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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 831x500, 2016-04-18_124902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7937294 No.7937294 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite book and your favorite album.

>> No.7937302

Book: Ulysses or maybe Agape Agapē

Album: Bee Thousand or Trout Mask Replica

>> No.7937312
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>> No.7937315

What a depressing life

>> No.7937331


Either/Or and Highway 61 Revisited

>> No.7937340

I thought everyone was depressed on 4chan.

>> No.7937341
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>> No.7937345


fuck off /mu/

>> No.7937346
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>> No.7937365

nobody fucking cares

>> No.7937375

I bet you don't even like books.

>> No.7937408

This look like its part of a "edgy agnsty teen" starter pack.

>> No.7937528

I do. I'm just not a /mu/tant who needs to validate his taste.

>> No.7937557

I love ISIS. too bad all their other sideprojects arent as good.


>> No.7937590
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>> No.7937596
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>> No.7937611
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Moby Dick
Either Moondog, Koyaanisqatsi, Country Life, or Another Green World

>> No.7937632
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this and ... probably Highway 61 Revisited

>> No.7937646
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this and asap ferg's Trap Lord

>> No.7937652

I love this album.

>> No.7937666
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I don't really have favorites, but these come close.

these are great, invisible cities is one of my comfort reads too.

>> No.7937679
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>> No.7937713
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Swans - Swans Are Dead

>> No.7937721

Good shit

Also good shit

Mine would be the Tractatus, and although I don't have a single favorite album, Chaos is Me by Orchid is probably one of my most consistent all-time favorites.

Also, although they're not albums per se, Rachmaninov's 2nd piano concerto and the piano sonatas of Alexandre Scriabin are super dank, super feels.

>> No.7937725
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>> No.7937729

How's high school going? Are you looking forward to summer vacation?

>> No.7937734

geez, /lit/ has no sense of humor.

>> No.7937737

lol its all pop music and trash literature

>> No.7937750
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>/lit/mu/ thread
>being surprised it is all trash

>> No.7937753

>translates title
>forgets to insert grammatical article in accordance with rules of English syntax

I wonder how the translation in that photo is if the translator could even into translating the title.

>> No.7937766
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>> No.7937778

"underground" is idiomatically directional, like "below" or "above", so the title is grammatically correct. Might not be a proper translation, though

>> No.7937789

Dostoevsky is trash? You're trash!

>> No.7937792
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>> No.7937797

I listened to this shit the other day. Wow white people suck at music!

>> No.7937808

You're an idiot. That is the best live jazz recording ever made.

>> No.7937898

Jazz is trash, though.

>> No.7937903
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>Dostoevsky isn't trash

>> No.7937904

Theodor pls

>> No.7937922

Who the fuck is good then?

>> No.7937937


Tolstoy of course.

>> No.7937940

Moby Dick
The Earth Is Not a Cold Dead Place

>> No.7937943

Infinite Jest
White Light/White Heat

>> No.7938022


Fucking love Isis.

>> No.7938051
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>> No.7938058

good taste OP.

>> No.7938066
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Really been enjoying The Raven that Refused to Sing lately.

>> No.7938103
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Book: Infinite Jest
Piece of music: Alban Berg's Wozzeck

>> No.7938112

this is the most average liberal arts beta cuck opinion ever

>> No.7938118
File: 349 KB, 758x451, MuhFaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absalom, Absalom! - William Faulkner
Songs of Love and Hate - Leonard Cohen

>> No.7938131


I think you sperged out and fucked up. It's just the two biggest memes from each respective board. Come on, bro. Think.

>> No.7938261
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>tfw dump dump comes on

>> No.7938324
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>>7937294 (OP)

>> No.7938397


>> No.7938418

Notice how people who have mediocre and unoriginal taste in literature often have mediocre and unoriginal taste in music?

>> No.7938436

No, but I notice how it's somehow become desirable to have a unique taste among children and teenagers.

