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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 741 KB, 3264x2448, tips fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7916380 No.7916380 [Reply] [Original]

>0 results

why no bookshelf thread? i'll start

>> No.7916392

why would you choose to share this

>> No.7916394

This is b8

>> No.7916395

why not?

>> No.7916396


>> No.7916404
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>> No.7916414
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>> No.7916417
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>> No.7916431
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4/4. Finally got round to clearing my bottom shelf so I can fit some more books now. Still running dangerously low on space though.

>> No.7916467

Thanks for posting vertically, it's so much better to read the titles. Why so many Dante though?

>> No.7916581

I can see having multiple translations, but what do you get out of having multiple copies of stuff written in English?

>> No.7916641
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>> No.7916650

you already kinda strike me as someone really fucking weird but not a bad guy

>> No.7916651
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>> No.7916667

>Jose Saramago

Based shelf

>> No.7916687

I dig death on credit.

>> No.7916735

>why no bookshelf thread?

Maybe because we are tired of the same old bait everyone posts from /r/bookshelves

>> No.7916740
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>> No.7916745
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Reminder that if your Bible is in between books, then you are a heretic.


>> No.7916751
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>> No.7916760

I actually think that guy seems pretty cool, you know.

>> No.7916764

Too much stephen king for me (1 book of King is too much for me), but you seem like a cool guy

>> No.7916772

Not the guy, but mate do some books are totally different when translated, i have this collection of Poe short stories translated to spanish by Julio Cortazar.

>> No.7916781

Bait, but I especially like the gas mask with chainmail. Guarantee that the owner of this shelf is also an owner of a fedora.
Very much a fan of your shelf. Though i don't understand why you wouldn't just get a nice single-volume Shakespeare.
Why don't you have a real bookshelf?
Erratic taste. Slightly meme'd. Guessing you're 18-21.

>> No.7916786
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first post best post

>> No.7916787


I'm 27!

>> No.7916792

Thanks for never opening the books and creasing the binders therefore making it easier for me to read the titles!

>> No.7916797

>The Grand Inquisitor as a standalone.

I hate this. Had a professor in college who loved The Grand Inquisitor but had not read the entirety of The Brothers Karamazov.

Reminds me of that quote from Bolano's 2666:

>He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby-Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pecuchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers. What a sad paradox, thought Amalfitano. Now even bookish pharmacists are afraid to take on the great, imperfect, torrential works, books that blaze paths into the unknown. They choose the perfect exercises of the great masters. Or what amounts to the same thing: they want to watch the great masters spar, but they have no interest in real combat, when the great masters struggle against that something, that something that terrifies us all, that something that cows us and spurs us on, amid blood and mortal wounds and stench.


>> No.7916800


> I hate this

It was required reading for a class.

>> No.7916806

is that sand colored Faust between the oxford editions and the white one both parts 1 + 2?

>> No.7916808

Are most of your books assigned readings?

>> No.7916810

Lol this is pretty embarrassing desu

>> No.7916816


No. Only about 5 or 6 of them.

>> No.7916823
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My bookshelf

>> No.7916825

>Lol this is pretty embarrassing desu

Says the tripcode user.

>> No.7916827

Why do ppl buy the expensive prints of books? Is it only because they look good?

Im not hating just curious.

>> No.7916828

Still embarrassing for a 27 year old.

>> No.7916832

NEET bux and autism and a lack of female companionship

>> No.7916842

The only thing I like more than your kierkegaard collection is the amusing disparity in quality/patricianness between your two shelves.

PS those copies of furioso look unread. Have you opened them? I ask because the penguin edition in 2 volumes is ~2x the page count as the oxford edition which claims to be unabridged. Is the penguin formatted loosely, ie with low text density? Could you post a pic of an open page for me please?

>> No.7916872
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A lot of the second shelf is more about sentimental value than anything else, or great reading experiences if not great literature.

Furioso is among the most recent additions to my shelf. I was planning to read them this month (500 year anniversary and all that)but I got a job offer for which I'm going to have a do a lot of reading beforehand, so now I don't have the time to focus on Furioso at the moment unfortunately. The Penguin edition is unabridged though, I made sure of that.

Pic related is the first page of the poem.

>> No.7916896
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Just kill me now

>> No.7916913


>> No.7916920

but reading is fun

>> No.7916942

>barnes and noble leather bound
>Harry potter
>99.9% stephen king
>a fucking sword
Jesus christ

>> No.7916946

wew lad

>> No.7916961

>model lazer
>8 beer mugs
>genre fiction King and a few deceptively nice but run of the mill bindings of classics

C'mon m8.

>> No.7916966
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>> No.7916968 [DELETED] 

>why no bookshelf thread?
Because these have always been terrible pointless narcissistic /soc/ shitposts and have nothing to do with literature?

