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File: 89 KB, 271x241, Screen Shot 2016-04-14 at 1.55.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7923264 No.7923264 [Reply] [Original]

so who would you put in or replace

or did wikipdia nail it

>> No.7923282

Confucius, Averroes and Buddha.

Heiddegger, Aristotle, Descartes.

>> No.7923291


There's really no other list

>> No.7923323

Buddha, Confucious, and Averoes have like 0 fucking influence on fucking anything.

>> No.7923325


>> No.7923328

Idk. Why don't you read all of those philosophers instead of wasting everyone's time including your own with this thread?

>> No.7923331


>> No.7923344


No one else matters

>> No.7923345

replace buddha with zhuang zhi

>> No.7923350

Davidson and Lewis.

>> No.7923359
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>> No.7923374

Replace all of them with a picture of a group of men masturbating in a circle.

>> No.7923396

Replace Buddha with Aristotle, that's pretty much it. Also, Isn't this discussion better for /his/?

>> No.7923415

replace all those irrelevant non-whites with dead white men.
geez wikipedia, no need to be all wrong because of political correctness

>> No.7923425
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>no influence on anything

Confucius shaped Chinese civilization. Confucianism had a hand in forming almost every norm and tradition in Chinese society and history. Almost every facet of Chinese society owes something to Confucius, not to mention having a massive part in the development of Japanese and Korean civilization. Idk much about it, but I think the same can be said of Buddha and India.

>> No.7923428

Lewis is nowhere near the calibre of those men. Dubious metaphysical hogwash no one really cares about; he is however one of the highest-cited anals in the town even though high citation-numbers do not necessarily imply quality. For the lights of many, it's mostly highly seductive and speculative bullshit.

Davidson was in fact the least technically competent philosopher out of the bunch. To rank the rest is a pretty tough call; all were eminent logicians.

>> No.7923431

Yes, but China as a whole is irrelevant. I mean, they're basically not people.

>> No.7923435

>By the lights of many

>> No.7923438

I'd take the obligatory sandnigger out. He's just there for the diversity, while Buddha and Confucius are rightfully there on merit and influence. The Islamic Golden Meme is basically just babysitting Greek texts until Europe was ready to advance the World Spirit again.

>> No.7923492

lol back to pol

>> No.7923501

>Dubious metaphysical hogwash no one really cares about

You must be thinking of his modal realism - which really represents less than 1% of his output, but gets blown out of proportion by the casual student because it's "controversial".

Lewis is actually the least 'metaphysically extravagant' philosopher on the list, apart from Quine. His core premises is nominalism and Humeanism with respect to the laws of nature:


(Unfortunately, combining the two leaves no place for modality except via worlds as concrete entities, so that's how he got backed into the MR corner.)

But in any case, he wrote about a vast range of topics that do not depend on any of these metaphysical positions, and always raised the level of clarity. That's why he is the most cited man in philosophy.

His papers are freely accessible online, by the way:


Some good ones:
'Elusive Knowledge', 'New Work for a Theory of Universals', 'Scorekeeping in a Language Game', 'Causation', 'Counterfactual Dependence and Time's Arrow', 'Parts of Classes', 'How to Define Theoretical Terms', 'Attitudes De Dicto and De Se', 'Psychophysical and Theoretical Identifications', 'An Argument for the Identity Theory', 'Finkish Dispositions', 'General Semantics', 'Humean Supervenience Debugged', 'Putnam's Paradox', 'Counterpart Theory and Quantified Modal Logic', 'Probabilities of Conditionals and Conditional Probabilities', 'Survival and Identity', 'Causation as Influence'.

>> No.7923503
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>this is what the west believes

>> No.7923507
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It's lacking a frog (D-man?), and maybe a brit (Hume, Locke?). Someone from the Middle Ages/Church could come in handy too.

>0 fucking influence on fucking anything
Seriously nigga?

>> No.7923512

No, this is what everyone that doesn't spend their time pulling on their pecker to pictures of slant-eyed prepubescent-looking girls believe.

>> No.7923518







>> No.7923521

Not even /pol/ to be honest. There have just been no really important Muslim philosophers.

>> No.7923531

Its more like amerifats believe, they are scared to death of china.

>> No.7923535

>they are scared to death of china.
Not really, it's (((neo-cons))) that are worried about muh GDP meme, not actual americans.