Great works regardless of art form tend to be favored among people because they are, you know, great.

>> No.7938450
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My nigga

>> No.7938455

Meme tier taste.

>> No.7938458

Notice how only retarded teens care about being unique?

>> No.7938460

unoriginal taste? why does taste have to be original?

>> No.7938469

philistinism is incurable

>> No.7938472

/mu/ go home

>> No.7938480
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>> No.7938485

Pseudo-intellectualism is even worse desu

>> No.7938487

Music: Lilys - Eccsame the Photon Band or Alien Sex Fiend - Maximum Security
Book: The Master and the Margarita.
Hard to pick favorites.

>> No.7938503

Caring more about whether or not the art you appreciate makes you a special snowflake than whether or not the art itself is actually good.

>> No.7938517
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>> No.7938526


>> No.7938529

don quixote
boris - absolutego

i dont have time to make a pic, barely enough to type this

>> No.7938572

>the books and music I like are so unique that you even haven't heard of!

>> No.7938624
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>> No.7938629

Gravity's Rainbow has entertained and confounded me a good half decade now. I don't give a fuck how many people read it, it's incredibly special to me.

>> No.7938638

For one to have good taste, a certain level of originality is necessary. Your taste is an expression of your self, and it's every artistically conscious person's duty to pay just as much attention to the art they consume as the art they make.

This isn't to say that you must base your opinions around art that will make you seem interesting, like this poster-->>7938517. The psued will shine through if you try too hard. Good taste in art is casual and instinctive, yet unquestionably an expression of the self. Your artistic value and the level of knowledge you've acquired about art is reflected in your taste.

Take for example, Nabokov--he has perfect taste in literature, yet he challenges every convention of what is expected of proper taste by appreciating art not only for its emotional value but also its abstract content and technical ability, while simultaneously rejecting art for its failures in these categories. When the average person dismisses Faulkner they are a moron, but when Nabokov does it, it's a demonstration of superior familiarity with the conventions of literature. When you lean too hard on emotional value, especially if you don't know much about literature or whatever medium you're studying, then your underdeveloped mind will be completely obvious, as will your taste.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that Nabokov and I are better than you because we are smarter and superior artists.

>> No.7938692

>Nabokov and I are better than you because we are smarter and superior artists.
I bow before you, Sempai.

>> No.7938797

Good taste in music. Never heard of the book though

>> No.7938833

>like this poster-->>7938517. The psued will shine through if you try too hard
Welp, you saw through my not-so-subtle meme. I was hoping I could get you to expose yourself.

But I do really like that album.

>> No.7938841

probably closest taste to me in this thread

>> No.7938884
File: 632 KB, 2400x1577, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky Shiner and Nausea

>> No.7938891

>Lucky Shiner
Excellent album, excellent taste. I'm considering reading Nausea now just because of your post.

>> No.7938988

Don Quixote
Stratosphere - Duster

>> No.7939081
File: 328 KB, 1000x1000, Grateful Dead American Beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related plus On the Road.

I'm not American either 2bh

>> No.7939090

Essential high-schooler book and album.

>> No.7939104

It always amazes me when someone loves one of their studio albums instead of a live album.

>> No.7939109

would share some beers and a bowl with after a long day picking cotton

>> No.7939128

Not a big fan of them, but Anthem of the Sun is a pretty good one. I don't care much for live albums in general, its a shittier quality version of a song stretched out unnecessarily.

>> No.7939140

>I don't care much for live albums in general, its a shittier quality version of a song stretched out unnecessarily.
I remember thinking this way too. It changed when I started to go to concerts more and learn guitar myself. The energy of a studio album just comes nowhere near that of a live jam.

>> No.7939147

>shittier quality version
>stretched out unnecessarily
You don't understand the Dead, and I can't fathom why you would pick one of their albums as your favorite.

