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/lit/ - Literature

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7941345 No.7941345 [Reply] [Original]

What was the last book you bought?

>> No.7941358

why do I see this picture so much on /lit/? is the book really shit or something?

>> No.7941362

The woman holding it is pornstar, Sasha Grey.

>> No.7941369

I don't buy books usually because i have so many books on my backlog i haven't read yet and most of those the copyright is expired on anyway and i can get them for free.

And i read them on my phone, because i'm always on the road.

>> No.7941371

>not knowing she is also an author and philosopher

do you even wikipedia, bro?

>> No.7941380

Yeah, well. When most people think of Sasha Grey they are going to think gangbang facial abuse not author and philosopher.

>> No.7941386

If she's a philosopher then my dog is a fucking philanthropist

>> No.7941402

I've known she was a so-called "author and philosopher" before I even knew who she was. I found out about her through these /lit/ shitposts like OP's.

>> No.7941407

Memeology - Edith Hamilton

>> No.7941426


is she any good then? as a philosopher and author, i mean. surely having a zillion cocks rammed through her face is a valuable asset to her intellectual capabilities?

>> No.7941438

What do you think, if you had to take a guess?

>> No.7941445

I bought a 40 years old copy of Winnie the Pooh for my gf

>> No.7941446

I'd think licking toilet bowls certainly makes you question your existence, though i wouldn't be sure if she had anything meaningful to say, besides from "don't lick toilet bowls".

>> No.7941447

i'd say both her throat and her literary abilities are in better shape than yours?

>> No.7941479

That is a good way to look at it.
Interesting opinion.

>> No.7941493


I haven't bought it yet

>> No.7941539
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>possible at understanding philosophy let alone existential thought

She took this picture only to seem interesting and/or intellegent. She clearly is trying to placate the idea that she is a useless whore(which she is) by trying to prove she is more than that (which she isn't)

>> No.7941552

Not bought myself, but someone gave me Matt Ruff's Lovecraft Country. I haven't started on it yet.

>> No.7941559
File: 25 KB, 299x474, 413ADCS00QL._SX297_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The basic writings of Existentialism"
She's pretty much reading pic related and I'm to think she is intelligent?

>> No.7941562

I'm an audible faggot, last book was Cat's Cradle.

>> No.7941591

Is it easier listening to books? I wanted to try it but wouldn't know where to look when listening

>> No.7941597

Berserk vol. 5
The Night Land

>> No.7941604

The Borders Trilogy and Gravitys Rainbow

Im going through a doorstoppers phase

>> No.7941605

Well I like to get stoned, put on my earphones lay down and listen. Plus if I'm walking or driving I could listen I like. Depends how you normally spend your time.

>> No.7941621

She's reading an Intro guide to existentialism. Im guessing she isn't a venerable philosopher

>> No.7941623

If you commute a lot, or are planning on a road trip, definitely try it out. I wouldn't say it's necessarily easier or harder than reading. If you read at a higher level, it'll be a slower process. But hey, it's still reading.

>> No.7941649

I also forgot to mention, if you sign up to audible you get a credit(free book of your choice) and every month after that day you get a credit. So it's pretty sweet.

>> No.7941681


>> No.7941690

Libra and Mao II
Once I see books consistently recommended on here I make it a point to buy them.
Naturally, I have a shelf loaded with garbage.

>> No.7941700

Collected Writings of Letitia Elizabeth Landon

>> No.7941702

Already a thread for this

>> No.7941714

It am great for cummotes. and so then why my grammer is so well.

>> No.7942689


>> No.7942716

stop posting this rancid swine, literally a cock gobbling pig that tries to prove she has some pride left

>> No.7942719

I think it was some Kafka or Asimov.

>> No.7942727

The Clue of the Tapping Heels

>> No.7943752

An autobiography by a woman who became blind. It is written in

>> No.7943758

this desu senpai

>> No.7943783

Alberto Moravia - Boredom

>> No.7944448

Back to your cave, Schopenhauer.

>> No.7944504
File: 55 KB, 400x504, Gilgamesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Epic of Gilgamesh

The good translation

>> No.7944876

the divine comedy - dante alighieri

>> No.7945035

she's only 28 and she already looks so haggard

>> No.7945098

>you wouldn't say yes if she offered herself

>> No.7945101

b I'd fuck anything. but still she looks a lot older than she is.

>> No.7945443
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>> No.7945466

she licked a toilet, say what you want but I'm better than that

>> No.7945477


>> No.7945485


>> No.7945513


but she's an author and a philosopher. isn't she? maybe she has some merit there.

>> No.7945565
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Reminder that sasha grey can write better literature than marx.

