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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 320x321, fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7920612 No.7920612 [Reply] [Original]

What are you honest-to-god qualms with his writing? No memes please.

I'm convinced that /lit/ just hates him because young people find a connection with his work, and anons like to act jaded and indifferent to anything hip.

>> No.7920617

I don't like his face, he has deceptive, sexually deviant, quite possibly homosexual proportions.

>> No.7920618

He writes entirely in cliches and infantile observations.

>> No.7920642

your mother writes entirely in cliches and infantile observations.

>> No.7920644

Just yesterday he released a video talking about a section of one of his texts. In it he discerned the entirety of the subtext and underlining meaning within his own work.

Rule number one when being an author: literature is a tool to express the unexpressable in a beautiful manner, if you can't do that then just write incomprehensible hogwash and/or something totally banal and don't point it out to anyone.

>> No.7920649

i.e Ulysses

>> No.7920662

I wonder what John Green would say if he knew we were calling him "based." I wish we could all go to his house and hoist him up on a sofa like a king and chant "Based John Green!" while he smiled sheepishly like, "What can I do? They want to celebrate me, I can't stop them." Then at night the atmosphere would shift from a celebratory revel to a something more serious and subdued as the joints come out and we urge John Green to partake and after a little cajoling he finally does and says, "I haven't done this in a long time." And somebody would say, "It's a good a time to start back up as any," and John Green would nod and then cough and try to say "True that" through the coughing. "C'mon John Green, you can't take those big '90s hits anymore, you're an old man, and plus this shit is more powerful!" Then we'd ask him if he's feeling it yet, and he'd say "Oh yeah, you guys weren't kidding, this is powerful stuff, not like when I was young." And we'd start asking him what he meant in his movie, what he was trying to say when he said that, and so on, and he'd smile and shake his head and say, "It was so long ago, and now you've got me high, I can't remember, I'm sorry!" OK, OK, then, we'd say, we'll give you a break. Sorry. We know you're high. Maybe when you come down a bit. Then somebody would shout, "John Green did 9/11!" and people would get annoyed and shout at him to shut up and somebody would say, "Who is that? Who brought that asshole?" And when it got late, and we began to feel like we were overstaying our welcome, I would corner John Green and say, "Hey, listen, I feel like I'm having a panic attack, or something, and I can't go outdoors, something's wrong with me. Is it cool if I crash here? I won't tell anybody." And he'd say Fine, fine (still high as hell), and I'd say, "Thank you, based John Green," and as I lay awake in the guest room in the dark I would try to think of really smart and insightful questions to ask him over breakfast, which I would have ready for him when he awoke.

>> No.7920666

Leftist beta that thinks like a woman. Disgusting.

>> No.7920672

He exalts the worst aspects of modern culture to make the teenage girls who read him feel good about themselves. His books are shallow, poorly written, and intellectually trash. I can't think of a single good thing to say about his writing.

>> No.7920691


And he's fucking famous, what the hell are we doing?

>> No.7920707

I feel warm.

>> No.7920715

I never actually read his stuff but sort of hated him without giving him a real chance you know?

>> No.7920733

First honest post in the thread.

>> No.7920734

I watched the film adaptation of TFIOS. Funnily enough the only character I even remotely related to was Willem Dafoe, and his whole purpose in the story was to be the bitter alcoholic realist who tells the protagonists to take their retarded whimsical John Green garbage and shove it up each other's cancer ridden asses and get the fuck out of his house.

Maybe that was John's intention.

>> No.7920735

I made a point about John Green in another thread. I have no issue with "The Fault in Our Stars". It was an okay book and the writing wasn't great but it was readable. However, Looking for Alaska is smut fan fiction in which John Green makes it fairly obvious that his nerdy, socially awkward teen is in a way reflective of him and the fact that he writes about a young petite(?) russian(?) girl having sex with him is borderline fan fiction tier and the way he writes it, its as though he had his dick in his hand while typing it out. The young petite(?) russian(?) girl even comments on his dick ,and I am not dramatizing this, by saying "Beeg". She comments on his dick by calling it "Beeg" like big with an accent. And to top this all off, It is a "CHILDREN'S BOOK". It made a top 10 "CHILDREN'S BOOK" list.

