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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.22 MB, 4128x2322, 20160419_011407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7939842 No.7939842 [Reply] [Original]

So what does /lit/ think?

>> No.7939844


>> No.7939875

I feel like looking up Off the Road now

>> No.7939884

>Ernest Hemingway
> Brave New World
> 0/10
Try harder faggot.

>> No.7939887

good books by dick and pynchon

>> No.7939904
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>> No.7939908


>> No.7939912
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Very candid

>> No.7939925


>> No.7939936


>> No.7939945
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>> No.7939948

sort of funny

>> No.7939960
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>> No.7939961

not bad m8

>> No.7939966

No stack and no camera, but the closest books to me are lying on the floor.

Arguably by Christopher Hitchens
The Zone of Interest by Martin Amis
A Struggle for Power by Theodore Draper

>> No.7940145
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>> No.7940159

Why do you people have stacks of books lying around?

>> No.7940176
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I always have some next to my bed

>> No.7940188

Is that Meditations?

>> No.7940192


>> No.7940199
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Each term at uni I bring a new set of books to read. This is what I've chosen for the summer term, what do you think? The two non /lit/ books are for my course.

>> No.7940204


There's not enough here to shitpost about - good job OP for being a fucking bore

>> No.7940207

Andrew James, why do you have so many full whisky bottles

>> No.7940213

should i bother with Brave New World? i got it from the library but it seems like such a fucking bore

>> No.7940215

I want to save them for a special occasion because it's genuinely good scotch, but as I am a serial 4chan shitposter with no social life I don't really have any special occasions. Got 4 of these bottles sitting unopened, and another that I had half of. They're only small bottles though (20cl).

And Andrew James is just the chap who designed the hip-flask. Not sure why he'd want to put his name to it, it seems like a fairly standard design.

>> No.7940218

It was alright. Not a slow read so you might as well just read it.
Definitely not great, though.

>> No.7940234


Nobody have stacks of books lying around next to them. Stop posing.

>> No.7940291
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These are on my bedstand, the current "to read" pile. I'm going through a biography phase of sorts.

>> No.7940292

if this is all you've planned for an entire semester then you're a slow reader

>> No.7940304
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>> No.7940326

I have a whole Kindle full of books to get through too, I just pick a handful from home each time becaue I prefer physical copies. Plus, this term is only about 6 weeks long due to English universities being money-grabbing and mostly pointless.

>> No.7940335

Hey I just read butterfly in the typewriter. What do you think of it so far?

>> No.7940350
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This post left unintentionally blank

>> No.7940351

I actually picked this book up because there was a deal (6 for 50 AUD) and nothing else caught my eye - I haven't actually read Confederacy, only heard about it. Right now I'm up to the point where he's trying to get it published. I gotta say, it's pretty fascinating (for somebody that knew nothing of his life - or death - before picking this up) but it's a shame there isn't more material to draw from (since his mother selected what to keep and destroy after his death). A LOT of the book is about how he was an expert at mimicking people's behavior and how he was really observant, which is kind of repetitive for my liking.
What did you think?

>> No.7940352
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by my bedside, all in some degree of unfinishedness

>> No.7940354

i expected to see voltaire's candide...

>> No.7940372

America fuck yeah!

>> No.7940379


>> No.7940388
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>> No.7940390

Hey. I'm a big fan of Confederacy, really one of the very few "comedic" books which have actually made me laugh rather than just register that a joke was clever or something. I found the part about his life in the army interesting and the fact he had started writing a novel with a character named "Humphrey Wildblood" in the place of Ignatius four or so years previously, but yeah since he died pretty young and only wrote one good book it's hard to really portray a life well-lived. But I empathized with him a great deal, there's a good documentary on youtube called "Omega Point" about his life too which repeats a lot of the stuff in the book. It's real sad how it all ended, especially with his paranoia and hatred etc. The ending, which I won't spoil, is one of the greatest stories of the publishing industry in the 20th century IMO.

>> No.7940395
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>> No.7940401

That's not a stack, retard. Delete this post, stack 'em up, and post again.