>> No.7945574

reviews on goodreads != quality of literature

>> No.7945585


review on goodreads=review of the people= quality of literature.

literature is meant for people and the people have spoken that sasha grey is better than marx.

>> No.7945593

Says a lot about people than anything else, 3bh senpai.

>> No.7945594


>rancid swine

Nice touch.

>> No.7945605
File: 381 KB, 1019x1500, Sharaku_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered a box set of all the Narnia books. Only $5.

Before that I got a book on Sharaku.

>> No.7945610

Since when did manifestos count as literature?

>> No.7945622
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You sure about that?

>> No.7946957
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>> No.7946971

She probably chose existentialism because it had the longest name.

>> No.7946978

I'm sure Nue Sex will stand the test of time while also sparking a revolution.

>> No.7947049

Brush up on your Spanish, bitch.

>> No.7947073
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>> No.7947110

My nigga. Thank you, based Asano Inio.

>> No.7947122

I'm Thomas Pinecone desu.

>> No.7947126

>The good translation
Which one is that?

>> No.7947171


Why are we so obsessed with forcing the thought that she couldn't comprehend a book like this or that she wouldn't even care if it weren't for some social benefit? I'm not claiming that she's genuine or the opposite but the fact that we're apparently so obsessed with it shows that we're pathetic as fuck.

>> No.7947186


How does a female take a picture of their own face then? I don't get it.

>> No.7947191

my gods, I visit /lit/ for the first time in years and sashagreyreadingdostoevsky.jpeg is one of the first things I see? Has anything changed at all?

>> No.7947195


Did you expect anything to change?

btw, I'm writer

>> No.7947204

the satanic bible. interesting read. I wouldn't go so far to call myself a satanist, but i liked and agreed with a lot of anton lavey's philosophies. It's a fun topic of conversation when visitors see it on my shelf and ask about it.

>> No.7947210
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>my gods

>> No.7947214


Visitors? You mean your mother when she tries to change your sheets?

>> No.7947215

I'm sorry but after seeing the shit she's done in porn, I couldn't have a serious conversation with her. Yeah it's shallow and yeah it's immature, but I can't look at her without remembering her gargling three dicks and licking a toilet rim.

Anyway to stay on thread topic, I bought this big ass hardcover copy of Macbeth.

>> No.7947219


If anything that makes the whole conversation more interesting.

btw, nice pick anon

>> No.7947220

I swear I remember reading that actual Satanists call LaVey a capitalist hack who only did that stuff for financial gain. I wouldn't be able to take a person like that seriously.

>> No.7947230

It's one of those Signature Shakespeare types with stencil-looking portraits for each scene. I really like the detail the manufacturers put into it. I wanna try to find a good biography on Miles Davis while I'm at it.

>> No.7947244

Well of course he did it for financial gain, that's the whole point of satanism. It's a self serving set of philosophies.

>> No.7947254


The /lit/ I remember was ruled by an individual named Deep and Edgy, I think. THERE WAS ALSO A CAPSGUY.

>> No.7947275

I just finished reading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and it was pretty fucking good imo. What's /lit/'s opinion on it? I'm hella hooked so I'm going to read all the books in the series.

>> No.7947456
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Does it matter that I lurk

>> No.7947465


I don't know if you'd like it here. From experience most people here are leftists, not necessarily extreme leftists but leftist.

>> No.7947516

I've learned through experience that it is best to know your enemies.
>friends are kept close
>enemies kept closer
If you wish to expose the ugliness around you
>you must become ugly

>> No.7947520


Hmmmm, okay den, but be careful with those memes.

>> No.7947533

Don't let your dreams be memes

>> No.7947536

Dubs check

>> No.7947538


nice dubs my dude

>> No.7947562
File: 1.12 MB, 1836x3264, IMAG0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je vois remercie

>> No.7947680

Just bought two PKD books- The Cosmic Puppets and The Crack in Space.

>> No.7947683

You see thanks?

>> No.7947689

I see double
Does lit not drink?
Pardon my French

>> No.7947701

kill yourself my man

>> No.7948034

Out Stealing Horses.

>> No.7948093

"Everybody knows I like a good challenge" - Sasha Grey


>> No.7948102

Wittgenstein's Nephew - Bernhard

Anyone here read it?

>> No.7948111


>> No.7948124

I'm actually interested in this book. Has anyone here read it? Does the author discuss existentialism and the writings of existentialist authors or is it just a "collage" of snippets from these authors? Not sure if I'm into the latter.

>> No.7948137

being a sex worker nowadays implies a nihilistic attitude towards one's body. i think it adds to her philosophical character

>> No.7948254

Mythology - Hamilton

>> No.7948267

'What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions' by Randall Munroe.

Quite an amusing read :)