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/lit/ - Literature

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7920169 No.7920169 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7920469
File: 95 KB, 640x480, skeleton_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty disgusting. Why do americans do this?

>> No.7920487

Overindulgence in an extremely wrapped view of "freedom" mixed with degenerative brainwashing of Jewish overlords

>> No.7920493

Ya had me till that last part

>> No.7920497

Actually, this along with memes are the first steps in a return to the emanent three-dimensional pictography of pre-agricultural aryan shamans.

>> No.7920517

You sperglords are so edgy.

Fact is, it gets more people reading Shakespeare and UNDERSTANDING him. And that can only be a good thing.

>> No.7920523

I don't have any bait.jpg images saved, but you get what I'm trying to say.

>> No.7920570
File: 124 KB, 528x392, vlcsnap-2016-02-17-02h18m49s461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the content, it's about the form, yadda yadda kill urself my man

>> No.7920575

perfect bait[\spoil]

>> No.7920598

oh man
fuck that film, fuck godard, what a nonsensical bore

>> No.7920601

Oh I get it - you're one of those pretentious trolls who think nobody should never read literature in translation. Take a hike, snob.

>> No.7920614


>> No.7920639
File: 74 KB, 540x720, dead_dog_funeral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were plenty of hotties though.

Actually, most of what I read is translated. Like THE ELEMENTARY PARTICLES by MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ.

>> No.7920657
File: 405 KB, 1000x1015, lyoe1ximxi1qzkyblo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck godard
Please tell me I didn't just read that.

>> No.7920661

This picture is trippin me out, she looks like she traveled back in time from 2015

>> No.7920738

They think it will get kids into reading. It's just a another version of those people trying to act hip while giving some shitty anti-masturbation PSA.

>> No.7920776 [DELETED] 

ahahha, ikr? I bet he doesn't even go on tumblr and reblogs screenshots of Une Femme Est Une Femme!

>> No.7920788

ahahha, ikr? I bet he doesn't even go on tumblr and reblogs screenshots of Une Femme Est Une Femme! lmaoo, what a tard, ahahaha

>> No.7920793
File: 141 KB, 756x130, Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 4.38.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it's easier to eat chicken broth than it is to eat a chicken

the analogy fails because at least chicken broth is still slightly nourishing

>> No.7920795

everybody shitting on this, just remember you read more 4chan posts than Shakespeare lines

>> No.7920797
File: 103 KB, 724x960, 1429847486974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see one of you faggots make a better version then

>> No.7920819

bu-buh-but that's different because we use grown-up words like "kek"

>> No.7920833


No one is trying to sell 4chan post by calling them Shakespeare.

>> No.7920852

That's because the content of 4chan is not Shakespeare's. The book series is about allowing the widest possible audience to experience the magic of Shakespeare. I don't understand how anyone could be against that.

>> No.7920859

Ever see a shitty movie adaptation of a book you love? Or a shitty remake of a movie you love?

I think this is that kind of thing.

>> No.7920864

Shakespeare isn't writing millions of shitposts a day either.

>> No.7920866

has someone monetized this shit yet? can i sell 120 dollar new york herald tribune shirts to girls on etsy???

>> No.7920890

>experience the magic of Shakespeare
>with this
>"at a party I'm not supposed to be at lol"
>"woah spotted a hottie. she is #perfect"
Yeah, fuck off and die

>> No.7920940

The point is to make Shakespeare more relatable to the current generation. Why must he remain the property of musty old elites?

>> No.7920944

>look, mom. I'm trolling1111

>> No.7920951

Sneer all you want, but these editions are selling like hotcakes for a reason.

>> No.7920952

I will not reply to this

>> No.7920955

I don't think I've ever seen anything so fucking ridiculous in my life. It's almost too funny to be a bad thing.

>> No.7921025

you're the same guy who keeps defending john green in the other thread, right? Actually, are you John Green?

>> No.7921641
File: 39 KB, 700x492, 1456264098210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that pic

>> No.7921845
File: 28 KB, 351x368, 1428265459918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7921891


But this is not Shakespeare. It cannot be Shakespeare, by definition. Therefore, it does not help the current generation relate to Shakespeare (as if that were a good thing).

Things like these are wholly harmful. They give plebs a false impression that they can actually appreciate works of art for their just values, and it makes great works look unimpressive; it removes them from the divine.

There is really nothing good about this. Stop trolling faggot.