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/lit/ - Literature

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7922076 No.7922076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ explain to me the appeal of Islam, since you're notorious on this nepalese carpet appreciation board for calling it a beautiful religion.

>> No.7922079

Traditionalism, redpilled about women, actually want to stop degeneracy.

>> No.7922082

the rigidity of thought. you find it in other equally compelling ideologies like positivism/science, marxism, etc.

>> No.7922083

polygami, child brides, chill clothes, cool guns... What's not to like?

>> No.7922085

you mean other than the poetry? the travelogues, botanicals, and geometry. the chemistry and medical texts i could take or leave.

>> No.7922089

It's /pol/'s dream religion

>> No.7922109

Liberals, AKA most of /lit/, are contrarians. They were raised with Christianity. Islam hates Christianity. Ergo, they defend and idealize Islam because it goes against what their parents raised them with.

TLDR: Petulant children trying to rebel not realizing the danger of what they're defending.

>> No.7922114

Please fill out the autistic crossboarder information request form properly next time

>> No.7922115

This is a meme thread you dip

I hope you don't take 4chan seriously

>> No.7922119

>so much projection
/lit/ reads a lot of Christian shit too. you just like to pretend your little story here is more true than the bible. it's kind of cute, but it probably shows up in your sexual performance that you're so hung up on certain subjects that you can't tell a book of poems from a life threatening situation. women pick up on that shit, bro, just fyi.

>> No.7922120
File: 289 KB, 1500x1000, peaceful_loving_sisters_2_by_nayzak-d3gknwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't everyone just bee friends?

>> No.7922123

because bee couldn't keep his faggot mouth shut about dfw

>> No.7922145

>Islam hates Christianity
Confirmed for knowing nothing of Islam past the news headlines. A couple of examples. Muslim prayer includes a wish of peace toward the enitre Abrahamic family (i.e., Judaism and Christianity in addition to Islam). Also a Muslim is quick to proclaim 'peace be upon him/her' (PBUH) when mentioning Jesus, Mary, or other biblical figures shared by the Qur'an.

>> No.7922160

Islam is a religion of endless revenge, so I guess when you're pissed off at someone, there's that

Judaism has the same thing. It's not an eye for an eye, it's an infinite number of eyes for an eye. This is also the main reason why the Middle East is a goddamn shithole

>> No.7922168

>main reason
it couldn't be CIA funding islamists at all

>> No.7922170


Most of that modern 'moderate' muslims hate nowadays.

All they want to do now is imitate the prophet in the most detailled sense imagineable ( like going to sleep on the right shoulder, because that's how it was written ).

>> No.7922175


That's just America being interventionists asses and not letting nature take its course.

If you're not smart enough to realize that cooperation and occasional forgiveness are necessary to survive, you don't deserve to live on this planet. When the oil runs out, Middle Easterners will figure out this lesson the hard way

>> No.7922187

sounds like you have terrible friends. get friends who like good poetry.

>> No.7922198


I don't want muslim friends.

>> No.7922208
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>> No.7922214

Are you that vore guy

>> No.7922217

then how do you know all these terrible muslims you are complaining about? are muslims your equivalent of "my girlfriend from two towns over, you wouldn't know her, she went to a different school, and she doesn't have a telephone number so you can't call her, she's a 10/10". in that case, i hope you and your muslims are very happy together and understand why you both have to stay home from the book club because of her anxiety.

>> No.7922237


Accumulating a bunch of anecdotes changes shit.

Just the other day an Indonesian christian got caned for selling alcohol.
Every majority muslim country on Earth is a fucking shithole. Even if you throw massive amounts of wealth at it ( the Gulf ), it doesn't help them from being massively backwards in their outlook on how the social body should behave.


>> No.7922239


Toasting in what is and will surely continue to be a reasoned insightful respectful bread

At least my response will serve to teach Google that a washer and dryer are NOT FOOD.

>> No.7922243

meh, it doesn't have the prose of Sade or even Reage. if you're going to write about flagellation you need to at least be a Joseph Heller, even if you can't manage an Algernon Charles Swinburne.

>> No.7922255

Fuck Islam. Dirty religion for dirty sand niggers.

>> No.7922265

Muslims are literally genociding Christians in the Middle East right now, today. Try again.

>> No.7922269


God damn, what the fuck has happened to this board?

>> No.7922271

The real /lit/ question is:

Would you convert to Islam for two 14 year old wives, a university English job paying $190k a year and subsidized housing in a European country dominated by conservative white traditionalist Islamic converts.

Anything else is ground floor /pol/ shitting.

>> No.7922273

My answer btw is immediately

>> No.7922277


The lion's share of Muslims would and do condemn genocide as radicalism and not at all in keeping with Islam

>> No.7922278

Stop being dramatic, it's one hater. Islam as practiced in the highlands of Afghanistan and the Arabian peninsula is barbaric. As practiced by wealthy Persian expats it's a perfectly valid religion, excepting it's rigidity of though.

>> No.7922286

Good thing they're the only people committing genocide; things got a bit confusing after Mao died and it started to look like a human problem again.

>> No.7922288


I'd rather die.

Of all the religions I find nothing really gratifying about it.
I can't get how people can even remotely like it when not having grown up into it.
If there was such a thing as a medieval airport, that's islam's aesthetic and ideas. A bucketlist of rules to be a tool of a "greater power" and the artistic creativity of Ikea.

>> No.7922290


fuck off, this post is very bit as bad as "Fuck Islam. Dirty religion for dirty sand niggers," especially on account of its delivering essentially the same message in a moderate voicing.

>> No.7922300



The most un-Muslim people in the world.
Talk to any Iranian in private and he'll either admit he wants Islam gone or takes it up the ass after having written a poem.

>> No.7922303

>If there was such a thing as a medieval airport, that's islam's aesthetic and ideas. A bucketlist of rules to be a tool of a "greater power" and the artistic creativity of Ikea.
m8 did you just compare Khayyam and Rumi to Ikea?

>> No.7922306


Again, the only good things about Islam happened in Persia.

>> No.7922310

>perfectly valid religion

They would kill you just for saying that.

>> No.7922319

Fuck that shit. I can do it on my own, secularly, in America.

>> No.7922326

so the sufic influence on Gibran should be ignored because he's Lebanese, American, and technically a Maronite? plz

>> No.7922332

>let me list a bunch of Shia Muslims who were great artists and thinkers
>most Muslims in the West today are Sunni, known for such accomplishments as sending cavalry and slave armies against unbelievers, barbary piracy ( resulting over a million white slaves ) and its greatest thinker is Ibn Taymiyyah, the grandfather of salafism

Fantastic branch. Would list accomplishments again.

>> No.7922340
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Fucking degenerate

>> No.7922341

Most modern Sufis are Sunni. The artists and thinkers ITT so far are Sufi. lrn2Persia

>> No.7922348


Try find a Sufi in Brussels or London.

>> No.7922351

You wind up getting laid by hipster chicks buying Rumi too often to do that again at my age, anon.

>> No.7922972

/lit/ likes every religion. Especially Christianity. Relax.

>> No.7922984

nigers r gay

>> No.7922997

>Liberals, AKA most of /lit/, are contrarians.
cuz poltards and r9k fags aren't

>> No.7923001

your of kek

>> No.7923011

Muslims are like christians. Nobody actually practices what their holy text preaches. Terrorists and churchgoers are all degenerates.