>> No.7939150

>You don't understand the Dead, and I can't fathom why you would pick one of their albums as your favorite.
I didn't. I said in that very post that I wasn't a big fan of them.

>> No.7939157

nice try faggot, but im the only one ive ever seen mention Extinction on this board

>> No.7939163

If the Dead aren't touring anymore, and if their live albums are at best the quality of the studio, then what's the difference? And don't say the jams.

>> No.7939201
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Converge - You Fail Me

Roberto Bolano - 2666

>> No.7939208

One of my favorite bands too.

Panopticon might be my favorite album too

>> No.7939215

I saw their final show. God that was such a wave of emotions

>> No.7939295
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I have a moderate amount of angst

>> No.7939447

how was college in the 70s
how's your auto shop today

>> No.7939481
File: 381 KB, 822x495, i guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have a favorite for either but these are both 10/10 for me. R8 me.


Would chill with.



>> No.7939499

War and Peace/Mount Eerie by the Microphones

>> No.7939545
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The Power and the Glory

>> No.7939547
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>> No.7939615
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How can anyone have such a mediocre, unimaginative, unoriginal and boring album as their all time favorite?
The only people I've met who like this album and the horse shit similar to it (God is An Astronaut comes to mind) are people who are "into" music.

>> No.7939631

Good use of the Nabokov.txt meme. Just textbook expression of the form.

>> No.7939658
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>bell jar

sup bb

>> No.7939667

>The Fault in our stars

>> No.7939675

John Green makes me angry

>> No.7939681

Lonesome crowded west -Modest mouse who really cares -TV girl
Gravitys rainbow or catch-22

>> No.7939688
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One Hundred Years of Solitude
Slanted & Enchanted and/or Fear of Music

>> No.7939703

>Alamut - Vladamir Bartol
>Doremi Fasol Latido - Hawkwind

>> No.7939712
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>> No.7939719

even Aquinas thought the Summa Theologica was a waste of time

>> No.7939731
File: 322 KB, 1000x1000, JohnFaheyTheDanceOfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suttree and The Dance of Death & Other Plantation Favorites
The Lost Scrapbook and Sibelius Symphony No. 4

>> No.7939736

Are you talking about when he said that all his writings seem like sand to him?
If you are, then he clearly was expressing his dissatisfaction at never being able to achieve the sort of perfection that he imagined.
Definitely not to be interpreted as "meh, twas a shit book anyway."
You're probably not talking about that though; I don't think you're that dumb.

>> No.7939740


What's your favorite live show? I used to listen to a lot of Dead, but I can't decide on a favorite -- all I can think of is 80z dead being the sux0rz.

>> No.7939758

I think its more in line with the utter vastness of God and the divine being so innately unknowable that any attempt to rationalize it would be completely futile
there's a reason why he gave up even though what he wrote was a mere fraction of what he wished to cover initially

>> No.7940034

top kek, I'm just an 18yo canadian who's slowly going through a shelf of existential literature

>> No.7940093
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pic related and Confessions of a Mask or "X" by Klaus Schulze and Pride and Prejudice


>> No.7940123

The Iliad

Bach's Cantata BWV 12

>> No.7940134

Please leave and don't come back until you're out of high school.

>> No.7940149
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>> No.7940165

Comus is/was an amazing band, too bad the second and the recent album weren't so good.

I count myself lucky for having seen them play live.

>> No.7940179

Madame Bovary

Abbey Road

It's kinda disappointing. All those books and records I have consumed to end up choosing something so obvious. I dare you to choose something better, though.

>> No.7940180

Out of the Coma is pretty good in my opinion, not First Utterance good but good as it was a good release for 2014. But maybe my bias is talking here

>> No.7940196
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>> No.7940203

man, ive always wondered if moby dick is worth reading... that post is not helping.

>> No.7940240
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>> No.7940261



>> No.7940276
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>> No.7940299


Um that's not an album cover, right? Talk about being obscure and hipster.

I can't stand album cover designs these days.