>> No.7920751

>this much desperate denial


>> No.7920768

So basically, you're a prude. Walk it off.

>> No.7920777

No, that is not the case. You're inferring I am a prude because I cringe at reading something so cringey. If it was written better it wouldn't have been so bad, a well written sex scene in a novel isn't an issue, but even so it is a "CHILDREN'S BOOK" list. Do you not understand that a book for Children should not include an entire poorly written section about a small girl thinking a man's dick is Beeg.

>> No.7920781

>Just as the Bradys were getting locked in jail, Lara randomly asked me, “Have you ever gotten a blowjob?”
>“Um, that’s out of the blue,” I said.
>“The blue?”
>“Like, you know, out of left field.”
>“Left field?”
>“Like, in baseball. Like, out of nowhere. I mean, what made you think of that?”
>“I’ve just never geeven one,” she answered, her little voice dripping with seductiveness. It was so brazen. I thought I would explode. I never thought. I mean, from Alaska, hearing that stuff was one thing. But to hear her sweet little Romanian voice go so sexy all of the sudden...
>“No,” I said. “I never have.”
>“Think it would be fun?”
>DO I!?!?!?!?!?!?! “Um. yeah. I mean, you don’t have to.”
>“I think I want to,” she said, and we kissed a little, and then. And then with me sitting watching The Brady Bunch, watching Marcia Marcia Marcia up to her Brady antics, Lara unbuttoned my pants and pulled my boxers down a little and pulled out my penis.
>“Wow,” she said.
>She looked up at me, but didn’t move, her face nanometers away from my penis. “It’s weird.”
>“What do you mean weird?”
>“Just beeg, I guess.”
>I could live with that kind of weird. And then she wrapped her hand around it and put it into her mouth.
>And waited.
>We were both very still. She did not move a muscle in her body, and I did not move a muscle in mine. I knew that at this point something else was supposed to happen, but I wasn’t quite sure what.
>She stayed still. I could feel her nervous breath. For minutes, for as long as it took the Bradys to steal the key and unlock themselves from the ghost-town jail, she lay there, stock-still with my penis in her mouth, and I sat there, waiting.
>And then she took it out of her mouth and looked up at me quizzically.
>“Should I do sometheeng?”
>“Um. I don’t know,” I said. Everything I’d learned from watching porn with Alaska suddenly exited my brain. I thought maybe she should move her head up and down, but wouldn’t that choke her? So I just stayed quiet.
>“Should I, like, bite?”
>“Don’t bite! I mean, I don’t think. I think—I mean, that felt good. That was nice. I don’t know if there’s something else.”
>“I mean, you deedn’t—”
>“Um. Maybe we should ask Alaska.”
>So we went to her room and asked Alaska. She laughed and laughed. Sitting on her bed, she laughed until she cried. She walked into the bathroom, returned with a tube of toothpaste, and showed us. In detail. Never have I so wanted to be Crest Complete.
>Lara and I went back to her room, where she did exactly what Alaska told her to do, and I did exactly what Alaska said I would do, which was die a hundred little ecstatic deaths, my fists clenched, my body shaking. It was my first orgasm with a girl, and afterward, I was embarrassed and nervous, and so, clearly, was Lara, who finally broke the silence by asking, “So, want to do some homework?”

>> No.7920787

I was talking about my weewee all the time when I was a kid so I don't see how that's a big deal.

>> No.7920806

>Do you not understand that a book for Children should not include an entire poorly written section about a small girl thinking a man's dick is Beeg

No, because I'm not a prude.

>> No.7920812

Yeah fuck morals and values right? Let's just allow children to read fruitless smut. It's 2016 after all!

>> No.7920828

rule #1 for b8: make it plausible

get with the program kid

>> No.7920831

This has nothing to do with "morals and values" and you know it. You are projecting your sexual insecurities onto young people, and it's pretty sick.

>> No.7920834

shut the fuck up b8poster. people shouldn't even ironically defend any jg. idk wtf this board has come to.

>> No.7920837

now you've gone beyond the pale. you're not arguing the point anymore, you're just trying to win.

sexual morality is a classic, you don't just get to discard it out of hand

>> No.7920841

The fact that you feel the need to jump to this assumption makes me think that you are the one projecting.