>> No.7923537

Spend half an hour lurking /his/ and you'll learn why that board is like a fusion of r4chan and tumblr.

>> No.7923543

Oh look - a pimply 15 year old who thinks he's an expert.

>> No.7923546

they make all the shit we're using tho, without them it would be a much less comfortable world. Their cuisine is also probably the most influential too, that's one of cultures main components. It'd be retarded to think there's no influence.

>> No.7923554

>they make all the shit we're using tho, without them it would be a much less comfortable world.
Yes, because it would be impossible to manufacture elsewhere what they're producing. Are you retarded?
>Their cuisine is also probably the most influential too, that's one of cultures main components.
Not something that's actively and meaningfully happening.

There's influence, but not something that's insurmountable.

>> No.7923562
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>talking shit about the chinks
You'll be sorry in a minute, the middle kingdom has been the centre of civilisation for all of human history with a slight setback for the last few centuries because the roundeyes got their hands on certain technology a bit sooner.

Soon natural order will be restored and China will reign again.

>> No.7923565

>implying anyone on this board is above the age of 12 and has read a book
top fucking kek m9

>> No.7923566

*Token non-western philosopher* otherwise Hume, Hegel or Marx

>> No.7923573

Nailed it.

>> No.7923574
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We were talking about the influence of Confucius, you talk about Chinese influence in terms of being surmountable or not? Seems as if you have some sort of racist hostility towards the Chinese. We've established that Confucius was integral to shaping the most superior civilizations of the east and therefore of the entire world. I don't think his influence can be overstated in that area. Brush it off if you like, but the west is not be-all-end-all.

>> No.7923575

Ah yes, all that cheap trash the proles of America need to feel alive after the factory shut down and moved to China, however will we live without that?

And their cuisine is not even influential, in terms of the culinary world. It's just that it's cheap, quickly made crap that's easy to shove down your gullet once everything stops making sense and you don't care about anything anymore.

>> No.7923576

Purely in terms of influence philosophical influence (ignoring stuff like Stalin's Russia, and Mao's China, etc.) I think it would probably make more sense to have Hegel, because without Hegel's dialectics there would never have been Marx's dialectics, and without Hegel there would also not have been the Left Hegelian movement to influence Marx.

>> No.7923578
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Why has /lit/ all but forgotten about the only philosopher that matter recently?

>> No.7923591

I agree with this one

>> No.7923598

According to a survey of *actual* philosophers, here are the ones most identified with:

1. Hume (481)
2. Aristotle (416)
3. Kant (398)
4. Wittgenstein (364)
5. Quine (250)
6. Russell (211)
7. David Lewis (200)
8. Gottlob Frege (196)


>> No.7923608

>less than 1% of his output,
Why don't you give me some actual statistics, if you can at all read them, instead of nebulous, out-of-the-hat approximations?

>gets blown out of proportion by the casual student because it's "controversial".
Not really, but nice try making it seem that it does. It's by no means "blown out of proportion by the casual student"; it's what a lot of people, professional philosophers among them, think.

>actually the least
Measured by whom and by what possible criteria? Some anonymous poster on a Chinese image board?

>His core premises is nominalism and Humeanism with respect to the laws of nature
As it happens, as a figure in philosophy of mathematics he's pretty much a non-entity; and Humeanism, in that recent survey of contemporary philosophers, was in the minority.

>level of clarity.
That's probably the only take-away message from Lewis

>That's why he is the most cited man in philosophy.
No he isn't. The cause of his popularity is more or less analogously explained by the cause of the popularity of Chalmers: produce and introduce a seductive, but fundamentally a bullshit idea and sell it to the crowd, which is what he did. Writing "about a vast range of topics" does not necessarily make you "the most cited man in philosophy"; that's lazy thinking and a godawful inference.

>> No.7923609

Aye, you are probably right.

>> No.7923644

>The cause of his popularity is more or less analogously explained by the cause of the popularity of Chalmers: produce and introduce a seductive, but fundamentally a bullshit idea and sell it to the crowd, which is what he did

No, Lewis's stuff on modal realism is not well cited. Less than 1% of the citations concern his modal realism. In the case of Chalmers you are correct, though.

Look, as a fellow analytic here, I'm not interested in a drawn-out cage match about who's better than who. I made my case. If you don't like him, you don't like him.

