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/lit/ - Literature

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7920652 No.7920652 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any literary or philosophical fantasies?

Do you ever imagine yourself talking to the author of a book you have read, or meeting an interesting writer or philosopher in person?

For example I like to imagine showing PKD the movie adaptations of his works, especially Linklater's A Scanner Darkly. I also sometimes find myself in a party with Jack Kerouac, Alan Watts, Gary Snyder, and Allen Ginsberg (Dharma Bums).

>> No.7920664

I sometimes think about showing Sade porn streaming sites.

>> No.7920678

You see, OP, sometimes autism isn't so much about what you think - because who has any control over that, really? - as it is about what you deem acceptable to show the world.

>> No.7920680

I like to imagine Wittgenstein butt fucking me with a signpost while I watch Frege and Russell 69, all the while I'm eating out GEM Anscombe while she calls out "Aristotle! Oh yes, Aristotle!!"

>> No.7920690

That would probably just diminish that hack's writing since he had only his filthy imagination to work off of.

Seeing most of his shit as reality would make him go mellow or start publishing books like '100 ways to fist your infant nephew' just to be provocative.

>> No.7920701

I've had dreams about Joyce, Pinecone, and DFW. So an entire meme trilogy of dreams.

>> No.7920705
File: 990 KB, 918x1513, Farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you his little farting anon in the dreams?

>> No.7920708 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1275x686, jasper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see who has the last laugh when I'm skullfucking your lifeless body.

>> No.7920709

I don't think Peter Geach would like that.

>> No.7920716

No farts involved, I'm afraid. He just asked me some questions and I answered.

>> No.7920718

Where is this screenshot from OP?

>> No.7920719

>Joyce dream without farts,

Wasted opportunity, m8.

>> No.7920728

Sometimes I dream of tormenting the shade of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, forcing him to watch shit like this
for all eternity.

>> No.7920748

Children of Men

>> No.7920756

Blame my subconscious for not having a fart fetish.

>> No.7920785

I really want to meet Harold Bloom before he dies, even if it's just getting him to sign the complete Blake he wrote all the notes for. Meeting him's one of those nervous fantasies because I know I'll get absolutely destroyed by him intellectually while being too stupid to actually realise it.

>> No.7920805

I think he would just stop writing altogether and spend his time between wanking at the computer and ordering whores online and going to sex clubs.

>> No.7920809
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I would love to sit down for an evening with Gene Wolfe. I don't know if he drinks or not, but we'd sit down regardless and talk about everything.

I've actually written him a letter. I wrote it to him last July and sent it to his literary agency, who promised to pass it on to him. I haven't heard anything since. I hope he got it. I hope I get to meet him before he dies. I want to tell him how much he's meant to me.

>> No.7920824

good god m'lad

that's horrid

>> No.7921871

i have this recurring fantasy that one day people will wake up to themselves. it's not going to happen, though. the real estate market would be devastated, for one.

>> No.7922049

One night I dreamt of Socrates and Plato assagning and discussing some exercises to young students

>> No.7922066

I like to imagine myself the bartender who gave Dylan Thomas his 18th whisky that evening.

>> No.7922803

For an alcoholic Thomas sure was a lightweight. I had 18 whiskies yesterday and I feel fine.

>> No.7922808

I do this in the shower constantly. Also I imagine explaining modern technology and recent world history to historical figures.

>> No.7922838

i constantly imagine all the great authors and artists who have ever lived to be at a huge party in a luxurious manor. i hear them talking about the human condition and sharing in the feeling of having cracked the code of it all, left disillusioned but satisfied with rewarding work, probing their souls. then i imagine showing up at the party and everyone just giving me blank stares, like who the fuck am i. all the conversation stops and i know they want me to show them what i have done to illuminate the darkness of the human soul and all i have is this bullshit i try to make into stories. they shun me and throw me out into the street and i walk away sad, the conversation resuming behind me.

i just want to be accepted into the echo chamber of eternity and share insights with my bros.

>> No.7922869
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>> No.7922888

Until recently I ignored authors all together only focusing on works

>> No.7923416

jasper is #goals af desu