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/lit/ - Literature

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7925175 No.7925175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7925180
File: 168 KB, 882x827, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 point lead on /sci/

>> No.7925181

I'm not sure why anyone takes this shit seriously.

>> No.7925208

What I really want to know is where do the porn boards fit into all of this?

>> No.7925212

10/11, or 90.1 percent

>> No.7925217

9/10 you fucker
for what? it's bait, it's to bait losers, it's to bait this place, it's to bait /sci/. nothing's interesting about it, fuck off.
they're porn dump places, not exactly places of high discussion.

>> No.7925218

no wait it's this one

>> No.7925219

that chart is the worst thing to happen to /lit/

>> No.7925223

>they're porn dump places, not exactly places of high discussion
But which porn dump place is objectively the best one? The people need to know.

>> No.7925226

The IQ of this place was steadily declining for a long time and then the /his/ split made it plummet. It's a fun board still, and we have some good posters, but...

>> No.7925228

To be frank, people on /d/ always seem to be very kind and respectful to one another

>> No.7925282

This. I wondered why the two boards aren't merged. What qualifies for /lit/ but not /his/? The only things I can think of are "genre fiction", things without academic approval. /his/ is essentially "high culture board" at this point; posting humanities in /lit/, /tv/, /mu/ etc dilutes your audience.

This is my first visit in awhile, I'm glad to see there is nothing interesting left. I'd hate to miss out simply because people didn't realise the elites have moved on.

>> No.7925340


>> No.7925345

We don't need your cancerous post around here. This is /lit/ and not /b/ or /pol/.

>> No.7925350

>/x/ is the lowest
not surprising
But why is /tg/ so low? I thought the fa/tg/uys were supposed to be chill bros who had good discussions

>> No.7925351

i vote /h/

>> No.7925362

/d/ or /trash/
/trash/ is the hidden patrician board

>> No.7925373

0.5 x 1.0
0.5 x 0.0
Average the two and you get 0.5

50% not rocket science

>> No.7925391

Magic: The Gathering players make the average score plummet

>> No.7925403


I'm not surprised that /lit/ is behind this embarrassing graphic.

I'm gonna gonna upset a lot of people, but this needs to be said: You don't have to be smart to read. You're not smart because you tell people you read Infinite Jest. Nobody thinks you're smart for reading novels, except maybe your family members.

>> No.7925415
File: 21 KB, 389x388, 123143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seriously flagrant.

>> No.7925416
File: 525 KB, 550x582, wqPylsc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that bullshit impossible test
>mfw "don't argue with the /lit aristocracy if you're a lesser board peasant"
>mfw that inconsistent bar growth for dramatic effect
>mfw this is actually a test in and of itself to trick real retards into taking it seriously and revealing themselves
>mfw people fall for it

>> No.7925422

people aren't falling for the bait, they're going along with it for fun

>> No.7925431

Off to /n/ I go then, I guess.

>> No.7925437
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1412319577740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget
>weishaupt's plateu
I love everything about this image, it's just so finely crafted.

Can bait be art?

>> No.7925458


> Pick a box at random

50 percent chance at picking all gold, or mostly silver box

If you pick the all gold box, there is a 100 percent chance you will pick a gold ball

If you pick the mostly silver box, there is a 10 percent chance you will pick a gold ball

100% of 50 = 50
10% of 50 = 5

Total chance of picking gold ball at random: 55%

Given that you picked a gold ball, what is the chance that you pick another gold ball from the same box?

Only way this could happen is if the initial box you chose was the all-gold box

Out of the 55% chance total of choosing a gold ball, all-gold box choice is responsible for 50% of it

50/55 = .909 = 90.9%

Given that you chose a gold ball, there's a 90.9% chance that the box you plucked it from was the all-gold box

>> No.7925470

Why is /b/ so low?

>> No.7925505
File: 78 KB, 640x533, superior shitposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks it's fake
>tfw only frequent high IQ boards

>> No.7925510


>> No.7925543

/pol/ you know when you just sort of cram your memes in where they don't make any goddamn sense you just end up ruining them for everyone

Like this is the reason 'cuck' was ruined as an insult. I'm still pissed at you guys for that one, because it's such a great, solid word. "Cuck." But you overused it, and now it means nothing

>> No.7925548

>/po/ isn't listed because their spatial intelligence scares everyone
>they're too busy making thousands of cranes to notice or care

>> No.7925559

the initial condition is that you already took out a gold ball, so it doesn't matter which one it is as both have a gold ball.

Both have a 50% 50% since what you did is not factored in.

now of that first 50% chance, your chance of getting a gold ball is 100% so it's still 50%,

the second one your chance of getting one is 0%, so 0%

50%+0% = 50% or 1/2 or 0.5

>> No.7925568

>le /pol/ is dumb meme
>Nazi leaders had IQ levels off the charts when tested at Nuremberg
This seems biased

>> No.7925674

Because they're all teenagers.

>> No.7925678

The probability that you pick a second gold ball is exactly equivalent to the probability that your box is the first box, because one implies the other.

The probability that the first gold ball you picked belongs to the first box is 10/11.

>> No.7925760

/d/ has the highest iq of any board. The test was not able to accurately gauge high enough to determine what exactly it is though.

>> No.7925868

I only use /lit/ and /sci/ (/lit/ much moreso) so I guess that makes me a genius

>> No.7926156

Fucking /fit/ is in the top 5.