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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 640x480, oh ehhe wow ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7927386 No.7927386 [Reply] [Original]

>"I can tell if a woman wrote a book just by reading a paragraph or two, it's evident in their style" - VS NAIPAUL

Is this still true? Since women are losing their feminine touch and becoming masculine I assume it doesn't hold anymore

>> No.7927395

I don't know. I'm boycotting women authors

>> No.7927396


>> No.7927398

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7927400

I don't think it's ever been true. Would you really have guessed that The Fountainhead was written by a woman if you didn't already know?

>> No.7927404


>> No.7927410
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>tfw not allowed to fap today

>> No.7927451

What's stopping you?

>> No.7927461

>not posting the best female author slam:

I have a terrible confession to make—I have nothing to say about any of the talented women who write today. Out of what is no doubt a fault in me, I do not seem able to read them. Indeed I doubt if there will be a really exciting woman writer until the first whore becomes a call girl and tells her tale. At the risk of making a dozen devoted enemies for life, I can only say that the sniffs I get from the ink of the women are always fey, old-hat, Quaintsy Goysy, tiny, too dykily psychotic, crippled, creepish, fashionable, frigid, outer-Baroque, maquillé in mannequin’s whimsy, or else bright and stillborn. Since I’ve never been able to read Virginia Woolf, and am sometimes willing to believe that it can conceivably be my fault, this verdict maybe taken fairly as the twisted tongue of a soured taste, at least by those readers who do not share with me the ground of departure—that a good novelist can do without everything but the remnant of his balls.

-Norman Mailer

>> No.7927463

Based Norman Mailer!
A great man and a great American.
Suck it, dykes!

>> No.7927465

And A good, but somewhat SJW bent from Marlon James:

>“the male editors will only accept one type of story. Everyone knows what a New Yorker story will look like. I could have been published 10 times over – I knew that there was a certain kind of prose I could have written; intense scenes that hinted, rather than explored.”
>In a recent Facebook post, James wrote a response to a piece titled On Pandering by novelist Claire Vaye Watkins, in which she examined the pressure on female writers to suit male expectations of writing in order to get published.
>Calling the essay “potentially game changing”, James wrote: “While she recognizes how much she was pandering to the white man, we writers of colour spend way too much time pandering to the white woman … astringent, observed, clipped, wallowing in its own middle-style prose and private ennui, porn for certain publications.”
>“If I pandered to a cultural tone set by white women, particularly older white female critics, I would have had 10 stories published by now,” he continued. “Though we’ll never admit it, every writer of colour knows that they stand a higher chance of getting published if they write this kind of story. We just do.”

>> No.7927469

Well he doesnt always win. Gore Vidal on the floor after Norman Mailer had decked him:

"Once again, words fail Norman Mailer."

>> No.7927473


myself, i just like to take days off


lmao, what a bully

>> No.7927480


>beating up a homo


>> No.7927481


I probably couldn't ever tell the difference. Makes no difference to me anyway, as long as the writing's good.

>> No.7927485

Mailer is such a pussy.

>> No.7927503

If women are indeed becoming masculine, then surely the converse is true, no?

>> No.7927513
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>then surely the converse is true, no?

>> No.7927519

Only among the urban elite.

>> No.7927625


>> No.7927665
File: 71 KB, 379x281, virginiatechshooting[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a philosopher

>> No.7927691

any girl you ever date will have nudes that have been seen by thousands of people

>> No.7927705


what book is that she's holding? i need to know if i'm in love with her or not

>> No.7927715
File: 38 KB, 376x500, jap cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any western liberal girl you ever date will have nudes that have been seen by thousands of people


>> No.7927719

he forgot to restock the cuck shed's lotion

>> No.7927723

A certain would-be quirkiness without anything important to say. A David Sedaris quality.

>> No.7927731
File: 44 KB, 460x318, 1460439387872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are not becoming masculine. The youth are a directionless amorphous, genderless grey mass of flesh and psychosexual neuroses wading up to their knees in a river of shit.

There is only one solution.

>> No.7927798

Shut up you fucking white knight faggot

>> No.7927818

by that token he must also be able to tell if a man wrote a book and it is evident by their style.

>> No.7927844

That's just the default assumption I think. Depends on what we're reading though, especially recently. I am continually surprised to see that I'm reading articles written by men, usually about some Leftist political issue, because the way they write is so unambiguously feminine(by which I mean reminds me of the women I've known).

Also whenever you see some blatant misuse of Black American slang, you are either looking at teenage male going through a phase, or basically any 15-35 year old modern woman.

>> No.7928112

This is pretty much the sexiest thing I have ever read.

>> No.7928123
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>Is this still true? Since women are losing their feminine touch and becoming masculine I assume it doesn't hold anymore
you're such a fucking idiot pal this is exactly what people have been saying since the 18th century at the very least. this is on par with "kids these days don't respect their elders." read a book nigger.

>> No.7928182

>this is exactly what people have been saying since the 18th century at the very least.

but it literally started then and it's only getting worse and worse...specially in the last decade

>"kids these days don't respect their elders."

this is also fucken true, specially in the west, that's why they have so many old-folks homes, while in Asia the custom is for families to take care of their elderly and live with them; not hide them away in institutes

>> No.7928185
File: 16 KB, 182x268, MV5BNDE0ODAxNjQxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzQzMjYyMQ@@._V1_UY268_CR2,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


C'mon OP, don't be stupid.

