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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.73 MB, 5096x3452, IGNORE ALL PLEBEIANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7933027 No.7933027 [Reply] [Original]

Ignore all these people and those related to them!

Soon to be updated :)

>> No.7933047

>putting our heros and our enemies in the same list
are you trying to humanize those lefty cucks or what?

>> No.7933057

Fuck off tripfaggot

>> No.7933058

Who is that semen demon in the bottom right corner? I want to pseudo all over her lectual

>> No.7933060

thats John Oliver

>> No.7933065

lacy green crazy feminist kike

>> No.7933066


>Donald Trump

sorry what?

>ignore Louis Theroux

fuck you

>> No.7933068

> No sh0e

>> No.7933070


Well ma-mayed, faggot

>> No.7933074

The problem with these list, is that it just looks like your listing everyone you know. You need to list some criteria and provide examples of actual intellectuals, otherwise you might as well be listing people from a phone book.

>> No.7933077

Form our own opinions? No thanx ;^)

>> No.7933079

He isn't on the list.


>> No.7933089

>Dawkins and Chomsky
>Produced work that had an impact on their fields
>Professors at World renowned institutions
>Not intellectuals
Waste of two spaces that could have included Stephen Fry and Stuart Lee.

>> No.7933096

What heroes? I hope you aren't talking about youtube celebs

>> No.7933100

kek. That dude is basically a fucking encyclopedia of knowledge. If he's a pseud, then so is almost everyone else. The rest of the picture is correct.

>> No.7933108


And remove Franku, even he doesn't take himself seriously. He does comedy.

>> No.7933109

IMO it would be the hottest thing in the world to watch Armoured Skeptic fuck her in her tight little pussy with his enormous atheist dick. Would pay tons of cash for that sex tape

>> No.7933113

Actual intellectuals are people who are published in academic journals and who don't speak on things outside of their field

>> No.7933114
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>> No.7933125

Bernie Sanders still belongs in the pic you nigger

>> No.7933135

well i mean this list is b8 anyways, but if we're gonna point out the obvious

Zizek and Neil are both doctorates in their field of research, but i guess you can point out neil is a pseud cuz he talks about shit he doesnt know about (Muh library of alexandria).

thunderfoot, bill nye and sam harris aren't idiots either. if i remember correctly. Harris is a neuro scientist, thunderfoot is a university proff, and billy nye is an engineer.

so ye 10/10 b8

>> No.7933150


A degree means you're an intellectual?


>> No.7933154

a doctorate does

>> No.7933155

>sam harris
>not a filthy pseud who hides behind faux-intellectual rhetoric constantly


>> No.7933157

Thunderf00t is a published chemist and a good half of his videos are about chemistry and physics, but his most popular ones are about politics and religion, areas in which he holds no credentials, so he belongs in the pic

>> No.7933158

So basically if someone has an opinion on something that they didn't spent 10 years studying they are automatically out?
>academic journal
>don't speak outside their field

>> No.7933160

i've had it up to here with your memeing
the likes of c.hitchens, chomsky aren't pseudo no matter how much you disagree with them .

the new atheists aren't pseudo either no matter how much they make us cringe. they are still intellectual although it becomes pseudo when they stray into areas they know nothing about.

>> No.7933165

>mudslime apologist detected

>> No.7933167

Pretty much. It means they're just some stupid activist

>> No.7933174

>not a filthy pseud who hides behind faux-intellectual rhetoric constantly
I don't like Harris either, but he isn't some idiot.

>> No.7933175



>> No.7933183

if you say rhetoric you're a gay cunt

>> No.7933184

oh sorry you're right shitposting on 4chan is really what makes you an intellectual, not a doctorate in your field, how silly of me

>> No.7933185

Then can you point to me to at least 1 example of an intellectual then?