>> No.7920845

Jesus Christ that's awkwardly written.

>It was so brazen. I thought I would explode. I never thought. I mean, from Alaska, hearing that stuff was one thing.

What the utter fuck am I reading.

>> No.7920848

>What the utter fuck am I reading.

It's postmodernism. He's toying with the conventions of language.

>> No.7920856

stop fucking around

>> No.7920862

It's a kind of Freudian slip. The overwhelming sense of fantasy and lust that Green got from writing that portion manifested itself in the text, resulting in a disjointed and confused stream of consciousness not unlike what a flustered teenage boy offered a blow job would feel like.

He is a dirty bastard.

>> No.7920867

That's right - it isn't analytic philosophy, sperglord. It's messy and complicated - just like sexuality. Deal with it.

>> No.7920872

He's not being postmodern, fuckhead
He's regurgitating cliché teenage girl speech patterns

are you really that fuckin retarded? don't answer that

never post on my board ever agian

>> No.7920874

>It's messy and complicated - just like sexuality.

Only if you're a tard like John Green. I fuck very gracefully, like a patrician.

>> No.7920875

You sound upset. Maybe your autism is acting up again?

>> No.7920883

No you fuckin idiot, I'm not upset, I'm always this way.

now fuck the fuck off already you fuckin stupid piece of shit

>> No.7920885

Shit posting, criticizing authors when you have nothing published yourself.

>> No.7920887

It was.

>> No.7920888

>w-why don't you do b-better????

>> No.7920899

Kiss my ass John

>> No.7920915
File: 1.38 MB, 1440x600, Screenshot_2016-04-13-00-32-10-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys spot finding Alaska on one of my shelves? ??

>> No.7920919

lmao looking for Alaska fuckkkkk*

>> No.7920921
File: 930 KB, 500x220, reilly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Annotated Lolita

>> No.7920933

Thanks Thought Bubble

>> No.7920937

>implying "I never thought" doesn't actually have deeper meaning for the main character beyond simply replicating millennial speech patterns

>> No.7920945

what's wrong with that. it was $2

>> No.7920949

Is it a book that really needs annotation?

>> No.7920959

lol no I don't even care about that shit. I just read the story.

>> No.7920960

Not him. But I guess it would be a little helpful if you don't know French

>> No.7920962


>> No.7920966
File: 77 KB, 542x535, 1460115902810 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of Spooks.

>> No.7920979

I read Fault and thought it was a good YA book.

>> No.7920980

That's some cool John Green + Ghostbusters fan art! Do you have a link to the original artist?

>> No.7920996

I'm drunk so I just downloaded his books
gonna read them now and report back in an hour

>> No.7921041

If you have to ask this question you're even more of a pleb than I am
I'm a YUGE pleb btw

>> No.7921145

I like him. /lit/ is generally an retard.

>> No.7922158

He stinks and I don't like him.

>> No.7922166

I'm not being ironic. Fight me faggot.

>> No.7922169

Autism level: infinite.

>> No.7922297

> must put out a disclaimer that i'm not a massive john green fan.

but you've made yourself out to be a prick lol, because that whole scene is deliberately awful and awkward because it's a kid's first sexual experience. jesus. well done on reading one page of a book

>> No.7922314
File: 42 KB, 504x467, 7427115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I hate him and all all of his followers.

>> No.7922315

son, you have a lot of political learning to do

>> No.7922325


The cigarette is a metaphor for JG being a shitty writer.

I think the Young Adult genre is harmful as a part of a larger-scale infantilization.

>> No.7922333

shut the fuck up john

>> No.7922358

His books all have the same plot
He uses all possible clichés
All his books are predictable as shit
His writing is shit
His books are mundane and boring
John Green is a faggot
He writes about love even though he's clearly a kiss less virgin
John Green is a faggot

>> No.7922374

>Is it a book that really needs annotation?
Well it actually is quite helpful in order to understand the myriad of allusions and language games Nabby put in there. I always prefer annotated editions, maybe I just have a huge hardon for additional informations. If you think annotations disturb your reading flow you could just read the book twice, once paying no attention to the notes and then again picking up useful information you might have missed or feeling smug when you understood something that is (or even better isn't) mentioned in the endnotes.