>> No.7940306

That album is not great

>> No.7940309
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>> No.7940311

The Death of Marat is pretty famous bud

>> No.7940341

The Holy Bible
Kid A

>> No.7940347


It's the cover of Deathconsciousness, a shitty album by a shitty band

>> No.7940358

RHP are best band

>> No.7940363

solid taste

>> No.7940392

>implying the Cure an American Football are shitty

Do you even know American Football, or are you just some shit talking philistine?

>> No.7940394
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Amazing ass album

>> No.7940406

There should be a rule that if you shit talk an artist, then you have to disclose a brief list of the type of shit you think is good.

Example: "Throbbing Gristle and Joy Division are shitty pleb-tier bands. I listen to Black Veil Brides, Avenged Sevenfold, and Bastille"

>> No.7940432
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although i find it really hard to pick a "favourite"

>> No.7940436

joy division is ok but throbbing gristle is pure edge for the sake of edge- a tasteless fashion statement.

i like Mobb Deep and The Clancy Brothers

>> No.7940437

>my favorite three minute pop songs that are mass marketed to teenagers are better than your favorite three minute pop songs that are mass marketed to teenagers
It's cute when plebs try to act cultured

>> No.7940469
File: 79 KB, 500x401, favorite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picking favorites is really difficult.

very good taste

I firmly believe it is the greatest novel ever written in the English language. I only say this because I don't feel I can entirely judge works that aren't written in my native tongue.

>> No.7940513

>throbbing gristle is pure edge for the sake of edge- a tasteless fashion statement.

they still ended up making some interesting music and a lot of their shit was way ahead of its time in terms of sound, but yeah Coil is better in every way

>> No.7940541

and the book?

>> No.7940550

What do you have against the album? Don't like NWA? Don't like rap? Don't like blacks?

>> No.7940594

great taste

>> No.7940609
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lmao come @ me if you can

>> No.7940630

favorite book =/= thought of as best book

calm down.

>> No.7940634

Lol you sound retarded some people actually enjoy that shit, its not about being edgy. I genuinely enjoy Throbbing Gristle an have for years. The problem is that your analyzing it in the same way that you would other music that conforms to the rules if Western music theory. Shit like Throbbing Gristle is more about the timbre and layers. If you learn to appreciate sensory experience in general you'll understand what I mean. Aesthetic beauty permeates the whole world, its nit just restricted to man made art or food or etc. I enjoy Throbbing Gristle in the same way that one might enjoy the sounds that accompany a hoke through the woods in the winter or the bustling noise of a city street. If you don't understand or appreciate what Im saying them that only because you have yet to recognize all the wonderful forms of unstructured beauty that occur in the natural world. Moreover, as I mentioned before, a bug part of music like that is the layers of sound. A lot of music is compose and even edited in ways that are really subtle. For example if you listen to a piece by a band like In/humanity or Swans, there's actually a fuckload of shit that you wont pick up on you first list or even your hundredth. Their are a lot of really subtle sounds and auditory trinkets that are camouflaged by the main body of the work, and are extremely difficult to notice, especially if sober.
Also nice bait. By adult music you either mean shit like Dido or Alanis Morissette, in which case your an uber-philistine, or you mean shit like classical in which case your a pseudo-intellectual that only pretends to appreciated classical. Either way you're a philistine with no tastes. Besides its ironic that you think I'm a pleb, when I can almost guarantee I'm more intelligent and doing more with my life than you are or ever will. Enjoy shit posting on 4chan, majoring in creative writing at some shitty as private university, and reading shitty ass second rate literature and dadaist poetry for the rest of your life.

>> No.7940641

Excuse the cell phone-induced typos.

>> No.7940642

you mad famiglia

>> No.7940655

I wouldn't quite say mad. Moreso frusterated with the strength of the retardedness. I tend not to get mad too easily.

>> No.7940663
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see all that is a pile of try hard edgelordism.

