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7924277 No.7924277 [Reply] [Original]

Modern spirituality is dead.

Life is shit and philosophers try to make it wonderous and mysterious, only to look like charlatans when they explain themselves; scientists, on the other end, talk with their voices affected by a cold calculating tone, and whenever they attempt to be spiritual, poetically beautifiying the world, they only manage to come up with bullshit such as the horrible meaningless meme spewed around of Carl Sagan sayin': OH MA GOSH THE HUMAN IS THE UNIVERSE ITSELF, KNOWIN ITSELF!. Or Sam Harris, saying spirituality is a profound experience because it feels profound, even though it doesn't connect you with any 'real' spiritual substances or gods: nigga, that's like me saying: "OH MA GOSH FREAKIN TAKING MUSHROOMS IS A SPIRITUAL THING THAT WE SHOULD TAKE SERIOUSLY BECAUSE IT FEELS KEWL".
This watered down scientific spirituality is absolutely disgusting. The spirituality of modern philosophers or any of this new fagots that have recently appeared is complete obscurantism. What i love the most is when they are confronted about their thoughts and they begin stumbling on their words. You can see the existential anxiety in their faces (their entire lifes were devoted to something uncertain that maybe is internally inconsistent, reminds me of something Schopenhauer said that the person who writes incorrectly doesn't even understand his own thoughts), and the shame in their fucking eyes.

It's all bullshit folks. It's either a mechanical, cuantifiable way of looking at things, a disgusting scientific spirituality, or disgusting philosophical quackery.

>> No.7924282

shut up

>> No.7924296

Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick….. That’s when I’m satisfied.

>> No.7924302

Well, I actually think that there is a spiritual component in almost everything we do, much as there is a political component and so on

>> No.7924352

Alright, seems like you just ran headlong into one of the great problems of being self-aware.

You have realized that a large proportion of the things that people put stock in, value, and derive pleasure and comfort from, are in fact nonsense, garbage, and nothing.

This is fine and necessary, and is a sign that things are continuing as usual.

One of these garbage ideas is called "Spirituality".

"Spirituality" as a concept has nothing to do with religion, it is a specious assertion to presume that our modern idea of an all-encompassing universal spirituality has much at all to do with actual religious doctrine, or the lives of the faithful in any era.

The truly religious do not consider themselves "spiritual", because their religion is an outgrowth of their culture, and is as natural a part of their world as stones and trees and birds.

To them the gods are the explanations for the motive forces of the world, they are powerful and must be appeased, and are often the definer of things like "good and evil", as they are the rulers of the natural world, and the demarcation of such is their prerogative.

As secular culture began to interfere with this schema of thought, religion suddenly found itself in need of justification.

Here enters "Spirituality", the great cosmic vagueness that nobody can quite pin down a useful definition for besides "Believes vague supernatural phenomena are acting upon their life".

You're probably on the verge of some sort of personal change, judging by the impassioned nature of your post.

Reassess your values and those of the people around you, read up on the science behind religion (stuff like why people are religious, what functions it serves in keeping societies stable, etc), and always remember that there are more important (ymmv) criteria to judge people on than what supernatural forces they decide are responsible for all these unexplained noumea and the like.

>> No.7924363

reminder that you exist, that everybody exists only because
-your mom loves to spread her legs
-your dads love to try to satisfy your mom

>> No.7924371

You don't know what philosophy is.

>> No.7924381
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You're describing psychosophism, not philosophy, you edgey illiterate moron.

>> No.7924397

This post gave me cancer. Now go use your science and cure it for me, twat.

Spirituality can be described across an entire spectrum of ideas. Don't get butthurt because you've never experienced anything wonderful. Try opening yourself up a little bit and not being such a hard-hearted prick about life. It'll do you wonders.

>> No.7924429

I suppose you're right to a degree; I'm not here to say that, say, falling in love, grieving someone's death, doing something great for the planet (rescuing whales or whatever the fuck) are not an spiritual experiences.

I'm mostly talking about it as decribed by philosophers and scientists in an academic environment or books, pretending as if their beliefs have ontological or metaphysical basis for them

>> No.7924465

I know this is gonna sound stupid but you people seriously need to smoke or otherwise ingest marijuana, personally I dice it up into a powder with a razor blade then bake it in peanut butter crackers. Anyway, it truly takes you outside of yourself. It lets you see what you really are, the first time psychedelics cuts through all that ego its devastating. you may cry, you may have a panic attack but you'll be better for it. The bigger a loser you are the more it will hurt but you will be better for it. It won't solve all your problems but it will create a change in your thought patterns which can lead to self-improvement. At the very least it will make you internalize the fact that you're not the center of the universe

>> No.7924470


>> No.7924499

>implying my dad just want to cum and doesn´t care a shit satisfy my mom

>> No.7924504

what are you talking about?. you are totally butthurted for nothing.

>> No.7924531
File: 33 KB, 466x349, 1457257189789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is steadily losing the ground to take shots at Reddit by the day. It has devolved into precocious teenage dipshits who don't barely read and clueless board tourists who barely read.

>> No.7924571

>life is shit

Saying something philosophical (metaphysical) about life. Then saying that philosophers are charlatans. Hello charlatan


>> No.7924605

There are a few scientists who were both scientists and philosophes, you foul. Being a philosopher is not the one and only thing you can be.

>> No.7924640

come when the americans aren't online, the front page is much better

>> No.7924649

if he just wanted to cum, he would fap

>> No.7924653

shut up dirty frenchmen

>> No.7924664

I was raised in a totally secular/apathetic atheist family. For me, "spirituality" has been the only word that I can slap on to a number of experiences I have had over the last year or so. Things like intense body awareness and deep meditative experiences, along with a massive increase in appreciation for nature. I guess I feel as though I have some sort of hole in my soul from my spiritually sterile upbringing.

>> No.7924683

marijuana legitimately and unironically gives me intense body awareness and intense visions. It made me care more about nature and makes music utterly trance-inducing every time. Marijuana is good shit dude

>> No.7924692

We are literally always online. This is a very big and very popular American website; we make up 50+% of the userbase.

>> No.7924711

yuh in case you ferners dint know, america owns the internet

>> No.7924716

I think I would look at Kant, who tried to kinda assess how things should play out, what reason was and while he, from what I understood, tried to assess and place as much reason as it could be done in our instruments, there was still a metaphysical aspect, some things which the mind yearn for but cannot understand.

I think only science will help us find it, I don't think you can explore nature within a world of paper to paraphrase Galileo Galilei, thus not without experimenting, or the word of someone else.