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7914799 No.7914799 [Reply] [Original]

Books on a love relationship between a female from the upper class and a working class male?

I have a crush on a girl who is from a way different background to me and occasionally I convince myself I have a shot before reality reminds me that it I'm being delusional.

Please respond.

>> No.7914807


Post a pic of both of you and I'll tell you. No bullshit. Total honesty.

>> No.7914808

Classist shit like in the books isn't really a thing anymore. Unless she comes from old money, your social standing shouldn't be a problem as long as you're polite.

>> No.7914829

Why would I post a picture?

I assume she does come old money, although I'm not aspergic enough to "research" her family tree or anything. Also I'm not very polite, partly due to my being the only working class individual in the location wherein she and I both frequent and my subsequent disinclination to "play the fool" or "play the pauper" in the sense of my background being the basis of my character or something like that, and also due to my not really relating to many features of these peoples' lives and therefore not wanting to come across as unlearned, naive or plain stupid or something. This in addition to stuff like self-doubt and the usual stuff that comes with being very attracted to someone who has the potential to reject you and so on. Rationally thinking it would be like any other rejection but from her (and in the context) it would really be like a kick in the nuts.

>> No.7914840


>Why would I post a picture?

Because if you're both not physically compatible, it will never work, anon. It's all that matters.

As for the rest of this:

>I assume she does come old money, although I'm not aspergic enough to "research" her family tree or anything. Also I'm not very polite, partly due to my being the only working class individual in the location wherein she and I both frequent and my subsequent disinclination to "play the fool" or "play the pauper" in the sense of my background being the basis of my character or something like that, and also due to my not really relating to many features of these peoples' lives and therefore not wanting to come across as unlearned, naive or plain stupid or something. This in addition to stuff like self-doubt and the usual stuff that comes with being very attracted to someone who has the potential to reject you and so on. Rationally thinking it would be like any other rejection but from her (and in the context) it would really be like a kick in the nuts.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you have no fucking shot whatsoever, and I have no idea why you think you have a shot in the first place.

Give me one reason why you think you have a shot. One reason. And please don't tell me this girl is just some girl you creep on from across the room and masturbate to at night and have decided she's the main character's long lost love interest in the story of your life out of classic literature and tall tales and fantasy epics even though you've never said more than a hello.

>> No.7914859
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If it worked for them it can work for anyone.

>> No.7914882

Well without posting a picture I will otherwise have to articulate the way others have perceived me, particularly females, particularly in the recent past, and then judge their physically attractiveness by some sort of near-objective measure (cultural or otherwise) and then gauge my crush's physically attractiveness in comparison (she is exactly my kind of beautiful) and then trust that you understand and believe what I've said in both cases.

In my case around eight girls in the past four or so years have expressed their conspicuous attraction towards me, one of whom I briefly dated in 2014 and who, after we "drifted apart", repeatedly texted me over the course of a year asking to continue dating. I am perhaps not traditionally handsome in a masculine sense (i.e. being tall, wide, muscled and physically domineering) and the reason the aforementioned girls were attracted to me were my facial appearance, the aesthetic quality of my hands and ass, and perhaps other things I wasn't directly praised for possessing.

She is shorter than most girls but possesses a sort of refined and dignified disposition which, adding to her physical "cuteness", obviously distinguishes her as somebody who has been raised (or who somehow has inculcated in herself the belief that) she does not exist solely as an object beauty but rather that beauty itself is to be admired and respected for its own sake and that her intelligent (which she obviously possesses also) itself reinforces her natural physical beauty, making her both intimidating and attractive. I won't list her physical attributes because I don't want do that but I would say that she is the kind of girl who would be described as "cute", "petite" and so on, rather than say "sexy", "hot" or anything which places her value solely or predominantly on her physically appearance rather than her existence as a whole as represented most immediately by her outward appearance.