>> No.7933187

>Michio Kaku
>a literal theoretical physicist
>a guy who went to Harvard for his bachelors and Berkeley for his PhD
>a pseudo intellectual

>> No.7933188

Great posting tripfaggot

>> No.7933192

The thread isn't about idiots, it is about pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians

>> No.7933208

>pseudo-intellectual rhetoricians
i actually though it over and now i agree with you fuck sam harris.

>> No.7933220

that is literally the most concise way to say that, not my fault if you can't into 8th grade vocab

>> No.7933228

Albert Einstein

>> No.7933249

You should hear him talk about anything outside of his field.

>> No.7933253

popscientist of the highest order

>> No.7933255

He is an intellectual because of what he does inside his field, not outside
He does TV shows every now and then.


>> No.7933260

Some of those people use facts and logic in their arguments so if by "pseudo-intellectual" you mean "some of these people use facts and some don't but fuck both of those types of people" then yeah that chart works.

>> No.7933266

Michio Kaku is an intellectual

>> No.7933272

I think you forgot to add the vsauce and pbs idea channel guys

>> No.7933284

He talked a lot about socialism, and various other political topics.

>> No.7933288

Ah, I think you forgot to include Maddox. He's pretty much the original online pseudo-intellectual rhetorician

>> No.7933295

No one really cares about his political views except for biographers. 99% of people know him solely for his contributions to physics

>> No.7933434


He's a popscientist as fuck. Sure he can do the math and science, but he is considered a loon in his own field. I read Visions and he proposes the most batshit stuff for future technology. Force fields that use rapid carbon nanotube projections and other asinine things of that ilk.

>> No.7933553


>> No.7933563

His IQ, which is probably decently high, is irrelevant; he has no real accomplishments as a scientist and is largely ignored as a philosopher (except by 14 year old fedora atheists & his fellow gnu atheist pseudointellectuals).

>> No.7933575

why are youtube celebrities among literary critics

>> No.7933584

Because OP is a pseudo-intellectual rhetorician.

>> No.7933586

>brother nathanael

>> No.7933591

OP should include the Westboro Baptist Church as well

>> No.7933594

If you are going to include Zizek then you should absolutely include his good friend Judy Butler.

>> No.7933597

yeah, looks like a list produced by a really, really elitist armchair `intellectual` who spends a little bit too much time associating with teenagers on the internet

>> No.7933608

He doesn't even try to sound intellectual. His vocabulary and ideas are on the same level as those of a random guy you'd meet on a street.

>> No.7933612

Personally, I think that unique, interesting and valuable ideas and perspectives can come from non-academic individuals and spaces, and that to stigmatize them as pseudo-intellectual ultimately does more harm than good.

>> No.7933635

>psudo intellectual.

He intentionally acts retarded and uses hyperbole.

In fact that's about true for 90% of this entire list. Its really just I-hate-youtubers-and-especially-ones-that-are-popular the jpg.

No need to get salty over people being successful where you're not.

And Dave Ruben is especially based. I don't agree with a lot of what he says, but the guy is a solid reviewer. He gets guests on and does nice long form conversational content. Idk how that's wrong.

>on principle

Idiotic. An "intellectual" is open to reading or listening to anything. It's stupid to waste your time exclusively reading what you think doesn't have content, but there's value in listening to ANYTHING that's popular. It gives you a POV on what people find convincing regardless of merits.

>> No.7933640

>thread about psudo intellectual rhetoricians
>says you can't take someone seriously because some people "ignore him".

Wew lad that's some quality posting.

All of you faggots take your posting to /pol/ or elsewhere. Nothing here is /lit/

>> No.7933657


What insufferable garbage

t. pseud

>> No.7933666

>no bill hicks
Come on now

>> No.7933673


Add Ron Paul and David Friedman

>> No.7933702

>an "intellectual" is open to listening or reading anything

That is the problem with half of the smart people on this list, they are complete idealogues.

The list is fine. No one on there is worth reading compared to someone else.

>> No.7933711

Except for Chomsky, Zizek, Self or Bloom

>> No.7933721

keep on truckin brutha

>> No.7933734

Carl Sagan should be added to the pic.