>> No.7922394

I like your writing style

>> No.7922411
File: 19 KB, 367x390, 1458433009796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He encourages degeneracy and the decline of western civilisation.

>> No.7922486

always the queen fans

>> No.7922492

Fuck, his prose style is shit. Fuck John Green

>> No.7922498

/pol/ posters are almost bot-like. Regurgitating the same buzzwords over and over againin hope to make some sense

>> No.7922543

And anti-/pol/ posters never contribute anything of value, instead they just complain.

>> No.7922549

This is actually in the book? Fuck, it really looks like self-insert as >>7920735 said.
>"beeg", "someetheeng"
Oh c'mon now

>> No.7922602

>this garbage is actually part of the Grade 11 curriculum in some American high schools

>> No.7922665

No, but I can see John Grisham on there.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7922674

yeah so?

>> No.7922686

I think the most legit criticism is that his teenage characters act ridiculously adult but in a cringy, melodramatic way. His tern characters act like what teens think adults act like. Also the whole thing where everybody talks like they're in the Odyssey.

Other than that, he writes YA fiction so of course it's going to pander to edgy teens who think anybody gives a shit about their deep thoughts and real problems

>> No.7922713

Jesus Tao, stop posting here.

>> No.7922751

I don't know why edgy /lit/ fags hate him. He is very professed about his intent to write for teenagers and does exactly that; He's successful because his writing is the vaguely romantic and youthful style that teens/young adults just fucking love, and he's not doing so unintentionally. He knows that the most influential consumers of novels are teens/ young adults, so why not write the fantastic stories that they would have wanted to experience themselves?

Criticizing Greene for this reason is akin to criticizing manufacturers of baby toys; they know their audience, so they tailor their creations accordingly. You could say that Fisher-Price's products are infantile, and you'd be right-- in fact, I'd say that you're spot on. He's actually made a business out of writing, and he's gotten numerous of patrons in doing so. Nice file name, bt-dubs.

>> No.7922758

How do I english? Fug

>> No.7922768

>write the fantastic stories that he would have wanted to experience himself?

>> No.7922800

Why do you think it's a good thing that the reading effort of teenagers is being funneled into useless shit that only panders to their own level?

>> No.7922805

Because one shouldn't encourage marketing degenerate trash to people who don't know any better.

I feel the same about Harry Potter and Game of Thrones or whatever.

>> No.7922806


>> No.7923005

It's actually not

>> No.7923049

Nothing personal against him. I just think he embodies all the opportunist western liberal half intellectual faggot stereotype. That's all.

>> No.7923057

The problem may be that while baby toys are clearly marketed and understood to be for babies, adults read Green and think it's grownup writing, then push it on others. Other than that I do agree.

>> No.7923237

>He writes about love even though he's clearly a kiss less virgin

He has 2 kids. It's like you idiots don't even know anything about him and you try to tear him apart. It's not that hard to do research so you don't come out sounding like such a fucking idiot.

>> No.7923250

mate, I'm on your side, but you're doing a piss poor job at arguing it

>> No.7923307

>He thinks those kids are his

>> No.7923311

maximum kek.

>> No.7923417

Well then contribute instead of bitching like some underage tardshit

>> No.7923585

It's not b8, it's pasta you newfag. Get with the program.

>> No.7923613

This is irrelevant but you reminded me. When I was about seven, I experimented sexually for the first time. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing really, I was just doing off some instructions my mother inadvertently gave while fucking some dude in the same room as me while I was trying to sleep. Anyway, skip to about the fourth or fifth time with some other girl I tried messing around with, and so I'm hanging out with her in her bedroom and we're playing show and tell. Then I say, with our junk in plain sight, "Want me to stick my winkie in your peepee?"

Sorry, I had to kek. I love prepubescent vocabulary. For instance, I use to refer to sex as S.E.X.

>> No.7923648

Just because somethings done deliberately doesn't mean its any good.
>Hurrdurr I was writing like a retard deliberately
Nice logic.
>but you've made yourself out to be a prick
To who? To you? Who even are you to judge that for yourself?

