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7924516 No.7924516 [Reply] [Original]

I am 29 years old. I'm in hospice with stage 4 cancer. I'm not going to live long. I want to write a letter to my parents and little sister. I'm not sure what to say, every time I start writing I begin to cry. I love them so damn much. I wish I had the words, but I'm so sick right now, I can barely think.

I know this sounds wrong, but can someone with a big enough heart put yourself in my shoes and and write a letter. Write it as if it was your own parents and sibling. Write from your heart just this once. Please. Thank you.

>> No.7924525

Write your own letter, seriously, its your last one ever so power through it.

Having someone write the letter for you would be like sending your family one of those shitty holiday cards.

Just do it. Write whatever it is you need to write, not what sounds pretty.

>> No.7924555

Your "letter" need not be long nor profound. Explain your feelings as simply as you can in words.

Anything bad you write is more meaningful than anything we could produce for you

>> No.7924556

I'd say giving them what you just wrote in the OP wouldn't be that bad. Or something like it.

>> No.7924560

We had good times,
we had bad,
and now on my deathbed,
you must know OP's a fag.

How's that for you?

>> No.7924566

This. OP, you are loved. You will be okay. Death is only the beginning of the next journey.

>> No.7924576

ok im sitting up writing the letter
will some of you please just read it and correct it for spelling and grammar. the context isn't going to make sense at time, just ignore that.

>> No.7924580

The important thing is finishing the letter.

>> No.7924588
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Accept Saint Max

>> No.7924589

we will help you anon

>> No.7924606

I don't know if I am reading the Ego and it's Own wrong but it sounded like if you respected those ideas because they benefited you that you should use them.

>> No.7924615


>> No.7924634

Why do we have so many suicide note threads

>> No.7924660

I don't think he got cancer on purpose.

At least, I hope not, I want that to be MY achievement.

>> No.7924665

I do love you all. We have now, and always, existed in each other.

You all need to know, I am so grateful this universe placed me in this family. Mom and Dad, you are the salt of the Earth. You have Hearts of Gold. You are good people. Thank you both for teaching me how to be a respectful loving man. Dad thank you for teaching me how to fish. It always felt good sitting by the lake next to you, listen to the sounds of the lake. I’m thinking about all those fish we caught at the lake over the years. I’m thinking about the last big fish Pa caught before he passed away. I loved Pa, there is so much of him inside you and me Dad.

Sissy, I’m sorry I'm not going to be there at your wedding, but I want you to know I’m there in spirit. I’m so damn proud of you sis. You are such a good hearted women. James is a good man, I wish I could have known him better. You will both take good care of each other. And I know you will both be great parents someday. I love you sissy. Catch a good one for me!

Uncle, thank you for letting me poke around your library of books. You are one of the most interesting men I have ever know. I cherish our conversations. You were so good to me. You never said no, not once. Please keep playing your mandolin, it’s beautiful.

Mom, Dad, Uncle, Sissy, you all taught me how to be human. I don’t mean human in this current space and time, nor of the past. I mean the human we will, and are destined to all be; humble eyes and unconditional love for all things. Indeed, none of us in this time will see it, but when our minds are silent, when we let go of ourselves, love finally comes into being. A love so simple, and basic, it tends to manifest a small smile on the face. Mom, you know what I’m speaking of, we’ve talked about it.

I got go now guys. I love you all so damn much! I’m so grateful your my family.
Don’t worry. I’m ok. I’m not scared anymore. Non-being is our mother, and to our mother I return.

Dad I love you.
Uncle, thank you.
Sissy be good.
Mom, ill see you in the wind.

>> No.7924670


Alright here's what I started:

Dearest Mom, Dad and Little Sister

There are no words to express my gratitude for the beautiful life that you have provided for me. I love you all so much. Though my time here has been cut short, I would eagerly repeat it again (even knowing the pain and suffering of this disease) just to experience the bounty of support and affection that you have bestowed upon me. My only regret is not being there to be a big brother through all of sister's trials and milestones. I am sorry that I won't be able to be to see her blossom through life, to guide her and protect her as an older brother. However, let it will be the greatest comfort of all knowing that I have shared my short lifetime with this absolutely phenomenal family. While I regret not being able to spend more time with you, I will be fully released from this suffering that is cancer. Please do not cry or mourn my passing as I will have died a happy man, free of physical hurt. I know my passing will be hard, but life beyond my death waits for you. Live it for the one that I could not. Again, I cannot put into words how much I love you. We will meet again one day.

>> No.7924673

just fix the your at the bottom and thats it.

>> No.7924674

I appreciate how you constructed this letter. I know that if it concerned me I'd be touched profoundly by it. I think you did a good job.

>> No.7924675

>I'm so grateful your my family.

>> No.7924689

I assume you're roleplaying for your writing or something but if you aren't, you have my sympathy.

Either letter posted here is great, what's important obviously is that it comes from you.

Good luck.

>> No.7924700

I've edited a bit, but not so much that your original sentiments aren't still there

Dearest Mom, Dad and Little Sister

There are no words to express my gratitude for the beautiful life that you have provided for me. I love you all so much.Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick….. That’s when I’m satisfied Again, I cannot put into words how much I love you. We will meet again one day.

>> No.7924702

thank you

and thank you all>>7924525 >>7924555 >>7924556

you were all right.
I feel better I did it.
thank you

>> No.7924705
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Until next time

>> No.7924706

This, the first paragraph is good enough.

>> No.7924708

Stirner actually quite enjoys the concept of love, but maybe that's just a personal thing.

Depression and the underaged. Also this isn't suicide friendo.

>> No.7924719

if not a ploy for material just remind them of past days

>> No.7924727

fucking nigger end yourself

>> No.7924742


>> No.7924751

you just made me smile and laugh inside anon
I didn't think that was going to happen again.
thank you so much for that

>> No.7924759

no problem any time

>> No.7924761

this touched my heart, man

godspeed, op

>> No.7924763

not me but its all good OP

>> No.7924784

thats not me idk why hes trying to take my cred

>> No.7924785

dat church

>> No.7924787
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Not even sure why you took it this way but maybe OP will get a laugh out of it too