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/lit/ - Literature

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792675 No.792675 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give a clear explanation of what Existentialism is?

>> No.792680


>> No.792683



>> No.792687

and there you have it OP.

>> No.792704

It's like those guys who wear fish suits in Jet Grind Radio combined with a bearded man in his late 50s

>> No.792705


>> No.792711

Surrealism for literature.

>> No.792713

/lit/ - homework

>> No.792721

Existentialism is like that thing that people who are 16 say they are after they reject God and need something clever to say when people ask them what they believe.

>> No.792726 [DELETED] 

IMMediATelY reMOVE Your ilLegAl cLOne OF AT fRom yOUr SeRVeR, MoO-cOW, ANd reDIReCt IT (and THE sTolEn doMaIN) To wWW.anONTAlk.Se. ALso puT A text ad oN 4CHan To at fOr 12 monTHS tO coMpEnsaTE fOr tHe LoST traFfiC THAt YOu aND youR usErs HAve cAuSED witH YOUr ILLEGAl PrActices. THis Is YoUR cHance TO SET THings right. TakE it. iF THe peRsOn rEAding thIS Is NOT "MOot", e-mail him AT Moot@4CHAn.ORG AnD PUT sOmE PReSsuRE ON hIM IF yoU hate THese messAgES. THaNK YoU foR listENInG. vkfnasjghqqk av s xnnhwltkus

>> No.792731

Pretty spot on description.

If you want to know more about existentialism read The Stranger

>> No.792734


>/lit/ = homework
Fixed that for you.

>> No.792759


>> No.792788
File: 34 KB, 600x480, jesus face palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the stranger

>> No.792790


wow, your fucktarded. Dont you know the founder of existentialism was a theist?

>> No.792789


Very untrue; Camus did not consider his writings, nor his ideas existentialist. Existentialism, first off, was a primarily philosophical 'movement,' based on the ideas of existence preceding essence, the fallibility of reason, life having no innate meaning, individual identity being dependent on the 'other,' et cetera. Camus was a fiction author, journalist and essayist.

For a more thorough understanding of existentialism, read Sartre. But I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.792793

existentialism, at the core, is the belief that one must create ones own meaning for his life for oneself.

>> No.792808

Can we has a discussion on Solipsism nao?

>> No.792904
File: 16 KB, 400x385, IT'S SARTRE MOTHERFUCKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here goes.

Your consciousness does not have any physical existence. Sure there's a brain and body attached, but we're talking about your conscious experience here. This experience, since it doesn't have a physical form, doesn't have the same sort of causality that physical objects have. There's no way around gravity, drop a book off your desk and it's going to fall. Now get a person to try to quit smoking, and there's no necessity that they quit or not. It's up to them. There's nothing essential to a human being that they make one decision or another. Certainly there are parts of the physical world that sway you one way or another (smoking is physicaly addictive, after all), but unlike a rock, you're making your own decisions. If you've heard the phrase "existence precedes essence", this is what that means. There is nothing in your very essence that says you will quit smoking, or will become a doctor.

>> No.792908
File: 102 KB, 390x597, look at them eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes much further than that though. Lots of existentialist writing is based off the relations between people. Sure your consciousness is mostly free, but anybody who's been around other people for more than two seconds realizes how much other people affect the way we think and determining our selves for us (for example, women are naturally dumb and weak - so they had better not work and should keep in the home). From here it's not too hard to see the relationship between feminist movements and existentialism (anti-colonialism too). Others write about how to deal witht he realization that we are basically perfectly free to act however we want and how intensely freaky that can be. Imagine you're standing on a cliff - there's no more necessity to your walking away or enjoying the scenic view than there is to your jumping head-first off the cliff. You're the only thing stopping yourself. That's a little crazy.

That's the abridged, undergraduate philosophy version, heavily influenced by Sartre's Being and Nothingness. Of course, almost any existentialist thinker was writing in response or expanding on Sartre, so hopefully not a bad place to start.

>> No.792910

No, solipsism is shit-tier philosophy for 12-year-olds.

>> No.792932

You do realize this is in no way a criticism or satire of existentialism, and merely a commentary upon adolescence, right? I hope we both understand that every time you say stuff like this (and you and I know you do it quite a lot, and we both know it's always you) it's quite clear you're trolling and you don't understand the philosophy itself. If you did, you might be able to make some sort of statement about it that actually tackles the subject itself. Instead you make jokes that aren't funny and on top of that have no relevant impact upon the subject.

>> No.792947

+1 Intelligent and Funny

>> No.792948

Well I mean

He is right about the social function of existentialism, I guess. Just not about its philosophical coherence or validity.

>> No.792971

Teenagers espouse views they don't understand due to emotional appeals. Yep. That's true. Thanks for confirming my point that that guy is only qualified to make statements about teenagers.

