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7932197 No.7932197 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of reading

>> No.7932201

Depends what you're reading.

>> No.7932202

Chicks dig it.

>> No.7932208

Read this:


>> No.7932211

It feels good?

Also with piracy you can do it for free these days, provided you get an e-reader or some shit.

>> No.7932213

kill yourself worthless, shitposting, dumb frogposter.

>> No.7932215

To impress /lit/.

>> No.7932217

I do it to compensate for my complete lack of personality.

>> No.7932221

there's no point in anything. life is meaningless. masturbate

>> No.7932223


this. i started reading that my personality began and ended at being a self-aware loser who could resort to self-deprecating humor now and then until the gig got old.

>> No.7932227


masturbation causes acne which causes loss of self confidence.

>> No.7932228
File: 15 KB, 537x360, itwasthesooooooooooooundofsilence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7932234


masturbation implies deliberately giving up lucidity and turning to hedonistic ignorance which is denial of the meaninglessness.

>> No.7932326

>masturbation causes acne

Nigga what?

>> No.7932372

of course it does? i always get acne a few days after masturbating which inhibits me from indulging in one of the most carnal acts of self pleasuring hedonism that apparently is afforded to literally every fucking human on the planet (apart from lonely amputees lol). fml.

>> No.7932383

I masturbated all day erry day and barely had acne even as a high schooler. Masturbation doesn't cause acne, you don't understand causation and correlation, and you need to get the fuck offa this 18+ site you underage confirmation biased filthy dumb frogposting redditor

>> No.7932394


You're not supposed to rub it into your face

>> No.7932400


jesus fucking christ dude, calm the fuck down. i know causation does not imply correlation but i couldn't be bothered to fucking do a dermatological analysis of my skin in order to find out the true cause. i made an observation and came up with a hypothesis that fit and haven't found a better one. why are you so triggered?

>> No.7932401

elaborate why you gave that pic that filename?

>> No.7932412

Because you're whining about
>tfw no gf, fml, boo hoo hoo
blaming your insecurities on stupid broscience and defending your stupidity instead of doing a 5 second google search, and generally shitting up a literature board with trashy facebook-tier posting

You aren't the only piece of garbage here, but you drew my attention, and I'm telling you to fuck off and die, forever and always, amen.

Welcome to 4chan faggot, now get the fuck out

>> No.7932435

Yeah welcome to reddit faggot now get the fuck out faghat!

>> No.7932492
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>> No.7932511


>to learn in general
>to learn about your place in history and the history of humanity
>to learn about the human experience
>to learn from the experience of others
>to have fun

Pretty much it.

>> No.7932515

I will never masturbate. I will never put my hands on myself in a way that's unbecoming. It's animalistic. I'm an aesthetic prose artist, not some monkey. I will never tug the chain, choke the bloke, wrestle the rattlesnake, pummel the plantain, massage the meatstick, or cum. I am an ascendant human being, and I will strive to suppress my carnal urges. I suggest you do the same.

>> No.7932526

It's probably a more productive way of filling up your spare time, depending on what your alternative options are, and what you read.

>> No.7932677

Why not watch a movie?

>> No.7932694


Because movies are inherently inferior to books as a tool for gaining knowledge due to the nature of the medium. How can a movie on the collapse of Rome compare to books on the same subject? It can't. Movies and documentaries are superficial and will never give you a real understanding.

>> No.7932697

Fiction: none
Non-fiction: supreme knowledge

>> No.7932712

You can watch a movie too, if it's good.
You can talk to others.
It's various ways of conveying thought.

>> No.7932777
File: 185 KB, 900x675, aid283692-900px-Tell-if-Someone-Is-Anorexic-Step-3-Version-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a tool for gaining knowledge
>due to the nature of the medium
Don't those three things mean the same thing? Your phrase is cluttered.

>> No.7932830

We are beings that prefer our being-in-the-world to be controlled (and yes, reading is not for-itself; you have to trace our desire all the way back to its original impetus towards it).
We're all basically just too anxious, us gluttonous readers.
There are other factors of course, but they are all secondary to this one.
We've been broken and this is therapy towards a reconciliation towards fuller and less uncertain being.

>> No.7932857


>movies are inherently inferior as a tool for gaining knowledge

haha. fuck no. not necessarily. quite a few things (at least in STEM) can be explained better through video than through text. that's why you have teachers in school, to whom you can listen and whose expression on the blackboard you can see. audio/visual cues are extremely helpful and the entire education system is built around that. sure books are important but certainly not "inherently" superior.

also, most of the learning/knowledge you do as a child about life in general, including how to walk, talk, act is from viewing/listening to your environment.

>> No.7932858

Absorbing information from written words.


>> No.7932875


Yep. Was supposed to delete it and change the sentence but forgot. It's a pain in the ass on a phone anyway.

Regardless you understood what I said you autistic pedant.

>> No.7932879

I'm another anon than the one you were arguing with

>> No.7932886

Why read? Simple. It's about the most fun you can have.

>> No.7932887


Textbooks consist are the majority of the material in university subjects. Are you seriously going to try and dispute this?

Basic human behaviour like walking and language are learned primarily through imitation because they are largely instinctual. So drawing a comparison between learning how to walk and higher level abilities, such as learning thermodynamics for example, is simply retarded.