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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 818 KB, 5000x2257, IGNORE ALL PLEBEIANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7926164 No.7926164[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ignore every person on this list and related to these people.

Soon to be updated:)!

>> No.7926170

post ignored

>> No.7926173

most of them are lizard people anyway

>> No.7926175
File: 325 KB, 724x696, SimCity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Zizek isn't on that list

>> No.7926176

Peter Hitchens doesn't belong in there, you shit.

>> No.7926181

Soon to be updated:)!

>> No.7926193

You seem offended. He's a public intellectual, journalist and rhetorician, so he's highly qualified to be on that list.

>> No.7926205

What literature informed you to take this stance OP?

>> No.7926206
File: 52 KB, 330x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is interesting. Public intellectuals are by and large full of shit and self importance.

>> No.7926226

How is Sam Hyde a public intellectual? He's a comedian and one of the few genuinely funny ones.
Journalists are barely one step above whores, beggars and mercenaries.

>> No.7926234

Where does the image state Hyde is a public intellectual?

Bad reading comprehension, tut tut!

>> No.7926246

>thread about ignoring all stupid public intellectuals
>Sam Hyde, a good, if a bit rough-edged comedian is on the list

>> No.7926260
File: 22 KB, 250x341, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you assume my intention of putting a subject is in any way related to the picture?

>> No.7926266

where is Michio Cucku?

>> No.7926267

Fuck Gavin McInnes

>> No.7926272

Thank you, to be added in the next version!

>> No.7926336

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.7926357

oh god the infowars british guy is so annoying


>> No.7926373

le handsome guy who coasts through life on his looks makes shitty 4 minute video based on a news article he read and makes thousands of dollars with his annoying non-charming voice

One of his conspiracy videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut6tsUuajlo

>> No.7926377

its baffling that someone would make this list...

I mean boogie is the voice of a generation, always taking the middle ground and objectively viewing both sides of any argument. You couldn't do that, jeez no one could do that. But somehow, boogie found a way

But seriously who writes this list and goes 'Chomsky, Hitches, who next... the needle drops, that guy who pretends to be conservative, the fat coughing jew, alpha brain...'

>> No.7926382

Hyde is a comedian, but a good deal of his fan base treats him like he's something more.

He's a John Oliver for a different crowd of faggots imo.

>> No.7926383


>> No.7926384

someone didn't get invited to a nye party

>> No.7926385

What's the matter, plebeian?

Too insecure and aesthetically bankrupt to admit a male is attractive?

>> No.7926387

wtf is this image

>> No.7926398

>He's a comedian and one of the few genuinely funny ones
LMAO you're the real comedian m8

>> No.7926400
File: 120 KB, 1181x1209, derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot this guy

>> No.7926401

Does Curtis Yarvin qualify as public?

>> No.7926403

no, I'm just not a fag, fag.

>> No.7926412

Leave Boogie alone, he is one of the derpiest, sweetest people alive. Having opinions in general shouldn't get someone into this list.

>> No.7926413

Apologies but Derrida does not count.

>> No.7926416

why does he hide behind his collar

>> No.7926421

too outdated

>> No.7926422

Why not? Because he is only a pseudo-intellectual?

>> No.7926432
File: 8 KB, 249x202, 127 - 9mZT8fx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentioning noam chomsky in the same breath as Bill Mahr, random bloggers, and a guy who reviews albums on youtube

>> No.7926435

Despite your objections to Derrida, he is not of this time or has been elevated in status by laymen or internet so-called "hipsters"

Myself and my colleagues agree that some of his work is of influence and importance, for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structure,_Sign,_and_Play_in_the_Discourse_of_the_Human_Sciences

Do not be offended at this decision, we will review it for the next release:)!

>> No.7926439


he's not 'ugly' but,

and he doesn't seem like someone who coasts through life, he seems very embittered and angry and rather joyless

ps. i'm actually gay so,

>> No.7926448

One of those men reviews music and another is the leader of Russia.

>> No.7926468

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7926479

I don't answer questions from plebeians who can't formulate an argument, thank you very much!

>> No.7926501

what a cutie

>> No.7926540

Sam is like the masculine older brother that we all need. I love him.

