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/lit/ - Literature

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7931252 No.7931252 [Reply] [Original]

I can't think of a better board for this, if you can, I'll shove off.

>> No.7931254
File: 36 KB, 400x225, 2016-02-15-12.02.50-400x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently own four.
An Erika 5 (seen in these pictures)
An Oliver (can't recall exact model, it's in a shop for repairs now)
And a Remington Portable

>> No.7931278
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>> No.7931280
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>> No.7931285

What is a cheap but effective typewriter a newbie can buy?

>> No.7931293

Where are you located? I can give you some names and prices to not go over and things to look for.
I ask where you're at because some cities are way better to find them (I could help you look at Craigslist, for example).

The biggest thing about typewriters is that the vast majority of people selling them are completely clueless about them. Which, if you are even a little informed, means you can get a good deal (typically).

>> No.7931301

What about on Amazon?

>> No.7931306

Pennsylvania and would you recommend Amazon or any other online sites?

>> No.7931310

To answer you a little more cleanly; almost all typewriters are effective. Do not spend more than $100 on your first.

They do one thing and only one thing and the older ones are really, really fucking good at it.

No. eBay or Craigslist is the way to go for online markets. Going to yard sales or vintage shops in your city is another option. Amazon might have some new ones, made in China, like this http://www.royalsupplies.com/Typewriters/Royal-Epoch-Manual-Typewriter.html and it's pure shit. For a fourth of that you could get a 1920's machine that worked 10 times better.

Craigslist and eBay. What part of PA? Any big cities nearby? Philly or Pitts?

>> No.7931316


>> No.7931333

This Olympia might be good.
Hard to tell from the one picture, but the Olympia SM9 and SM7 are amazing machines. If all it needs is a cleaning getting it for under $50 would be fantastic

http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/atd/5535381510.html I wish I could buy this.
Assuming the platen and rollers are in good shape and it works otherwise it probably only needs a new ribbon and a bit of a cleaning. Once done it would serve for for the rest of your life with minimal care

Another great buy, even at $100 (but getting it for less wouldn't be hard)

>> No.7931346

Cool, Thanks.

>> No.7931382

http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/262274450663?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_noapp=true Is this worth it?

>> No.7931394

For that price it should be in good working order.
Be wary anytime the seller doesn't show a page with typed text on it (to prove it works).

>> No.7931403
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>> No.7931407

Also, many sellers don't have a clue about what they're talking about. Just because 'the keys work' does NOT mean the machine works.

What I mean is that someone might press a key and the typebar swings, that's all fine and dandy (and a machine would honestly need to be pretty fucked for them not to) but each keystroke (each and EVERY keystroke) should also move the carriage. If that doesn't happen it could be one of a few issues ranging from simple to major.

>> No.7931467

As much as this kind of thing might get laughed at (a person using a typewriter in a coffee shop) I find that endearing. It's better than being yet one more fool flicking about on a fucking smartphone.

>> No.7931471

ugh. this reminds me of a friend who bought a "broken" typerwriter. it wasn't broken, the carriage was locked in place for transport. i mean, he got it at a great price because of it, but both him and the seller were convinced it was broken.
>daily reminder humanity is too stupid to live

>> No.7931477

I've never typed on a typewriter but I daresay a typewriter has typed on me.

>> No.7931483

Exactly. And if you know this kind of thing as a buyer it can help you get a great buy. "Yeah, huh... I dunno... How about $10? I sure hope I can get it working."

>> No.7933300

It's not endearing, it's pretentious.

>> No.7933329
File: 46 KB, 721x523, burroughsstudio44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting site here for people looking at what writers in the past used

>> No.7933347
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one of these at an affordable price would be amazing
(IBM Selectric II/III)

>> No.7933364

Underrated, 10/10

>> No.7933378


Can't really fault him.

- Small bundle of pages he's lovingly typed up
- Jacket hanging on seat showcasing he's probably staying there a while.
- Cup is clearly empty/emptying otherwise he wouldn't be able to hold it at that angle without spilling any on himself.
- Glasses on.
- Took the corner by the window.

I see nothing wrong with this.

Ink Ribbons are currently only two or three dollars, making it more cost effective than printing out a manuscript.
Of course, it'd be more sensible to use the typewriter for a first draft than an actual full length amended novel.

>> No.7933379

Maybe if he had a different fit.

>> No.7933390

You can get coffee to go. You can get better coffee. He is only there so people can take pictures of him. There is no chance that is a good place to work.

>> No.7933399

He's writing his novel, you're not.

>> No.7933408

Jesus christ what a cuck

>> No.7933436

Why, though? Is it like a fetish.

I have an image of you beating your children, who only wear shoes to church on Sundays, with a shambock in your draugfty candle lit cabin in the woods because they didn't have the horse and cart ready for you at sunrise to trot to the watering hole for a wash.

>> No.7933441
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>/lit/ you on the bus and this nikka starts telling you to vote bernie sanders what chu gone do?

>> No.7933560

pretentious cuck you mean

>> No.7933568
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my Clark Nova

>> No.7933571
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>> No.7933903

Tell him to vote for Jill Stein instead.

>> No.7934064

Thanks, I was shitposting.

>> No.7934070

I would get so pissed off if I was trying to enjoy a quiet/cool coffee shop atmosphere and there was some pajama boy in the corner going *CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK DING SCHWOOP CLACK CLACK CLACK*

>> No.7934098


>> No.7934272
File: 16 KB, 320x371, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bag on the seat next to him
>typewriter cover on the seat next to his bag