People write differently.
Some men write differently than other men.
Some women write differently than other women.

People only assume women and men write a particular way because of their own personal biases.


>> No.7928204
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>but it literally started then and it's only getting worse and worse...specially in the last decade
Patently false, and you have no basis for the claim that this has been truer in the past decade other than this decade is the one you started attending high school in.
>this is also fucken true, specially in the west, that's why they have so many old-folks homes, while in Asia the custom is for families to take care of their elderly and live with them; not hide them away in institutes
you're on a roll with meaningless blanket statements about entire cultures. you also can't spell lol

>> No.7928214
File: 317 KB, 800x533, 1460588808615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern women are just as feminine as their 18th century Victorian counterparts!!!

>> No.7928219

>any western liberal girl from angloamerica you ever date will have nudes that have been seen by thousands of people

>> No.7928220

i'm such a pleb that i've only red this bitch how was her name hmmmmm fucking hmmmmmm woodrow wilson? no it wasn't her, hmmmm what was it virginia woolf! that's it!

She talks histericism with tons of twists and turns and semicolons and bravado in her use of over the top descriptions and cliches all over the place as well but beautiful cliches for that matter.

Wellp im not sure what my point is here, i mean, i guess some do and some don't same as men, i guess.

>> No.7928297

>implying what a third-rate Later American novelist has to say about real literature (like Woolf) matters
This man means nothing to me.

>> No.7928310

>De Balzac
>capitalized De
>probably a bonafide antisemite despite 'his' professed leftism

I would kill this person if I could.

>> No.7928312


Live in a white country.

Complain about whites.

Fucking move then....

>> No.7928322

probably not lol

>> No.7928336

>18th century

MRAs, everybody.

>> No.7928343

Rand wasn't a woman, but a god.

>> No.7928511

>you're such a fucking idiot pal this is exactly what people have been saying since the 18th century at the very least.

As someone who actually reads 18th century literature I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one

>> No.7928532


where do I start with 18th century lit?

>> No.7928540

the greeks

>> No.7928643


source? i wouldn't mind seeing a goddess discuss a book while gently hiding her nakedness. or just read a book on her bed in her soft voice while i admire the beauty of her body and the prose.

>> No.7928699
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>yfw your favourite modern author turns out to be a woman writing under a male pseudonym

>> No.7928708
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lol you actually enjoyed a woman's writing? a WOMAN's? what the fuck is wrong with you? women are degenerate lowlifes who are incapable of creative or intelligent thought amirite?

but seriously though, why is this board so misogynistic?

>> No.7928710


best i got

>> No.7928715

I hate this person

>> No.7928718

was the point of this post to write like a woman? because good job

>> No.7928739
File: 49 KB, 196x136, Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 8.52.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are losing their feminine touch and becoming masculine

please don't make me remember

>> No.7928740
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thank you senpai.

the contrast between such beauty and my hideousness makes me wonder if some god exists who brought beauty in this world as a cruel joke on me. out of spite and vicious irony.

>hey hey, hey. look in the mirror.
>now look at her.

i'm not sure how to dealt with this cruelty apart from quiet resignation and defeat.

>> No.7928788

be at peace

>> No.7928812

>I'm gonna take a writing voice employed by women and put a negative spin on it


>> No.7928824

>that's a bad thing
I'm a guy, and my dick has been seen all over the world. It's just meat, guys.

>> No.7928863

i-is that sof?

>> No.7928868

Many women have historically, and continue to, write under male pseudonyms without being called out.
Besides, the author is dead idiots.

>> No.7928873



>> No.7928886

>the author is dead
Get a load of this pleb.

>> No.7928892
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>the author isn't dead

>> No.7928910

>not reading exclusively books written by a collective of the bums and whores of the streets of Helsinki in the winter of 1944 in exchange for a can of beans or/and a handjob

>> No.7928945

All of 4chan is, it's partly shock humor and partly the desire to be contrarian in a society that believes men and women are not only equal but also interchangeable, which is blatantly false. There's an element of truth to what they're saying anyways, our culture seems to disproportionately praise women by virtue of their gender rather than the merit of what they've acheived.

>> No.7928947


how? how do you tell the beggar to be at peace with his misfortune? how do you tell someone to be at peace with his ugliness which stands out in such stark contrast to the world.

i feel overwhelmed with spite, ressentiment and anger at having fallen at the wrong end of the spectrum in the one fucking life i had.

>> No.7928956


>our culture seems to disproportionately praise women by virtue of their gender rather than the merit of what they've acheived.

i know this better than most people here because i literally saw a great IT job offer go before my eyes to a girl because the company wanted to maintain a certain sex ratio. that was the day i felt spite and bitterness at women but i also realized that that injustice did not mean that i could generalize my anger to each woman.
our culture DOES disproportionately praise women by virtue of gender. yes.
but 4chan DOES disproportionately deride women by virtue of gender.

so what's the fucking difference. what kind of rebellion aims to be as retarded/despotic/idiotic as the thing that it is trying to oppose? why not just talk about women like normal people?

unless you can demonstrate (in this case) that there is some fundamental distinction between their capabilities when it comes to literature.