>> No.7926543


>> No.7926556

>Myself and my colleagues
gee thanks, now i have to clean the sick out of my beard

>> No.7926569

>Fucking Filthy Frank
In what universe would you call these people intellectual, pseudo or otherwise?
The fuck have you got against whores and mercenaries?
You didn't have an argument with him to begin with.

>> No.7926572

Bad reading comprehension.

>> No.7926573

Chomsky is a retarded hack and if you like him ill have to ask you to go back to rebbit

>> No.7926576

Bad comprehension.

>> No.7926583

Pseudo-intellectual = popular person who I disagree with or popular person who agrees with me but makes me embarrassed for my beliefs.

>> No.7926617

>he is not of this time or has been elevated in status by laymen or internet so-called "hipsters
Who elevates the status of Buckley these days? His " conservatism" is way out of vogue.

>> No.7926648

I agree with you on Derrida not qualifying for this list, but, no offense, you kinda sound like a faggot.

>> No.7926655

It's all part of the game;)

>> No.7926677

underrated post

>> No.7926685

PJW is just another dumbass that 14 year olds and libertarians watch and go 'oooh 3confident5me' He hasn't got a modicum of insight, at all, his channel is just a garbage can.

>> No.7926699

What does this have to do with literature/books/reading? Why can't threads like this go away

>> No.7926728

Hitchens is dead and Chomsky hasn't been audible since 2008.

>> No.7926743

A lot of these people don't even pretend to be intellectuals

>> No.7926748

Nm I just noticed the Angry Video Game Nerd lol

>> No.7926751

You are a retarded faggo

>> No.7926757

Chomsky is notable for his work in linguistics

>> No.7926767

Tbf Derrida will probably go down in history as one of the most important French intellectuals of the late 20th century. For better or worse

>> No.7926768

>Milo and Anita in the same picture.

Dude post your fucking twitter already,

>> No.7926773

Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders should be in the pic

>> No.7926777

Actually it means popular person who people take seriously but who hasn't contributed anything new to intellectual discourse

>> No.7926778
File: 171 KB, 640x640, 1446276796310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ignore everyone on that list.

This man is the only true intellectual

>> No.7926779

I'm pretty sure a lot of these people are just supposed to be entertainment. It's not their fault if they have retarded fans.

Also, why the fuck is Vladimir Putin on here? How is he a STUPID PUBLIC INTELLECTUAL?

That guy could change all our lives in a instant if he wanted to. There is no reason anyone should ignore him.

>> No.7926787

@dril from Twitter should be on the pic

>> No.7926792
File: 95 KB, 800x1000, %22MadMax%22Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use that word as if he should care.

>> No.7926800

This. It seems like nobody on /lit/ understands this.

>> No.7926809

In fact all of Weird Twitter should be in the pic, especially political Weird Twitter

>> No.7926810

That's because we're all pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.7926815

I think you forgot Sargon

>> No.7926820

>chomsky on the list

anti intellectualism on my lit? who woulda thought.

>> No.7926821

I'm pretty sure everyone understands this. That's not why /lit/ shits on Chomsky

>> No.7926828

You should put Pewdiepie in the pic OP. I hate that fucker

>> No.7926832

You should put Internet Aristocrat/Mister Metokur in there

>> No.7926839

there are no intellectuals anymore. Information is no longer bound to institutions. Trust in big-shot academics and professional political commentators is specially undermined. They have the access to the same info as us, the only thing that sets them appart is their increasingly useless connection to institutions. constant mass media interaction shows they aren't really that different from the average amateur.

>> No.7926840

i am also a follower of mike stoklasa

>> No.7926841

notable is an understatement, hes on a very short list of the most influential philosophers of the past century. Why is he even mentioned in this thread?

If hes a pseudo intellectual then there are probably no living actual "intellectuals".

>> No.7926846

Linguists, not philosophers

>> No.7926852

are there any real life, present day intellectuals who can show me the true path to enlightenment?

>> No.7926858

Read papers published in academic journals

>> No.7926861

the people who actually read dont spend time on here, they're busy reading
the people who post on here dont read, they're busy shitposting
so dont mind my shit post

>> No.7926864

You should put icycalm in the pic, though I think only 4chan cares about him

>> No.7926868

Nah, all the good stuff has already been said. Nowadays smart people just sit back and make fun of it all.