I don't think she's any kind of "long lost character" or "the one" or anything surreal like that, I just sense that she and I are "compatible" and are suited to each other, though again I often think I'm being delusional for thinking so. Any evidence I have that she was once curious about me or even maybe subtly interested in getting to know me is the kind of evidence that if posted would result in various people accusing me of autism so I won't post it. But let's say, because it's true, that in the past I have been very good at identifying girls who I like and who like me in return, to whatever degree. Also I'm not "creeping" on this girl and the idea that it might seem that way because of my thinking about her, in addition to my anxiety re: my poor background leads me to act completely indifferent to her, in the sense of pretending I don't acknowledge that she is in my immediate company whenever she has reason to be.

>> No.7914888

M8 either go for it or dont why even bullshit yourself with all this talking

>> No.7914891

Yeah but they were like sixteen when they first met and Ryan was raised as though he were wealthy from that point on. Imagine if Ryan somehow by chance managed to get an entry-tier job which to his former schoolmates might seem pretty impressive but to those in the workplace itself, who are pretty much all from the same background, seems either boring or just not impressive considering how their buddies are out ruling the world or doing the type of thing expected of people from that small demographic of individuals born into and raised in a wealthy environment. Especially assuming that Marissa in this case would be earning more money than Ryan and that she would be over her teenage phase of not worrying about the future and is likely instead looking for the type of guy who could share her life long-term and marry her and be the kind of stable, reliable, "successful" guy her father was.

>> No.7914892

You're a pseudo-intellectual autist and I doubt you could talk your hand into making love with you.

>> No.7914900

I dated a moderately rich girl once.
It's not worth it, no matter how hot she is.
Crazy and entitled as hell

>> No.7914904

Nice trips.

Reason 1: Some time has passed since we first became acquainted, which likely means that she has become bored of me by now and even somewhat repulsed by me or hostile towards me considering that she may (I'm not presuming too much, she may have never even though about me for a second) feel like I tricked her into thinking I was interesting or worth hassling over.

Reason 2: Context, as we're not in college or highschool or anything, it's a formal setting (we're not colleagues) which doesn't allow for the sort of casual conversation other settings might, meaning any breach of formality and so on may be viewed as a sort of super anti-social thing to do.

Reason 3: I don't, for the sake of my own fragile pride, want to be "that guy" who doesn't respect convention and embarrasses himself and her by thinking he is good enough for her and / or (in her eyes) that she is "bad" enough for him. It may be vanity or narcissism or something but I don't embarrass myself lightly, especially in situations where the socio-economic considerations make me feel like I'd be embarrassing my social class as a whole or at least confirming the fact I am bound to exist within its ideological confines 5ever seeing how my entry to a higher class, or even its members, has been denied.

>> No.7914908

I'm not trying to appear intellectual ("well good cuz u aint making a good job of it bud" / "I can tell" etc) I'm just trying to articulate myself as best I can, rather than saying "I don't know, I guess she's kinda cute" or something that would reduce the situation to a fairly basic equation with the answer being invalid on account of how superficial my evidence was.

>> No.7914911

So you already argued for your own failure

>> No.7914914

No I'm just explaining why I can't just turn up to Mutually Frequented Location X tomorrow and ask Girl Y if she wants to hold hands and share anecdotes some time.

>> No.7914917


All that bullshit and you STILL didn't give me one fucking reason why you think she's interested in you. You're fucked dude. She's not interested. End of story.

You have a crush on a girl in your class. Nobody gives a fuck.

If you're not going to go say hello to her, try to talk to her, and actually get to know her, any and all dreams and wishes of love deeper than time will never come true. Oh, and also, stop talking like that. Talk fucking normal. Jesus Christ. The world doesn't work like the movies or television. You're suffering from Manic Pixie Dream Girl meme. It's an actual thing. Look it up. This pretty, out of your league, rich girl doesn't just suddenly notice the big, lower class guy who's secretly intelligent and shy and an introvert and talks like he's out of some classic fairy tales.

Jesus fucking Christ. This is bait, isn't it? I fell for it, didn't I? Fuck.

>> No.7914920

Just ask if she wants to hang out elsewhere? Its not that hard.

If she sidelines it then take the hint gracefully and proceed like nothing happens

>> No.7914923
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>Unless she comes from old money, your social standing shouldn't be a problem as long as you're polite.
>this is what plebs actually believe
First off, nobody wants to be poor if they can avoid it, and wealthier people have lots of ways to avoid it to the point that marrying a lower-class person is something they'd only do out of deep insecurity.