>> No.7923657

This is funny

>> No.7923673

This. Anyone on here who seriously likes JG should find a less discerning Turkish lice rearing forum.

>> No.7923722


keep telling yourself that you're more mature than everybody else

Sure sign of maturity and intelligence

>> No.7923726


>implying "muh degeneracy" and other /pol/ nonsense is anything but complaining and whining

>> No.7923732

Keep telling yourself that those who criticise your tastes are snobs without good reason, a sure sign of the philistine.

>> No.7923736

>keep telling yourself that you're more mature than everybody else.
That wasn't said and if you're defending that teenagers are just as mature as everybody else then your post holds no weight because I can assure you most teenagers are not mature and the ones that think they are happen to be even more immature than the ones that don't claim to be.

>> No.7923748
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1459304704067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like deviantart fanfiction.

>> No.7923753


I don't care bout John green I'm just pointing out that being overly concerned with being mature (to the point where you believe everybody but you is immature by comparison) is a typical immature thing to think

>> No.7923759


>worried about "infantilizing culture"
>implying that's not a thinly veiled brag about how mature you are

>> No.7923761

>accuses me of being that other Anon
>being more mature than a teenager is a bad thing
What even are you?

>> No.7923765

Fair enough. It's difficult because you're right but in a culture that is increasingly infantilized someone does have to say "you are being a fucking child".

>> No.7923773

> Thinks not liking John Green constitutes intellectual dick waving
> Evidence of infantile culture

>> No.7923779

If you don't believe "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" constitutes the height of human intellectual achievement, you are an insecure snob.

>> No.7923784

>My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.
He doesn' know the meaning of words

>> No.7923804

It is postmodernism, which means you have to put all your old prejudices away and open your mind.

>> No.7923842
File: 50 KB, 700x467, how-to-not-run-your-dates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What are you talking about, anon? John Green is awesome. The Fault in our stars is my favorite book. I thought you liked reading...."

>> No.7923850

The worst aspect of modern teenage culure is in my opinion the overconfidence they exhibit. For a long time everyone has treated teenagers and kids like they're stupid, but recently media and slowly everyone else has picked up on their intelligence. The thing is, there's a difference between intelligence and knowing things. These kids don't know shit, but they think they know everything by reading about some interesting historical or literary fact in a Green book or some science yeah fact they read about on tumblr. It's half-assed pop fluff and everyone knows it except these teens who think their knowledge of which pronoun to use when referring to a trans or some shit like that means anything in the real world. And John Green perpetuates it by shitting on the education system and saying how he learned more by his own methods. Guess what John? You're working in a field you went to school for, and not a sociologist even though you've maybe read what the Maslow pyramid is and put a picture of it in you YA trash novel.

>> No.7923885

Haven't teens always thought (before the advent of Tumblr's "look at me, I hate myself!" self-masturbatory routine) they were King/Queen Shit of Fuck Mountain, though?

>> No.7924174


>> No.7924194

shut the fuck up

>> No.7924212

Teenagers have always acted like smug assholes who know everything, it isn't a modern development

>> No.7924238

the modern development is mass-media sucking their smug assholes to unholy climax, did you not read the post or are you stupid?

>> No.7924258

A. I read the first few sentences
B. My point is that kids have always been stupid. Mass-media simply reflects this and so the problem simply seems worse as you are exposed to more instances of it.

>> No.7924265

>My point is that kids have always been stupid
Not in the past when one cultivated aristocracy and virtue.

Do you think Alexander would have read this trash? They were raised to become great men, not to indulge in whatever degenerate tendencies they had.

>> No.7924400

This. This mindless infatuation with youth is the main cause. Remember how during the Twilight craze adults, who should know better, would ask eachother 'team Jabob or Edward?' in a partly ironic but mostly serious manner even though Twilight is the most toxic piece of media aimed at women of the last decade. And stuff like that never stops happening, just look at how fucking viners get to be on TV (mostly talk shows) in an effort of everyone to stay hip i.e. for some reason care about meaningless, trite, temporary bullshit. Teen self-indulgence fueling adult indulgence, an endless cycle. It's all disgusting. And then Green goes on to say on tumblr how he 'doesn't give a shit about adults.' Just imagine the world without someone to take care of these children-at-heart and their stupid, useless interests. On his tumblr he also goes on to say how he thinks his writing is most useful when aimed at YA. You know, maybe he is just that stupid? Maybe he really doesn't realize that all he's doing is adding fuel to the fire by giving teens material to indulge and live in a perpetual state of uncritical mindlessness. It's not the kind of material which helps them to grow. And I haven't even addressed their special snowflake fantasies and how Green fuels their view of themselves like somehow their individuality (even if they had it, which they don't) means anything. Everyone needs to shut up, grow a pair, and grow up.