>> No.7933740


I know this is a troll post but...

>Harold Bloom
>Noam Chomsky

on the same list as /pol/ vloggers? fucking absurd

>> No.7933752

Still befuddled why James Rolfe the Angry Video Game Nerd is in the pic

>> No.7933794

Richard Kyanka AKA Lowtax should be in the pic.

>> No.7933802
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This board is the worst for psuedo-intellectuals. Your thread proves that.

>> No.7933805

Also so should Moot, Mark Zuckerberg, Myspace Tom, Craig from Craigslist and Eric Bauman

>> No.7933892

What's the criteria to be on the list?
To exist and have an opinion?

Like half of these are watched probably for entertainment. Not to get some intellectual insights.

>> No.7933894

Yeah I guess. They are all more popular than they should be but w/e.

I'll make an updated version when I get home.

t. not OP

>> No.7933898

You'd be surprised.

>> No.7933911

thunderfoot is famous for videos exposing creationists. That's fucking child-tier debating. If I film myself shooting fish in a barrel for 40 hours are you going to call me an intellectual?

>> No.7933930
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 1458340732567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peter Hitchens
>Not an intellectual

>> No.7933945

>evolutionists actually think this

>> No.7933951
File: 33 KB, 175x212, how gauche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William F Buckley Jr
>One of the most eloquent conservatives of the 20th century

>> No.7933953

No, that brunette at the bottom, with the polka dot blouse and seductive eyes.

>> No.7933962


>> No.7933975

Oh I remember her, she's pretty cool lol

>> No.7934160

He's a dipshit pseud

>> No.7934207

He literally is. Within the only field that he's qualified, neuroscience, he's written about 2 papers which, according to other neuroscientists, are terrible. He genuinely isn't an expert in anything.

>> No.7934227

He's an expert on Ben Stiller impersonation

>> No.7934313

I recognize like seven of these people. Is that good or bad?

>> No.7934389

Neither really, it just means you live under a cancer free rock.

>> No.7934427

OP If I don't fucking see Chris Hedges's bugass face on this the next time, you' betrayed me.

>> No.7934430

He has a Pulitzer tho tbf

>> No.7934440

Glenn Greenwald should be on the pic too

>> No.7934460

Quality is irrelevant when they have a following.

A complete hack is worth reading when he's not SEEN as a hack. Understanding cult statuses and the appeal that a person has -regardless of how warranted- is not something that should be actively avoided.

You can hardly discredit someone as an ideologue that doesn't listen to the other side when you yourself dennounce them.

>> No.7934465

This guy knew exactly who i was talking about

>> No.7934468

Pretty sure OP means "ignore" in the sense of "don't trust these people, they're idiots who have no idea what they're talking about". If this thread is a warning to anyone, it's to people who might become fans of them

>> No.7935139
File: 18 KB, 500x500, bigbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all just bit

>> No.7935144

Where is the list with intellectuals?

I hope you've added Pentti Linkola to it already

>> No.7935146
File: 1.20 MB, 320x180, Ethan_Joins_a_90s_Boy_Band.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He intentionally acts retarded and uses hyperbole.

This. It's meant to be comedy.

>> No.7935179

He's an unfunny faggoet

>> No.7935203

>Sam Harris
>Richard Dawkins

Have they ever been wrong about anything?

>> No.7935205

well, that's like, your opinion man

>> No.7935206

Well, for one they don't think God exists.

>> No.7935324


I kinda like Stewart Lee desu.

>> No.7935332

>Dawkins and Chomsky
>did some bullshit in human artsology at bullshit university
>Only known for work outside this background

If they aren't dilettantes who the fuck is

>> No.7935343

I think I actually know the guy on the top right with the under cut and square glasses.

>> No.7935344
File: 44 KB, 554x412, vidal buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>buckley but no Vidal


>> No.7935352

There is something in here to trigger just about anyone.