>> No.7926870

You should add Piero Scaruffi to the pic

>> No.7926871

Ah, I forgot about Scaruffi!

>> No.7926873

I do agree with him on The Beatles tho btw

>> No.7926876

You can't really distinguish what's truly groundbreaking and what's just a pile of word-shit until a few decades have passed from the time of publishing. Today everything is just a white noise of hype and memeing.

>> No.7926877

The fact /lit/ still names James Joyce as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" writer ever only tells you how far /lit/ still is from becoming a serious board.

>> No.7926878
File: 2.65 MB, 5096x3452, IGNORE ALL PLEBEIANS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated list!

>> No.7926887

Scaruffi has such a punchable face, goddamn.

>> No.7926888

It's stupid though. "WAHH PEOPLE LIKE POP MUSIC."

It's on the same level as some guy complaining about how people like Justin Bieber and not "real music"

>> No.7926889

Academia also tends towards bullshit these days to be honest. Also it's often bound up in its own ideologies and power structures. Mass/Social media tends to expose academics as no different from the masses, maybe even worse as they make a living out of their opinions, which is a real source of bias

>> No.7926894

You forgot to add Bernie Sanders

>> No.7926897


Why is he still there?

>> No.7926899

This whole thread is bait

>> No.7926901

Half of these are just cancer, not pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.7926904

You should add the pope and the dalai lama to the pic

>> No.7926911

You should include David Foster Wallace in your pic

>> No.7926912

Dr. andre nozick should be on there as well as lebron james

>> No.7926918

Who would seriously listen to those people? By the way, your forgot about le noir homme de la science.

>> No.7926920

>tfw only recognise Putin and the guy from Zoolander
>tfw only book by Putin I know of is about judo and comes with pictures
>tfw reassured OP and I will never cross paths and if we do I could kill him in one move
thanks Putin :3

>> No.7926922

Where is Chris Ott?

>> No.7926923

Nick Land, Mencius Moldbug, @dril, David Graeber, that guy from The Last Psychiatrist, Cornell West, Paul Krugman, Alexander Dugin

>> No.7926924

Apologies, but I cannot add Bernie Sanders due to the fact he isn't so much a "rhetorician"

I believe you may be correct. Putin will be removed in the upcoming edit.

I assure you no bait is intended, these people are chosen carefully based on certain traits.

Perhaps, I will evaluate.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Apologies but he does not count.

I will check these people out.

Thank you for the suggestion.

>> No.7926932

>Apologies, but I cannot add Bernie Sanders due to the fact he isn't so much a "rhetorician"
are you retarded

>> No.7926934

Why does 4chan harbor a collective grouping-around certain critical figures like Anthony Fantano, Chris Ott, Harold Bloom, Roger Ebert, or Piero Scaruffi, when it comes to opinions regarding specific artists or movements? It seems awfully limiting and silly to me.

>> No.7926935

>Apologies but he does not count.
explain. he's as much of a meme as john green

>> No.7926939

>Apologies but he does not count.
lol yes he fucking does, he basically started a cult

>> No.7926943

Who's Chris Ott?

>> No.7926944

subtle troll including Chomsky in with the idiots

>> No.7926947

Why is h3h3 even there? Sure he's cancer, but how is he a pseudo-intellectual?

>> No.7926948

Reza Aslan

>> No.7926954

You misunderstand the process of selection.

David Foster Wallace was no rhetorician in the sense of actively forming a cult around himself with the intention for personal profit in money or fame.

Although he has developed into meme status we cannot say that he has every attempted to convey himself as an intellectual on any issue as his interviews quite clearly display a shyness and a anxiousness for himself not to be mistaken.

The process of selection is rather more nuanced than simply picking out someone who is a "meme"

Yes, he is a rhetorician in the literal sense of the word but there is fluidity in the usage of the word on the picture. It is quite difficult to explain.

>> No.7926957

>are you retarded
All I took out of your post

>> No.7926963

You should at least include Hillary Clinton in that case

>> No.7926970

Hans Herman Hoppe, Laurie Penny, Judith Butler, Jonathan Franzen, Michel Houellebecq

>> No.7926973

Some pretentious fuck that used to write for Pitchfork and has plenty of edgy opinions. /mu/ obsesses over him.