>duude you don't get it, in order to TRULY UNDERSTAND thorbhing grasle you have to listen to it 100s of times alternating k-holes and dope nods

fuck you

>> No.7940670
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Can you read? That's my point; they just cut out a portion of the famous painting and made that the album cover.

No title, no mane, no nothing.

>> No.7940671

>mfw I will get a called a pleb even though I dont believe these might be the best works but instead because I share a connection with them or they are meaningful to me.

I think I'll become a normie.

>> No.7940676
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>> No.7940678

Nice straw man and shitty attempt at humour. Thats nit what I said. I can post articles from academic neuroscience journals that cirroborate my claims, but you scientifically illiterate liberal-arts fags wouldn't understand it anyway. Rhe same shit applies to classical music like Stravinsky or Scriabin that you wouldn't be able to appreciate either.

>> No.7940684

lurk moar newfag

>> No.7940690
File: 49 KB, 336x500, nausea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book: Satre - Nausea, Album: The Marshall Mathers LP
Thes are my todays favorites. It changes often..

>> No.7940691

Brain scans indicate that with music like Stravinsky, Scriabin, iannis Xenakis, Throbbing Gristle, Swans, etc. the music is has a lot of subtle elements an layers that aren't detectable on first listen even to people with "perfect pitch".

>> No.7940701
File: 26 KB, 600x375, donodispect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thats nit what I said. I can post articles from academic neuroscience journals that cirroborate my claims, but you scientifically illiterate liberal-arts fags wouldn't understand it anyway. Rhe same shit

As if, you can't even spell you fuckin joke

>> No.7940709

Book: Crime & Punishment

Album: Untrue

>> No.7940716


>> No.7940719

fuck i can't wait to get a copy of 2666 and read it

>> No.7940720

Moran - Beckett
Hozier - Hozier

>> No.7940727

Book: Lost in the Funhouse

Album: Pygmalion by Slowdive

>> No.7940728

Is this very subtle irony or are you really "that guy"?

>> No.7940734
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>> No.7940735

Book: Absalom, Absalom! - Faulkner
Album: La Leyenda Del Tiempo - Camarón

>> No.7940740

it was amazing, although I have not read SD yet, and read only Pista de hielo and some of his poetry I can tell that it is his masterpiece. Enjoy it.

>> No.7940754

Lol once again nice bait bro. Like I said, I'm using a cell phoe, so I'm naturally going to make a bunch of spelling mistakes and I don't really feel like correcting them. I ctually got a perfect acore on the reading section of the SAT, which although not the same as writing, os obviously indicative of a decent understanding of the English language. Not to mention the fact that I'm studying formal linguistics/cog sci.

>> No.7940771

patrician fucking alert

>> No.7940775

stop being "that guy"

>> No.7940778

best album itt

>> No.7940782

I want /mu/ to leave

>> No.7940785

which one is the album and which is the book?

>> No.7940788
File: 103 KB, 500x304, horseshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly how little do i have to do to continue baiting you

>> No.7940789

Bro I'm not being "that guy", I'm just asserting my dominance. How 'bout you stop being a faggot and get off 4chan

>> No.7940791

>dude screaming lmao

>> No.7940795


>> No.7940796

Lol I'm not falling for the bait, I just enjoy refuting your arguments and making you look stupid.

>> No.7940799
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>> No.7940824

>There's people like this living in the world right now
The thought scares me

>> No.7940850

Shut up faggot. Everyone on /lit/ thinks they're so cool, but you guys are really just pompous faggots. When I get home, I'm going to upload a YouTube video breaking down your guys'' bullshit piece by piece and will thereby embarrass the entirety of /lit/. Just wait for it at 3:30/2:30 central. You guys are all a lot more stupid then you realize.

>> No.7940858

seconded. this thread is shit. good job /mu/.

