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7918382 No.7918382 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think big Daves suicide note said.

>> No.7918385

Was probably written in a hanging indent

>> No.7918398

I'm sure there's something sad and utterly banal about it.

>> No.7918406

>Peace in the middle east

>> No.7918468

"I was writer"

>> No.7918512

His last words were 'I'm writer'

>> No.7918679


>> No.7918706

what does the survivor do with a suicide note? do they keep it? I'd rip it to shreds right after reading it, in a fit of rage. upset that someone can be so selfish.

>> No.7918715

Was copiously footnoted

>> No.7918718

I would think that many people destroy them or simply keep them locked away.

>> No.7919249

...and about 1400 pages long.

Hope he at least did a tl;dr for the plebs in his family.

>> No.7919258
File: 51 KB, 652x466, 1460324733073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever time I seen his phiz I get saddened b cuz he was so kewl and funna. y did thyne an hero. I wonder what his face looked like as he was straggling.

>> No.7919263

Do you think he hanged himself while wearing the bandana?

>> No.7919277

He was awkward and dead inside long before he strangled.
He probably jizzed in his pants when he strangled though. It is called "angel lust" and is common to men who die this way. If the semen falls to the ground, a mandrake plant grows in that location. Witches used to hang around gallows to gather this plant to use them in their love potions. This means there could possibly be a David Foster Wallace mandrake plant somewhere in the vicinity where he killed himself. This plant would naturally have more than ordinary powers and would be highly valuable.

>> No.7919299

if you pulled if off the ground, would it be cry?

>> No.7919304

It would make strange grimaces and take sips of water.

>> No.7919426

lol mandrake root

>> No.7919435

>tfw getting sad thinking about dfw' corpse inside a coffin

>> No.7919449

>In one superstition, people who pull up this root will be condemned to hell, and the mandrake root would scream as it was pulled from the ground, killing anyone who heard it. Therefore, in the past, people have tied the roots to the bodies of animals and then used these animals to pull the roots from the soil

>> No.7919468

They frame it up and hang it.

>> No.7919473


The Pale King was DFW's Suicide Note

>> No.7919509
File: 245 KB, 527x389, wardine-be-cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just change the 'Wardine' to 'Dave'.

>> No.7919519

for you

>> No.7920987

Fuck off.

>> No.7921174

It was probably pretty short and standard with some quote or a few. Maybe like a sad joke too. I wouldnt even be that surprised if he didn't leave a note

>> No.7921182

I wonder if it was planned or just spur of the moment, I'm leaning towards the latter.

>> No.7921195

probably just something short and personal for his wife, an apology and plea to move on.

>> No.7921266


>> No.7921279

Why would you even leave a suicide note? The best part of suicide is not having to worry about things or do stuff anymore

>> No.7921287

It's common courtesy.

>> No.7921296

Cock is one of my favorite tastes. Not only that, but balls smell amazing. It makes me go a little crazy on it to be honest. Like, I cannot get it far enough down my throat to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I feel those intense, powerful, salty, hot pumps of cum down my throat. When I sit back on my heels, look up at you with cum all over my mouth and slobber running down my neck, hair all fucked up and wipe my mouth with the back of my arm and ask you if I did a good job and you cannot even speak because I’ve drained all of your energy out the tip of your dick….. That’s when I’m satisfied.

>> No.7921304

this nigga had to write a 1200 page book to justify him dropping out of tennis for his autistic dad, do you honestly think he didn't leave a 6 volume encyclopedia of super sincere shit behind?

>> No.7921308

To put it in other terms you recall how in othello the antagonist went on long speeches to himself on his motivations then said nothing when he was arrested

well thats often how it is with predetermined reception

>> No.7921318

My ex carved her note into her stomach. She then took a picture.

I of course use it to fap. I would show /lit/ but I can't trust you to not find her facebook since it shows her face.

>> No.7921337

Crop her face out

>> No.7921345
File: 990 KB, 918x1513, Farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only wish I had been born earlier, so my hero James Joyce would smell my farts and title me 'His Little Farting Wallace'.

Sad last words really.

>> No.7921362

Have you not heard of cropping you autistic fuck.

>> No.7921428

>upset that someone can be so selfish.

very subtle b8, you might want to be more blatant next time so that someone falls for it

>> No.7921435
File: 760 KB, 678x643, 1425081139628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS Karen, no matter how many times that Franzen asks about it, I did not borrow his tennis shoes
>and don't let Bloom have his hedge trimmer back

>> No.7921440

It probably describes or at least alludes to psychic pain on the order of what's described in "Good Old Neon", plus some of the usual about how people who were close to him shouldn't blame themselves and maybe even specifically blaming the medications and his own choice to go on and off of them.

Honestly, just read Good Old Neon if you're curious about what he probably expressed some of in that note.

>> No.7921445

Confirmed true CNN

>> No.7921449

Edge-lord 9000

>> No.7921469

For sale: unembarrassing shoes, never worn.

>> No.7921518
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My sides

>> No.7921638
File: 210 KB, 320x321, John_Green_320x320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7921648

Something self-pitying and self-centered, like all addicts thought process. love the mans arts but in many ways addicts have the emotional development of children

>> No.7921663


>> No.7921686

>The new Weezer album sucks.

>> No.7922205

are you retarded. suicide is the most selfish thing anyone can ever do.

>> No.7922218

Nothing matters in life except material wealth and by extension comfort. You think I care how selfish I am in death?

>> No.7922236

edge-lord 9000

>> No.7922483

blame it on the alcohol

>> No.7922490


Biggest bitch of all time

>rich as fuck
>had to beat pussy off with a stick
>an hero

>> No.7924030


it would be extremely painful

>> No.7924036


>> No.7924073

forcing someone to stay alive because you'll cry if they die is more selfish

>> No.7925476


for you