>> No.7940415
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But stability decreases as centre of gravity rises

>> No.7940418

Cool, something to look forward to then. The part where the author describes Toole's obsession with the novel surprised me because I've been working on creative projects as well (currently pitching a TV series) and sometimes it gets to the point where it's the only thing in my head, no matter what else I try to do. So I could 100% relate to it. The blackout and nervous breakdown at the publishing office was pretty shocking to read. It really is a tragic story.

>> No.7940421

no camera but:
Don Delillo - White Noise
Dashiell Hammett - Maltese Falcon
Penguin edition of Gravity's Rainbow
Warren Ellis - Gun Machine
Haruki Murakami - Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums

>> No.7940422

What's your TV series about?

>> No.7940428


>> No.7940433
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>> No.7940442

In a broad sense, "True Detective" meets "X-Files" but with a unique cultural intertextualization twist and overall questioning audience suspension of disbelief.

>> No.7940447

Already been done m8: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeopardy_(TV_series)

>> No.7940462

>Jeopardy is about a group of eight secondary-school students and their teacher from Falkirk, Scotland, who travel to the Australian bush to look for UFOs.
Nah. The only similarity is that they both deal with the paranormal. But thanks for this anyway, I might give an episode or two a look out of curiosity.

>> No.7940480

This reminded me of Round the Twist.

>> No.7941000


If you don't like it, read Ubik. Then read a biography of PKD, then read VALIS.

>> No.7941013
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WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7941019

nice. smoking's bad for your lungs though

>> No.7941029


Forgot to add:

"culture is not your friend, it is a very uncomfortable set of accommodations hammered out over time for the convenience of institutions"

“We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.”

- T Mckenzie

>> No.7941080
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>> No.7941097
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Tfw no money for new books

>> No.7941099

memeing this hard

>> No.7941144
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A german-hungarian dictionary with pictures.
And a Monty Python interview book.
So how many out of ten?
>inb4 trollspeak

>> No.7941160

They looks rather good anon,you have nothing to feel shame for.
Nice books.
Just maybe make them not upsidedown next time.

>> No.7941190

learning a meme language/10

>> No.7941191
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>> No.7941194

Why would you say it's a meme?

>> No.7941203

wait i got that wrong it should be:
knowing a meme language/10 then.

>> No.7941204

Stoner is very good and "Latin Poets" looks interesting, what authors does it contain?

The LoA is fucking nice.

Why are you learning Hungarian? Want to read Krasznahorkai in the original?

>> No.7941211

I'm learning german.
you wish you would know a language as
meme as this

>> No.7941214

LoA is probably my favorite publisher, I've yet to find books that feel as nice with such a simple elegant look.

>> No.7941218
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Adjacent to the bed.

>> No.7941226

i'm fine with just knowing german, english and japanese.

>> No.7941247

Weebs get out

>> No.7941248
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The Latin Poets book is a quite old collection of various Roman poets from primarily the Golden Age. Virgil, Horace, Ovid, and some lesser known poets like Sappho and others.

Also a good number of Catullus lyric poems if you are feeling primarily >tfw no gf

>> No.7941256

In what language?

>> No.7941259

Sappho was a Greek bitch I might add but some Roman dude translated her shit into Latin and added stuff.

Interesting because most of the upper class Romans spoke Greek as well, but the lower classes did not so one can assume it was translated for the common man to read.

>> No.7941261
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>> No.7941418
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>> No.7941428

Dhalgren is probably the shittiest book I've ever read desu.

>> No.7941677

Twin Peaks?

>> No.7941685

>getting pop editions

>> No.7941743
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meme'd to the extreme

>> No.7941745

I too am planning on reading through the Greeks

>> No.7941781
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>not getting editions with all of the author's plays

>> No.7941794
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>> No.7941803

Pynchon and Ballard gud, the rest not so much

three stigmata really turned me off

>> No.7941808


>> No.7941942


>> No.7941950

>challenging materials are to be avoided.

>> No.7941952

What's so bad about it?

>> No.7941958


Shit translations on Hemingway and Pyncheon, otherwise good

>> No.7941970


>> No.7941984

The person translating them to English did a shitty job. How is that hard to understand? Am I being trolled?