>> No.7926976

Good point.

>> No.7926977



>> No.7926985

You should put the Numberphile guys in the pic because their rhetoric that 1+2+3+...=-1/12 is fucken bullshit

>> No.7926989

you're somewhat of a cultist I think, many firsthand sources suggest that DFW wasn't as sincere as he tried to present himself

>> No.7927000

You should add the PBS Idea Channel and Vsauce guys to the pic, as well as anyone who has ever given a TED Talk.

>> No.7927001

No, I am not a particular fan of DFW, some of us have read his work but none of us have read the entirety/majority.

I know of the claims made about stalking, abusiveness etc

>> No.7927002

at a certain point your putting so much effort in the bait you couldve done something valuable instead

>> No.7927007

Put Bernie Sanders on the list, you biased P.O.S.

>> No.7927009
File: 960 KB, 1528x5000, 1459959832035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is your favorite talentless hack, /lit/?

>> No.7927014

You should add William Shakespeare to thsi pic

>> No.7927018

pls ad joyce

>> No.7927021

master bait

>> No.7927022

Lmao at the inclusion of obscure weebshit in this

>> No.7927024


bloom and self? cmon kid

brian cox doesnt deserve to be on there either, compare his public persona to bill nye or ndg tyson, he's benign

>> No.7927027

>no Scaruffi

>> No.7927029

Bloom and Self both appear on TV so they belong in the pic

>> No.7927036

Shit, I didn't read the thread. Pardon.

>> No.7927041

Why the fuck is Sam Harris still there? It doesn't even make sense

>> No.7927045


there's nothing inherently wrong with television as a medium

>> No.7927048

Scott Alexander of Slate Star Codex

>> No.7927052
File: 465 KB, 685x595, 1457520392213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah dont mess with boogie
he dont even claims to be intelectual, faggot

>> No.7927054


>> No.7927057


fuck you and fuck me for understanding this

>> No.7927071

You should put Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald in your pic

>> No.7927077
File: 10 KB, 221x46, Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 5.33.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget this pic, very important

>> No.7927084

You should include everyone who has said anything about Donald Trump's campaign manager bumping into some female reporter in your pic

>> No.7927090

who's the dude with the 'cum' hat

>> No.7927092

This includes the campaign manager and reporter in question of course

>> No.7927101

REALLY big one you forgot to include is Stephen Fry

>> No.7927104
File: 6 KB, 298x41, his.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we are at it...

>> No.7927112

The only good person in the pic

>> No.7927116

You should include carles from Hipster Runoff and Carles.buzz in the pic

>> No.7927127

Will Self's youtube channel is the best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmiOOGtJ8rQ

>> No.7927140

Russell Brand should be in your pic

>> No.7927147

You should include this faggot self-help guru that people won't stop spamming for some reason in the pic: >>7926753

>> No.7927151

Best part of the thread is that you seriously considered adding the pope and the dalai lama to the pic, I don't think that's going to be topped

>> No.7927164

The pope is a glorified Sunday school teacher. Dalai Lama is a CIA plant

>> No.7927172

how helpful ... name?

>> No.7927174

i don't see dr naruto there

>> No.7927175

I second the motion

>> No.7927181

Sam Hyde a web based 'Ironic' entertainer

>> No.7927185

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.7927187

Why, then? Because he says capitalism is bad and you're so attached to the idea that you can't imagine a world without it?

>> No.7927190
File: 170 KB, 551x551, 1447109424545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell bait
If Derrida is added to this list then we have to add Marx.

>> No.7927193
File: 81 KB, 450x592, 1454399654184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this.

>> No.7927194


I see, thanks for the warning

>> No.7927196

He's an important linguist, but he's not a serious political thinker.

>> No.7927200

Shia LaBeouf should be added to the pic

>> No.7927203


If there be no further discussion ...