>> No.7940862


>> No.7940879

best itt

>> No.7940987

I can see why people dont like it. Its really harsh and stuff but the guitar work is interesting. Not in that its really technical or anything, but a lot of the chords are really interesting and unusual and the progressions are really dissonant, actually more so than anything else I've heard. Not to mention it has a lot of energy. Tbh though a lot of the shit on this thread has harsh vocals. Music like this would sound gay with clean vocals though. Its something you get used to if your into hardcore or metal.

>> No.7941007

dont try to reason with ppl who are used to radio music. as your last sentence said, it is something one has to learn to listen.

explaining to radio fags what skramz or fastcore is is like explaining in english a monolingual chinese why he cant understand english.

>> No.7941038

You're fucking plebs that is a great album by a very well known band.

>> No.7941051

good harsh music:
bad harsh music:
the screameme you posted

>> No.7941084

Pale Fire and Morton Feldman's Rothko Chapel; Why Patterns?

>> No.7941103

Ahh so the dick measuring contest to see who can post the most obscure screamo/hardcore has begin. Very well, challenge accepted. I summon Shroomunion, a band from the most obscure depths of the 90s underground. http://youtu.be/4FJU09KHIm8

Btw good choice with Nation of Ulysses. Why can't we agree that Orchid is a pretty coil guy too though?

. . . Wait, I just realized, isn't this a literature board?

>> No.7941199



>> No.7941250
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>> No.7941251
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>> No.7941499

Great book, pretty good album/artist. However that shits not a true classic. Don't get me wrong, Yung Lean is talented and enjoyable. However, his music doesn't have the true intricacy and subtlety of a classic album. Like you can't seriously compare Yung Lean to artists like Fugazi, Jethro Tull, John Coltrane, or Chopin.

>> No.7941570
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>> No.7941581

I actually agree, I was mostly memeing. I really like Lean but in terms of the album I'm not sure I would consider it "all-time favourite album" material. Who knows if I'll still be listening to it in 10 years, probably not if I'm honest.

>> No.7941593

Nah brah. That ain't tha caseeeee, ja feel? See, we here at /lit/ is coolllll. We just tell ya if ya shit is weak, ja feel?

>> No.7941627
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The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.7941637

this is terrific

>> No.7941640
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>Implying Joy Division and Throbbing Gristle are pop.

This thread is half retards that don't know shit about music, and half people with respectable tastes that are wasting their time arguing with people that probably don't even know what a semitone is.

If all you listen to is pop (i.e. almost anything on non-public/non-college radio), then you should try to broaden your horizons and learn to appreciate more than just hooks. If you're one of those type that only likes classical or jazz, you should stop trying so hard, and realize that music didn't stop being good when Shostakovitch died.

Good piece right here for the non-plebs of the thread: https://youtu.be/WcOE20oNsME

Anyway in terms of my favorite authors, I like Lewis Carol, Franz Kafka, and Fyodor Dostoevsky. If I had to pick a single favorite book, I'd say The brother Karamazov. Favorite album is a lot harder to pick - actually impossible - but one of my favorites is pic related.

>> No.7941642

post citations

>> No.7941647
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>> No.7941651

It actually wouldn't sound that stupid if there weren't so many typos and he didn't start shit talking at the end of the second paragraph.

>> No.7941662

that adds to the charm. I like this place

>> No.7941674
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why do they ignore us bros?

>> No.7941676

Not the same guy, but I've heard the same shit from several reliable sources. Its not an academic journal but here's one for instance: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/7279626/Audiences-hate-modern-classical-music-because-their-brains-cannot-cope.html

I just Google "neuroscience atonal music". If you know more about the subject, I'm sure it would be easy to find similar results. I mean intuitively it makes sense anyway, but I don't really know much science/neuroscience (at least not on an academic level, I take some interest in it, but only on the level of pop-science).

>> No.7941692
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Great music tastes. Is Germinal capable of standing on its own, or are the other 19 works required?