>> No.7941995

Pynchon doesn't translate well to text, let alone English

if you're not going to be reading Gravity's Rainbow aloud (or at least subvocalizing) in the original German you may as well not bother. His books are practically phonetic stream of consciousnesses.

>> No.7941999


Oh, I didn't realize you were joking.

>> No.7942005

meme'd and hope younger than me


you know what you like, good job anon

not bad but neither interesting

well i don't actually know what to think, but 6/10 i would say

not bad

by now the most /lit/izen (real litizen of course)

maybe we don't have similar taste but i think that's not bad

another great /lit/izen


good job anon

if you actually read them, that's great, but i'm not sure you're going to do it

that's nice but imo learning philosophy in cronological way, aka /lit/ poster, is an error; but of course you must have some foundation. But it's not true that you should read all X before going to Y

You will adquire some good reading habits

starting reading, eh?

top kek at least you know it (but greeks are awesome)

well who knows

>> No.7942010

nigga what is challenging about the old man and the sea or brave new world?

You have Dahlgren, woop de woop. Is that what you find challenging?

>> No.7942018

>smoking's bad for your lungs though


>> No.7942049

I'm >>7941191
I'm reading the Greeks because I've been in a slump lately and going back to more foundational texts in literature feels like the only way I'm going to get out of it. We'll see.

>> No.7942055

>So many uncracked paper back spines
>Implying any of you read

>> No.7942060


Is this a meme now?

>> No.7942061

i buy books to stroke my ego not improve/enjoy myself

>> No.7942068

woah dude you smoke? coooool

>> No.7942087

>cracking the spine like a mongoloid
I bet you fold the book in half too. At worst my books get curved spines, they only crack with shitty Penguin printings or second-hand copies.

>> No.7942095

Kitchen was the first novel I read in japanese, nothing over 6/10 but a nice one to get into japanese contemporary-pop literature

>> No.7942096


I would say quite the opposite: go to XX century philosophy and unlock your self revolutionary potential.

>> No.7942106

>not strewing your books across your bedroom floor

>> No.7942126

What was that "new" meme trilogy wich included Vladimir Sorokin and Laszlo Krasznahoraki?

>> No.7942135


Had to read Critical Jurisprudence for a class a few years back. It was bretty gud

>> No.7942268

Nice Ross Macdonald edition. Jelly of the Leonard Lib of America.

>> No.7942342
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Here goes nothing

>> No.7942353

You weren't lying

>> No.7942362
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These bad boys are ALWAYS by my side

>> No.7942366

Where the FUCK is Ulysses?!?!

>> No.7942371

>bothering with aristophanes

>> No.7942372

My dick isn't pictured

>> No.7942481
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The most recent things I've bought and read

>> No.7942523
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Kafka/10 I like it

>> No.7942559
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damn, that copy of Good Morning, Midnight

>> No.7942563

read Ubik already, too drunk to comment. good book

>> No.7942651
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>> No.7943634

>empty condoms

>> No.7943646

Good luck

>> No.7943654


She didn't write a /lit/ poem, though.

>> No.7943707

>Interesting because most of the upper class Romans spoke Greek as well, but the lower classes did not so one can assume it was translated for the common man to read.

Not really.

Although it was only the Roman elite who would have studied Greek as a literary language, and Latin was the official language of government and the military, Greek was very common as a spoken language in the Roman Empire, especially in the Eastern part, where official documents were often translated into Greek. Greek would have been commonly spoken and understaood at Rome itself by people of a range of social statuses; and Southern Italy and Sicily, many of whose cities were Greek colonies prior to Roman expansion and conquest, retained a strong Greek cultural background.

Ancient literary translation from Greek into Latin would have been a literary exercise, or perhaps an attempt to make works accessible to literate people with no or poor Greek. This was especially the case in later centuries and into the mediaeval period, when literacy appears to have declined, and knowledge of Greek became much less common in the West, even among the elite and the educated. Boethius, born at Rome in 480 and executed in 524, and his adoptive father and father-in-law Symmachus, executed in 526, are generally thought to be among the last ancient Western authors who had a fluent command of Greek.