>> No.7928958

Hamsun already did that in Oslo when it was still Christiania.

>> No.7928970

>he hasn't read things fall apart

>> No.7928976

Yeah. It's more that you can tell when a Man hasn't written it, it is too concerned with applying the symbols of value and not value - something only a constantly discerning mind has and will be made apparent by almost every choice.

>> No.7928977

>why not just talk about women like normal people?
That would break the circlejerk, senpai.

>> No.7929004

You have it backwards, OP. Men are writing more feminine. The majority of editors, agents and their stable of authors are feminist SJWs. Being chosen by the Big 5 is a political process. Fortunately they are being destroyed by Amazon.

>> No.7929008

if anybody wants source

wasn't prepared for that ride

>> No.7929020

fucking Sof, man

so I guess I'm spending my Saturday jerking off to her all day

>> No.7929023

I saved the whole album, god fucking damn.

>> No.7929028

She's big time into Dostoeyvsky too, man. The perfect woman.

Be sure to check out her masturbation videos, she orgasms like no one else.

>> No.7929030

I opened this at work because I'm dumb

>> No.7929031
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>christian cross
>succubus body

>> No.7929042

>Mao Zedong my baby
kill me

>> No.7929060

>still wear and used capitalism products + services

>> No.7929065

well there goes my weekend

>> No.7929070

Why don't we make this a fun game where we post the first line of a book and you have to guess if it's written by a man or women. No cheating, no answering if you know because you recognize it.

>Hazel Motes sat at a forward angle on the green plush train seat, looking one minute at the window as if he might want to jump out of it, and the next down the aisle at the other end of the car. The train was racing through tree tops that fell away at intervals and showed the sun standing, very red, on the edge of the farthest woods. Nearer, the plowed fields curved and faded and the few hogs nosing in the furrows looked like large spotted stones. Mrs. Wally Bee Hitchcock, who was facing Motes in the section, said that she thought the early evening like this was the prettiest time of day and she asked him if he didn't think so too. She was a fat woman with pink collars and cuffs and pear-shaped legs that slanted off the train seat and didn't reach the floor.

>> No.7929076
File: 501 KB, 1473x1200, the-sunken-road-in-the-cliff-at-varangeville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A. Beach, near the southern tip of the Izu Peninsula, is still unspoiled for sea bathing. The sea bottom is pitted and uneven, it is true, and the surf is a little rough; but the water is clean, the slope out to sea is gentle, and conditions are on the whole good for swimming. Largely because it is so out of the way, A. Beach has none of the noise and dirt of resorts nearer Tokyo. It is a two-hour bus ride from Ito.

>> No.7929085
File: 347 KB, 1210x943, gustave_dore_dante_minos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The child was wakened by the knotting of the snake's coils about his waist. For a moment he was frightened; it had squeezed his breathing, and given him a bad dream. But as soon as he was awake, he knew what it was, and pushed his two hands inside the coil. It shifted; the strong band under his back bunched tightly, then grew thin. The head slid up his shoulder along his neck, and he felt close to his ear the flickering tongue.

>> No.7929086

The contrarian/shock humor/circlejerk is only responsible for a part of the reason why. In truth, a large plurality of 4chans userbase are lonely and ignored by women, and channel their frustration into this site via misogyny. The rest of the site, generally being counter-culture in their attitudes, tolerates it because of the current societal atmosphere.

>> No.7929090
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1173, tumblr_l8xwz3Sqms1qzo9ogo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a certain reign there was a lady not of the first rank whom the emperor loved more than any of the others. The grand ladies with high ambitions thought her a presumptuous upstart, and lesser ladies were still more resentful. Everything she did offended someone. Probably aware of what was happening, she fell seriously ill and came to spend more time at home than at court. The emperor's pity and affection quite passed bounds. No longer caring what his ladies and courtiers might say, he behaved as if intent upon stirring gossip.

>> No.7929099


really nice art work
is tale of genji good? sounds good so far

>> No.7929100
File: 129 KB, 1000x788, Village Landscape in Morning Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>East of my home, the long ridge lies across the skyline like the low hull of a submarine. Above it, the eastern sky is bright with reflections of distant water, and there is a feeling of sails beyond land. Hill trees mass together in a dark-spired forest, but when I move towards them they slowly fan apart, the sky descends between, and they are solitary oaks and elms, each with its own wide territory of winter shadow. The calmness, the solitude of horizons lures me towards them, through them, and on to others. They layer the memory like strata.

>> No.7929108
File: 262 KB, 640x547, tetsuya_ishida_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I see her first while the Mexicana 727 is barreling down to Cozumel Island. I come out of the can and lurch into her seat, saying "Sorry," at a double female blur. The near blur nods quietly. The younger one in the window seat goes on looking out. I continue down the aisle, registering nothing. Zero. I never would have looked at them or thought of them again.