>> No.7923646

Averroes is from the Middle Ages.

>> No.7923703

In all seriousness, these 6 philosophers have had a great impact on society in general, but not necessarily in academic philosophy.

Aristotle has made all sorts of contributions, and he merits his place. Kant should also be there, because his work was of interests to both the analytic and continental philosophy. I wouldn't put Nietzsche, Buddha, Confucius and Averroes there, though. I mean, They probably did it to add some diversity, but truth be told Buddha and Confucius are not strictly speaking philosophers. They were propaganda boys for ideology, as was Nietzsche to some extent. I think they could have been replaced by other people. They were too biased against the XX century.

>> No.7923739

Point taken.

>> No.7923755

>They can't be properly called philosophers.
>They're totes properly described by papa Karl's PoV.
This is why no one likes you pinkoes, you talk like fucking zealots.

>> No.7923973

Here's the thing though you could take a completely different argument to this issue. Buddha and Confucius are probably more influential, overall, than anyone else there.

Entire societies and lives are organized on their principles. You can't say the same for Kant or Plato for example. Chinese government and familial practices are shaped to this day by Confucious. The spiritual, social and ethical lives of South east Asians is driven by the ideas of the Buddha. Can we say Kant or Plato had the same influence? Doubtful.

>> No.7923989

Considering Plato was Aristotle's teachers, and his focus on empiricism which developped as a reaction to Plato's ideas and his teachings gave way to modern western society through the renaissance and science, and these affected the whole world, yes we can in Plato's case.

However, he didn't directly affect the world in the same way Kungfuzi or Gautama did, that's true; a better equivalent to them would be Jesus in social impact.

>> No.7924000

>t. assblasted stormfag who got told to fuck off

>> No.7924045

>unironically typing Kungfuzi or Gautama

literally almost as reddit as >>7924000

>> No.7924098

>Calling things by a different name is [boogeyman of the month] now.
Time and bandwidth are precious, don't waste it on platitudes, will you?

>> No.7924672


thank u for doing it again

>> No.7924688

needless and a trait of people who rambled off pi when it came up

>> No.7924696

>don't waste it on platitudes, will you?
also please stop writing to yourself in public

>> No.7924710

"do as i say not as i do"


>> No.7924771

>0 influence

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.7924813

I'll take Hume over Nietzsche, and maybe Aristotle over Plato.

>> No.7924851

Why are actual philosophers such plebs lit?

>> No.7924862


desu frederick would take you over hume

>> No.7924962

This man speaks the truth

>> No.7924983
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kant is a mistake, but shows how retarded rationalists are, especially the moderns.
we do not know what plato thought, besides being some rationalist too.

what averroes did ?

>> No.7924996

>Hume over Nietzsche
wew I hope to never attend your lectures

>> No.7925001

Averroes basically said the Quran is truth and any logic must coincide with the Quran or else.

>> No.7925005

Hegel > Hume > Schopenhauer > Nietzsche

>> No.7925007

>To rank the rest is a pretty tough call; all were eminent logicians.
It is fairly easy: logic and any rationalism is a disease embraced by people who despise enough empiricism to choose to dwell into their mental proliferation, then trying to claim that their speculations are less speculative and nihilistic than what they are, typically in fantasizing about speculations which give access to truth, reality or even back to their fantasy of empirical world, but this time with a better hedonism for everybody (because pains must be hated and pleasure be loved).

>> No.7925284


It's just liberals trying to be multicultural.

>> No.7925541

Kek. This desu senpai. Philosophy is a spook.

>> No.7925561
File: 559 KB, 538x736, Arist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Philosophy:

Aristotle 100
Plato 87
Immanuel Kant 74
René Descartes 51
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 46
Thomas Aquinas 39

John Locke 37
David Hume 36
Augustine 30
Baruch Spinoza 27
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 27
Socrates 26

Arthur Schopenhauer 24
George Berkeley 21
Friedrich Nietzsche 20
Thomas Hobbes 19
Bertrand Russell 18
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 17

>> No.7925588

>ctrl f
>no deleuze

>> No.7925592


>> No.7925598

thats awful

>> No.7925671

Read more

>> No.7925675

Epictetus over any of these fags.

>> No.7925677

Modern philosophy is pure autism. What do you expect.

