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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 570x881, OZf1qaN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7919698 No.7919698 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books by men? Not women. Not homosexuals. Not nu-males. Not faggots. Just men.

>> No.7919707

All those thing can be men, anon. ;3

>> No.7919718

I swear /lit/ wasn't so sexualised

>> No.7919730

John Updike's Rabbit, Run

>> No.7919732

I would "fuck" him 2bh

>> No.7919733

Blood Meridian

>> No.7919734

sry all real men suffer headtrauma at age 6 and are illiterate.

>> No.7919743

Stereotypical masculine men don't tend to voluntarily showcase sensitivity, which is what writing literature fundamentally is.

I guess Tucker Max or something like that would be your type of thing.

>> No.7919753

How hasn't Hemingway been mentioned yet.


>> No.7919756



>> No.7919776

Hemingway, London, HS Thompson

>> No.7919787

john williams

>> No.7919813

>""""gf"""" cuckolds me
>kill her in my book


>> No.7919835

Insecure posturing faggot, the author.

>> No.7919871

>not homosexual

>> No.7919889

No, reading and writing is degenerate, effeminate deviancy.

>> No.7919899
File: 329 KB, 800x800, Hemingway50_toreoordonez.g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this guy look like a homosexual to you?

>> No.7919911
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Beckett, who could have ran home, stayed and fought with the French resistance and was decorated twice.

>dat thousand yard stare

>> No.7919933
File: 111 KB, 200x293, Jarhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the movie kinda sucked but the source is exactly what you want, OP

>> No.7919942

George Orwell. His less known stuff and non-fiction.

>> No.7919953

Which book discyssed on /lit/ is not by man and about men??

>> No.7919989

He was a leftist, which means he was definitely a numale and most likely enjoyed taking it up the ass

>> No.7920027
File: 600 KB, 459x707, Storm of Steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ernst Goddamned Junger

>> No.7920055

Real men don't have time to be doing stupid pansey stuff like reading books. The idea that men should sit on their ass writing their thoughts and feelings was an evil cultural maneuver performed by the soft aristocratic Jews that began during the Stone Age. Men should be nothing but silent, thoughtless hardworking machines that rely on pure instinct to work every day and supply their family with bountiful produce.

>> No.7920057


Stalin was a leftist. Is he a numale too? Orwell fought in wars and actually lived his beliefs. The typical nu male would protest by crying and weeping like a little girl if war became a reality.

>> No.7920060

>/pol/ is leaking

>> No.7920065


>Man goes to war
>loves the war even though his body absorbed ~200 pieces of shrapnel
>book is used to describe the 'horror' of war

>> No.7920066

>supply their family with bountiful produce
So tomato-picking is alpha now? Fuck.

>> No.7920071

Isn't it funny how /pol/, full of beta NEETS, think that the ideal society should exist without them, and yet they support that idea?

>> No.7920081

pol is full of cucks

>> No.7920086

No, you fool. Farming is for the pathetic nu-males. Real men invade the countries of these beta creatures and TAKE what is rightfully theirs so they can feed their families. Pure instinct, try it sometime. If anyone tries to stop you, punch them, police are for pussies and NERDS!

>> No.7920089
File: 72 KB, 850x400, quote-today-only-the-person-who-no-longer-believes-in-a-happy-ending-only-he-who-has-consciously-ernst-junger-42-12-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he kind of failed at making war sound not-awesome, which is why I think it fits OP's criteria. On Suffering, On The Marble Cliffs and The Forrest Passage were also fucking great.

He was also a huge proponent of taking psychedelics for self-actualization, for what that's worth.

>> No.7920106
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>> No.7920107


These people are posting on a Sri Lankan beetle fighting enthusiast website, so who exactly do they think they are fooling with all this posturing Themselves?

>> No.7920125

If you have a pair of balls and a dick you are a man. If you don't agree with this reasoning, then trannies are not men, therefore having sex with them is not gay.

>> No.7920136

Jünger didn't make the war sound awesome, there where joyful moments but that was despite the war not because of it. He actually had a relatively detached view of it.

>> No.7920142

Probably because his works are absolutely terrible.

>> No.7920153
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>> No.7920160

Conan the barbarian

>> No.7920166
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>> No.7920174
File: 367 KB, 793x1057, Henry_Miller_1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7920182

Made me kek

>> No.7920200
File: 172 KB, 500x611, melville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moby Dick. Henry Melville actually was a sailor and did whaling. One of if not the most metal, manly pieces of literature there is.

>> No.7920202

what does it mean?