>> No.7924682

Here's what you need to know about 4chan, in general, the population is largely young adults and early 20's males, usually antisocial. This means every board, EVERY FUCKING BOARD, is going to be largely upset about whatever is popular with that age group.

It's more obvious with /v/, /tv/ and /mu/ but it's true pretty much everywhere. /lit/ hates Jon Greene for the same reason /v/ hates Madden and CoD. but /lit/ has delusions of intellectual superiority to the rest of 4Chan because they jerk off to philosophers.

And to go ahead and cut off the natural response to this post; this is not to say that John Greene is above criticism or that his work is anything other than pop literature. But the insistence on having this thread so fucking often is what illustrates my point. /lit/ is cut from the same knee-jerk antisocial cloth that makes up the rest of this website.

>> No.7924698

>I read the first few sentences
literally the second sentence:
>For a long time everyone has treated teenagers and kids like they're stupid, but recently media and slowly everyone else has picked up on their intelligence.

please actually read posts before you attempt response

>> No.7924831

I think Alexander the great is the exception rather than the rule. Most people throughout history didn't cultivate aristocracy and virtue. Men like John Green and Donald Trump are our modern Shakespeares and Alexanders

>> No.7924844

Yeah but in the past they'd get fucking whipped for it, not praised.

>> No.7924848

Comparing John Green to Shakespeare in a John Green thread
low level b8, are you even trying?

>> No.7924854

You mean e.g., you fucking retard.

>> No.7924919

>Men like John Green
>John Green
If Shakespeare were alive he'd probably say John Green is trashy.

>> No.7924971

Real answer:
Most of /lit/ are young men either in their senior year of high school or slogging through their undergrad. Being between the ages of 16 and 24, these young men are horny; being beta nerds, they have trouble meeting women.
However, the constant Daveposting and pretending to have read Pynchon gets to their heads, and they start to think that they have a field of interest. So these literary scholars-to-be head out with their never-opened copy of Ulysses tucked under one arm and a John Green-like smugness on their face and they try to meet women. But woe is them! For every woman they chat up, they always hear the same name: John Green.

Now, John Green himself isn't that awful. It's not like there's anything deplorable about his writing. It's just mediocre. Derivative. Clichéd. Formulaic. Predictable. Synonyms. He's not writing fiction for grown-ups, he's writing kiddy-lit. He's not far removed from any other boy-meets-girl-oh-no-cancer schlock-slinger.
/lit/ doesn't hate John Green because of his books. Most of /lit/ has never opened one of his books. The few that have never even finished. /lit/ hates him because of his audience. Every single one of those girls that they try to chat up, who mentions "oh, I like reading", who casually lists John Green as one of her favourites and can't wait to see the movie, every single one of them is another scratch on the post. Because none of these girls know what the meme trilogy is. None of them have heard of Finnegans Wake or bought a copy of Gravity's Rainbow to throw away. They hated reading Shakespeare in English class; they thought The Catcher in the Rye was terrible because they hated Holden Caulfield; they thought Napoleon was cute in Animal Farm. The second they hear the name "John Green", they know that they have nothing in common with these women.
But what makes John Green the ultimate meme machine is not the fact that he's so popular. Dan Brown, Nicholas Sparks, and Stephen King are all in that category. And they're all at least as bad as Green. Its rather how he became famous. John Green was the first YouTuber to do the book thing. He published his first book in 2005 and immediately starting making videos with his brony brother. The book thing wasn't really working out, but then he started to get noticed, and he immediately won a prize. Then his fandom exploded.
But unlike most other Young Adult writers, his audience didn't move on as they aged. Because he's an information-age, metamodern, multi-platform, maximally-engaged-through-social-networks kind of guy, his audience has to consume everything.
(cont . . .)

