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File: 103 KB, 1080x861, Jorge-Luis-Borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7916142 No.7916142 [Reply] [Original]

ITT writers you've shamelessly stolen from, whether it's in style or technique or in subject matter.

>> No.7916153

Every one I've downloaded from libgen

>> No.7916166
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Good thing he's obscure enough that my professors don't pick up on how Gassy my prose is.

>> No.7916186

I suffer from the same brevity as Borges, so if you see any of my work, don't think it's me stealing.

I do try to dilute what influences I notice along the way, but take as much pride in them.

>> No.7916201

I don't expect you to believe me, but at my much younger age I was an avid follower of a self proclaimed enlightened person, a true genius with a rare talent of speaking and expressing his spiritual and philosophical ideas. He gathered quite a lot of people around himself who competed for his attention and guidance. He constantly claimed he matters not, only his ideas, but we were weak and turned to him instead every time, so he left into total obscurity and rare people saw him ever again. He was such rarity of a person with firm and valuable ideas. Constantly challenged, rarely defeated, very consistent.

It was years ago and I still feel him replacing the voice of my consciousness in my mind, the voice that advises me and knows better than usual me. His influence on my formative years was absolutely rock solid and even though I notice myself expanding further away from his influence, I can't but use his phrases often and often without noticing it.

>> No.7916202

Joyce. I received 100 on my term paper. AMA.

>> No.7916226
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I have a few semi references to DeathSpell Omega in my main project.

ironically though I don't believe in anything close to what they base their music around, I just like the texture of their lyrics and titles, and sometimes it just happens to fit with what im writing about.

>> No.7916241


Found the hippie.

>> No.7916266

I wrote a short story about Medusa with the same structure as Borges's The House of Asterion. I even got the idea of writing about a mythical monster without actually mentioning him or her from that short story.

>> No.7916325

Is that what being hippie is about? I always liked the idea of being one, but I don't follow some pseudo profound bullshit.
I do believe in realization of objective truth through proper observation, discussion and strong subjective experiences that would confirm it. The one thing that I find different about myself is that despite reading a lot and getting familiar with existing human thought, I genuinely believe we don't know anything and that I myself don't know anything. Its not sufficient.
That is why I can simply walk in the woods and think and have creative thoughts, extraction of meaning from my life and new things pop out, some of them revolutionairy if properly expressed and argued.

>> No.7916329

I steal from every writer I read

>> No.7916449


Yep, he's a hippie boomer, all right.

>> No.7916685

Found the only writer in this thread

>> No.7916880
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"You were seeking strengh, justice, splendor. You were seeking love. Here is the pit. Here is your pit. Its name is silence."

Mein sub saharan. Deathspell is the shit.

>> No.7916919
File: 54 KB, 750x412, black_lagoon__revy_by_nvmeninest-d4mgohu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cormac McCarthy and Bill Burroughs. I'm not as concerned about the latter tendency, but the former is something I've tried to dial down. Seems like I have to check myself every time I start writing about urban decay or meth heads and end up blathering on about the terrible glory of the gods and the stars fixed in portentous heavenwise spins and all unknowable things men strain to grasp with rifted minds and hands too palsied to hook the truth. Things we'd not deign to know and who would ask us but to hear none but lies harbored in strange mouths that sculpt with tongues the profane ends in creation's harebrained mind?

>> No.7918614

Flannery O'Connor in terms of how I write my short story endings (sweeping and ominous)

Lydia Davis in terms of my literary style (short and plainspoken)

Nathanael West in terms of subject matter (identity and mass culture)

>> No.7918655

Cormac McCarthy, as far as dense descriptions of landscapes go...just with punctuation and a lot less of it.

>> No.7918686
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>> No.7918739
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Nice, very nice, I like to think there's something of McCarthy in my work.

In terms of subject matter and prose style, my stuff has become increasingly like Malcolm Lowry's. My style was headed in that direction before I read his stuff (long, chaotic sentences, heavily descriptive and also stream of consciousness), but having read Lowry I can't help feeling that everything I write reads like a cheap, sub-par version of his.

>> No.7918789


i've got some bad news

>> No.7918806
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Favorite movie
I'm getting a Brigitte Lin tattoo in the near future.

>> No.7919075
File: 1.20 MB, 2400x1500, CSlewisquotesdesireWALLPAPERLDStemple1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does YOUR lifestyle say about you?

>> No.7919658

HD photo shopped onto low-quality background. Gives the impression he's in motion.

>> No.7919676

How is that "the most probable explanation"?

Let's look at the argument structure more closely:

>If I have an itch which won't seem to go away
>no matter how much I scratch it
>no matter how much ointment I put on it
>it remains
>mfw the most probable explanation is that I've been stricken with the otherworldly itch whose only remedy is Zeus' nectar

>> No.7920122

I suck? No worries, I already know.

>> No.7921111

Well, according to Borges, you're technically Borges, so you can't steal from Borges.

>> No.7921122

I stole the direct general idea of Alice in Wonderland and Coraline by some loose definition of stealing.

>> No.7921127

Are you going to be okay?! How do we find you this "Zeus' Nectar"?! By the Gods, I will aid you as I am a man of morals and must not long to see you suffer as this!

>> No.7921136

Gene? Is that you?

>> No.7921508
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Rafael Chirbes

>dat stream of consciousness

>> No.7921523

That's exactly how I felt like when I first met Charles Manson, great times.
He was so enlightened.