>> No.7916980

>why no bookshelf thread?
Because these have always been pointless narcissistic /soc/ shitpost threads and have nothing to do with literature?

>> No.7916983

>just started college
>new to 4chan
>no friends
>wants to belong to something
How close was I?

>> No.7916989

I actually love Broom of The System, way more fun than IJ and none of the stuffy Conservative didacticism

>> No.7917001
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Ultra pleb bait

Not bad. Trying pretty hard but you have a genuine interest in great literature.

And this is where you keep all your pleb books.

And this is where you keep your super pleb-tier books.


Now I'm impressed.

Pretty damn pleb

Patrician as fuck except for bottom shelf

Disgusting in all honesty

Bretty good pomo collection, desu.

Why do you even bother?

You're off to a decent start. Also, props for acquiring the whole DFW package.

>> No.7917011
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This is my only shelf

>> No.7917040

>Not bad. Trying pretty hard but you have a genuine interest in great literature.
Trying hard? Fuck off faggot, not everyone reads just to show off their fucking bookcases. I seriously want you permanently banned from all /lit/ discussion

>> No.7917043
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>> No.7917050

>taking the b8

>> No.7917061

thoughts on Letters?

>> No.7917092

Hey guys, I'm just going to interject here to make a 60 line post where I quote literally every person in the entire thread and make some completely irrelevant or pedantic single sentence comment for each individual post that contributes nothing to any sort of worthwhile discussion and that no one is going to fucking read anyways. Hope you all enjoy my quips! These threads are always great, aren't they?

>> No.7917096

Hook, line, and sinker.

If you read any more of his comments, you'd realize his opinions aren't even consistent shelf to shelf. Relax, it's only the ~~INTERNET~~

>> No.7917119

I have a gunblade that my grandparents won for me at an auction for a dollar on top of my bookshelf. I consider it ironic.

>> No.7917129

>chain mail gasmask
>buster sword
>portal gun
>all that wasted shelf space dedicated to mugs
>those marvel books in the middle
>those harry pottery books on the right
>stephen king

Whoever owns this bookshelf definitely wears sandals with socks, with cargo shorts and a button down graphic shirt

>> No.7917198

way to get fucking spooked kid
sandals and cargo shorts are comfy as fuck

you're not getting pussy anyway why do you care what tumblr and facebook think about your clothes

>> No.7917209
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>> No.7917211
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>> No.7917212

Learn to crop you fucking neanderthal.

>> No.7917219
File: 1.62 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-04-13-00-32-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7917224

That Calvino novel is upside down - it's driving me nuts.

>> No.7917233
File: 1.38 MB, 1440x600, Screenshot_2016-04-13-00-32-10-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that's my first shelf. I'm an asshole. hasn't been touched in years.

>> No.7917239
File: 1.61 MB, 1440x788, Screenshot_2016-04-13-00-32-13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo fuck my bad lel 5?

>> No.7917244
File: 1.88 MB, 779x1440, Screenshot_2016-04-13-00-31-55-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genre fiction corner 6

>> No.7917246

What is it like reading many translations of one work? I imagine it quite rewarding

>> No.7917254

Probably makes you think that you should just get it over with and learn Italian desu

>> No.7917260
File: 285 KB, 1024x768, shelftonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet you can't guess my favorite author

>> No.7917316

thx bb.

>> No.7917330


>The Corrections

I don't get the point of this book. It's boring people living boring lives.

>> No.7917345

Thanks for the photo! I checked the Oxford classics edition on amazon and it looks like it's much more text dense, as it's a prose translation. Looks like I'll be getting the edition you have.

Thanks again!

>> No.7917363

I haven't read it yet. I wouldn't know.

>> No.7917420

1/3 Get on my level plebs.

>> No.7917427
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2/3 Just the books on my desk.

>> No.7917432
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3/3 Blue and red book is Absalom! Absalom!

>> No.7917437
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>> No.7917499

>not reading Aristotle in Greek
>not reading Nietzsche in German
>calling others plebs

A single French Camus novel doesn't redeem you.

>> No.7917531


i've said it before; this is THE best bookshelf troll image. look at the bottom left shelf. do you see it? WHY THE FUCK IS FRANZEN ANYWHERE NEAR THIS SHELF?

1. professional toll bought all these books to troll /lit/ (most likely)
2. /lit/ user saw his autistic friend's shelf and took a photo of it for trolling purposes, discreetly hiding his copy of The Corrections to alert people to the ruse
3. autistic nerd's mother saw this garbage bookshelf and gave him The Corrections, a book she'd bought on Oprah's recommendation but found to be too 'literary.' She's hoping he'll become interested in 'normal' books.
4. dumb retarded nerd bought The Corrections at Goodwill because every bookstore he's ever been to was overstocked with copies (discarded by housewives, of course) and he figured why not, unaware of its lack of dragons and other nerd shit

>> No.7917535

Oh come off it, people have been reading translations for centuries. How do you think the writings of Aristotle came to be developed and well-known over time?

