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/lit/ - Literature

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7940396 No.7940396 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I finally understand what staring into the abyss means

>> No.7940410

get your face out of that prostitute's asshole

>> No.7940419

so describe it to us already

>> No.7940452

It's serenity, is it not?

>> No.7940455

It's being a trump supporter and realizing that it's all or nothing

>> No.7940481
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here friend you dropped this

>> No.7940552

>he doesn't get it

>> No.7940560


Got a mirror?

>> No.7940561

>tfw meditate for an hour
>tfw discover thing about yourself you never thought could exist
>tfw scared of my own self now

>> No.7940568

That happens a lot. Keep going at it and remember there is nothing to fear of yourself.

>> No.7940590
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>> No.7940595
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>tfw become quasi-schizo of it

>> No.7940607

Literally, I know I have the simplest mindset a man can have. The difference is I don't think I'm better than you for it.

>> No.7940615
File: 26 KB, 636x480, u.g. (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there's no abyss at all

>> No.7940619

Jesus christ just listen to this clown.

>> No.7940620

doesn't it just mean whatever energy you surround yourself with is the energy you will exude? if you are around negative fucks all day you will be a negative fuck and vice versa

>> No.7942189

i think so

>> No.7942192

Is it that monk?

>> No.7942196

literally wrong

>> No.7942234

tfw u get horrorized

>> No.7942246

>some guy said something I don't understand

>> No.7942249

what's it mean then loser. You become whatever your around is the literal meaning

>> No.7942303

Let us be fair there are a million less pretentious ways to say it

>> No.7942306

Get your head out of the clouds hippy

>> No.7942307

you're the abyss retard, and your hat

>> No.7942318

What's wrong with serenity?

I don't get it.

>> No.7942341
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>I know I have the simplest mindset a man can have. The difference is I don't think I'm better than you for it.

It's reassuring to know that even the enlightened can't escape the urge to humble brag.

>> No.7942350

>tfw I am the abyss

>> No.7942363

Nothing. The phrase is simply not plausible on 4chan unless you are trying to be laughably grandiose, so rightly he got a smack with le fedora maymay.

>> No.7942384

>mfw we are the abyss

>> No.7942386

I don't know, when you really see and feel what Nietzsche was saying, it's either a daunting or serene experience. Those emotions are the most accurate summary I can use to relate before delving into more personal experience. Not everyone sees into the abyss the same way, it seems.

>> No.7942407

I agree with the sentiment, but I reject that it justifies such ridiculous style of expression

>> No.7942418

I am only human.
It's probably more because I'm somewhat young and still struggle sometimes with indulging in imposition. I suppose that stems from wishing to see peace of mind with others because I can feel their pain and usually understand how they can avoid it.
But I'm learning everyday.

>> No.7942419
File: 33 KB, 175x212, how gauche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>multi-syllable words on the literature board are simply not allowed, so say I

This place is shit.

>> No.7942435

One word?

>> No.7942445

Please remove your head your anus you monumental pleb.

Nobody says "it is serenity, is it not?"

In any but a few very special situations you would be left pondering where on the spectrum that person lands.

>> No.7942457

Yeah, that that is how that person enjoys speaking over text. Who gives a fuck how you may talk in person compared to how you may write or type. You have more time to articulate and cultivate your thoughts in an understandable way since the internet does not scream for immediate feedback as in the real world.

>> No.7942460

Who understands staring into the abyss?

There's your problem right there. You're just another self righteous child playing guru.

>> No.7942466

can someone spoonfeed me what it means

>> No.7942473

have you examined your behavior to see how you've been reacting to it? it's not exactly something someone can arrive at intellectually. philosophy just kinda allows us to think more clearly about the abyss. people who don't know anything about it will approach it, and choose how to react to it in order to cope, and they don't have to read nietzsche, camus, kierkehgaard, or any other explication of the abyss in order to react to it. which is why the abyss is universal. it's there, outside of the subject, the subject passes into it, and the subject reacts.

so, have you figured out how you're going to cope?

>> No.7942517

Of course he can say whatever he damn well wants and it doesnt need to sound like conversation, but can you honestly not detect the pretentiousness in that post? I am sorry but this is the crucial point. Do you not see how the fedora reply is an inevitable, integral part of his own post?

>> No.7942534

No, I can not. But I can see why you would believe what you do.
What I see in that post, is a thought tapped into what he truly felt from whatever he experienced.
You have every right to be a cynic, but not to assume everyone must see as cynically.

>> No.7942556

You know something can be both sincere and banal, grandiose crap?

Oh boy Summer has hit /lit/ early

>> No.7942566


You're the one shitting your pants because you didn't like the way five words were put together.

>> No.7942575

The abyss is eternal recurrence.

>> No.7942577

>completely ignores remarks on cynicism
>asserts more personal opinion (unironically)
>damage control

I never said things couldn't be, don't put words in my mouth because you don't understand me. I said I'm not as cynical as you. I can't make it any clearer, so deal with that as you will.

>> No.7942636

>Expect me to indulge your opinion
>Rage when you think a logical assertion is my opinion

Im being realistic not cynical. You will never touch on the truth of this hapless fedorafag unless you let go of your wishful ideas about his motivation.

>> No.7942660

How the fuck is this difficult?

We're influenced by the things around us. If you spend a week talking to a psychopath, you will eventually sympathize with him in some small way. Maybe you both like jelly beans. Maybe you both hate people who wear socks with sandals. The longer you do this, the more that diffusion occurs.

That's why working in a toxic environment will eventually turn you toxic. Same thing with people who are raised in abusive families. Your experiences shape how you see the world and how you act in return.

>> No.7942687

underage crossposter from /mu/ and reddit are killing this board

>> No.7942701

That's a little too easy. You have to look in the context of Nietzsche. There are bigger implications.
Like I said, the abyss is eternal recurrence.

>> No.7943254

>the abyss is eternal recurrence.
but why?
what are your inferences from the eternal recurrence?

>> No.7944508

You arent generous enough. The Abyss is when you look at the psychopath and realise he is part of yourself that you will never meaningfully inhabit, and your talking is no different than the conversation between your brain has with your body telling you to breath or digest or feel pain.

>> No.7945712

i can literally feel the void

>> No.7945725

>4 year old student at work asks me what a void is
>explain it in physical materialist terms
>that dark feel when u lay the trap for a young soul

>> No.7945728

>tfw I deal with the abyss staring directly into me


Get on my level.

>> No.7946553

What are some good books if I want to look in to this?

>> No.7946694

Wrong Krishnamurti faggot.

>> No.7946870

>he's a jiddu guy

>> No.7946985

it's 'polysyllables' you pleb faggot

>> No.7946993


Don't bring Harris into this

>> No.7947633

curious how do i find this out for myself