Additionally, class manifests through every aspect of your behavior. Speech, manners, diet, hobbies, education. Obviously there are gauche rich people, but the thing is that they don't think they're gauche and so still don't want a poor person.

>> No.7914924

You'd be better off making a date with a pharmacist and picking up a prescription for Xanax or a fucking lobotomy you cagey spastic.

>> No.7914930
File: 692 KB, 1024x787, Zyzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a pseudo-intellectual trust-fund artist and keep a rotation of models, medical students, other artists and junior-grade investment bankers
git gud scrub

>> No.7914936

I've already said she's not in my class. Also I'm not "big" in the context of my society and the average height / width of its males (my penis is above average in length and girth however but I'm not suggesting this compensates for the relative lack of / non-noteworthiness of my height / width / "non-bigness" I'm just pointing it out so the resident Freudians don't start getting their pipes out and intruding in a thread where they are not welcome). Also I don't see her as a MPDG. I know what it is (though there's no evidence to suggests MPDGs as portrayed in contemporary media are from a disproportionately upper-class background). I also didn't say I was secretly intelligent or that I am shy. I may be shy but I conduct myself at this point in a rather aloof, disinterested way that suggests, I feel, that I have transcended any interest in human affairs or something like that, but then again I may just be shy and may come across as such. It's not bait and I appreciate any an all genuine responses to my dilemma.

>> No.7914945

The thing is I'm not 16 years old ("you sure? you sure sound like it" etc) and we're not working at Arby's or something like that where asking to "hang out" is just a simple request made by one bored employee to another. As I previously stated there are unavoidable socio-economic and cultural considerations here which means that my strategy (having failed thus far) must be faultless before I carry it through and risk revealing either a blunt human disinterest on her part or the kinds of underlying social customs that serve to deny individuals like myself access to girls like her in anything but a brief physical relationship at a music festival in her teenage years or something.

>> No.7914950

Lol senpai if its this much trouble just to ask her on a playdate then think about actually dating her

You sure you really want that stress?

>> No.7914956

"The Doll" by Bolesław Prus.

In a realist depiction of 19th century Poland, Wokulski doesn't ever get to fuck Izabela, much like you will probably fail in your pursuit of that woman.

>> No.7914964

This weirdo sounds like he dates girls in the same way Ted Bundy did

>> No.7914971

Hows that?

>> No.7914973

OP. This is what I fear. Also she is surrounded by people who have been privately educated and have gone on to be popular, "successful" in a socially-validated sense and so on. I think she, or anybody, may, on seeing me rather frequently over time, conclude that I am not ambitious or that my isolation from my peers is just a consequence of my being too lazy to make the effort to socialize or that I just want an easy, boring life and I understand that someone like that, especially a male, and especially a male in the eyes of a girl who has been raised in an environment where your peers go on to occupy the "best" positions in society, is literally shit-tier, and may only be interesting briefly and as a sort of mildly intriguing puzzle or something ("I wonder what went wrong in his past that would lead to his being so..."). The fact is I am ambitious, probably moreso than most people (that is not a brag, especially how my ambitions are likely to not be attained) and it's partly due to these ambitions and my not having attained them that I feel like such a scrub in her company.

My disposition and manners however are very refined and in the area in which I was raised people often assumed I was from a wealthy family or something, but in reality I just valued cleanliness, calmness and what I judged to be "dignified" behaviour. But in terms of hobbies I don't do the kind of shit people from her background do, I don't visit the cities they visit, I don't stay at the hotels they stay at, don't eat in the same restaurants, comprehend the same school traditions, and that kind of stuff. She does not seem the type of girl who places too much value on that kind of thing and I wouldn't be surprised if she was something of an "outsider" in her teenage years and may still consider to be one in certain regards, but I also appreciate that she must acknowledge the pressure on her (welcomed or not) to maintain the certain standard of life to which she is accustomed.

>> No.7914976


Dude, just stop. At this point, honestly, you're embarrassing yourself. I don't know who you are and I'm embarrassed for you.