>> No.7929112
File: 1.24 MB, 1103x1280, tumblr_l8xx2eWXu31qzo9ogo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssst. I'm not that far in, I can't tell you. Here's the other side of it, it's a double page.

>> No.7929118

/lit/'s probably the least misogynistic board on 4chan

>> No.7929125

She doesn't exist, retard. It's a fake account.

>> No.7929139

which is why its also the worst

>> No.7929144

Moar naked girls with books, pls.

>> No.7929145

Flannery O'Connor outclasses a vast majority of male writers so I have no hate for women writers

But theres only one Flan

>> No.7929177

This is my "tarts with books" folder.

>> No.7929200
File: 125 KB, 1600x904, Homer, Fox Hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Benedikt pulled on his felt boots, stomped his feet to get the fit right, checked the damper on the stove, brushed the bread crumbs onto the floor-for the mice-wedged a rag in the window to keep out the cold, stepped out the door, and breathed the pure, frosty air in through his nostrils. Ah, what a day! The night's storm had passed, the snow gleamed all white and fancy, the sky was turning blue, and the high elfir trees stood still. Black rabbits flitted from treetop to treetop. Benedikt stood squinting, his reddish beard tilted upward, watching the rabbits. If only he could down a couple-for a new cap. But he didn't have a stone.

>> No.7929240

A lot of people say this. Her or Virginia Woolf. Saying this is just virtue signalling and the literary equivalent of "I'm not racist! I have a black friend!"

Wise Blood is one of the worst novels I've ever read. She writes nothing but hokey, half-baked Christian parables.

It's okay to admit that female writers are inferior to male writers. No one is coming to get you for saying it...yet.

>> No.7929251

wise blood is horrible. but you have to be a retard to actually believe that women writers are worse than men given the current literary landscape.

>> No.7929256

>but you have to be a retard to actually believe that women writers are worse than men given the current literary landscape.
What do you even mean by this? If you mean men vs women in contemporary literature, I don't really care about contemporary literature. Even then, males like DeLillo rule the roost. People like to pretend Woolf is in the same league as Joyce or Faulkner but that's just laughable feminist nonsense.

>> No.7929273

>DeLillo rule the roost
I can't stop laughing.

Faulkner is corncob amerifat trash. Go home boy.

>> No.7929371

You can tell it's a degenerate Jewess. Disgusting.

>> No.7929400

Death of the author is the most retarded trend in lit analysis in the past 100 years. Yeah, lets just randomly narrow the scope of our analysis for no real reason!

>> No.7929403

I thought Yourcenar did a good job with Memoirs of Hadrian. I had to remind myself that it was fiction. She wrote a very convincing emperor.

I thought Wolf Hall, similarly did convincing job of portraying the mind of a consumate lawyer/politician.

Nothing girly about either their prose or their characterizations.

>> No.7929463

Awesome, thanks, bro.

Dubs receives gratitude

>> No.7929464

Except for the fucking Christian cross necklace she wears in all other images.

In any case, with regard to female authors, I can tell you that the STEM field and popsci authors tend to be shit. I was reading "The woman with a worm in her head" recently and my god was it fucking awful. It's supposed to be a book about parasites, right? Well, let me recount the first chapter to you.

First two or so pages: college comes in, asks the author to look at her husband who got sick after traveling abroad. Author agrees, goes to her office and looks through a few medical texts to find most likely candidates. Selects most likely one, begins treatment.

Next 10 pages: Recounting completely unrelated and boring childhood memories of summer camp

Last two pages: Continues treatment, sends cultures to get them checked. Does a minor surgery to remove a cyst, cultures come back positive, patient eventually cured after treatment.

And every chapter is like that. It's the most mundane fucking garbage cases interspersed with mindnumbing biographical tripe. It's the textual equivalent of that old trope of women always having to put themselves in photos.

>> No.7929509

False equivalence senpai
We don't treat women like that because of their gender but because of the way society treats them because of their gender, a crucial difference.
It's like you ignored the entire post you responded to
Women are not "normal" people they are women
The concept of an interchangeable personhood between men and women is wrong.

>> No.7929529

As if a cross would have any meaning to a kike.

>> No.7929534


>> No.7929549

>men and women have different brains and body chemistry but this doesn't translate to any differences in writing.

This is you.

>> No.7929770


>narrow the scope
>by not allowing our analysis to be restricted by the author's stated or discernable views

>> No.7929783


But the variance of individuals within the class of 'man' or 'woman' is broad, and there are very few outlying individuals who lie outside the scope of what the other class could also encompass. We're not just talking about a venn diagram with a lot of overlap here, we're talking about one big circle with some vague trends inside it.

Find a better argument to justify your social conservatism, biological determinism is really passe.

>> No.7929813

>Faulkner is in the same league as Woolf.
How embarassing

>> No.7929945

This is 100% right. I can confuse man's writing for women's but never the other way.

>> No.7929955

It's penis inspection day

>> No.7929959

>women are losing their feminine touch and becoming masculine
They really aren't though.

>> No.7930422

it broadens the scope you nimwit

>> No.7930435

>you will never see based hunchback Christian roast this stupid leftie

>> No.7930507

On the internet i can tell if its a female poster or not, they all have this certain way of typing that makes it really obvious

>> No.7930538


How'd I do?

