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/lit/ - Literature

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7918352 No.7918352 [Reply] [Original]

>go to bookstore
>grab Umberto Eco's latest book, "Number Zero"
>go to cashier
>she is a 8/10 qt 3.14
>cashier says that she loves Umberto Eco but haven't read his novels, just "Name of the Rose" and "Baudolino".
>says that she is really excited about reading this book I'm buying but probably won't read it because she is so busy right now. Nevertheless tells me to have a good time reading it
>I respond: "y-you too"
>realize what I just said and try some damage control: "I mean 'you too' when you actually end up reading it, you know?"
> notice its only making things worse, I have a lisp and she probably didn't understand what I'm saying.
>walk quickly out of the store.
>realize I forgot my book (even though I already paid for it)
> it was expensive and I have to go back and get it.
>too nervous to confront qt
>call my mom and ask her to go get it for me.
>she drives there and does what she is asked to
>when she hands me the book she says that the girl asked her to apologize to me because she didn't know I would be offended by the little chat
> wut.png
> now i'm never going back to that bookstore

What have you done to me 4chan?

>> No.7918354

a cashier in a bookstore of all people would not be too confused by social anxiety, anon. don't let it get to ya next time, you're not doing anything too out of the ordinary. lotta people have stories like this.

>> No.7918364

good God you're a fsgghhhhhhhhhhot

>> No.7918367


>> No.7918371

Once you graduate high school these confessional cringe stories start getting cheap.
I saw a pretty girl and duhuhuh I didn't know what to say man! Agh!
Alright kid, alright. Get outside a bit more now, would you?

>> No.7918389

>be at used bookstore
>see hardcover of Ada by Nabakov sitting on the shelf
>only 8 dollars nice
>qt at the counter
>asks me if I've ever read anything else by him
>can't remember any of his other books not even Lolita
>standing there with my spaghetti going "ummm"
>finally, "uhh what's that poetry book he made called?"
>"Pale Fire?"
>"uhh yeah I read that"
>didn't actually read it
>she says it's okay and that she forgets names of books all the time too
>I mumble something then leave the store
I've become so much more socially inept after getting this reading habit

>> No.7918397

Thanks Chad you're right I should just b myself thanks again man

>> No.7918416

why is it so important to have small chatting with people though?

>> No.7918436

It's fun

>> No.7918444

I wouldn't blame 4chan. I post here but I'm pretty OK at social interaction.

>> No.7918452

I honestly find it to be annoying.

Not even scandinavian

>> No.7918454
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>>I have a lisp and she probably didn't understand what I'm saying.

>> No.7918471


I've been substitute teaching 9th graders, about 15 years old. One of the girls was acting very silly. At one point she stole my phone. I told her to give it back, but she hid it in her bra. Told her sternly to knock it off, she giggled and gave it back. I later caught her eye, she was staring at me while she was eating a banana. She kept eye-contact and sucked on it.

Believe me or don't. It's not really a good situation. Have to go back friday.

>> No.7918476

Did you teach her a lesson by fucking her in the ass behind the school?

>> No.7918488


do scandinavians dislike small-talk?

>> No.7918498

>pale fire is "okay"

You dodge a bullet 2bh Pale Fire is nothing short of a master piece

>> No.7918507
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>> No.7918518



she probably liked you. a real man woulda come back.

>> No.7918521


fuck that wouldve killed me. im real sorry for you man thats a horrible situation.

>> No.7918528


No, I didn't. It's a shit situation and massively awkward. What works as a fantasy doesn't work in reality at all.

>> No.7918532

If you have sex with her then kill her, no one will care that you had sex with her.

>> No.7918538


It's like when dogs smell each others assholes. It's a way to lubricate social interaction and size each other up, and some people even find it pleasant. Plus, you'll seem autistic if you don't have at least rudimentary skills at it.

>> No.7918551

Why are you leaving your phone out to get stolen by a child

>> No.7918621

fuck her right in the pussy

>> No.7918664

>go to bookstore, buy IJ, The Greeks , Am. Psycho and Nietzeche.
>woman at register is my mom,. She wants to fuck me.
> Mom is hot but, but pleb and not /lit/.
>worry what all the a_nons will think.
>get really nervous, piss myself.
>"See you at home, son".
>never go home l, live on the streets, eating garbage
>have the books, though, so ; 'win!'

>> No.7918665

Y-you too

>> No.7918667

im writer

>> No.7918673

I writer 2

>> No.7918702

armpits are sweating just reading this

>> No.7918770



>> No.7919235
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It's not too late, you can still fuck this piece of trash! Go back, buy pic related, and conversation will effortlessly flow.

>> No.7919370

I don't understand. You just told her to have a good time reading it.
I really don't understand you guys. How can you hope to sexually and emotionally satisfy a normal woman if you keep pulling this shit? Just find yourself a desperate black whale and marry her as soon as possible, she'll beat you and yell at you but at least you won't be forever alone.

>> No.7919479

Its not guys that are the problem, the ultimate fault lies on autism

>> No.7919516

And we all know who to blame for that one...T-thanks Hwan scum!

>> No.7919596

>that cheek gauge.
Monster for life

>> No.7919611

Do it, anon.

>> No.7920615
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How old are you?

Sounds super risky. We live in a world where a girl can regret having sex and then say it is rape.

Should make it more fun t b h.

>> No.7920640

Maybe it's Low T.

>> No.7920646

>What have you done to me 4chan?

This is clearly the result of having a weak mother. It's really no wonder why your father left, or killed himself, considering he probably foresaw the future of his family.

>> No.7920676

desu the saddest part is probably your mom, but it clearly is the issue too, if she's nice enough to go pickup the book for you she's proabably too nice no to race a faggot such as you.

>> No.7920896

>still can't get around a script

>> No.7921420

Is this /lit/ version of FUCKIN GAMESTOP meme?

>> No.7921446

It always makes me happy to see people like that because they won't be competing for normal jobs like I want.

>> No.7921456

Preempt any accusations and tell the principal about the bra incident. If she gets pissed you aren't going to do anything about her advances and decides to make something up you are fucked.

Source: my former youth pastor taught high school until two girls who were being flirty like that got mad he didn't return their advances, and accused him of having sex with him. He was fired, and it was all over the news. Before he went to jail they came clean, but the damage was done to his career.

>> No.7922153

You were a socially inept cuck before you even had a computer anon.