>> No.7921527
File: 6 KB, 225x225, faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man.
>tfw you've use the word apotheosis in every one of your stories so far

>> No.7921528

underrated post, underrated digits

>> No.7921532
File: 45 KB, 495x500, 1456185954787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E. M. Cioran. One of those few writers almost as edgy as myself. I mimic his short aphoristic philosophical essay style which has an almost poetic quality to it.

>> No.7921751

oh boy

>> No.7921761
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The deepest and most organic death is death in solitude, when even light becomes a principle of death. In such moments you will be severed from life, from love, smiles, friends and even from death. And you will ask yourself if there is anything besides the nothingness of the world and your own nothingness.

As far as I am concerned, I resign from humanity. I no longer want to be, nor can still be, a man. What should I do? Work for a social and political system, make a girl miserable? Hunt for weaknesses in philosophical systems, fight for moral and aesthetic ideals? It’s all too little. I renounce my humanity even though I may find myself alone. But am I not already alone in this world from which I no longer expect anything?

>> No.7921766


>One of those few writers almost as edgy as myself.

LOL please be real

>> No.7921767
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Not even trolling. I'm that autistic.

>> No.7921772

I think it is. A shit show, this place.

>> No.7921783


>cites Cioran as inspiration
>quotes "On the Heights of Despair" when Cioran's subsequent work is far superior

>> No.7921793
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>Cioran's subsequent work is far superior
It's too hard for me to read desu

>> No.7921868

Lot of HST in my writings, some McCarthy I think, lately been pulling from Burroughs and Didion. A few other influences nobody will know on this board.

>> No.7921901

>i even STOLE the idea...

>> No.7922071

its the focal length

>> No.7922072

I like that album.

>> No.7922086

he looks like my grandpa.

>> No.7922090

I gave up on Sound and the Fury during high school.

>> No.7922096

I liked Middle C more than The Tunnel.

>> No.7922099

>I genuinely believe we don't know anything and that I myself don't know anything. Its not sufficient.
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.

>> No.7922282

Why "suffer"?

>> No.7922449
File: 80 KB, 850x400, quote-if-i-am-walking-with-two-other-men-each-of-them-will-serve-as-my-teacher-i-will-pick-out-the-good-confucius-40963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm influenced by anyone ı read, that's why ı read in the first place (this includes you).

>> No.7922459

All of my stories are written in Palahniuk's voice.

>> No.7922479

Seems that everything is a remix, not in a bad way and every artist has picked up, been influenced by something or someone, yet I sense that everything I may "produce" every sentence either written or spoken that might be considered of value, is stolen, I feel like a postman that simply relies other's messages but erases the sender.

>> No.7922511

I'm a big fag.

>> No.7922530

I always rip off that Pinecone
>make up a bunch of short stories
>google some random geographical locations
>somehow mix it all
>add my own thoughts to the characters
>add poetry and songs
Have been published several times in my country

>> No.7922548
File: 52 KB, 354x540, stachura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly for my stories, but some of my poetry got influenced strongly for a short time after getting to know his poems and songs. Right now it's not that obvious but it's probably still strongly influenced.

>> No.7922583
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 1452173955557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it OP, you can stop imitating Borges now.

>> No.7922585

>he doesn't know about rewriting or taking inspiration from tradition

It's only theft if you don't acknowlwdge your source of inspiration.

>> No.7922587


>> No.7922726

my entire style is stolen from Hemingway
>tfw no ragrets

>> No.7922741

literally same. not American, but got a short story into my country's mainstay periodical doing exactly this.
and yet IMO good postmodernist literature is totally dying.
we need more people who copy pinecone and less who copy Joyce and Plath and all these other modernist, shit to gold tier and everything in between

>> No.7922947

Quite a shitty imitation if that's the case.

>> No.7923096

I keep ripping off themes and style from Tolstoy and Pynchon. I usually get really autistic and start some digressions out of nowhere and I think I try to sound to sound a bit like Dostoyevsky in them.

My main goal is having the skill to convey little details like Tolstoy does in Anna Karenina and in some of his short stories and at the time being able to create convoluted subplots that keep stacking up for me to end them without any explanation while I develop characters that have to deal with the emptiness of never knowing what exactly was happening around them.

Also >>7922530, except I'm not published yet. Maybe I will this year.

>> No.7923135

I have a friend who did this and all of his books were rejected by publishing houses. So he started criticizing some fantasy authors talking about how shitty their writing was in social media. One of those writers found out and apparently he is never going to published in my country.

>> No.7923155


>> No.7923157

*to be published

>> No.7923164

I won't claim a perfect imitation of anyone. But recently I've been trying to learn how to steal from the poetry of Thomas Hardy and Dryden.

>> No.7923348

The two authors American kiddies try to copy are always Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson.

If your prose is any-bit like either of them, you will have a near impossible time getting published.

>> No.7924951


>> No.7925033

Pretty much every story I write sounds and flows like Donald Barthelme

>> No.7925047
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I love this man.

>> No.7925138

Should've started with As I Lay Dying my dude. It's dope. I'm ripping off the whole multiple stream of consciousness perspectives thing in a modern setting. Can't wait to get published and hailed as a literary hero lmaaaao

>> No.7925138,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well, as I understood it, Borges felt this was a shortcoming of his too. And it isn't my intention to be this way in my writing, so I still feel it needs a lot of work, to achieve my ideal of normal. I'm encouraged by Borges success with his super brief style, but I shouldn't fully rely on this. I'm not him nor should I want to be like him.

Oh trolly trolly trolly. I am homosexual. Not "gay" "fag" "dyke"or even butch. Just plain lesbian.