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7926890 No.7926890 [Reply] [Original]

Just sent three short stories to shitty contests. Could make 1000€ with each. Wish me luck /lit/izens.

>> No.7926903

good luck, also good thread

>> No.7926910

Thx pal

>> No.7926994

Good luck, lad.

>> No.7927135

Thx lad, y-you too

>> No.7927455

Best of luck.

What contests did you enter?

>> No.7927541

Some shitty ones from my country (Spain). One of them is arranged by a major house, another one is organized by a literary magazine and the last one by a weird cultural association. I checked some of the past winners and I felt like my writings were actually better (one of the winner stories was just about some broke girl who chats with his brother via Facebook and asks him for advices about entering into the Deep Web, and in the end we learn that she's trying to sell her liver. I saw that as creepypasta tier, but guess that the old guys from the jury just got astonished with the Internet thang), but I don't honestly trust in winning. It was free, and if I can test myself and there's the chance of getting some money, why not try?

>> No.7927580


better in what way? you can have a flashy vocabulary, but it means shit if you lack in the story department

>> No.7927585

I went through a period of deliberately sending trollish stories to short story comps and didn't win anything, though I was commended in a couple of them. What does this say about me /lit/?

>> No.7927594

Good luck mate, I think this is the dream for a lot of us.

>> No.7927688


please lose

>> No.7927748

why ?

>> No.7927760
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>tfw writing my first short story for a contest
how do I not suck, /lit/?

>> No.7927789

That with some real effort, you could have made a buck/a name for yourself, but you decided to be "ironic" instead.

>> No.7928764

Nah, better also when it comes to stories and "themes". Some of the winner stories tried to be "tricky", shocking or witty, but they really weren't: the situations they raised semt pretty basic and already used in plenty of stories. Not like they lack depth due it's own nature or that they're just treating cotidian matters, but you can see that he was trying to shock you with the Deep Web and the liver thing.
My only fear is about storytelling skills tho. I've been writing for not so long, and sometimes it still flows awkward.
Hope I make it tho.

>> No.7928785

Just bee urself mate

>> No.7928830

>Could make 1000€ with each
you could make a fool of yourself, why focus on the positives?

>> No.7928888

I can't lose shit. If my writings are not good, that's OK; it's another way of testing myself.

>> No.7928913

cotidian matters<

>> No.7928919

Sick quads.

>> No.7929055

Buena shuerte, shaval.

>> No.7929103

I never said lose, just make a fool

>> No.7929105

good luck anon

>> No.7929107

>implying your Spanish is anywhere near his English

>> No.7929114

>implying anyone gives a shit about bad short story competition entries

>> No.7929264


In spain they actually read short stories or is just a method to scout new authors for books?

>> No.7929282

Si no tienes padrinos... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.7929286

It's not a popular format, the average spanish reader only fucks with novels. But from I could see, some "big" spanish writers started publishing books of short stories.
¿Has tenido alguna experiencia con estos concursos?
Gracias, shaval
Thx m8

>> No.7929288

So isn't it pretty obvious then that those contests are won not with good stories but with gimmicky mediocre stories? Why not try something like that yourself if you really just want to win?

>> No.7929303

Maybe it's just that the average is that low in those contests.
The Deep Web story semt pretty shitty to me, but I guess it won because the guys from the jury never heard about the Deep Web before. Literally half of the story was actual information about Onion and all of that, didn't differ from anything you could read in an article from Vice or a shitty blog called "So what is the Deep Web?". But guess that the jury saw it as a coherent and thorough scenario/inner universe or whatever.

>> No.7929394


Well good luck to you sir. Take in mind that a short novel is a completely different beast from a novel, so you better start studing the matter.