>> No.7930541 [DELETED] 

damnit, I got 100 and 00 mixed up somehow; switch those. >>7929100 man

>> No.7930543


I'm considering reading the comments in this thread. What order should I read them in, breadren?

>> No.7930546

Forgot to answer this one: an androgyne, tending a bit more towards the masculine. Actually reads like a translation, probably from Japanese (considering the place names), making it harder to determine as a result.

So how'd I do?

>> No.7930554

>claims to be bisexual
>hates de Balzac

>> No.7930559

who the fuck is de balzac? u mean balzac? that fat ron jeremy lookin mf who claimed to drink 50 cups of coffee a day? that balzac? his shit is dank as fuck

>> No.7930565

>"Who's Thomas Pynchon?" The light was ebbing and David Foster Wallace could not distinguish the bum's face. The bum had said it simply, without expression. But from the sunset far at the end of the street, yellow glints caught his eyes, and the eyes looked straight at David Foster Wallace, mocking and still-- as if the question had been addressed to the causeless uneasiness within him.

>> No.7930571


pick 1 and only 1

>> No.7930573

anywhere you want

though it helps to be familiar with Dryden and the Latin poets first—Horace at the least

>> No.7930578

>Since women are losing their feminine touch and becoming masculine I assume it doesn't hold anymore
Literary/social trends like this take a long time to see, but I would stand to figure.

>> No.7930579

pain, unlike love, is finite

>> No.7930598

concepts of femininity and masculinity are subject to change

>> No.7930603

i want attractive girls to sit on my face

why do i live in a world where attractive girls exist when they aren't sitting on my face

that's literally like some coleridge thing about bees living in a universe full of perfect honey that is locked behind an impenetrable glass barrier

i hate this bitch and i hope her body withers like a mummy in her thirties just so no one else will be enjoying her ass on his face like i'm not

>> No.7930608
File: 326 KB, 3000x2000, 1320768558959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"why do i live in a world where attractive girls exist when they aren't sitting on my face?"

deep question.

>> No.7930609

why don't u like get a job or something, chicks dig dudes with jobs

>> No.7930635

there was no need to specify, tard. so there isn't tons of amateur latino and black girls with titties on the internet? way more likely to be fucking democrat, too, queer.

>> No.7930645


As a gnostic, I wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.7930670

i hope this woman starves to death in a widespread and entirely preventable famine

>> No.7930680

>i hope this woman

>> No.7930693

>what is the name Charlotte

>> No.7930711


>> No.7930717

are you willfully retarded? or were you born that way?

>> No.7930747


check your privilege

>> No.7930779

If by least misogynistic you mean most misandrist then yes.

>> No.7930817

The funny thing about female writers today is that some of them still use male pseudonyms (J.K. Rowling gowing under Galbrath comes readily to mind) and make a statement about how no one will read them if they knew they were females. 1) Everyone knows Galbrath and JK are women. 2) No one fucking cares any ways. It just makes girls go out and buy their books all the more because they think the patriarchy is a thing.

>> No.7930827

I thing Ruth Ozeki's "A Tale for the Time Being" is one of the best books to come out in a long time.

>> No.7930845

>(like Woolf)
My sides hurt

>> No.7930855

Woolf isn't in a league senpai
Platitude mongers aren't artists, even when they have vaginas

>> No.7930865

You probably think that the corncob insult originated from nabokov lel

>> No.7930893

I picked up the hardcover for a dollar a couple days ago. I hadn't planned on reading it for a while, but, it's short and you have convinced me to give a go. Hello, kitty.

>> No.7930919

Her pussy looks like a hallway.
>inb4 vagina can't change size from use meme

>> No.7930938

>extensive description of how dark and broody the main character looks and is in the first few pages
>guy rapes a woman but she likes it because he's so alpha

>> No.7930948

Rand objectifies and sexualizes Dominique too though. Probably even more than Roark.

>> No.7931012

Ok, another thing the fountainhead has in common with modern edgy romance novels. Thanks for agreeing with me

>> No.7931034

Naw man I disagree 100%. Modern edgy romance novels sexualize their characters in order to make their sex scenes hotter. Rand sexualized Roark and Dominique in order to make a philosophical point about Alpha-ness and controlling other people.

>> No.7931037

Protip: grills like to be objectified on the condition that the person doing the objectifying is sufficiently alpha. It's in their psychology.

>> No.7931060

Why? Even if you don't like women don't you at least think that their perspective e could be somewhat interesting because it's different than yours

>> No.7931072


>> No.7931446

>wear and used communism products + services

Bad goy

>> No.7931571

Didn't sound like they were complaining about the country. Barely sounded like they were all that mad about what they were describe either. Just sounding off on the reality of the scene right now.

>> No.7931586

puffy vulva hote as fug tho

>> No.7931590

>lol why aren't you innawoods already LOL
I don't think you understand communism.

>> No.7931612

2/6 got the first and last right, actually below average by guessing

>> No.7931618

Or 3/7 including your additional answer.

>> No.7931652

it's not true. also women make the best non-fiction writers

>> No.7931726

t. woman

>> No.7931730

i'm actually genderfluid so check your privilege

>> No.7931753

Have you honestly ever experienced genuine suffering?