>> No.7935414


Lee's great. His whole stage character is an arrogant pseud, so adding him here would be a compliment. In fact, he'd probably love the attention of all the misinformed folk who google his youtube videos and hate on him. That's the kind of thing that sad, fat little man would like.

>> No.7935589

I can't speak to Dawkins, but Chomsky really did change the field of linguistics and disproved commonly held theories of behaviorists. His work is still taught. But since most people don't follow linguistics and he hasn't done jackshit in the field since the 60s or 70s and is primarily known for his political stuff, you're probably right. Chomsky is far from a psued tho

>> No.7935616

OP has baited me in ways I thought impossible.

>> No.7935620

Don't forget En Arg Blatte

>> No.7935637
File: 1.32 MB, 5096x3452, 23423424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the complete version

>> No.7935661

>trump an intellectual
>no hitchens
i guess that makes him a genuine intellectual rhetorician

>> No.7935673
File: 43 KB, 960x540, FB_IMG_1460624102461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both Peter and Christopher Hitchens are there. Which Hitchens are you talking about?


>Still no giant /lit/ banner on that picture. >Disregarded immediately.

>> No.7935678

What the fuck is the LA Beast doing on there?

>> No.7935685

how did i miss the hitch wtf

>> No.7936018

>anyone with massive public influence on opinion is a pseud
>trying to influence our opinion en masse on who is a pseud

Lazy thinking, use your shitty trip forever

>> No.7936101

I like:

Rest are cucks

>> No.7936105

0 for 1, anything else?

>> No.7936184

Add Lubos Motl to this list

>> No.7936700

Gore Vidal is a noted novelist at least

>> No.7936705

I'm not triggered, but including Chomsky, Zizek, Self and Bloom in the pic is kind of silly. I mean, I can kind of see where you'd get the idea to do that, but they're all extremely well-read and well-educated people who've made notable contributions to their fields

>> No.7936733

Who is the girl below the orthodox guy and beside John Oliver?

>> No.7936911

just crop the image down to that part and google reverse image search

>> No.7937298
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>who've made notable contributions to their fields

>> No.7937366

This thread in a nutshell

>> No.7937384

Bloom is legit. The late in life canonizing is not what he will be remembered for.

>> No.7937403

They have

Most influential linguist of all time. Major paradigm shifter and contributed an incomparable amount of work to the field

Probably the most prominent living figure in continental European philosophy

Very famous and highly-regarded British novelist

Developed influential theories of literary influence, and his early work on Romanticism is generally considered excellent

>> No.7937414


What kind of work do linguists even do? What is there to chew over?

>> No.7937427


>Except for Chomsky, Zizek, Self or Bloom
>Yeah I guess. They are all more popular than they should be but w/e.
>I'll make an updated version when I get home.

No. You're still not getting it. The fact that you included them on your list in the first place makes you, honest to God, fucking retarded. Don't make any more lists. You should not be making lists.

>> No.7937433

You went too far putting George Carlin up there pal

>> No.7937434


God damn it, I hate that fucking faggot.

>> No.7937440

>Peter Hitchens
>journalist and rent-a-gob
>definitely not an intellectual

>> No.7937443


>> No.7937453


>paradigm shifter


>> No.7937469

It's an extremely common expression.

>> No.7937493


Jesus Christ, dude. Lighten up.

>> No.7937514

OK.. sory for freaking out on you. Can't believe I just blew up at you like that, it's so unlike me. Hope I didn't hurt your feelings.

>> No.7937525


>Hope I didn't hurt your feelings.

You did. Posting this exchange on Tumblr as a perfect example of the patriarchy.

>> No.7938908

remember to ignore them

>> No.7939043
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>milo and current year man in the same pic

>> No.7939077

proof once again that animefags are retarded

>> No.7940211
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Pretty wide group of people there.

>> No.7940227

>'engineering explained' husbundo appears on list

/lit/ pls ignore this man

>> No.7940243

chomsky is an intellectual
and doesn't engage in rhetoric

>> No.7940813
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The pope could shit on you my friend.
You're just lucky ratzinger is gone.