If you actually did try and get this girl, I feel like I would just be walking down the street one day and feel an intense cringe wash over me, like when someone asks if your ears are warm because they were just talking about you just before you walked into a room, and I would know you went ahead and tried to get this girl and it went so embarrassingly bad that the universe and the fundamental forces of nature would cause me to experience the shock of such astounding embarrassment because I knew of the situation beforehand and I didn't do enough to warn you.

Please don't, OP. Please. For both our sake.

>> No.7914980

The fuck is a playdate?

Thanks for the recommendation.

I appreciate that I may come across as odd but can we avoid exaggerations, if just for the sake of this thread please?

>> No.7914981

the movie Titanic, which I think is Cameron's best effort so far.

>> No.7914985

equivalent to "hanging out", thought that was clear

>> No.7914987

OP here. I laughed (near-silently) and smiled when I read this but I know that subconsciously you have hurt me a great deal by confirming my fears.

>> No.7914988


That's it. I'm bailing on this. I can't do it anymore.

Good luck, OP. God knows you need it.

>> No.7914989

Thank you.

>> No.7914998

...Lady Chatterley's Lover

>> No.7915009

I'm just going to say that human beings actually like each other most of the time, just thought you guys should know.

>> No.7915019
File: 339 KB, 213x199, alright.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Within limits, but alright

>> No.7915021

I think u jelly.

>> No.7915023

Yes but in most cases it's more a form of tolerating than actively liking, unless the person who does the liking is in a weirdly good mood or if they can gain something from the individual they like (sexual pleasure, romantic affection, a business connection, a validation of their lives and decision).

>> No.7915025

He might be jelly but OP will never jam his penis into any woman's orifice

>> No.7915026

OP here.

I am only being somewhat facetious when I sat that this 50 second scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire pretty much accurately represents my current situation.


>> No.7915033


>> No.7915040

Victoria by Knut Hamsun is literally based on your situation, delusion included.

It is pretty soul crushing, but the prose is delightful. Only a 100 pages aswell.

>> No.7915044

Thank you for the recommendation.

>> No.7915048

socioeconomic classes mix romantically all the time but OP you are clearly socially retarded and have no chance with an normie girl. learn how to flirt.

>> No.7915051

Martin Eden

>> No.7915062

Sociopaths aren't human beings. Shoo~

>> No.7915063

I fear that in that case I have already ruined my first impression that every subsequent impression has only confirmed the first. It sucks because I have felt attracted to girls in the past but none of them really have been as perfect an embodiment of my feminine ideal as this girl.

>> No.7915066

Pretty much everyone operates like that on some level, "sociopaths" arent some magical creatures walking around, its just a matter of attachment or detachment.

>> No.7915069

Sorry to burst your tit, buddy. She's stuck up and you're ugly.

But anyway, try looking up gay fanfic for Prince and the Pauper. That ought to fill the hole in your life.

>> No.7915079

this is the one to read

>> No.7915081

OP you have about as much of a shot with her as you do with anyone. All you can do, regardless of who you are, is be a good version of yourself and approach her, and she may or may not, regardless of who she is, be interested. Nothing else to it.

However, all these ridiculously long posts suggest you've constructed some insane story in your head where the two of you are connected even though you've never interacted. If this is the case, everything in your head is worthless, and the only result of it is that any approach you make or response you have to her will be completely beyond normal human behavior. Your only option is to cast that shit aside.

>Wuthering Heights
>Lady Chatterley's Lover
>Great Gatsby
>Persuasion, by Austen
>Giovanni's Room

>> No.7915091

first impressions aren't the final word but from your posts you obviously need to learn a lot about interaction before you have a chance.

also, she probably has a boyfriend. most of the good ones do.

>> No.7915101

Just because you have a poor opinion of society doesn't make you right. Those who seek to abuse or take advantage of you are the minority. It's all in your head, basically.

>> No.7915107

Not seeking to take advantage =/= wouldn't take advantage of you if the opportunity presented itself

>> No.7915248

Dude. You are on the paranoid spectrum

>> No.7915268

He's not wrong, but its not anyone you need to actively worry about. I'm the you were saying "has a poor opinion of society" (tell me who dosent that isnt posturing.)

Ultimately, just dont act like a pussy and you wont get fucked desu