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/lit/ - Literature

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7934068 No.7934068 [Reply] [Original]

Name a writer better than Jorge Luis Borges and tell us why.

>protip: you can't

>> No.7934076

Paulo Coelho because he sold more books.

>> No.7934084

Borges is a gimmicky, overrated hack who used pseudo-intellectual references to make undergrads think that he's smart

>> No.7934119

But the dude was a legitimate intellectual.
He was translating stories when he was 12 years old.

>> No.7934190

James Joyce. Greater and more varied stylist, more human

>> No.7934200
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>> No.7934220

>writing ins spanish
Automatically B tier author at best

>> No.7934235

So Cervantes is B tier?

>> No.7934260


>> No.7934264


>> No.7934267
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>> No.7934275

I was translating stories when I was five.

>> No.7934287

Stop smearing Borges' name by making these inane threads.

>> No.7934318

I'm fairly positive that DFW's best book, "Infinite Jest," weighs much more.

>> No.7934324

(I'm writer)

>> No.7934335

Why do I get the feeling it's always the same daft anon being so specifically and stupidly upset about this