... we shall now put the motion up for vote. All for adding Bernie Sanders to the list will vote I, all opposed will vote Nay

>> No.7927204
File: 20 KB, 262x320, 6a00d8341c492053ef00e54f109d1b8833-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW killed himself because people made him out to be some type of genius/prophet when he knew he wasn't any of those things. He was simply a highly analytic individual with good work ethic and deserves the acclaim he gets.

>> No.7927206
File: 1.32 MB, 5096x3452, cera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its done lads

>> No.7927207

He's worked on politics for decades and his stuff is peer-reviewed.

>> No.7927208

Then who is? Ayn Rand?

>> No.7927209
File: 27 KB, 720x576, 80uOM5Dt7tpabTjasjTPtIHo1D3wJagI00XHx31VPKVr9rrjfB4oJljnhaxHgACAYkyUFoEQeV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just add fucking reddit to the pic already.

>> No.7927214


>> No.7927216
File: 10 KB, 138x219, 1451267824521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noice. The only person I'd say doesn't deserve their place on there is Putin.

>> No.7927217


The I's have it, motion passed

>> No.7927218

He's just a pop figure and activist in politics

>> No.7927220

He's a walking encyclopedia of American war crimes and that's it. The most sophisticated his political philosophy gets is saying "anarcho-syndicalism seems, to me, to be the most appropriate form of organization for an industrial society". I mean fuck, he's even said himself that he's not a philosopher.

>> No.7927223

best part is tesla. stemfags owned

>> No.7927226

>implying stemfags won't take a joke

>> No.7927228

Trump is not a psued, you fucking retard. He's the definition of a Charlie Daniels-esque "simple man" but on a global scale.

>> No.7927229

not fair to include hegel and marx but not schopenhauer and nietzsche

>> No.7927230

The thread is b8

>> No.7927232

And don't get me wrong, he's one of the most articulate critics of American foreign policy of the last 50 years, but he's only /lit/ insofar as he's a great linguist, and linguistics is hardly a big theme on this board.

>> No.7927236

oh and of course stirner

>> No.7927237



>> No.7927244

ok so.. What "true" intellectuals should we listen to then?

>> No.7927252
File: 146 KB, 5096x3452, rere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets get started

>> No.7927256

Kanye West should be in OP's pic

>> No.7927260

HL Mencken
Dean Baker
Thomas Frank
Robert Christgau

>> No.7927267

Jaden Smith

>> No.7927268

>Robert Christgau
Lol no

>> No.7927274

Pink Floyd(Roger waters) kekekek

>> No.7927277
File: 313 KB, 539x435, dfw8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kate Bush

Absolutely perverse.

>> No.7927335

>Includes dead people (hegal, tesla, marx)
>Includes people don't think as intellectuals (alex jones, mr repzion, Jaclyn glenn)
>Includes people that almost nobody knows about (2nd to last guy for ex) with people that have worldwide fame (pope)

>> No.7927341

Pretty sure that version of the pic is just a joke

>> No.7927344

pretty sure all of them are m09

>> No.7927347

I think OP was actually being serious

>> No.7927368

he included Sargon of Akkad

>> No.7927369

This is... some very good trolling. I'm really mad right now.

>> No.7927372

What's your point

>> No.7927379

I mean I hope you don't think he's an intellectual

>> No.7927382

Nah, the original was better b8. More subtle.

>> No.7927486
File: 501 KB, 1280x1127, 1459362461157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Liberation of knowledge. People will be more misguided by it, but it will cause change nonetheless. I love this.

>> No.7927540

Over the last couple of years this place has gone from being about /lit/ to being a bunch of Greek worshipping autists obsessed with Harold Bloom.
Do you have any novels you would like to discuss?

>> No.7927563
File: 112 KB, 800x800, ~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7927579

Dan Brown
Jared Diamond
Steven Pinker

>> No.7927592

I just find this list really cute and you're good at detecting posturing sophists

>> No.7927595

>Ben Shapiro
He's a legitimately smart guy tho

>> No.7927598

He was right

>> No.7927602


>> No.7927603

and Evola and Dugin.

>> No.7927604

Jaden Smith
Lil B
Elliot Rodger
Varg Vikernes

>> No.7927609

Oh, and weev.
Dugin yes, Evola no.

>> No.7927610

I think your giving Ethan from H3H3 a bit too much fucking credit.