>> No.7944023
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Recent haul lying next to my bed

>> No.7944061

Anathem is brilliant.

>> No.7944112
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Won't be well received on here but very good books

>> No.7944279
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R8 M8

>> No.7944286

>just be urself

>> No.7944330
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r9 m9

>> No.7944365

Finished it and am now eager to pick up Confederacy when I next get the opportunity. The accounts of his descent into madness are heartbreaking. I am still skeptical about the mother's role in crafting her son's legacy - from the destruction of documents (including the suicide note) to casting an overwhelming blame on Gottlieb whilst basking in the limelight. I do like how the end is dedicated to examining the multiple explanations as to why he killed himself without jumping to any specific conclusions and somewhat dispelling the myth of the "tormented genius".

>> No.7944375

actually it's the book the end of the tour was based on, it's basically a 350 page interview with dfw
it's a great substitute for human interaction

>> No.7944378

Fuck off with this Saint Dave shit.

>> No.7944381

believe it or not I like him independently of /lit/s opinion and the way he thinks and processes the modern world is just amazing

you should watch this through and see if your opinion changes

>> No.7944425

just because I dry fire doesnt mean I want to get chlamydia from dfw

>> No.7944431

I dont get it

>> No.7944445

>imgur filename
uh anyways pretending it's you its very eclectic
like to the point it doesn't look enjoyable at all to read, at least to me

>> No.7944447

>you should watch this video that everybody else here watched 5 years ago

Just fuck off. This board doesn't need more beta faggot teenagers spamming David Foster Wallace all day because they lack the self-awareness and intelligence necessary to post about anything else.

>> No.7944452

you know what mate you can fuck right off thanks

>> No.7944464
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Lit will probably hate but whatever

>> No.7944494
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rate me lads

>> No.7944502

learn how to rotate images you living tumour

>> No.7944503

Me when I was 15.

>> No.7944524


it's a tour de force of high school literature

>> No.7944529

Shit apparently I learned that term wrong that is really embarrasing

>> No.7944535

try "quintessential"

>> No.7944536


>> No.7944549
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Samurai Warriors Edition

>> No.7944556

Why do people hate hemingway so much his prose is rock solid and his books are really quick and painless reads

I mean he's not all avant garde like the trendy writers on /lit/ but I don't get why he's the worst guy ever. Even if you did have to read old man and the sea before you could understand it

>> No.7944595

Then why should I be reading them?

>> No.7944599

wait what

>> No.7944601

>living alone in a single room flat now
>have only a copy of Hunger by Hamsun

>> No.7944650

You said that I am "eclectic to the point that I may be not enjoying reading", and I am asking you why so, because I don't know any other reasons to read.

>> No.7944663

oh I see what you mean
Eclectic was the wrong word just disregard what I said

>> No.7944674

No picture but the stack of books next to me is

Hangover Square by Patrick Hamilton
The Trouble with Being Born by Emil Cioran
Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett
A hardcover collection of Paul Kirchner's The Bus comic strips

>> No.7944982
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Because I just had my wisdom teeth out and I'm lying on my couch in an opiate haze.

>> No.7945423

I've heard a lot of stuff about that brief history book
how is it?

>> No.7945433

what kind of person doesn't have a stack of books lying around?

>> No.7945492

To be honest, despite a strong attraction to the underlying material, I'm finding it a bit of a slog. Each chapter is from one of at least a dozen different characters' POV and though James is a brilliant at capturing and differentiating all these voices, parsing the Jamaican patois can be exhausting at times and you don't get long enough exposure to or familiarity with any of these voices before it switches again. There are flashes of brilliance in certain chapters, and the overall feel is of something weighty and important and epic, but like a lot of other prize-winning books, I can't really say I'm enjoying it. Might just be a product of mainly reading it before bed, though.

>> No.7945494

>help what is joke

>> No.7945498

A person who places them on the shelf when they aren't in use.

>> No.7945524
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Sure, I'm game. Not what /lit/ usually reads but it's what I had next to me.

