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/lit/ - Literature

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7912908 No.7912908 [Reply] [Original]

How did I do /lit/?

>> No.7912913



And then kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.7912915
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0/9 would not buy

>> No.7912917

Garbage time is ending, will you make it to level two? (You won't)

>> No.7912956

cringe thread?
cringe thread.

>> No.7913213
File: 1.65 MB, 176x180, tipsfedora3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7913244

the "why don't women like nice guys?" starter pack

>> No.7913249

This picture is literally the worst thing I've ever seen.

>> No.7913253

>SJWs Always Lie
theres no way thats real

>> No.7913292

The god delusion is the only book of any substance you bought.
and even that is very low tier shit.

>> No.7913321

You could have saved your money and spent a week immersing yourself in internet culture.

>> No.7913323
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>> No.7913342

I feel like you just shot me in the face,

>> No.7913386
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>> No.7913427


>> No.7913527
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>> No.7914417
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Carpenter's Gothic is getting kinda heavy. I got curious to see what Gaddis' process was during his formative years.

Carpentier's first, last one I needed. Mutis and Butor are always a pleasure. Dillard and Delillo are part of those contemporary classics I've been meaning to read. And Kushner's my light reading.

>> No.7914482

As an autistic anarchist,communistic virgin with mental problems this offends me.

>> No.7914500

Holy fuck, kill yourself

>> No.7914514

Oh, but it is, anon; it is real; and, worse someone bought it

>> No.7914575
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>> No.7914579

I'm reading a short story collection by Kushner, and it's good so I picked up Flamethrowers, if I like that I'll check out Telex form Cuba.

>> No.7914594


>>>/r9k/ tier.

Is brainwashed about how higher education is bad? That'd be the icing on the bitter NEET cake.

>> No.7914674

Flamethrowers was really good. I'm not surprised I didn't hear much about it (I only started reading contemporary authors last year), but I'm surprised she got as much notoriety as she did (even given the fact she was shortlisted for the NBA). Part of it is marketing, I guess; but she legitimately has talent, I believe.

>> No.7914777

This set comes with a free fedora and vape pen

>> No.7914789

Ayy Trips

>> No.7914792

this b8
I'm in awe

>> No.7914801


He paid real money just to piss people off. Dedicated.

>> No.7914816
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This; sadly that one's just the tip of the Vox Day shitberg.

>> No.7914844


It is, but it's essentially self-published (Castalia House is Beale's own operation, and he used the "Sad Puppies" and "Rabid Puppies" campaigns to promote its publications). Pretty much what you'd expect from somebody who has declared himself the Voice of God (Vox Day transparently = Vox Dei).

Of course, VD would not necessatily be happy with the company he keeps in OP's pic - another of his books is The Irrational Atheist, a polemic against Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens, Dennett, and Onfray, in which he claims to refute them using only their own argumentative tools.

>> No.7914868
File: 16 KB, 186x279, 9781416501909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vox Day = Vox Dei
Ohh. I feel stupid for not spotting that earlier.

(How does God feel about his - truly terrible - book "Rebel Moon" sitting unsold in Dollar General for the past three years?)

>> No.7914918

You did pretty bad.

Anti-dote and refutation to Krauss' disaster of a book: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/a-universe-from-nothing-by-lawrence-m-krauss.html?_r=0

If you want to understand (like really, really understand) QM or cosmology or physics in general just learn the goddamn physics instead than read philosophically inane musings of a madman

There's plenty of anti-dotes to Harris' and Dawkins' popular-science books, too, but I can't be bothered to remember them now.

>> No.7914946
File: 67 KB, 564x635, 2fc6869b5a253a883f98d387d90a0821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even

>> No.7914948

More on Krauss: http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/2012/04/28/a-universe-from-nothing/

>> No.7916317

>foreword by Mike Cernovich

How did they get such a luminary to write a foreword?