>> No.7925725

>analytical philosphy is pure autism


>> No.7925880
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>> No.7925898

Buddha isn't a philosopher, and Confucius and Averroes didn't have nearly a big enough influence in any relevant part of the world to be represented there. All 3 should be taken out.

In terms of popular influence alone, I'd probably replace them with Aristotle, Spinoza, and Schopenhauer.

>> No.7926404

By importance:


>> No.7926419
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Honestly wtf is this Nietzsche bandwagon I can name at least 15 philosophers who are more influential and coherent.

>> No.7926429

IS that Kripke in the middle?

>> No.7926433

>didn't have nearly a big enough influence in any relevant part of the world
You've got to be kidding.

>> No.7926446

>thats awful
...said the spotty teenager with no clue what he's talking about.

>> No.7926449

Nietzsche is larger in the public psyche than almost any other philosopher out there.

He is someone everyone can recognize as a philosopher, even if they know nothing about philosophy.

>> No.7926457

So the hunger games should be on the literature page?

>> No.7926478

Butthurt orientalists incoming

>> No.7926482

Of philosophy, the west is the end all be all. Without confucius, modern philosophy would be no different.

>> No.7926485

The Hunger Games isn't iconic like Nietzsche

>> No.7926488

Only in the sense in which Yogi Berra is the most important philosopher "in the public psyche".

>> No.7926493

I never claimed important but he is iconic, there is no denying that

>> No.7926496

Who gives a fuck? Aristotle and Plato are 10x more iconic

>> No.7926500

The problem is, he's not actually a philosopher.

>> No.7926708

your adorable

>> No.7926750

So a commentary on someone else's posts is a platitude to you?

>> No.7927555

You're angry

>> No.7928362

that's a truly horrible thing to say.

>> No.7928535

Why Averroes and not Avicenna? I got the impression Avicenna was the king of Islamic philosophy.

>> No.7928573
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Isn't he more of a mythic cult figure? According to wikipedia no one even wrote any of his teachings down for four hundred fucking years. Averoes was clearly chosen a diversity token that wouldn't piss off Americans as much as Muhammed.

>> No.7928578

just about nailed it

if they're going for non-eurocentricism in the bottom row though they could probably try harder and pick someone not from the asian/middle eastern continent, maybe replace Averroes.

>> No.7928585

No mention of Jesus? Seriously?

>> No.7928593

i think they had to have existed to be included fuckboy

>> No.7928621

there are mythical stories and spiritual cosmologies that are blended into the various Buddhist traditions, but at its core it is really just an agnostic philosophy about becoming unattached and recognizing fundamental emptiness.

>> No.7928635
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>> No.7928637

I figure Averroes is to make up for no Aristotle, no math or geometry, and to contrast Kant, Confucius, and Nietzsche on rights and rhetoric. It's either that or add Mozi and nobody cares who he is anymore.

>> No.7928646

this is the only answer i really like itt

>> No.7928832

keep up m8

>> No.7928858

Does anyone actually freaking understand Plato? I just don't get wtf is going on here.

>> No.7928865

>this is the best quota sandnigger they could find

>> No.7928867

bingo, maybe drop plato DESU but people like the idea of greeks so much that aint gonna happen

>> No.7928872


>> No.7928985

This is so funny it hurts. You mixed up İmam al-Gazali with ibn-i Sina.

>> No.7928991
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>> No.7928994

Noble lie, stupid proles.

>> No.7929000

but there's a sam harris thread every other day or so

>> No.7930290

Wikipedia is edited by fucking morons, who knew.

>> No.7930325

For Western Philosophy?

Plato, Aristotle, Descartes
Kant, Husserl, Frege

Empiricism isn't well represented as well as the modern period but Kant and Descartes are too important.

>> No.7930446

Plato, Aristotle, Descartes
Kant, Wittgenstein, Kierkegaard

>> No.7930456

Slavoj Zizek
Sam Harris
Julius Evola

>> No.7930458


averroes reintroduced aristotle to the west, I say keep him.

>> No.7930493

I'd list the thinkers in terms of triads which show the progression of themes of thought throughout the history of philosophy:






Further divided between analytic/continental.



Quine/David Lewis/D. M. Armstrong




and so on, and so on.

