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/lit/ - Literature

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7924396 No.7924396 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most 2deep4u book out there? Finnegans Wake?

>> No.7924408

not even close
finnegans wake is definetely abstract at times, but very pointedly so. in the end it's just a prose poem about a pub owner named humphrey earwicker that parellels his life to the folk song finnegan's wake and the fall of man. it's definetely not child's play but it's a concrete piece of english literature

>> No.7924412

Okay so what is?

>> No.7924518

A.non is a pretentious faggot when he says 'not even close'.
Pale Fire.
Absolom, Absolom,
Finnegan's Wake
To the Lighthouse (yeah, I said it)

>> No.7924549
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FW "is just" so far from being reducible to anything (there's contention over whether you can even call it a book. But hey, why the fuck listen to scholars? Take an anon's word for it. "It's just a concrete piece of English literature." lol).

>> No.7924564

In all seriousness though, Finnegans Wake is not hard to read if you can put aside the urge to understand what it is you're reading. That's what makes it interesting.

I'd cast my vote for FW.
I'm damn eager to know of a work more ambitious than that.

>> No.7924570

none of those are even very close to 2deep4u.

>> No.7924574

I don't even think it could be called a book. FW is 3deep5me that it's borderline impossible to understand.

2deep4u books that make sense to me include Absalom, Absalom!, Boll's Billiards at Half-Past Nine, Bely's Petersburg, and Carlyle's Sartor Resartus.

>> No.7924577

>finnegan's wake

>also lists a bunch of super easy shit that you can read in high school

i just typed all that out and realized i got baited. i will post and accept my shame. well played anon.

>> No.7924579

There's that one italian Codex that still hasn't been deciphered

>> No.7924582

I just found out that you are pretty much a faggot so your contrarion psuedo- elitist, virginal opinion is invalid. Defining yourself in opposition to whatever you think is 'Reddit' or 'pleb' has not made your opinions worthwhile or constructive. You can go jerk off to foot porn now.

>> No.7924584

>You can go jerk off to foot porn now.
dont lump us in with that dphead

>> No.7924585

you can read anything in high school that doesn't take away the meaning of them


>> No.7924587

The Old Testament

>> No.7924590

he asked for 2deep4u faggot he didnt ask for meaningful

>> No.7924600

John Hawkes's The Beetle Leg probably belongs to the 2deep4me category. I hated that 'novel.'

>> No.7924602

Though I still like her writing, I would say a lot of Virginia Woolf's stuff is like this. Of course, she's very often trying to convey the inexpressible parts of human consciousness, so this ambiguity is warranted, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's, as OP has so elegantly posited, 2deep4u. The Book of Disquiet is also very much 2deep4me.
>muh dreams

>> No.7924604

There's nothing "deep" about literature.

Study math, philosophy, or physics if you are interested in "deep" things.

>> No.7924607
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>> No.7924609

That's the deepest post you are capable of making.

>> No.7924616

Your'e right. I should not disparage footfags.

>> No.7924628

>Norway added at least three times

>> No.7924633

Step aside! A STEMer is amongst us..!

>> No.7924637

Milkbottle H?

>> No.7924655

The Voynich Manuscript

>> No.7924659


>> No.7924663

Buddhist texts.

>> No.7924669

is anyone even trying to decipher that bullshit anymore?

>> No.7924783

The Tunnel. It's deep like...a really deep tunnel.

>> No.7924833

I'm reading the book of disquiet now and feel like I can finally breathe after a lifetime of dying. What could possibly be too deep about it?

>> No.7924877

Faust, Part 2

25 years to perfect what it means to be a try-hard.

>> No.7925125

This is close.

>> No.7925136

Finnegans Wake is definitely close. Some other contenders would be The Cantos, Zettels Traum, Larva: a Midsummer Night's Babel, and Women and Men.

>> No.7925144


I think you meant "novel".

>> No.7925167

Man, I wish I was allowed to do that.