>> No.7924974

He's spooked af

>> No.7924975

(. . . cont)
That's the thing about major internet celebrities. If you're a teenage girl and you're really into an actor to an embarrassing extent, you watch all of their movies, maybe catch some interviews online, buy their scent, whatever. If you're into a boy band, you gush about the sensitive one to your friends, put some posters up in your room, pirate the album, listen to it forever, and attend a disappointing concert. But with internet celebrities who put themselves on six different channels on YouTube, write five books, manage a website, a deviantart, do reddit AMAs every six months, keep a tumblr blog, tweet four hours a day, and tour with their band all across the country, and that person gives you a name (i.e. "nerdfighters", whatever the fuck that means, do they fight nerds? Why does John Green endorse bullying?), that person is now your life. You don't grow out of them.

So by the time that the fuccbois on this board start to talk to girls and encounter his name, they immediately know three things about the person they're talking to:
1. I have no shared interests with this person.
2. This person has never heard of my favourite book.
3. This person is a basic bitch.
At this point, the il/lit/erate reacts in one of two ways. He can recognize those three truths listed above and move on. Or, he can become infatuated with the girl, be mildly disappointed with the pure pleb that is John Green, fake it to try to fall in love with the girl, be rejected because there was nothing there to begin with, and project his Lacanian dread of castration onto the father figure of John Green.

Also, he's smug as fuck.

>> No.7924982

I lol'd.

>> No.7924985

he writes like he had a shitty high school experience.

>> No.7925015

>"nerdfighters", whatever the fuck that means, do they fight nerds? Why does John Green endorse bullying?)
there's a video that talks about this, but it's just as unbelievably inane as everything else that I'll spare you the trouble.

>> No.7925036

I'm intellectually disgusted and half-erect.

>> No.7925040

Positively absurd

>> No.7925043

I have never heard John Green's name come from a woman's mouth. I've heard John Green come from an effeminate asian males mouth? Does that count? Also reasons have been given previously in this thread.(He's smug, He's a beta cuck, His writing is like a deviant art fan fiction, His writing looks like one of those facebook sonic the hedgehog autism romances, His books specifically target teenagers(12-17) so it falls out of /lit/'s age group.)

>> No.7925052
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>> No.7925057

I read ASoIaF when I was thirteen and that was fine.

Kids are less innocent than you've managed to trick yourself into thinking.

>> No.7925061

That post wasn't a matter of innocence. It was a matter of smut vs sex scene and introducing teens to self insert fan fiction writing as opposed to real writing. A sex scene would have been fine but whatever this is >>7920781
is not fine.

>> No.7925068

>I've heard John Green come from an effeminate asian males mouth? Does that count?

Was his mouf purty?
If so, then yes.

>> No.7925069

>pretending to have read Pynchon

>> No.7925079


>> No.7925110

What course of action would you suggest?

>> No.7925112

You should always read works aimed at people older than you.

YAs should not reat YA fiction. They should read A fiction.

>> No.7925131

Hello r/4chan

>> No.7925672

Ending your own motherfucking life you cuck retard

>> No.7925935

Wow. Compare that to the postscript of The Name of the Rose where Eco goes out of his way to avoid analyzing his own work because he so ardently believes it's not the place of the author to do so.

>> No.7925954

Just shut up about projections. You all want to fuck your mothers

>> No.7925965

sex isn't graceful. it's dirty and rough. full of thrashing, wet noises and a weird smell you only notice permeating after you're done (when did that get there?). the shame that washes over you is optional, only if you were brought up a catholic

>> No.7925969

this is the whole reason i bought it as well desu. And even then it was to supplement the audiobook version i got free with audible

>> No.7925970


havent been here in a long time, wasnt cuck filtered to kek? can i say baka desu senpai too?

>> No.7925973

His wife has 2 kids. Very important distinction

>> No.7925976

Wow. I bet you put, like, a whole thought into that.

