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/lit/ - Literature

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7943469 No.7943469 [Reply] [Original]

What will be the name of the book you're currently writing?

>> No.7943481


>> No.7943482

Gunther my Love, Where are my Pants?

>> No.7943491

Call Him God

working on teasing out what the core narrative is in between stuff for lit journals. daddy's gotta eat, yknow

>> No.7943530

The Spirits' Mail - Critical Correspondence of The Learned Scholar and Doctor Qaddah al-Khayr with Aquatic, Aerial, and Subterranean Demons

>> No.7943571
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>> No.7943575

Lost and Found

>> No.7943581

If your title is two nouns separated by a conjunction then you're ultimate pleb-tier

>> No.7943598

I've got a fantastical short story compilation about an ageless man who thinks he's transitioning into godhood. I wanted to call it 'Coda from the Stranger' but I don't know.

>> No.7943606

what about mine

it is called

Niggers & Cornflakes

>> No.7943612

>crime and punishment

>> No.7943614

Hawaiian Feeling

>> No.7943617

I rescind my previous statement.

>> No.7943664

Empty boxes

>> No.7943672

The brutal romantic conquest of the disgraced Creole and his enslaved gods' irradiated sister

BRCDCEGIS for short

>> No.7943679

"My book title is intentionally left blank. It'll be the White Album of book covers and my ticket to cane. Then a trend will rise and I'll die in a car crash." is my book title.

>> No.7943688

"Cane was a mistype of fame but I left it that way because I already submitted my reply and I just want to go to sleep and wake up on a spaceship surrounded by hot alien babes." is the title to the prequel.

>> No.7943691











come on lads

>> No.7943698

Fuck you, Yoshiyahu

>> No.7943699

The Ecclesial Troupe of Oops

>> No.7943701

I Am Very Hungry

>> No.7943703

>Rating people like an autist

>> No.7943704

Gore: Or, Relinquishment of Memes Through Intense Psychotherapy

>> No.7943705

A Little Lamb Trod Upon My Toe; - Oh!

>> No.7943706

>greentexting your book's name

>> No.7943713






>> No.7943714

'Vagina Rhymer'.

It's the story of a liberal arts student feminist turned sell-out, misogynist-enabling, urban-negro-culture-misappropriating rapper who gets brutally raped after a particularly vicious rap battle. She then does a complete 360 degrees and turns her life around upon discovering that she is pregnant with a son to her rapist, adopting ultra-feminism and writing on her Tumblr all the misandric rap-inspired nursery rhymes she reads to her son. The story climaxes when her teenaged son castrates himself in a frenzy of gender confusion and our heroine realises that there is a secret penis in all of us.

>> No.7943721


>> No.7943753


>> No.7945736

>Fuck you, Yoshiyahu
where is this from?

>> No.7945783

King Josiah (also known as Yoshiyahu) is one of the last kings of Judah and after supposedly discovering a book of or the entire Torah began destroying pagan idols and killing pagan priests

>> No.7945869

How to Suck Dick with Your Butt for Dummies

>> No.7945891


>> No.7945900

Reveal that she lied about the rape at the end.

>> No.7945902

>there is a secret penis in all of us
would read / 10

>> No.7945908

Sandcastle Diplomacy

>> No.7945919

Walmart Book Isle/10

>> No.7945935


fucking yanks

the girls are fat as well

>> No.7945949

The Great Meditations

>> No.7945975

Le blanc désaltére
it's in french

>> No.7945993

cool concept bad title

>> No.7945999

go to bed Mira

>> No.7946012
File: 27 KB, 557x711, 1460782931092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the weird pictures from the "Laker Girls Lunch Date" are so fucking uncanny. It's like the intersection between tragedy and comedy, or perhaps it transcends both.

>> No.7946018

"Falling" The entire book is a man seeing his life flash before his eyes as he falls from the top of a tower before he hits the ground.

>> No.7946048

The Crux of the Matter

sounds lame though picked it more as a reminder about what i need to get at

i have 200 words so far :))))

>> No.7946100

fuck off
okay fine u canz stay

you're too old to speak like this

rejected and rejected

hmmm, yes it works but yes you'll most likely have no talent for picking something like this and wanting it



thank you

go away

hardly a "title" and god are you like 16

pls stop

decent, you know you can do better and so does everybody else

this is good

this is very nonononono

go sit in the corner and think about what you did

try again
next year

cduhchbyu no

not worth much of a comment

the penultimate not to name your book names

too obvious

you jest surely

it's not in english, but close

dduuuuuude like stop even thinking about writing

sturdy and boring

>> No.7946180

>the penultimate not to name your book names

Chill family, the world map is based on Pangaea Ultima. Not trying to be clever or anything, that's just the name of the world I'm writing about.

>> No.7946203

That's fine then. What made you pick the name?

>> No.7946206


>> No.7946214

The white quenches
closer now?

