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7924090 No.7924090 [Reply] [Original]

Does GRRM write a good story?

>> No.7924093

I'm a rather large fan of A Clash of Kings

>> No.7924123

Last [last] two books were the best.

>> No.7924261

His plot is fine, his prose is shit.

>> No.7924276
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>> No.7924989

He's got plot, worldbuilding, characters, and voices down.
That's more than enough, but pls no more descriptions of gardens!

>> No.7925014

>his prose is shit
Every time I ask somebody to explain this I never get an answer.

>> No.7925029

That's because the quality of someone's prose is a bit hard to describe in the same way that it's hard to describe why certain music is better than others, although there is something in your gut that can tell the difference. If one were to read Proust and then directly after read John Green, it's hard to argue that Green can be measured on account of his prose. However, he is a teen writer.

>> No.7925030

He writes like a second-rate science fiction author.

I suppose if he polished it more, it'd never get done.

>> No.7925037

The first three books are good, but after that the series begins to meander a lot. The problem Martin has is that he gets too deeply involved with minor characters. To use an exaggeration just to make a point, a character will walk into a bakery at the beginning of the book, meet the baker briefly, and then the baker will suddenly become a character with chapters and narration. It's weird how GRRM does that. Honestly I think this will ultimately prevent him from finishing the series.

>> No.7925044

When people say prose they're mostly referring to the musicality of the words. The sound. Think Joyce or Faulkner.

GRRMs prose is very basic and "functional". Not really a bad thing but can bore people who like a more stylized conveyance.

>> No.7925051

He is a second-rate science fiction writer.

Too many of his SF works just used SF as dressing. They didn't use the setting to any degree at all, just as shallow WOAHSOCOOL escapism.

>> No.7925073

I've noticed GRRM seems to have a limited selection of idioms. I haven't even finished the first book of ASOIAF and I've already lost count of how many times various characters have heard "the song of swords" ring out.

>> No.7925074

Its really trying to get through, and frankly I have run out of patience with his endless rambling. I'll let the blatantly inferior but regularly consistent TV show fill me in on the rest of the story.

>> No.7925076


>not being a pompous faggot and communicating clearly is a bad thing

>> No.7925087

i fucking keked at this.
>the "sound"
fucking christ, as if you people weren't pretentious enough.

>> No.7925095

are we being invaded by /sci/ again?

>> No.7925117

it's reddit

>> No.7925119

>thinking it's pretentious to appreciate the aesthetics of language

gas yourself my man

>> No.7925120

Whatd you expect in a grrm thread?

>> No.7925128

You're kidding right?

He's kidding right?

Did i just get fucking baited?

>> No.7925216

I've only read aSoIaF, from what I've seen, no.

The story got too big for him to handle and he seemed to completely lose momentum and get bogged down in Dany sitting on her ass eating dates while plot happens on the other side of the world. Individual bits like the war devolving into desertion and banditry in Westeros were nice, but there's nothing that makes five bigass books really worth the effort.

>> No.7925240

He used to

>> No.7925295
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She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.

>> No.7925303


>> No.7925333

god grimes is so fucking gross

>> No.7925393

He throws in innumerable sex scenes, flagrantly violating the elementary law of writing what you know.

>> No.7925398

Her cunt became the world senpai. It's a metaphor, demonstrating the extreme pleasure felt by the character at that moment.

>> No.7925426

Read a short story by him
"Dark, Dark Were The Tunnels"
and I really enjoyed it...
Thought I might get around to reading those eventually

>> No.7925430

thank you for this
can i save it?

>> No.7925449

Read Skin Trade if you like werewolves.

>> No.7925657


>> No.7925673

In a word. No. In a few words, no fucking way.

>> No.7925730

Why not yes?

>> No.7925751

Because no.

>> No.7925761

>ok drogo is intelligent barbarian who is sensitive to young bride
>doesn't just ram it in, ensures arousal

* L A T E R *

>drogo rapes dany every night until she comes round to him and is ready to consent


>> No.7925766

Good characters, good world-building.
I read the French translations and they are ok.
The plot is thrilling and interesting, but since so many characters are killed off at one point you lose interest and the author is forced to pull off new elements to keep it moving, but overall everything is connected.

The only problems are maybe pacing, Dawnstar as a character, the fact that many people carry a big idiot ball, and a selective karma that only punish characters people like 90% of the time.