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/lit/ - Literature

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7930316 No.7930316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit, I finally went to my new girlfriend's house, and saw that this was her bookshelf. Should I dump her?

>> No.7930320
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>> No.7930323

at least she reads dickens tb h

>> No.7930324

Has she seen your book collection?

>> No.7930331

Yes you should.


>> No.7930335

Is she in fucking middle school?

>> No.7930337

1. Borrow the nonesuch dickens
2. Break up with her
3. Say you lost the dickens
4. Read the dickens

>> No.7930339

looks like my 11 year olds sister's bookshelf before I intervened.

>> No.7930350
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kek, dickens' books are all in mint condition, chances are she never even touched them

btw yes you should dump her OP

>> No.7930355

I wouldn't care as long as she does anal.

>> No.7930356

the harry potter is prob more literary than the trash dickens

>> No.7930369

what did you even recommended to her?

>> No.7930403

Notes from Underground
Infinite Jest
The Sound and the Fury
Paradise Lost
Divine Comedia

>> No.7930405

Strangle her in her sleep desu senpai

>> No.7930504
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You misspelled fedora and accidently typed it as 'girlfreind'

>> No.7930510
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Hi /lit, I finally went to my new girlfriend's house, and saw that this was her bookshelf. Should I dump her?

>> No.7930515

95% of adults have incredibly pleb taste

don't choose your spouse based on their literary background

>> No.7930528

i just marathoned all 16 comments in this thresd. did i like it?

>> No.7930537


kek, okay.

all some people do is read and have /lit/ related degrees. If they don't date someone who reads they're just setting themselves up for disaster.

>> No.7930544
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>Hi /lit/, I finally went to my new fedora's house, and saw that this was her bookshelf. Should I dump her?

>> No.7930552
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This girl let me in her apartment. I was with some other people and she doesn't know me but I think we're going to do sex. I took a pic if her shelf like a creep. Am I autist?

>> No.7930566

>Ouija board

Quite literally, a spook.

>> No.7930567

That's a pretty normal bookshelf for a young woman. Try offering suggestions, she's probably fairly impressionable.

This girl on the other hand has her own taste but it's shit and she is probably too far gone to change

>> No.7930574

Nice popcorn tree.

>> No.7930720

>not my new boyfriend's

>> No.7930740


>> No.7930743

seems likely.

>> No.7930973

At least she reads... Books for early teenage girly girls but she reads

>> No.7930982

Kill her.

>> No.7930986

If she can levitate her books off the shelf like that she's clearly a witch, so yes, run.

>> No.7931000
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Never change /lit/.

>> No.7931005

>“If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em!”
Do you agree with John Waters?

>> No.7931010

"If you go home with someone and they have books, they're probably smart enough to know not to fuck you."

More like it :(

>> No.7931048

>"/lit/, what books can I read to make me fuckable"

>> No.7931302

A fault in our stars, Harry Potter and fan girl? Op are you a pedo that targets the most boring fucking normies. Although the book thief is acceptable.

>> No.7931452

At least she reads.

>> No.7931462

this meme needs to die

>> No.7931484

Why would anyone have four copies of Hyperautism? Or even one?

>> No.7931490

"How to be fuckable in 10 easy steps. The sixth one will shock you!" by Big Money jesuschrist.

>> No.7931494

She's got pretty good taste Tbh. Those are real books.

>> No.7931498

But that would be stealing

>> No.7931542

if you've gotta ask...

>> No.7931597

>breaking up with a girl because she actually enjoys reading instead of using books to try to convince other people that she's smart

>> No.7931613


spot on

>> No.7931620

>harry potter

>> No.7931623


>> No.7931646

>reading for enjoyment

>> No.7931657


>> No.7932173

you should give her the dickens :^)

>> No.7932189

I just said stop reading this shit and told her to read my books. She started with Animal farm, and jumped into 1984, One hundered years of solitude, Chess (Schachnovelle) and similar works.
Apparently she did read Lolita too, while I was away. She and I are summarizing Lolita infact, for her homework. I would like to see my old literature teacher's face when my sister reads that book to a classfull of children who just entered puberty.

>> No.7932206

Pump N' Dump.

>> No.7932209

No, who the fuck wants their girlfriend to share their hobbies?

>> No.7932260

this, who wants to spend all evening arguing over meme authors?

>> No.7932276

Right? I bet she subvocalizes too.

>> No.7932338

underrated post

>> No.7932339

Ive actually never seen a girl with any books of note aside from college purchases. Pulitzer Prize winners and Junot Diaz tier shit occasionally.

And the women I've met that make claims to being literary are hipster trash not worthy of reproducing with.

>> No.7932484

So it be best if she read not at all, than entertaining books?

You to go to dinner with people and having them slowly sound out aloud what is on the menu?
>Mmmaaaaaarrrrriiiinnaaaaatttteeedd Cheekiiinnnnnnn braaawweeeessssttt

Is that like your fetish or something? Illiterate partners???

>> No.7932488
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I once got a nightmare from reading the Devine Comedy. I was semi drunk and reading in bed when I fell asleep while reading. I dreamt that I was Dante and Virgil was showing me around. It felt so real that I awoke screaming and when I woke up the book was still on my lap and pic related was on the page. I felt like I was about to go mad.

I put the book on the shelf and haven`t touched it since.


>> No.7932489

There is no one on /lit/ that dedicated to reading literature.

>> No.7932495

If you've browsed bookshelf threads on /lit/, you have seen them. Though it's possible you consider /lit/ hipster trash too.

>> No.7932500

>The House Of Hades
>The Blood Of Olympus

She skipped the previous three and started in the middle, she is a dumb bitch