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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 396x600, Cover_for_the_Overton_Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
791544 No.791544 [Reply] [Original]

well, /lit/, beck wrote a book.

will you read it?

>> No.791555

Haha, no.

>> No.791558

All of glenn beck's books needs be stolen and sent to one place for a huge book burning.


>> No.791563

whats it about? Commies?

>> No.791567

Fire. Fire everywhere.

>> No.791568

Probably how Liberals are all Chaos Daemons and will destroy America

>> No.791595

from wikipedia

The Overton Window is a novel by political commentator and FOX News host Glenn Beck. It is based on the Overton window concept in political theory, in which at any given moment there is a range of policies related to any particular issue that are considered politically acceptable ("in the window"), and other policies that politicians seeking to gain or hold public office do not feel they can recommend without being considered too far outside the mainstream ("outside the window"). Moving the window would make previously radical ideas seem reasonable. The plot revolves around a man named Noah Gardner, a public relations executive who has no interest in political problems. His mind is changed when he meets a woman who is "consumed by the knowledge that the America we know is about to be lost forever," an idea which Gardner dismisses as a conspiracy theory. But America soon comes under attack, and Gardner's mind is changed, and he works to expose the conspirators behind the attack.

>> No.791599

also from wikipedia (reception)

The Washington Post review stated "thrillers often are marred by laughable prose, but few have stumbled along with language as silly as this one." The review concluded that the "success of Glenn Beck's novel, "The Overton Window," will be measured not by its literary value (none), or its contribution to the thriller genre (small), or the money it rakes in (considerable), but rather by the rebelliousness it incites among anti-government extremists. If the book is found tucked into the ammo boxes of self-proclaimed patriots and recited at "tea party" assemblies, then Beck will have achieved his goal

>> No.791608

To put it concisely.

>> No.791609

Atlas Shrugged of our generation.

>> No.791611
File: 336 KB, 800x800, 1273959200187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.791617

No. Atlas Shrugged was picked up by the mainstream and derided by academics.

This will be picked up by the right wing fringe, derided by the mainstream and completely ignorred by academia.

>> No.791621


Right wing fringe is the mainstream in America.

>> No.791630
File: 112 KB, 407x405, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually want to. But how sure can we be this wasn't ghostwritten?

>> No.791641

Dude's a moron. No way he'd think to pay someone else to be paranoid for him.

>> No.791695

tHiS wIlL bE tHe NeXt GrEaT American NoVeL mArK mY wOrDs ~~~<3

>> No.791720

>glenn beck

Seriously, pick one. The guy is pulling in insane amounts of money for talking shit that he probably doesn't even believe himself for one hour a day on tv and howeverlong on the radio. If he says "jump", a not-inconsiderable percentage of Americans will ask "how high?" He can write an utter shit book like this and it's a guaranteed bestseller just on preorders.

Yeah the shit he says doesn't make sense, but you don't get into a position like that by being a moron.

>> No.791725


You don't get away with rape and murder by being a moron either.

>> No.791730


>a not-inconsiderable percentage of Americans will ask "how high?

A not-inconsiderable percentage of Americans also think books are for 'fags', and 'nerd virgins'.

Do we really want to utilize Argumentum Ad Populum here?

>> No.791742

Bill O'Reilly is popular. Does that mean he's smart?

>> No.791749

ITT: people who think FOX provides news and not entertainment AKA morons.

>> No.791750


I give it ten seconds before someone starts ranting about liberal hippy college kids.

>> No.791761
File: 212 KB, 478x357, Pinhead Larry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that liberal hippy college kids aren't ruining the Amurrika I grew up in

>> No.791763

> Do we really want to utilize Argumentum Ad Populum here?

I think you are misunderstanding his argument. Glenn Beck is smart because he can make a shit ton of money by saying stupid shit, as evidenced by all the people who will buy his book. This argument has nothing to do with his opinions.

>> No.791772
File: 124 KB, 665x717, 1271975746977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, having money = smart. Huh. Your logic is flawless.

>> No.791780


Considering it's a minority that have their pockets lined, then yeah I'd say there's a connection.

>> No.791781

>implying that that was the argument

>> No.791784

it's not my argument. I'm just pointing out that there is no Argumentum Ad Populum going on here.

>> No.791786
File: 182 KB, 1260x742, 1274221543141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it wasn't

>> No.791791
File: 26 KB, 403x454, Hahatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.791797
File: 57 KB, 300x425, Sony-Reader-Pocket-Edition-PRS-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.794241

right wing blather

>> No.794246

Don't necro, faggot.

>> No.794252
File: 92 KB, 389x388, 1276548909307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.794256


w W W . A n o n t a L K . s e zlloxp nvj n ibon l mf pjun xx jkzmup

>> No.794274

Sounds awful.

>> No.794281
File: 26 KB, 625x340, bodysnatchers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me bro

>> No.794290

>But America soon comes under attack

>> No.794295

Beck uses an ipad, not a Sony reader.

>> No.794769
File: 47 KB, 340x454, glenn-beck-goes-crazy-in-radio-show-pin-head-funny-comedy copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suit yourself, lady. I'm telling you right now, you made the rules, but you're playing with fire here. I've got some rules, too, and rule number one is, don't tease the panther.

>> No.794780

Well, I know what I'm buying for birthday and holiday gifts this year.

Thanks op.