>> No.7931766

What is this "t. something" meme all about?

>> No.7931767

t. is short for terveiset, regard in finnish

t. meme-knower

>> No.7931783
File: 236 KB, 584x786, placebets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's put it to the test. Four writers. Two men and two women.

Place bets now.

Bonus points if you can guess the writer.

>> No.7931795


I don't think it's that people don't want to read women. It's that the person who tells the story is a character in the narrative -- ultimately they are the ones telling the story.

If Blood Meridian had been written by Sally Featherbottom it would have been a lot harder to take seriously.

>> No.7931800


A - Female
B - Male
C - Female
D - Male

>> No.7931844

A - male
B - probably male ... also definitely a shit writer
C - female 100%
D - female but sounds pretty masculine

>> No.7931859

Flannery O'Connor, isn't it?

>> No.7931862


>> No.7931981

who is hunchback christian?

>> No.7932000
File: 710 KB, 1024x768, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


French version. There is at least one female author.

>> No.7932066

what an interesting essentialism, and lack of responsibility.

>> No.7932114

B and D are female; A and C are male?

>> No.7932163


James Salter - Light Years
Helen McDonald - H is for Hawk
Flannery O'Connor - Good Country People
Nelson Algren - The Man with the Golden Arm

None of you came close but >>7931859 wins because he guessed it right. Which is relatively impressive as it's not a famous part and it's not from the beginning.

Your prize will be coming to you in the post.

>> No.7932164

i got 2/4 right

>> No.7932165

who the fuck doesnt know who hunchback christian is? seriously

>> No.7932178


>> No.7932190


>> No.7932191

>they're all sad permavirgins

then again this holds true for hideous fuckless feminists so you're probably right

>> No.7932196

women and men perceive reality differently

>> No.7932219

If they were any good they wouldn't be on this "read women or you're a sexist bigot" marketing campaign. Plus they boycott fucking white males all the time. No point in not responding to economic warfare by turning the other cheek. Strike back and crush the enemy.

>> No.7932232


everyone perceives reality differently. how do women perceive reality differently in any fundamental way?

>> No.7932265


They're shorter and have worse night vision. They also see colors more vividly and have better peripheral vision.

There is evidence about the ways men and women process information. Women do typically do better on language parts of IQ tests. Women seem to navigate around differently as well -- working with landmarks rather than plotting things out.

Might be I've read a bunch of bullshit, but it could be the case men and women fundamentally perceive the world differently. In a big enough of a generalization to say they do at least.

I think there is something to be said about female and male approaches to writing. You'd possibly expect women to use novels as more of a communicative act -- to be empathetic in their writing and to focus more on feeling, and well, there is some evidence of that.

When you think of famous man books you think of Moby Dick, 1984, The Brothers Karamazov. Really fucking big novels about big themes and society.

When you think of women you think Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Mrs. Dalloway. Smaller more personal novels that always seem a bit more autobiographical -- they're nearly always about a young woman.

Even today if you go and look at what comes out and what wins awards: women often seem to write more grounded, more personal, and more overtly auto-biographical stuff.

Perhaps women, in general terms, navigate the world by trying to be friends with everything and they see a novel as a way to talk about themselves. Men see it as a way to dominate and talk about how big their dicks are.

>> No.7932322

I'm the anon you replied to, and I've actually written a paper on how and why men and women perceive gender differently. It's in korean though.

The gist is, the difference arose naturally out of necessity

>> No.7932332


>> No.7932335

Republican women are far sluttier and ugly than Democratic women. Have you ever been to the Southeast?

>> No.7932340

have you been to a college in the anglosphere?

>> No.7932343


>> No.7932368
File: 512 KB, 599x597, natalynlind_14yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta be honest, I don't write nor read many novels. But for some reason I think meaningful and therefore good work, and especially literary such work, is a result of struggle. And if I have any "sexist" believe, then it is that I don't consider young women's struggles interesting - if they are struggles at all! And I can't relate to old women, just I probably can't really relate to old men.

I don't think they struggled so they could end up wiser. My resulting "I don't really care for 300 pages of a woman's opinion" opinion shouldn't bother people.

>> No.7932373
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PS I'm German, don't comment on my language

>> No.7932377

I dont think it works OP, I once read john green I could have fucking swore he was an edgy full of herself pseudointellectual teen girl.

>> No.7932404
File: 41 KB, 300x445, the-color-purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no one is asking you to read twilight you twat.
read something by plath.

>> No.7932405


/lit/ should do this more often. Not necessarily "male or female" but we could do other versions. /mu/ does it with jazz it's and it's always cool shit.

>> No.7932417


disgusting feet, face and vagina.

>> No.7932424

I find Sylvia Plath's stuff to be unbearable in all honesty, but I'm not the anon you're replying to.

I feel like, after reading a piece, I can always tell it was written by Plath - it has some air of exaggerated suffering that really annoys me.

>> No.7932429

I should add: I'm talking about her prose, but only because I'm not too familiar with her poetry.

>> No.7932474


every other dude has one. nothing special about it.