>> No.7925978

He's not absolute trash, he's just not good in any way. His works are formulaic, cliched, and pander too readily to the special-snowflake millennial audience. The real problem that I have with him is that he was able to become widely successful and his works regarded as modern classics without having any real discernible talent. He writes at a level appropriate for 12-17 year olds, but often times his fan base actually includes 20 or even 30 somethings who "like to read," which essentially makes a mockery out of actual literary studies

>> No.7925979

Probably has to do with his romanticist view of what being a teenager is like. He genuinely believes there's some implicit wisdom in being a teenager that adults don't have/that they lose upon growing up, rather than understanding that teenagers are inherently underdeveloped and tend to grow wiser as they get older, abandoning their poorly thought out beliefs.

>> No.7925983

This is why parents need to beat their kids. Break their self confidence and leave them emotionally crippled.

>> No.7925992

Don't forget the middle aged school librarians.

>> No.7926009

>writes at a level appropriate for 12-17 year olds
Please, teenagers can write much better than that. He's more like a retarded 10-year old at best.

>> No.7926013

this anon seems a little worked up, but most of these points are pretty spot on even if he was a little spergy about it

>> No.7926033

>comma splice

>> No.7927013


>> No.7927038

His revisionist "historian" brother is worse than he is.

>> No.7927064

Let me fuel the flames of hate here:


>> No.7927081

Isn't this his pop-science faggot brother?

I think he's arguably a bigger problem.

>> No.7927098
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>> No.7927103

Never read his books. I saw that fault in the stars movie, I thought it was ok. The dialog was pretty unbelievable, tries to hard to make every sentence profound. Ok story and everything though, I guess.

I just now watched some of his youtube vids. He's basically the stereotypical liberal retard. The one vid he was bitching about the electoral college, and kept saying, "This isn't how a democracy should work!"

Uh....yeah, but we don't live in a democracy. We live in a representative republic, with some democratic aspects. So....shut your dumb ass up, basically.

>> No.7927108

>I watched the film adaptation of TFIOS

>I saw that fault in the stars movie, I thought it was ok.


>> No.7927113

Perhaps you can explain why you're so perturbed?

>> No.7927119

Meant for >>7927038

>> No.7927121

So you just scanned the thread to see how many people mentioned the movie? Why does the movie trigger you so much? Were you raped during a screening of it?

>> No.7927166

it should be a crime to project this hard

>> No.7927180

>I met a mellenial who claimed to be hard working! See that proves millennials are all hard working, non-selfish and self absorbed, ADHD chickenbrained liberal socialists who expect to be paid to do nothing!

>> No.7927215
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Isn't this New Sincerity?

>> No.7927270

I don't like him because /lit/ told me not to

>> No.7927291

This. He isn't bad, just mediocre. What separates him from other YA writers is that he and his fans take his work way too seriously

>> No.7927301

I think we hate him because he's so obviously something that any one of us could easily aspire to be: A populist idea of what substitutes for a literary author, someone who panders to the lowest common denominator in casual readers looking for something "literary", but easy to digest in between reading genre fiction or not reading at all.
Works like The Fault in Our Stars are, by their cover and in actual reading, just a few sentences away from functioning as parodies of what an idiot might consider a serious literary work.
He's a "Nicholas Sparks" that targets millennials.

>> No.7927309

No one aspires to be John Green, not even John Green.

>> No.7927313


Being paid to do nothing is a pretty reasonable way to set up society as automatons take over more and more jobs.

>> No.7928210


>> No.7928335

Right in the feels

>> No.7928608

True, but he is onto something in which he is a kind of larger than life personality among his following and our society's need to consume everything we can.
Sounds redundant, but I've personally never had issue with John Green.
I suppose the idea that he is not particularly exceptional at writing yet still receives the attention he gets due to his overwhelming online presence makes the mediocrity our society that much more present, I suppose.

>> No.7928768

he exchanges the lesser for the greater & vice versa in the minds of the youth, corrupting them. basically what they were trying to kill socrates for, but for real this time.

>> No.7928771

Thanks for this post, anon.

>> No.7928775

ah this thread is so comforting

>> No.7928779


>> No.7928896
File: 12 KB, 378x99, Le right generation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right. It's bullshit dickswinging. It's either
>god damn I'm so bitter that I'm old, let's take it out on people with less experience than me
>le wrong generation
Also right.

>> No.7928909

He doesn't target millennials. He targets generation z.

Your rage is divorced from generation.