>> No.792975

Modern existentialism is kind of ingrained in society by now. You'd probably still have a extremely powerful branch of christian scientists if the revolution existential writers and thinkers kind of defused religious tradition and influenced science towards pure reason and progress.
You hear things like "well thats just what I think' and self-deferring policies all the time now, and its no wonder its a part of adolescents as well because they cling onto anything to rebel against the values they were taught. While most of us are just past that phase and realize how stupid we were and still are, that doesn't mean that its still not a valid form of growth.

>> No.793060

I'm really not sure what you're trying to say here. Yes, existentialism is, to an extent, ingrained upon society now. My main lack of understanding comes from two sentences:
>You'd probably still have a extremely powerful branch of christian scientists if the revolution existential writers and thinkers kind of defused religious tradition and influenced science towards pure reason and progress.
I don't understand what you mean. This sentence just doesn't really make sense to me. Also this idea that existentialism is a purely atheistic philosophy is entirely a social misconception. Existentialism can be addressed from either perspective, one of belief or disbelief. The perspectives, obviously, alter the conclusions drawn from it.
>You hear things like "well thats just what I think' and self-deferring policies all the time now, and its no wonder its a part of adolescents as well because they cling onto anything to rebel against the values they were taught.
Existentialism does not condone people to simply say "Well that's what I think" and move on. If you have drawn this conclusion from it, you have done so erroneously. Existentialism is a philosophy centered around the fact that others exist and influence your consciousness. It is not, and never has been, one that in any way condones a sense of nihilism, be that nihilism metaphysical, intellectual, or emotional. To exist with this sort of self-reference is solipsism, which existentialism also attempted to counter by the fact that what also exists is clearly "the other," those things and people outside of your consciousness.
I don't really understand what you meant by it, though. Again, teenagers espouse views they don't understand (and many times don't look heavily into) based upon emotional appeal. Ok. So what?

>> No.793088

pussified absurdism, which is pussified nihilism, which is pure evil.

>> No.793124

8/10 I almost replied.

>> No.793134

Hi. I'm >>792721. It seems as if I have started quite a fuss in this thread.
To answer your question, yes, I am fully aware that my comment says little about existentialism, and much about adolescence. You are right, my comment was indeed intended as a joke, and I'm glad you noticed I was trolling. Thank you for typing all that shit out and giving me the attention I hoped for. You really showed me, you did!

In contrast to my self, you seem to be wanted to be taken seriously, so I will take you seriously. Let us examine the function of logic in your post. Your argument is as follows:
1. Sometimes people don't understand existentialism, so they troll threads on /lit/ about existentialism.
2. I troll threads on lit about existentialism.
3. Therefore, I don't understand existentialism.

This is the same as:
1. If p then q.
2. q
3. Therefore, p.

Inb4 butthurt, I'll admit I don't understand existentialism, but you certainly aren't going to prove it when you make such basic mistakes.

>> No.793148

I used faulty logic, but was still right, and you admitted it. Which is where analytics will always fuck up. Have a nice day, I'm going to go back to reading philosophies that actually stand for something.

>> No.793151

jet grind radio is such a fun game

>> No.793158

philosophy major here

you can't put it into words.
now, if you wanna know about analytic philosophy, we can help you there

>> No.793163

It's getting kinda late, you should probably skip the reading and go to sleep so you will be well rested for another day of grade 11.

>> No.793165

I take pride in my trolling, anon. lit's one of the hardest boards to troll, and therefore the best training ground

>> No.793170
File: 44 KB, 446x400, girls laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks /lit/ is one of the hardest boards to troll

>> No.793173

how is your logic faulty?

>> No.793175

>Implying /lit/ is /ck/

>> No.793176
File: 4 KB, 210x168, Coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took the bait

>> No.793181

Sagin' a sage thread.

>> No.793180

try /b/ just for fun. I hear it's super easy.

>> No.793182

>implying there was bait

>> No.793187
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>> No.793193
File: 624 KB, 713x1640, lol i troll u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.793589

the lulz are on mr.

i have been trolled considering i followed this thread.

i need to put the booze away and get back to reading instead of playing vidya.

seriously... FF IV is more fun than the faggots trying to troll /lit/

Methinks i'll try trolling via solipsism later; I have doubts, but its always worth a shot in the dark.

I think you shall see me again.

>> No.793757

Hey /lit/..srs question here, what do you guys think about birth? People dwell so much on death and resent/fear death so often..but isn't birth the initial..affliction?

>> No.793777

/lit/ - Existentialism

>> No.793790


I LIKe TuRTLAS bettAr. cwtpi iwbc lm d i aa vh yb i tsl gjv

>> No.795904


>> No.795949

Yeah, Kierkegaard was a religious fanatic but he outright stated it was irrational. Try reading it before talking.

>> No.795952


>> No.796002

I think thats how its been taken in popular meaning.
People don't think they are the center anymore, and I don't think existentialism is atheistic just that its taken that way because of Satre.

>> No.796004


> Implying his whole philosophy wasn't based around the fact that reason is fallible and that Christianity needed reform.