>> No.7945637

so uh it was a joke? Where did you get the books from then? It seems like a lot of setup went into this

>> No.7945638

well ooh la la, look at mr organised here

>> No.7945670

the Harry Potter and Eragon ones are from when I was a kid, the rest were shitty gifts from relatives who recognize that I'm into literature but have no idea what good literature is

>> No.7945730

the hobbit
arabic grammar 103 (colloquium)
arabic literature 103 (colloquium)
the holy bible(catholic print)

>> No.7945811
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I don't have just one stack. Titles in spanish are The Gods Themselves, The Name of the Rose, A Christmas Carol, Cronic of a Death Foretold, The Time of the Hero, Don Quijote, Ficciones, The Aleph, La barcarola, Invisible Cities. Black hardcover is Dead Souls

>> No.7945882

made me laugh

>> No.7945883
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My bookshelf collapsed

>> No.7945887

And what if there are no more shelves Mr smartypants

>> No.7946026
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>> No.7946158
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>> No.7946198
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>> No.7946236
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r8 me, h8 me, or d8 me

(u like my mug)

>> No.7947152
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fathers and sons is a fun read

>> No.7947156

>forgot to crop


>> No.7947166

This is some nxt lvl shit right here m8

>> No.7947225
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>> No.7947236
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my dear dear nigga

>> No.7947283

If you're into geometry and looking for something different/interesting, I'd recommend you check out Sacred Mathematics by Hidetoshi Fukagawa.

>> No.7947289
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And here we have a case of pure ideology.

>> No.7947368

based af desu

>> No.7947376

>he actually fell for the "start with the greeks" meme

>> No.7947378


Clean your fucking room.

>> No.7947779
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>> No.7948239
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>> No.7948282

based murakami desu~

>> No.7948291

I have that same edition of The Drowned World. Wasn't really a fan desu.

>> No.7948298
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>> No.7948307

You seem chill as f, would have a glass of burbon with

>> No.7948381
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>> No.7948953
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>> No.7948987


>> No.7949108
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I am Inigo Montoya. You murdered my best line. Prepare to die.

>> No.7949122

good book

>> No.7949138

i had a psychic dream about your uncle and his weird blue accordion

>> No.7949140
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>> No.7949203
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>> No.7949245

Why destroy a good stack like this?

>> No.7949263

Ma nigga. I hope you dig it

>> No.7949390

Holy meme

>> No.7951091
File: 233 KB, 1920x1080, For Better or Worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Notes. Liking it so far, if only for the historical context of what ol' Dusty-evskee was thinking when he wrote.

>> No.7951108
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Two of the four stacks before I reorganized my bookcase.

>> No.7951116



>> No.7951121


>> No.7951127

>> No.7951131


>> No.7951148



>> No.7951166

Middle is Heinlein's Friday but it's hard to tell

>> No.7951170
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The second book was sent from a retired professor.

>> No.7951171
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>> No.7951180 [SPOILER] 
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Not as shitty as Hogg

>> No.7951191

>Even if you did have to read old man and the sea before you could understand it
What does this even mean? You have to read most books before you can understand them

>> No.7951196

>Dante - Hell

>> No.7951206

Dang, you must have really enjoyed Illuminatus. My copy's spine looks perfect, as if I didn't read and take copious notes of everything Celine said

>> No.7951211


>> No.7951216


>> No.7951634
File: 115 KB, 960x1280, bd2264fd-f802-4439-a377-bfab9e32973c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only book currently beside me

>> No.7951765 [DELETED] 

It's the American English translation by Bill Ron Kent.


>> No.7951779

It's the American English translation by Pastor Bill Ron Kent.


>> No.7952369

I never read Eragon past Ch1 because I read The Hobbit at 8 and saw what a glib facsimile it was to Lord of the Rings.

>> No.7952430
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right in front of me

>> No.7953023
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>> No.7953275 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 600x315, 5096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, I ain't no Sanders fucboi

>> No.7954277

do you people post everything you own on the internet?

>> No.7954517

that would be called facecuck