>> No.7946228

>the world map is based on Pangaea Ultima
Although scientists have updated the official term to "Pangaea Proxima"

One of the more predictable twists of the story is that the planet it's set on is actually just Earth 250 million years from now.
Google will probably explain better than me.

>> No.7946257
File: 104 KB, 800x799, eJwNxkEOwiAQAMC_8ABgwRboA0yMV-8NAtJqcQksJ-PfdU7zYaMdbGEbUe2LEHHvAVvknbD5nHhGzEfyde88YBGeyIetpDd1AZN2RlnQGpx1RlonwEijZnDmNP_j7GQFjXI_2opTyQ91vZxv0OKrDkC9NlhBWcmfNbPvDzFWK28.IRe5JxD3Icmf2akvx1-2viPlA7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crestfallen,crest fall, or some emo shit like that

>> No.7946276
File: 201 KB, 3264x1976, cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, I made you the geographic settings

>> No.7946299

Oh man, you made me smile anon.
I'm not on my home computer right now, but come back in an hour or two, I kinda wanna post the political map I have so far.

>> No.7946307

Professors HATE him, 9/10 people improved their lives using this one trick.

>> No.7946322


>> No.7946326


>> No.7946357

"When will this meme end?"

>> No.7946416

Hadn't thought of one honestly. I'm writing a collection of short stories though.

Maybe "Revisions" now that I think about it.

>> No.7946421

this idea is actually kinda interesting. you making any progress? share a story?

>> No.7946423


>> No.7946431

"Aufklarung Follies"

It's about a chronically depressed teenager forced by his father to pilot a battle mech and fight against eldritch horrors intent on destroying humanity.

>> No.7946545

I've written 3 short stories so far, but I'm not nearly finished. I'm going to need at least 10 before I consider compiling it.

I'm also a bit wary of sharing things at the moment because they're still in the development stage, I constantly go back and revisit things, edit and restructure. Thanks for taking interest though!

>> No.7946559
File: 110 KB, 1026x684, WorkInProgress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, this is something I've been working on as I write to help visualize shit

>> No.7946574

Cuck Me and Fuck Me F a m: The Voluntary Slavery We Call Freedom

>> No.7946584

The Amanuensis and The Cartographers

>> No.7946612


>> No.7946637

Ticket from Grady
Pharma Duress
Hondengo's Ride
Oblivion 3.0
The Ambiguous
Manuel Pierre, Author of the Quixote

>> No.7946728

I'm 4/5 through my first novel and I was going to name it The Fall, until I saw that Camus has a book with the same name. And now I don't know what to call it.

>> No.7946751

No, I'm not 16. It's a title to a gimmick romance novel I'm writing. The narrator, who is a writer and who is me, writes a romance novel then the character within his novel, who is he, writes his novel as a romance novel with the same title and then they all die in a car crash eventually leading up to my own death in a car crash. I guess the title makes more sense with the context of the story itself.

>> No.7947414

The Man with Compound Eyes

>> No.7947427

Die Nordwesten

>> No.7947430


>> No.7947434


>> No.7947451


>> No.7947462

sarah beckoned for stories written about machines

>> No.7947599

The seven Nabataeans lions

>> No.7947603


>> No.7947975


>> No.7948018
File: 3.78 MB, 4482x6557, Apollo_&_Daphne_September_2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /lit/ 2016
> Being this honest
> Not hiding behind at least one layer on irony

Dude just go to a book club or something

>> No.7948025

at the edge of disappearing

>> No.7948037

Le barde et l'enfant fou sur l'herbe bleue

>> No.7948046

What can I say, I'm just post-ironic.

>> No.7948050

Encrusted Afternoons

>> No.7948171
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, CFjU41M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing my biography as well. Calling it Rigmarole.

>> No.7948174

ya da Umman -- or Oman
I haven't started though

>> No.7948676

Yupa The Small.
The protagonist is a twelve year old double amputee who is on a quest of thousands of miles to find an individual who is widely reputed to be a magic healer.

>> No.7948701

The Beautiful Ones

>> No.7948705


Pls r8

>> No.7948716


>> No.7948851

Ever since i was 13 i've been meaning to write a sort of YA post-apocalyptical novel, and even if i moved past that part of my life, i feel like i owe it to myself to do it, even if it ends up being pretty shitty.

Chronicles of a new world was the first name, and then Manaria was the only name i could think of for replacing it, but it sounds so much like Narnia that i just ended up scraping it until further notice.

I haven't wrote a chapter of that in 2 years now. Goddammit.

>> No.7949164

has recently been in done in german except it's a bridge

>> No.7949371

Habby Benis :DDD

>> No.7949377

Mr.Smith and the case of thr red anvil.

>> No.7949381

The Day after Yesterday

>> No.7949386

Swedish Polymer

>> No.7951088

Crossing Tartarus
It's about a man living primordially on a world ship.

>> No.7951102


>> No.7951110

Would read
I like it

>> No.7951405


>> No.7951415

Pankratoman: The Father of a Million Year Siege