>> No.7920206

you're not a REAL MAN until you catch a FISH and fuck it with your six inch MICRODICK and beat your wife with a whiskey bottle and eat a bear's hairy asshole while it shits in your open mouth

>> No.7920210

you mean like the guy in the picture? no, not likely, because he was most likely a retarded jock, thinking about nothing but catching the next ball. are these really your idols? fuck... i thought intelligence and intellect would be appealing to lit but maybe you are just /fit/-faggot who doesn't lift but finds confirmation in posting on /lit/

>> No.7920214

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: The terrible sex had made him feel deeply interesting, like a murder victim.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: The beast, which had represented his feelings, was dead. “I think I’ll do a pushup,” he announced to the sea. The sea respected him for it.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: [4000 words from the narrator about his feelings on his childhood circumcision]

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: War is hell.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: He straightened his tie. He had lost, but in a romantic way, which meant that he had won. “I’m going to do a pushup,” he announced to his tie. His tie respected him for it, and secretly wished that it could have sex with him.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: You wouldn’t understand.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: He swore curses at his coworkers. He was making a lot of money. Fuck.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: This neighborhood in New York City was very different from the other neighborhood in New York City he’d just been in.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: He lit a cigarette. His glass of whiskey lit a cigarette too. “I can only truly love my best friend,” he said, “but not in a gay way. Women wouldn’t understand it. They’re too gay.” Both of the cigarettes agreed.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: [4000 words about an isolated encounter with a service worker that borders on racist and goes nowhere]

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: “The cocaine isn’t the point. The cocaine is a metaphor,” he explained wearily over the pile of cocaine. She folded her arms. She didn’t understand his cocaine. “Didn’t you read my manifesto?” The prostitute had read his manifesto. Why couldn’t she?

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: This lightbulb is inauthentic.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: “It’s only the institution I have a problem with,” he explained to the empty bar.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: The time had come for him to go to war, and also find himself, and also reject the rules of your society.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: His alcoholism was different, because someday he was going to die.

Q: How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: [Nothing happens for 450 pages; receives fourteen awards]

>> No.7920221

>not Hemmingway

>> No.7920239


do you have to know about history to get anything out of his book

>> No.7920245

WW1 happened, the Ottomans joined the Axis, Britain decided they should rule the Middle east. They sent that guy.


>> No.7920247

great post

>> No.7920262


You mad that there are guys like in the picture that are smarter than you?

>> No.7920268

The smartest guys at my local hs are always 3 season athlete AB students that commit habitual statutory rape on drunk 8th graders

>> No.7920279
File: 97 KB, 800x800, 1442971642459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this post. Are you trying to justify relationships between trannies and strait guys or are you trying to say trannies will always be the gender they are born as?

Gay is a spook desu and biology is a thing.

>> No.7920283

>Ottomans joined the Axis

>> No.7920286

fahk central powers, you got me im tired

>> No.7920295

I'm mean this: if the criteria to decide what is 'man' is something beyond biological parts, as OP implied, then a tranny is not a real, or at least not a full 'man'; on the other hand if the criteria is indeed biology, then there is no essential difference, as far as the quality of 'manness' is concerned, whether you're a tranny, a muscular Chad or a /r9k/ type beta.

>> No.7920333

i don't care the slightest bit about this thread, but you are making no sense in the english language. you probably think you are fluent or near-native level in english, but really, you can't even make a simple stance coherent. please return to your eastern european shithole and die of starvation.

>> No.7920340

I may have mistyped 'criteria' where it is actually 'criterion', but I make sense otherwise.

>> No.7920347

What? I'm the guy who originally asked the question. Honestly I really thought his response was quite well written.

>> No.7920356

Trips confirms it

>>7920295 has shit prose

>> No.7920358

Steinbeck. Hemingway. Thompson. Want something more pulpy? Crichton. Chandler. Clancy.


>> No.7920380

Look up John Green m8

>> No.7920556

"Man" and "male" are different. Get fucked to transsexual Vladivostok

>> No.7920577

no they are not. stop trying to make excuses for mental illness

>> No.7920589

>Get fucked to transsexual Vladivostok

>> No.7920625
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>> No.7920675

Trump looks like a reptoid in bargain human suit, wonder if there's any footage of him shapeshifting

>> No.7920679

both of them, Hunter and Jim.

>> No.7920774
File: 495 KB, 900x1166, [catchy trump music playing in the distance].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wonder if there's any footage of him shapeshifting

there is.

just turn on the news at pretty much any hour and you can probably catch him shape shifting from "multi-billionaire CEO/businessman" into "45th president of the united states".

>> No.7920790


>> No.7920801

Most of the Greeks, Julius Caesar, Most Ancient World writers. They lived harder lives and have been more manly than most modern men have.

>> No.7920802
File: 76 KB, 334x250, hol up hol up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am surprised that no one posted Meditations.

>> No.7920813

And they had sex with little boys

>> No.7920818


prove it

>> No.7920820

A little, yeah.