>> No.7926335
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FW's grandpa

>> No.7927432


>> No.7927442


>> No.7927482

The Book of Kells, or any other old thing hard to decipher, such as >>7926335

But in terms of English Finnegans Wake is probably number 1. There are a bunch of other non-english works similar to the Wake, but they carry less a notoriety, and are generally influenced by the Wake. There are also extreme forms of experimentalism, where there is less of a story, such as: the book was a moss in a pond of yellow virancy a clement of speedly needlie needles groping a sky of melon and quagmires.

>> No.7927500

>the book was a moss in a pond of yellow virancy a clement of speedly needlie needles groping a sky of melon and quagmires

could you kindly give an example of one or two such books?

>> No.7927887


>> No.7928193

>allowed to
There are free pdfs online, anyone can have a crack at it. I'm sure you'd become a hero in the codex scene if you figured it out.

>> No.7928212

>vatican flag

I have literally never seen it once

>> No.7928238

They posted during a world cup thread (which people think was the real thing), and I've seen it twice on /pol (which is usually dismissed as a proxy)

>> No.7928260
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>> No.7928281

The Holy Bible by God to be perfectly honest here family.

>> No.7928287

There's tourists shitposting fairly frequently. Though /pol/ usually gets less rares than /int/, and I know a lot of american posters don't use /int/.

Unknown is not uncommon at all though, don't understand why that's so far down.

>> No.7928342
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>> No.7928694

Do you have a link perchance?

>> No.7928709

muh b8

>> No.7929178


>> No.7929195

Is it STEM now?

>> No.7929996

>Absolom, Absolom
somewhat convulted?
But certainly not 2deep4u.

>> No.7930270


>> No.7930292

Underrated post.

>> No.7930364

This is true.

>> No.7930377

>in the end it's just a prose poem about a pub owner named humphrey earwicker that parellels his life to the folk song finnegan's wake and the fall of man. it's definetely not child's play but it's a concrete piece of english literature

>> No.7930394
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>> No.7930401

It's about Tim Finnegan's fall from a ladder, ex-Dubliner Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker's return to Ireland and campaign to replace Tim Finnegan on the city board of directors and the slander against him as a public masturbator. Also a lot of religious/literary allusion wankery.

>> No.7930480

Funny enough, all French philosophy from the past century disagrees with you.

>> No.7930487


Isn't there a German book which is meant to be almost as difficult as Finnegan's Wake and no one has attempted a translation of it yet?

>> No.7930491

and since tim finnegan isn't dead at the wake it is like joyce's twist on the fall of man, rather the humanist idea that man isn't fallen at all

>> No.7930499

If you mean Zettel's Traum, there is actually an upcoming translation (titled "Bottom's Dream").

>> No.7930604
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> clearly hasn't even glanced at FW

>> No.7931531

Totalitarianism in a Tundra.

>> No.7931544

>Ctrl+f "Tunnel"
>One result

The Tunnel by Gass. I don't know how anything else could even compare.

>> No.7931587

my dude
where do I start with Gass

>> No.7931601

the vagina ass of lucifer niggerbastard

>> No.7931603

The Marbled Swarm

>> No.7931801

Zettels Traum isn't actually that hard.

>> No.7931909 [SPOILER] 
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>pic related

>> No.7931916

Nothing can compare because Gass is a hack lol

>> No.7931919

Thank you anon!

>> No.7931943







>> No.7931951

Not what is it you fucktard, they were asking what is deep if not FW.

>> No.7932257

The Voynich Manuscript
Pokorny Dictionary of Indo-Germanic Roots
The first 1 million digits of pi

>> No.7932505

Anybody here read Thomas Nashe's Unfortunate Traveller? Can't tell if it was 2deep or just plain bad.

>> No.7932920

Nashe is underrated. Unfortunate Traveller is good stuff if you prize inventiveness in language, and can wrap your head around his hyper-exuberant, even manic Elizabethan diction.

>> No.7932926

what are those flags below ultra-rare?

>> No.7932937

I just finished The Lime Twig by Hawkes. Line by line the writing is mostly great, and there is the hint of a plot, but he clearly doesn't give a rat's ass about character development.

>> No.7932963

The Man Without Qualities