>> No.7917540

I read stranger in french too. it makes me feel smart and the ladies love it.
i like to bring it to the mcdonalds with a bottle of thunderbird wine and read out loud. it makes the homeless creme in their pants

>> No.7917556

Y'all mother fuckers are too judgmental. I wish I could see how people enjoy Stephen King. I'd love nothing more than to see their perspective on how they could enjoy something I find so boring.

Just respect that other people like different things. It's not hard m8

>> No.7917570

I'm just memeing on him for memeing about being patrician. I can't read a lick of French, let alone ancient Greek, so I'm just giving him a hard time.

>> No.7917573


kill yourself

>> No.7917582



>> No.7917584
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uh huh

>> No.7917607

Yeah, and I'm the one responding to you.

>> No.7918264


>> No.7918273

what kind of uncoordinated baby are you that you crease the spine to every book you read? out of the 400 books that I own I've probably read a third and have not creased a single one. they're all good as new.

>> No.7918278

oh meme-chan again. have you actually read any of the Pynchon?

>> No.7918282

anon it's ok to read these. but you do know there is way better stuff out there dont you?

>> No.7918338

Why wouldn't you just learn Italian lmao
This is embarrassing

>> No.7918343

sure buddy
whatever you say

>> No.7918346

>falling for the >muh translations meme this hard

>> No.7918376

If you're going to have that many editions of The Divine Comedy it probably means you're not satisfied with having just one translation
Therefor you should just learn to read the original text

>> No.7918387

kind of agree with this
if you're going to spend that much time reading translations it seems like you'd be involved enough to learn enough to read the original book? i read translations because i'm just not that devoted desu

>> No.7918396

maybe he knows italian

then again, the time it takes to read 10 books is a few magnitudes lower than the time it takes to learn italian well enough to read dante

>> No.7918426

Not if you subvocalize

>> No.7918429


If it wasn't so overused, this would be sublime bait. Everything in it is an assault on aesthetic sensibility. The details are exquisite - just look at the horrible way he has arranged the bound bookmarks on those Barnes and Noble Plastic Classics. The gasmask/chainmail combo ensures that the fedora-autistic factor is exponentially higher than it would be if they were separate. Likewise, the weeaboo plastic sword is atrociously ugly and cringe-inducing in its own right, but as the crown on this altar of autism, it is so much worse. This shelf, where all of the elements are terrible by themselves, becomes so much more than the sum of its parts, due to the masterful and thoroughly consistent anti-aesthetics.

>> No.7918451
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>> No.7918541

this anon has a nice yet weird collection of many classics and also genre fiction. I'd call him more "well read" than the rest of you. what does it say about someone who indulges in both of these?

>> No.7918556
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>Dark Souls official guide on the same shelf as the Bible
Very nice

>> No.7918568
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>> No.7918574
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>> No.7918575

>gifford ulysses annotated
>penguin instead of gabler

why anon, why?

>> No.7918580

Gifford was the one that seemed to be mentioned the most. My Joyce professor told me that my edition was one of the more accepted ones. Which would you recommend for guides and editions, and why?

>> No.7918587

cyka blyat

>> No.7918616

the gifford is meant to be paired with the gabler edition. there are significant (well, if you're really into joyce, for 99% of readers it doesnt matter) textual revisions/edits/corrections (sometimes controversial) in the gabler that differ from the 1961 text (which is wholly superior to the 1922 edition, which was the original publication that contained a lot of errors/typos that joyce himself errataed).

either gabler or 1961 is fine but the ulysses annotated was written specifically to accompany the gabler edition, and the line numbers/page numbers refer to it. you can certainly use it for the edition you have (looks like the penguin version of the 1961 text?) but it's probably easier to use gabler if you want to make heavy use of the gifford guide.

>> No.7918623

ah ok, that makes sense. Yeah I have the penguin edition of the 1961 version, reading up on it online I am glad I do, the gabler edition doesn't seem like my cup of tea. I am not making too heavy use of gifford, it's just my first read and I am only using the gifford in my analysis of proteus for a uni essay

>> No.7918628

reading about gabler online probably gives you a skewed perspective since the people who care enough to write on it are probably very opinionated and are more involved/dedicated to joyce than the vast majority of the audience. it's like a literary narcissism of small differences or whatever. from an outsider's perspective gabler/1961 are probably identical lol.

>> No.7918629
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Have Proteus printed out on my wall so it doesn't matter too much about the Gifford page references

>> No.7918637

the idea of the gabler being more of an explained text than the 1961 edition makes me glad to have been reading the 1961 edition, I prefer ambiguity in art. is that about the gist of the differences between the two?