>> No.7920861

even King is better than that talentless hack

>> No.7920865
File: 13 KB, 224x216, mcdonals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/thread'ing your own post

>> No.7920876

He fought in one of the last meaningful wars the US was ever engaged in. Plato also said true men fuck one another. Wtf is with the homophobia, you half a person?

>> No.7920891

hemmingway was a kgb spu

>> No.7920892

Implying leftists, who challenge the unbiquitous status quo, are less masculine than their braindead, cowardly, and sheepish counterparts.

Top fucking kek

>> No.7920898

Just read the Bible and stop thinking. You're not meant for anything more

>> No.7920903

What do you mean??

>> No.7920916

Are there any books?

>> No.7920917

Clearly a bear and cumdumpster at the bath house

>> No.7920926

The Way of Men - Jack Donovan

Gates of Fire - Steven Pressfield

anything by:
-James Ellroy
-Ian Fleming
- Cormac McCarthy
- C.S. Forester
- Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.7920935

>Plato also said true men fuck one another.

Plato recognized the existence of those desires, ok, but he also held the notion of refraining and channeling them towards Philosophy.

>> No.7921813

I have heard bad (good) things about D.H. Lawrence's misogyny, So i might give him a try

>> No.7921862

who is this semon demon?

>> No.7922227

Dude climbed Everest in the worst summit-storm in recorded history.

>> No.7922352


>> No.7922721

Moby Dick

>> No.7922753


He got shot in the throat fighting in a war for his beliefs.

What's the most 'manly' thing you've done? Hurled insults at people who disagree with you on the internet?

>> No.7922763


>the fat NAZI NEET typed furously on his keyboard, his brows furled with dismay and sweaty from the exertion

>> No.7922776

>leftists, who challenge the unbiquitous status quo

have you looked at the latest leftist orthodoxy or am I being rused

>> No.7922781

the status quo is not leftist, but a breed of free-market neoliberalism that incorporates identity politics

>> No.7922783


It makes perfect sense. Instead of getting all butthurt and defensive about your lack of comprehension, work on it.

>> No.7922792


Plus it has gay spooning and plenty of homo-tension. All that lovely sperm, why, you can practically swim in it.

>> No.7922871

>wall with a drawing of a girl and a hole in the ass
>someone's behind the wall showing his/her ass to me
>i can't see if the person is a guy or a girl, but the drawing and the ass turns me on.
>Fuck the ass, not knowing it's actually a guy.
>"you are gay because he had a dick!"


>culturists at the beach
>"you can't know if they are men!"
>"you can't see their dicks!"
Kill yourself

>> No.7922973

its like a joke but with all the funny bits removed

>> No.7923542
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>> No.7923548

Man not read word
Man do thing
Man kill thing
Man fuck thing
Man big
Man strong
Man not need think

>> No.7923600

>Men should be nothing but silent, thoughtless hardworking machines that rely on pure instinct to work every day and supply their family with bountiful produce.
the mind of a cuck

>> No.7923714

those beliefs that he fought in wars and actually lived are what makes him a nu-male, problem is he's a leftist so any belief he could have is already nu-male

>> No.7923729

In the past I was weak, I thought a lot.
Today Grog is Strong and instead of thinking, Acts.
Foolish I was, I thought myself so clever -- just like a Woman.

But Man must be Strong because Woman is weak and silly. Grog must think ahead, not just see his nose like woman or he will not keep her and baby will die.

>> No.7923762

Orwell fought in a war you fat NEET faggot

fuck 10/10 bait this post made me pissed off

>> No.7923764

The left-right dichotomy is actually very limiting to thought and the exact divide our Rulers want us to possess.

I have read "leftists" books exposing the U.S. Military Machine and books about the MSM and it's unreliability and corruption and i have read "rightist" books like Mein Kampf exposing lots of other things.

To believe that the truth, or the full truth of a matter must lie on one side of a spectrum is limiting yourself intellectually(and also ultimately emotionally...). Even if this is a dog-eat-dog world and order & hierarchy will set all things straight there will still be those times when you realize the spark of something greater: An universal brotherhood or something as "mundane" as people close to each other helping each other.

The way i see the world is humans can be evil(and legitimately so) but we can also be good(also legitimately) -- because everything worthwhile comes out of a small group of people; nothing whatsoever can spring from a vacuum.

>> No.7923775

>women will NEVER EVER be good at writing

>> No.7923782

>telling someone to read the bible as an insult
Did you get lost on your way to reddit or something?

>> No.7923789



>The old-style contemptuous attitude towards ‘natives’ has been much weakened in England, and various pseudo-scientific theories emphasising the superiority of the white race have been abandoned(7). Among the intelligentsia, colour feeling only occurs in the transposed form, that is, as a belief in the innate superiority of the coloured races. This is now increasingly common among English intellectuals, probably resulting more often from masochism and sexual frustration than from contact with the Oriental and Negro nationalist movements. Even among those who do not feel strongly on the colour question, snobbery and imitation have a powerful influence. Almost any English intellectual would be scandalised by the claim that the white races are superior to the coloured, whereas the opposite claim would seem to him unexceptionable even if he disagreed with it. Nationalistic attachment to the coloured races is usually mixed up with the belief that their sex lives are superior, and there is a large underground mythology about the sexual prowess of Negroes.