>> No.7932548


you mean women think "i want to fuck that guy" instead of "i want to fuck that girl"? that's quite an obvious statement. of course they view relationships, sex and gender differently.

does not make them less capable when it comes to literature.

>> No.7932553

>does not make them less capable when it comes to literature.
Women being inherently less ambitious and not needing literary prowess/success to attract a suitable mate makes them less capable when it comes to literature.

>> No.7932558

>inherently less ambitious
[citation needed]
>not needing literary prowess/success to attract a suitable mate
you think men need literary prowess to attract mates? yeah man all the great authors were swimming in pussy.

>> No.7932564

is that why /lit/ reads? to convince themselves they have ambition and to attract mates?

>> No.7932567

do you pick up women at a bar by quoting dostoevsky?

>> No.7932582


Yeah... we know it's "literary prowess" that gets all the bitches.

>> No.7932584

>you think men need literary prowess to attract mates
Not necessarily and but so it doesn't harm w/r/t audience pussy. A primary motivation for men in striving for excellence is access to the top tier of women. Unless you're Chad, you have to work for it. Women don't have to work for it.
>[citation needed]
It's so self-evident that I'm not going to waste my time

>> No.7932692


If you are jobless the chances of an attractive woman sitting on your fate are extremely low. If you have one there's at least a semi-decent chance of it happening. Even if you're only making like $9 an hour.

NEETdom is overrated anyway. Take it from someone who was one throughout like 95% of their 20's. Receiving a paycheck is a nice self-esteem boost, having money to do things with is great, and having limited time to do things you enjoy makes you manage it a lot more wisely.

The trick is finding one that doesn't make you feel like a drone and you don't have to deal with shitty people all day. It also should be fulfilling or so effortless you can spend a lot of time reading a book or playing on your phone.

>> No.7932709


I remember when I was young and arrogant enough to think I understood how the world and dating scene works even though I never really participated in it.

Ah memories.

>> No.7932711

sure. most women don't need to work for dick. but that isn't the only struggle that human beings face. do you think that the struggle that most men write about is purely concentrated on lack of pussy? this is not the only domain for struggle my friend.

a good work like "hunger"-knut hamsun could just as well be written by a woman.

having it easier when it comes to sex does not mean having it easier when it comes to life.

>> No.7932728


makes sense. and even though i was a NEET proponent for a while, I agree with:
>The trick is finding one that doesn't make you feel like a drone and you don't have to deal with shitty people all day.
If one has a job that one actually enjoys working on then there's nothing better.

>> No.7932778

>a good work like "hunger"-knut hamsun could just as well be written by a woman.
Then why wasn't it

>> No.7932800

what the heck? I wrote "reality" but it came out as gender

>> No.7932806

to elaborate, the premise of my paper was that women by nature of evolutionary course, came to perceive reality differently to men which ultimately leads to fundamentally different ways of interpreting and expressing information

>> No.7932820


Any job that requires you to regularly interact with people is going have you dealing with shitty ones, but as long as it's not a constant stream of shiitty people(IE customer service shit) it's fine.

If kids are involved, be very picky. Having a job centered around entertaining or watching kids can be pretty heartwarming and entertaining with some of the shit they do but at the same time you'll see some pretty shitty parenting going on and run into kids you just know are going to grow up to be complete assholes and general failures at life.

>> No.7932839


perception is evolutionary? "perceive reality differently" for example?

I can't imagine a radical difference in perception of "reality" desu. apart from "nice forearms, looks like a good provider of food and shelter".

link to the paper? even if its in korean it would do. I'll use google translate or something.

>> No.7932853
File: 998 KB, 300x289, 1459187983996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after falling asleep citrus filled dreams of her tropical childhood filled her head

>> No.7933049

I'm sure there is a lot of truth to that last statement which is also why I dislike a lot of male writers who do this sort of thing because it is also very self indulgent, just in a different way. People talk shit about women only writing about women and themselves but it's not like men don't heavily only write about men and use their novels to spread their worldview. There are subtle difference but I enjoy novels for seeing the world through different eyes or seeing different worlds. I don't necessarily enjoy someone telling me how the world should be run by clever symbolism.

>> No.7933078


what the fuck. how are his feet moving in fast forward?

>> No.7933101

Read the Flan-chan recently and it was a memorable story and character.

>> No.7933172

>any girl you ever date
This statement is true no matter what follows.


>> No.7933468

who is hunchback christian?

>> No.7933513

boxer footwworrrk

>> No.7933526

i know it immediately when i am reading a woman's book. (90% of the time) and i fucking hate woman's books. woman can't write, i don't know why.

>> No.7933569

>sitting on your fate

>> No.7933593

>the only reason to write is pussy
Go, and do not return. You don't deserve art.

>> No.7933600

You should really know when you're reading a woman's book when your reading it. It's right there on the title.

>> No.7933647

Virginia Woolf is fantastic though.

She's needs to be forcibly liberated by a white male supremacist capitalist shitlord

>> No.7933661

Cool, thanks!

>> No.7933663

>virginia woolf

pick one and only one

>> No.7933804

>tfw no pencil case gf

>> No.7933840

>having it easier when it comes to sex does not mean having it easier when it comes to life.