>> No.7918638

How long did it take you to read all that philosophy?

>> No.7918642
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>> No.7918645

i dont tink it's more explained. gabler just had the idea that even after the 1934/1961 revisions, there were still a lot of errors in the standard ulysses text. it's a fair stance given the somewhat messy publication history of the book as well as the highly unconventional usage of punctuation/grammar/style/etc., which probably introduced a lot of errors for the typists. given that joyce/random house found thousands of errors in their two revisions, it's likely some probably still slipped through the net. modern scholarship generally holds the view that gabler overstepped, but some of his corrections were probably "correct." again from a reading perspective i do think the differences and impact are vastly exaggerated. i don't think it makes a huge impact on the reading experience either way.

>> No.7918805

it means he enjoys reading

>> No.7918825

All except Inherent Vice

>> No.7918831

if you have ever asked yourself why you don't have a girlfriend this picture should be more than enough of an answer

>> No.7918843

no im pretty sure the two cocks im sucking is the answer.

>> No.7918852


Why didn't you finish Trigun Maximum anon?

>> No.7918966

so triggered right now

>> No.7918992
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>> No.7919005

You a pirate bro?

>> No.7919180 [DELETED] 

The Bible and the official Dark Souls guide have gotten me through many challenging times.

I have a degree in philosophy. But I haven't read all those books cover to cover. Been working on that for the better part of a decade.

>> No.7919183

>why no bookshelf thread
because they are literally the worst

>> No.7919188

The Bible and the official Dark Souls guide have gotten me through many challenging times.

I have a degree in philosophy. But I haven't read all those books cover to cover. Been working on that for the better part of a decade.

>> No.7919279

> Pic related, books I stole from my local library

>> No.7919332

I shoplift books from bookstores all the time :^)

>> No.7919800

fuck yeah, most patrician ITT

>> No.7919928


I agree

>> No.7920651

Because autism.

See above.

IDK it's fun to compare translations.

Yea he's mad underrated here.

I like individual copies. A giant volume is annoying to lug around.

I've read like 70% of them. Take care of your books. I buy them new or gently used and don't abuse them.

No, Kaufmann is Part 1 + snippets of part 2, including the last scene.

I enjoy it. Has to be something you genuinely love though.

I'm way too lazy to learn another language, and honestly, if I were to learn another language for literary purposes at this rate (unlikely, but who knows) it probably wouldn't be Italian.

See above.

>> No.7920668

Fuckin dork

>> No.7920669

holy shit that copy of finnegans wake actually looks read

>> No.7920681

its the old viking edition those things are like 50 years old. they all look like he just bought it used.

>> No.7920683

is that a hardcover first edition gravity's rainbow?

>> No.7920687

o srry i was talking about the penguin one, didn't even see the viking one

>> No.7920835

Dude...Absalom!Absalom! is a train wreck of a great book.Probably my favorite Faulkner book that I've read.

>> No.7920838

Bro, that's A LOT of Lacan. Too much if you ask me. While I'm not a big fan of his, I'm glad to see him represented so well.

>> No.7920869

where to buy naruto sword?

>> No.7920946

I'm a pleb, what are the white books.. Yukio?

>> No.7921548
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>Dave Eggers IJ

>> No.7921917

Yeah, book club though

>> No.7922111


>> No.7922121

Now THIS is reddit

>> No.7922125

whats the moon stuff?

>> No.7922127

that IJ cover should not exist.

>> No.7922130

is this kings house?

>> No.7922191

see >>7922111

>> No.7922229

How much fucking Stephen King do you need?

>> No.7922507

i remember you from another thread, might have spotted your goodreads recently too. judging by your collection i have a feeling we'd get along quite well, too bad you're not in asia anon!

curious though, how many languages do you speak/read and how did you learn them?

nice mythology book, is this the janet parker one? i remember working with her book many years ago, pleasntly surprised it had such liberal coverage of the material!

i am also appreciating your cicero, lucretius, seneca, and epictetus. i'm going to guess you studied this academically?

>learn enough to read the original book
not to be rude, but becoming fluent enough to read something in a foreign language doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to appreciate the sublime use of language or complex ideas being presented in that setting. or rather, it would take a lot of time and immersion to accomplish such a feat. it's a very multifaceted ordeal, for that reason i don't hold it against people to read many translations rather than adopt a new language (though i personally encourage the latter!).

you should upgrade that black shelf anon

>> No.7922561
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>> No.7922567

this is adorable. penguins :3 :3 :3

>> No.7922586

What the fuck

>> No.7922604

>sudo rm -r -f /library/youngadultpseudovampirefiction/
where to cop cute gentoos though?

>> No.7922608

Scott Pilgrim is extremely fun

>> No.7922618