>> No.7930671

>proving hs point

>> No.7930674

still :3
reread my post

>> No.7930679

Zizek is nowhere close to Lacan or Freud in terms of importance and contribuition to their fields.

>> No.7930707

What the fuck makes the West relevant and the East irrelevant

>> No.7930713

>China is important!!!111 There women are in my animus!!!111 so kawaii desu senpai

>> No.7930732

The West created most of the inventions, ideas and culture that are common world wide.

>> No.7930733

All three are pseuodointellectual clowns.

>> No.7930755

But he is the most relevant progenitor of their ideas today. Which is why I placed him there.

>> No.7930759
File: 171 KB, 600x604, Le Canadian Man of Pyschology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking triggered

>> No.7930772

Also, I should replace Husserl/Heidegger/Merleau-Ponty with


>> No.7930776

[citation needed]

I think it's probably more like this:
>lives in the Western hemisphere
>has never lived in an Asian country
>pretty sure they have no culure of their own
>pretty sure

>> No.7930781

Yes, I'm western. If you're Asian then you're probably more familiar with Western culture than the West is familiar with your's. The west is more global.

>> No.7930788

not really but now a bit because you would rather talk about me than reflecton y i mightve posted the reply i did

if your so terrified to wonder on yourself and your post and y u posted it that your immedate reaction is to talk about others than dont bother posting

>> No.7930801

You strike me as a drooling imbecile.

>> No.7930870

>still doesn't provide real evidence
alright, I mean, it is a tough point to prove

>If you're Asian then you're probably more familiar with Western culture than the West is familiar with your's

Seriously, like, are you just pulling this out of your ass? Where are you getting this info from, besides assumptions of cultural superiority you've been socialized with since you were born?

American schools are notorious for teaching jack shit about Eastern culture beyond the most basic world history, so I guess I can't blame you for your cultural myopia.

>> No.7930881
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Wikipedia is left, they're against logic and reason so are you really that surprised?
>They can't even have a simple list on philosophy without being biased

>> No.7930895

Every young college girl who smoked pot once claims to love Hunter Thompson. In reality, he's actually a fantastic writer. Don't let his "bad ass legend" image trick you into thinking he isn't extremely talented.

>> No.7930902

Mines is:
1. John Green
2. Dr. Seuss
3. Adolf Hitler
4. Hugh Hefner
5. Dolly Lama
6. Myself

>> No.7930993

you are either illiterate or didnt read my reply in which case this is a waste of a reply but the capcha is already filled so goodbye

>> No.7931009

and if youre wondering y you are either of those read my reply and then read yours again becuz you did exactly what was outlined in the post again

dunno if your new but learning when not to reply is helpful

also bump

>> No.7931011

Sorry, I'm not familiar with the lingo of 12-year-old Latina girls.

>> No.7931024

>Averroes and not Al-Ghazali
definitely haram.

>> No.7931035

youre telling me

>> No.7931046


you kids are a riot!

>> No.7931065

line two

>> No.7931161
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>> No.7931179


But we don't know who actually came up with it. We have no idea who Buddha actually was if he even existed at all. He can't really be considered a historical figure any more than Romulus and Remus. Even with Jesus Christ it only took a century or so to get it in writing.

It's painfully obvious that wikipedia had to get the color balance just right and put in someone revered by our Oriental brethren


>> No.7931251

>. We have no idea who Buddha actually was if he even existed at all. He can't really be considered a historical figure any more than Romulus and Remus.
does not matter...
people say that he existed because ''we cannot imagine that he did not existed, given all the sudden texts about him''.
This reasoning is applied to everybody in the past.

>> No.7931264

>>The West created most of the inventions, ideas and culture that are common world wide.
This. All the West has done is improving humanity's hedonism. But the West did not create anything outside hedonism.

>> No.7931366

Land, Land, Land, Land, Land, and Land.

>> No.7932204

>Muslim philosophy
>implying this should be placed next to any of the others

If you stand for this, you're the problem.

>> No.7932222

is that father dubs?

>> No.7932226

Chinese society is a disaster though

>> No.7932239

>American schools are notorious for teaching jack shit about Eastern culture beyond the most basic world history, so I guess I can't blame you for your cultural myopia.

Yeap we could not give less a toss about you lot.

And that is why you more about us than we you.

Jeez, you asians really do have lower IQs huh