>> No.7927617

I think OP is just pointing out the obvious

>> No.7927622

Stupid person's idea of a smart person

>> No.7927633

Michael Moore should be added. In fact he's pretty much the paragon of this

>> No.7927635

Nick Land
David Icke
Tecáк (AKA Maxim Martsinkevich)
Ayman al-Zawahiri
Viper (the rapper)

>> No.7927644

Underrated post.

>> No.7927653

Chris Langan should be added to the pic

>> No.7927660
File: 2.58 MB, 280x250, 1460761401259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

al-Baghdadi, Anders Breivik and Ted Kaczynski also required.

>> No.7927663
File: 375 KB, 5096x3452, 3453453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just load up paint and add em yourself

>> No.7927666

This post is incredibly naive. You may be right in asserting that these guys are not entirely valid, but you're stupid if you think that legitimately valid intellectuals will ever have any impact on society. Good ideas are worthless if they're never implimented. This is why although I dislike Joe Rogan, and disagree with a lot of what he respresents, I respect and appreciate him for publicizing ideas that otherwise wouldn't be.

>> No.7927680

get our boy slavoj off this fucking list

>> No.7927683

I like him too but he talks in circles sometimes

>> No.7927690

>Northrop Frye

N-word, you just went full retard.

>> No.7927694
File: 20 KB, 250x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thiss man has thrust modern intellect into a steep decline. Please add him for the sake of humanity.

>> No.7927730


>> No.7927743
File: 855 KB, 5096x3452, 1460771215775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part II

>> No.7927750

Reported for NSFW

>> No.7927753

Who's the semen demon in black and white under Neil de Greasy?

>> No.7927755

Canadian libertarian jewess Lauren Southern.
David Duke really cannot pull off a beard.

>> No.7927758

fuck you Alex Jones is highly entertaining

>> No.7927762

Please remove Jonsi :^(

>> No.7927763

Which has never actually been shown to be correct.

>> No.7927764

That got to do with him being batshit insane.

>> No.7927767

That's the best thing about him


>> No.7927769

True, but he's still a big paradigm shifter in that field

>> No.7927770
File: 34 KB, 450x450, around finns the ice is thin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7927775

Where's Elon Musk?

>> No.7927781

>the Fantano of the 70s

>> No.7927782

You should add the trust nobody not even yourself guy

>> No.7927786

someone else do the photoshop

>> No.7927787

Chris Dorner should be added to thsi pic

>> No.7927795

can't really argue with that 3bh.

>> No.7927817

The Bonglord
Tommy Sotomayor
Pastor Manning
Louis Farrakhan.

>> No.7927827
File: 146 KB, 960x540, pentti linkola mörkökorpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7927835
File: 31 KB, 500x340, singer01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries i only pay attention to real contemporary intellectuals

>> No.7927893


>> No.7927942
File: 44 KB, 202x200, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. Can I join the party?

>> No.7927992

ITT "haha stupid normies we're so much smarter than them"

>> No.7928026
File: 47 KB, 370x314, youwinforever_1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1st post is best post!

>> No.7928034


>Because it's impossible to do both.


>> No.7928039
File: 237 KB, 728x546, aid1520776-728px-Choose-a-Yorkie-Puppy-Step-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, though. Can anyone tell me WHY i shouldn't listen to these people?

>> No.7928049


Because OP said so!

>> No.7928056


>Doesn't have /lit/, /pol/ or 4chan in general on the list.

Big fuck up there bucko!

>> No.7928062

I don't know, the commonalities between Filthy Frank, Putin, and Chomsky have to be, at best, minimal. He's pretty spot on about how apparently random these images are.

Unless this whole thread is bait to get literati to piss and moan about the arbitrariness of the people in the picture.

>> No.7928064
File: 31 KB, 300x200, its_a_mans_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider Maddox aswell as Penn & Teller.

>> No.7928091

Looks interesting. I'll check this out.

>> No.7928096

I hate everyone in that picture except for Sam Hyde

>> No.7928104

Is it sad that I know of everyone in this pic? >.<

>> No.7928110

one of these people doesn't belong
hint: its chomsker

>> No.7928119

If OP removes Shapiro then he's gotta remove just about everyone else.