Out of the Coma and The Sacrifice are both as good as their first album, imo

>> No.7941695

If they were obscure I would never have heard of them

>> No.7941707

Even you ignored me bro

>> No.7941731
File: 24 KB, 600x424, dune_sand_worm_by_jeffersonairship-d90b1ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great album
funnily enough the theme of power and trying to balance justice with acceptable tyranny without succumbing to corruption is a good fit for Dune.

>> No.7941738
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My african-americans

You, Schulze anon, I have a question. I recently downloaded Schulze's "Dreams" and the mix sounds pretty weird. If you've heard the album, is it really mixed differently from his other works or did I download a shitty torrent?

>> No.7941750

lol this nigga trying flex

>> No.7941763

>For one to have good taste, a certain level of originality is necessary.
>like my special secret artist Nabokov

hoo boy this is a spicy hot take!!!!


>for one

Please, I read enough shitty writing from college juniors in my work hours. Don't shit up the board with it

>> No.7941769




this is my SHIT

>> No.7941800

>great album
>very well known
not outside of 4chan you fucking dingus

>> No.7941854

There's virtually nothing wrong with that use of the term "For one."

You were told that the psued will shine through if you try too hard.

>> No.7941861
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Damn anon. Ever since i was 16 Sunday At The Village Vanguard has been my favorite piece of music. I even learned jazz piano because i got so inspired from that album. I'm 23 now and i still, honestly, believe this album represents music at is deepest and most advanced level yet to be heard.
>inb4 'dat lick in Gloria's Step and those 5ths the bass does in My Man's Gone Now.

>> No.7941865


An obvious joke that people missed.

>> No.7942000

Most of Rougon-Macquart works are independant, however knowing the family tree might be useful

didn't listen to it so I can't tell you

>> No.7942053

>There's virtually nothing wrong with that use of the term "For one."
>It doesn't break any rules so it can't be shit!

You're not being truthful to anything in your writing. Does that sound "learned" to you? Because it stinks of undergratuate dissertation proposals. Just fucking write something REAL instead of creating this puerile waste that you don't even really enjoy.

10/10/10 thats hot stuff my man

>> No.7942633
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i like my language

>> No.7942639


>> No.7942759
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>> No.7942760

Doopees - Doopee Time
Invisible Cities

>> No.7942764

at least joy division i can kind of see what they meant but throbbing gristle = pop is ???

>> No.7942766

Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells. Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.7942771

Book: The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
Album: Butthole Surfers - Locust Abortion Technician

>> No.7942786

fuck off to reddit you filthy PLEB!

>> No.7942794

Come on man. You understand others can like things for different reasons, right?
TG had some fun stuff. They had some cool ambient electronic stuff that sounded like Tangerine Dream. There is also something super fun about songs like discipline. It's just so messy and hyper.
Maybe you're too sophisticated to like stuff like that, but it is the same appeal as some of Jimi Hendrix's more messy stuff. Yeah there's no melody, but it is just fun.

>> No.7942808


>your favorite book and album arent obscure enough you're a pleb!!!

>> No.7943002

Love that album.

>> No.7943013

If anyone is still using this thread:

Book: The Recognitions, by William Gaddis
Album: Feels, by Animal Collective

>> No.7943211


>> No.7943414

Why friend?

>> No.7943458
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>> No.7943591


>> No.7943600

fave book George Orwell's 1984
fave album Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band by The Beatles

>> No.7943942

>tfw don't know what my favourite book is
>tfw don't know what my favourite album is

How can you choose so easily when there's so much to choose from?

>> No.7944298

gang-boss tier

>> No.7944360

cool, i like it

>> No.7944366
File: 733 KB, 600x600, Anima-latina-L.-Battisti-Front-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book: Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse by Jan Potocki
LP: Anima latina by Lucio Battisti

>> No.7944377


>> No.7944402

Patrician, I was actually listening to this.
As for me, probably The Great Annihilator (Maybe Cop too) and The Fall.