>> No.7923808
File: 219 KB, 575x575, Kerouac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hunk right here.

>> No.7923809

Was this supposed to have a point?

>> No.7923933

>“I think I’ll do a pushup,” he announced to the sea. The sea respected him for it.
As shitty as this is, it always gets me.

>> No.7923980
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>leftists, who challenge the unbiquitous status quo

>> No.7923983

>borders on racist

>> No.7923991


>> No.7924010
File: 172 KB, 475x652, kerouac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.7924016

Stop it both of you. Listen to me: If you haven't read at least one genuine "leftist" book(us interventions since wwII, manufacturing consent for example) and a "rightist"(mein kampf, ford's "the international jew" for example), you are part of the problem and not seeing the full picture.

Don't let our rulers divide us any-more. Move beyond the right-left dichotomy today and join the revolution!

>> No.7924061

hot 2bh

>> No.7924091
File: 107 KB, 472x498, kerouac2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm learning a lot of new things about jack tonight

>> No.7924836

>naturally high test males writing about their lives for other high test males
>some phaggot tries to make fun of that on a internet forum
only outcome is u looking like a nu male pussy keking @ u

>> No.7925104

Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and he had a boyfriend and I was gawky and he was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and he was endlessly fascinating.

>> No.7925109

>But I lacked the courage and he had a boyfriend and I was gawky and he was gorgeous and I was a drizzle and he was a hurricane.

>> No.7925116
File: 62 KB, 600x346, 1453603035666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>But Man must be Strong because Woman is weak and silly.
this is what betas believe.

women are not weak nor silly. it is the men who want to be strong and what they call smart, precisely because women get men to be strong and smart for them: women do not need to be strong nor logical like men.
The betas get resentful once they understand that they live to serve women, so they try to reverse the order in claiming that women are worthless hedonistic whores.

>> No.7925182

>six inch

>> No.7925186

>goes nowhere
>nothing happens

>> No.7925197

i mean the sideway split blinking anon

>> No.7925198

I mean, at least back when Orwell was alive.

>> No.7925200

also this

>> No.7925205

I see nothing shocking here.

>> No.7925302


>> No.7925328


Henry Miller is the only literary ubermensch I know of.

>> No.7925408
File: 30 KB, 800x599, mishima1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>gays cannot be manly

This faggot would like a word with you anon.

>> No.7925427

I agree with you, but I think the shift in /lit/ culture may simply reflect a growing trend of hypersexualization in the broader, mainstream culture.

>> No.7925438

who is this semon demon?

>> No.7925447

wait a minute
I get it now

you're just dumb

no, because
>on the other hand if the criteria is indeed biology, then there is no essential difference, as far as the quality of 'manness' is concerned, whether you're a tranny, a muscular Chad or a /r9k/ type beta.
is flat wrong

the affect you type with is stultifying and I suspect arises out of a well-founded insecurity about your intelligence. Try to play at your level, next time


>i'm mean this:

better for the fool to keep his mouth shut

>> No.7925459

Ragnar Redbeard

>> No.7925463

Could Yukio Mishima defeat a Predator?

>> No.7925472 [DELETED] 

Feel free to text me...but dont spam me plzz - whatsapp nudes on request

+49 1575 1660661

>> No.7925532

>being a man is cucking yourself for papa sam and throwing away your life for bad foreign policy decisions
/pol/ needs to leave

>> No.7925642

Didn't say that, but OP requested no fags specifically.

That leaves lads like Kerouac and Hemingway out.

>> No.7925699

Thanks anon. These troglodytes are too busy calling one another cucks to recognize that a implacable masculinity is derived from the capacity to recognize illusion, impose will, and suffer with dignity.

But then again, this website has a board where people post pictures of hentai waifu and horse vaginas. So, I wonder whether even mentioning poor Marcus on this site is like a posthumous character defamation.

>> No.7925705


epik ;^)

>> No.7925721

So I just read Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said by PKD and there was a section in it that really relates to this thread. Here it is:

>“Why does a man cry? he wondered. Not like a woman; not for that. Not for sentiment. A man cries over the loss of something, something alive. A man can cry over a sick animal that he knows won't make it. The death of a child: a man can cry for that. But not because things are sad. A man, he thought, cries not for the future or the past but for the present.”

>> No.7925747

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7925776

same.. as far as feminist slam poetry goes it's pretty funny.

still stupid though

>> No.7926926

Donovan was literally a twink