729


It makes sense.

I don't want to get into stupid conversations with strangers, either. It's a waste of time.

>> No.794733
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>> No.794735

>implying it is foolish (or even safe) to reject lowlife scum who approach strangers for almost no reason, especially when you sense there is going to be a heated debate.

>> No.794740
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>implying some people don't have more important things to attend to

>my face

>> No.794745
File: 22 KB, 420x554, 166-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that shut the fuck up you're boring everyone with this monotonous bullshit

>> No.794750

That's what I'm saying.This is why people have invented calendars, appointments, and sexy secretary's.

>> No.794751

Are you seriously fucking retarded?

>No reason to approach
He wanted to talk to another person his age who reads.

>Heated debate
He gave her a compliment. Being nice to someone and complimenting them do not usually lead to heated debates.

>> No.794748
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>> No.794760

>Being nice to someone and complimenting them do not usually lead to heated debates.

Cool theory. Care to elaborate?

>> No.794763

Sarcasm I hope.

>> No.794765

>implying that we imply eachother imply implications

>> No.794771


Even cooler theory, brah. Care to elaborate?

>> No.794773
File: 36 KB, 264x373, baww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lose a debate. Confirm and descend into ad hominem and irrelevant conclusion.

>> No.794776

Elaborate my dick, asshole.

>> No.794787

>implying young girls don't get approached all the time by pathetic loners and that we don't have heated Ayn-Rand threads all the time.

>> No.794786

Lose a debate? Your contention is that nobody wants to be talked to and OP is a dumb asshole for wanting to talk to someone his own age with similar interests. When was the last time you interacted with anyone?

>> No.794796
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wow, i'm not even op you flagrant dumbass

>> No.794804


>implying he shouldn't have just smacked her ass, instead of winning the record for the amount it takes to be friend-zoned

>> No.794797

>implying people want to interact with one another, and don't simply do it out of having evolved needing to get along in order to compensate for individual weakness

>> No.794812

Don't see any problem OP.

>> No.794813

>Confirmed for anti-social and lonely

>> No.794818


>implying other people aren't annoying

>> No.794820
File: 16 KB, 350x355, Che Guevara shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I gotta say most of my friends don't actually care about the art on their shirts and what it means.

>> No.794845

>confirmed for emotional faggot with friends and family

>> No.794862

>Respond with adhominem. Respond again with similar adhominem, completing a cycle of ad nauseam with a touch of warm-hearted appeal-to-ridicule.

Your parents must be very proud.

Infantile ad feminam. Good work kiddo.

>> No.794863

i wear blank shirts without any namebrand or bands or any shit like that because i'm not a walking billboard ad asshole.

>> No.794873

>Lonely faggot who spends his days lonely

>> No.794875


Don't bother. This fag is what we like to call a basement dweller. He hasn't interacted with anyone aside from perhaps his mother for the last several years, no doubt.

>> No.794874

LOLZ ADHOMINEM TRUMP CARD OF DEBATE! Seriously, only those who are 14 years old think that is clever (Whoops, I did it again!).

>> No.794878

should ask her, whats it like to wear something you dont have a clue what its about ?

>> No.794916

Who cares as long as it looks cool?

>> No.794917


>Slowly realizing intellectual inferiority. Proceed with vacuous character assassination as a primary attempt to social validation, then, finalizing the victim with some fine straw man argument.

>> No.794929

Ok, bro. Analyze all this while I go out with my friends and have a wonderful time

>> No.794930

Back in my day, trolling meant something...

>> No.794945


This what we like to call studying way too much theory, and not having enough practice.

You've lost, you will always lose. Cling to your system, fool.

>> No.794964
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>Ad Hominem in the lethargic form of me not having any friends due to being able to perceiving other peoples flaws with "too much detail".

Some fine NIH Syndrome you got there bro. Why don't you gtfo a little then? :3

>> No.794969

lol u mad

>> No.794977

>Read a few articles on Wikipedia

>> No.794987

you guys care way too much about other people

>> No.795003

And we with brains call what you just said " A special Pleading"

Now go away before you embarrass yourself even further.

>Pathological denial of lost battle. Refer to grotesque generalization without any signs of humble remorse. Continue enjoying a adolescent (or primitive at best) form of napoleon complex. Somatization fuck yeah!

>> No.795006
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>Now go away before you embarrass yourself even further.

>before you

>> No.795012

you sounds mad, umad?

>> No.795013

Remember, this is all in the support of never talking to anyone because we are primitive creatures and nobody wants to be bothered by someone talking to them.

>> No.795036


Why would anybody possibly take your side?

Do you read what you write?

You use complex words for the sake of using complex words. That's disappointing.

You're mad.

>> No.795046

I'm sorry - maybe my words were unclear - but I was actually insulting the guy who was using wikipedia entries on psychology as the basis for his very, very flawed arguments. Fucking reading comprehension, how does it work?

>> No.795067
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>You're mad


>> No.795080

I was hoping for someone to bait the "a adolescent".
But sure, pyrrhic victory is cute.

>He said B after saying A, therefore B must support A.
I'm not even sure what to call this logical fallacy.

Argumentum ad Pulled-it-out-of-my-ass-as-fast-as-possible-to-fermently-make-it-look-as-I-contributed-something-rem

Wow, You Got me! I read wiki-pedia, therefore I LUSE! Yes it is true, I actually know nothing about human nature, nor have I ever had any earlier conversation with ANYONE, because I am so anti-social. I am alone in a basement and I'm so stupid; I don't know anything, and especially if I don't read my wikipeodia. I must be more stupid than You! Who knew? Thank you for enlightening me my big savior, king of kings, genius you! THEE HEe.

>> No.795094
File: 7 KB, 100x100, ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more stupid
It's stupider

>> No.795099


W w w . A n o N t A L k . S e z o ja j yxwaku rzp mfmbqrmbtjxfihgyyvbn q

>> No.795100

you're a dick. i'm not saying this with regards to your position or anything, but conversationally you are a dick. also: u mad

>> No.795140

Why? :/

Am I'm not leaving much space for narcissism? I haven't even commented on your pygmalion complex yet :(

>> No.796111

This should be archived because it is an example of everything wrong with /lit/

>> No.796131

>This should be archived because it is an example of everything wrong with tripfags