Sex is life to the robots. They're closeted man sluts.

>> No.7933856

I pick my girl Virginia any day. :^)

>> No.7934085

she's completely average then

>> No.7934129

Charlie is a girls' name too ya know

>> No.7934939

men have target/subject oriented INDEPENDENT paradigms

women have self centred/oriented RELATIONAL paradigms

meaning, to a man, the world is a large place independent/separate from himself

so imagine a bonfire. the bonfire is "the world" and men are the people perceiving the bonfire.

for women it's different. women perceive the world in relation to herself (as the centre of it).
Not to say this is a bad thing or that women are bad, but this is just the way they are. Selfish (used without negative connotations)

>> No.7934972


a general example. many couples have experienced a situation like this.

girl : do you want some coffee?
boy : nah I'm good.
girl : (upset/sulking = sullen silence)
boy : ????
boy : [what did I do wrong?]

the girl is upset because the boy wasn't 'sensitive' but the boy can't even begin to understand why the girl would be upset.

when the girl asks the boy if he wants coffee, this is self centred paradigm at work. in a self centred paradigm, your own desire or want is already assumed, it is presupposed. in a self centred paradigm, because your want is presupposed, it is skipped or not expressed directly. the girl expects you to already know what she wants because, well, she can't imagine why he wouldn't. to her, her desires are always a given, a constant.

>Do you want some coffee = {I [already] want coffee} + how about you = wanting agreement

but the boy...
because the boy is a subject oriented being, he perceives the other(girl) as a person merely asking for his opinion on whether he wants coffee. because that's how HE would communicate with other people.
Because he is not "self centred", he can purely ask questions detached from the self.
This is why the boy cannot understand why the girl is upset. it doesn't even occur to him that she wants coffee. Because if HE wanted coffee, he'd just tell the other person "I want coffee. Do you want coffee?"

Same thing when buying clothes with a girl. This got me into a lot of petty fights because for the longest time I did not realise she didn't really want my opinion at all, she wanted me to agree with her choice
>is this skirt cute? = {I like this skirt} + I want you to validate this opinion

This is why girls want 'sensitive guys' who can just read their minds so to speak.

>> No.7935020

I've read no books by women my entire life unless my education forced me. The closest thing I've come to is Capote.

Judge me.

>> No.7935022


got any more sociology plagiarized from the Lad Bible

>> No.7935028
File: 21 KB, 307x164, filthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o yeah?
I can tell a youtuber wrote a book from a paragraph based on if I form a tumorous lump immediately afterwards and get diagnosed with stage 4 cancer

>> No.7935038

>It's so self-evident that I'm not going to waste my time
wew lad

>> No.7935043

Autistic Female

>> No.7935045

A gurl wrote this.

>> No.7935046

you literally got every one wrong

>> No.7935051

lol bc im a gurl

>> No.7935185

My translation is bad if only i could tell you directly

>> No.7935187

What exactly was LAD bible tier about it?

>> No.7935218

>lol you actually enjoyed a woman's writing? a WOMAN's? what the fuck is wrong with you? women are degenerate lowlifes who are incapable of creative or intelligent thought amirite?
thats true though

>> No.7935318

A and D are female (Sarraute and Duras), B and C are male (Queneau and Schwob).

>> No.7935327

>Virginia Woolf
>Not the female Joyce

>> No.7935341


>>Not the female Joyce

I love Woolf but let's not go crazy here.

>> No.7935351

i think he means in terms of stream of consciousness style, not necessarily talent

>> No.7937693

>tfw no no cross-dressing gf to have sodomy with

Only by virtue of being most no fun allowed.

>> No.7937746

Hadrian was a stereotypical sad homoman though, his character would fit right in an /lgbt/ general

>> No.7937775


Shit taste

>> No.7937782

This is false.
Whores wear a cross because they fetishize it in some way.

>> No.7937858

Thank you!

>> No.7937887

lol woolf. unmeme yourself sir!

>> No.7938465

I mean at least you're being polite, but this just screams of "I just came from /r9k".

Most people who're excelling at something don't do it to get laid, it's why guys who start going things for that reason drop it once they're even slightly passable, the guys that can play a four chord song on guitar, or whatever really.

And "Chad" works just as hard as anyone else anon, don't kid yourself. Maybe not if you're in high school, people can rely on genetics at that point, but 20+, people look like crap unless they take care of themselves, no matter what /r9k/ tells you.

You also can't just make a claim and go "Well it's obvious" when someone asks you to prove it. If it's obvious, cite a source, it should be easy for you.

>> No.7939357

Fuck this book in particular, just finished it, it was shit to me. A woman's book written for women.

>> No.7939366

Couldn't really tell you, I haven't read any female author in my 20 years of reading life.

>> No.7939380

Fuck you and Silvya Plath.

>> No.7939387

all this proved was even if women have a distinct/"inferior" style, its obvious that /lit/ at least cant tell the fucking difference

>> No.7939935
File: 1.37 MB, 350x263, get the fuck out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont write nor read many novels
stopped reading

>> No.7940254

My guess


>> No.7940260

Ah, I was right. Didn't look at this before, honestly.