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/lit/ - Literature

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7936802 No.7936802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to my city's main library
>a guy is browsing porn on a computer

Library hate general?

>> No.7936806


>> No.7936810

>go to the library
>read the globe
>pick up my holds

library is quite awesome. tried to ~get involved~ and join the book club but it wasn't worth it.

>> No.7937136


I just place my holds on their site and pick em up at my local branch. I'm in and out in two seconds.

>> No.7937142


kill your self dumb frogposting scum.
there are already 5 other worthless frogposts like this.

saged. get the fuck out of this board.

>> No.7937198

>snowing pretty heavily
>night has fallen already
>go to library
>completely empty
>lay down on one of the couches with a window on the ceiling just on top of it
>watch the snow fall and get some comfy sleep time
>do this for the rest of the winter

come at me

>> No.7937306

>go to library
>just a bunch of computers and dvds
>the only thing they have closest to books is a small magazine rack

>> No.7937535

This desu, the humanities library of my city's university is top cozy on the top floor

>> No.7937630

>go to library
>it's actually a gallery of local "artists"

>> No.7937671

>love riding my bike to the library as a teenager
>ride 45 minutes to the downtown main branch through old Louisville
>I'm sweaty and wearing skinny jeans
>when I get there I gain the attention of a fat black man
>eventually I'm at a shelf bending down looking at some Dostoevsky novels or something
>he's right on the other side of the shelf parallel to me
>he knows I'm there
>he has his hand in his basketball shorts and is jerking off literally right in front of my face
>I stare in disbelief for about 5 seconds and then stand up straight and walk away
>as I walk past the aisle he's in he gives me a glare of pure hatred
>see him somewhere else later and he's still staring at me
>I leave

It was pretty weird tbqh

>> No.7937695

Are you a guy or gal

>> No.7937724
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to uni library
>enter silent room with theoretical book I really need finish
>door has a big fucking pictographic sign on it that has a laptop crossed out in red so even the illiterate can understand
>some dudes in laptop sit inside but they are trying not to make any typing sounds while doing multiple choice training with touchpad so whatever
>two girls come in, see guys using laptops so they plop down theirs
>girl starts typing full force in a completely silent room without a single care in the world
>literally only sound in the entire room
>continues for 5 minutes
>exchange looks with other guys in room but nobody does anything
>sit nearest, stand up
>tell her in the most friendliest manner possible that "usually laptops are not allowed in here cause they make so much noise, so could you please stop typing"
>looks around, sees nobody except her is typing
>get back to my seat
>5 minutes later
>she starts bouncing her legs back and forth like a toddler
>chair creaks in a totally silent room continously
>fuck it just going to ignore it
>1 hour passes
>smoke break
>come back
>she is still bouncing her leg

>> No.7937757

Why didn't you report him? You baka

>> No.7937761

I'm a dude

>> No.7937763

he sounds like a patrician 2 me :^)

>> No.7937764

Too weirded out

>> No.7937941

what the fuck

>> No.7937953

I know

>> No.7938029

>be me
>in library basically 24/7
>dimly lit
>go room to room looking for Quixote
>occasionally find a copy
>one or more typos
>literally billions of copies
>only one is correct
>keep hoping against hope
>body of monk flats down endless shaft through center of room from upper levels
>mfw it is I