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File: 67 KB, 550x825, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934232 No.7934232 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so what's the deal with dust jackets? Are they really necessary? I think books look much better without them, but I'm curious if they really help to protect your hardcovers.

Thoughts, anon?

>> No.7934244

Its your books lol do whatever the fuck you want with them. I also think they look like shit 90% of the time and take them off.

Unless the book is worth over 100$ then who the fuck cares how it looks, too.

>> No.7934253
File: 23 KB, 309x270, 1456ddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those supple milk jugs

>posting a picture more interesting than his topic

>> No.7934328
File: 216 KB, 832x1062, Screenshot_20160418-020627_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something sexier in book reading than in sex itself?

>> No.7934352

Be careful. If you take off the dust jacket, the book will start to get dusty and gradually transform into a Cormac McCarthy novel.

>> No.7934360
File: 44 KB, 800x800, Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give female please!

>> No.7934372


Dustjackets started out as just that: relatively plain protective covers for the whole book in the days when many people would buy books that they would have bound for their own libraries. These were meant to be discarded.

By the early twentieth century, some publishers had realized that jackets represented a marketing opportunity, and begun to commission art, and add advertisements, etc. Some jackets from this period are pretty much collectible in their own right (and generally, if market value of a book matters to you, then you will want to retain jackets, and probably remove them when reading to avoid wear: pretty much any book with a resale value will be more valuable with intact original jacket).

Nowadays, jackets are probably mainly decorative, especially in the retail trade: a good quality book is not going to suffer significantly without a jacket, although it might prevent some damage, I suppose.

And to this day, some (especially academic) presses preserve something of the original purpose, with relatively plain, and in some cases non-gloss paper, uniform jackets. Some academic libraries discard dustjackets as a matter of course: when you are shelving and maintaining tens of thousands of books, you don't really want that extra thickness and weight, and unless covered (extra cost, labour, thickness, and weight), jackets will tend to wear faster than books.

tl;dr: Jackets may serve some protective function, but are not essetnial, and nowadays largely decorative, though they do carry value in the collectible book trade; so do want suits you, OP.

>> No.7934463

>so do want suits you

want > what

>> No.7934907

Toss them, they get in the way and are generally just a pain. I used to keep them around thinking I'd put it back on when I was done the book, but they always got messed up and I'd toss it anyways.

>> No.7935159

Your question is gay and so is your pic. I hope you're a gurl faggot.

>> No.7935173

Wow OP you are looking good

>> No.7935176


>Thoughts, anon?

Who is this semen demon? I was just about to masturbate while reading the Nora Barnacle handjob scene (like I do every night) and more images will help with my immersion.

Thank you.

>> No.7935906

that picture is some dumb facebook tier shit.

my dick hurts.

>> No.7936124

I may be wrong, but I think it's a Zizek quote.

>> No.7936147

juliana soares, reverse Google search the image

>> No.7936150

still pretty dumb and facebook tier imo. I thought zizek was better than that.

>> No.7936181

It looks far more like something off the red pill than a Zizek quote, esp. the end.

>> No.7936266

it's a Zizek quote, from a feature he did for Vice or whatever where he wrote shit on pictures of hot young fags

>> No.7938125

Appreciate the input. I feel they detract from the natural look of the spines on the shelf.

>> No.7939060


>> No.7940803

No, you fucking virgin.

>> No.7940809

I recognize your shitposting from other boards