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/lit/ - Literature

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7912404 No.7912404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you talk about when you talk about literature with your friends?

I find it hard to discuss books beyond "the story was good" or "this character was cool but that character was annoying" -- mostly cause I don't wanna sound like a pretentious snob in real life

>> No.7912408

I went to private school and work a job where most people have graduate degrees, so it's not much of a problem to have real conversations. Guess you should've buckled down in school.

>> No.7912414

Why is the one on the right serving vomit on a plate?

>> No.7912417
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>> No.7912418


although it doesnt really apply if you went into STEM fields

>> No.7912419

are you retarded?

for one: bring up certain events within the story and your reactions to that event, compare reactions and discuss

>> No.7912426

>that pic
Implies you can't be both. Try being a rugby player in a majority-female writing workshop where all the other guys are writing total cringe-fuel. There were a lot of hot girls of all stripes (dancers, sorority girls, athletes) in those workshops at my alma mater.

>> No.7912427

I don't need to rely on networking to get work thanks

>> No.7912434
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>being a jack of all trades and master of none

>> No.7912443
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More like these?

>> No.7912445

>neglecting the body

anima sana in corpore sano, anon

>> No.7912448

>not being a master of more than one at least
Won a state championship in rugby, a regional Judo tournament and published two short stories that semester.

git gud

>> No.7912455


/fa/ has to be the worst board by far
they are absolute scum, absolute fucking scum, rich kid proud consumers, i want to beat the shit out of every single panzy ass on there

>> No.7912460


If you're American this is basically admitting you can't compete with the nogs.

>> No.7912463

> tattoo
lit girl is low test and ugly. Right one is whoo-ah

>> No.7912467
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>> No.7912475
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y so bitter

>> No.7912476


>> No.7912477
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 1453421706860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The type of girl being a genrefag will attract

>> No.7912479
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Calm down dude. I didn't make that. It was just for a laugh. I only go on /fa/ to wank to pics of anorexic girls (can't wait to get shat on for this).

But anyway, /mu/ is way worse than /fa/.

>> No.7912481

That's all sports below the top flight of D1 though, with the exceptions of tennis and golf.

>> No.7912483


agree. when you think about it /fa/ might just represent the largest disparity between imagined taste and actual taste of any board on 4chan.

>> No.7912485


would go to a comic book shop with her

>> No.7912487

Getting fit, lit, and sci one day at a time. Feels good but somehow still sad

>> No.7912488


but i should add that this board is a fucking close second a lot of the time.

>> No.7912491

but boipucci is patrician desu, the greeks used to do it

>> No.7912499
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nah, man on man sex was looked down upon and made fun of, man on boy sex was different.

vikings to the west of rome would simply hang gays and throw their bodies in a bog.

>> No.7912512

Why am I not married to girl on left :'(

>> No.7912520

Greeks rubbed their dicks between the thighs of young boys. Anything else was sorta questionable (it's mentioned in the literature, but quite often in a denigrating way) since oral and anal are a lot less hygienic when people can't clean up so easily as they can now.

>> No.7912522
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>> No.7912527

i want the /lit/ girl. no love for tattooed whores. alterhacker is /r9k/ af but sexy. also why did you post basically the same pic on /fa/

>> No.7912550

>doing things poor people don't have time or money for is bad
>poor people never write fiction or compete in sports
It must be hard to contain so much resentment.

>> No.7912551

I would choose the one on the left solely so I don't have to eat pig gruel for dinner.

>> No.7912555

This, none vegan girls smell like shit

>> No.7912565
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>> No.7912611

not at all. /mu/ is about music, an art, not buying expensive clothes and being narcissistic.

and even if someone is only listeinng to /mu/core in a shallow attempt to make themselves more interesting at least they understand theoretically someone into music is more interesting than someone into themselves and the clothes they wear

i'm not some faggy anti-fashion crust punk, but it's not hard to look like a fucking adult. if your whole hobby is dressing yourself up as some unique character you are worth nothing

>> No.7912633

she saw your 1 rep max

>> No.7912634

Should be reversed. Nothing more patrician than snuggling cute boys.

>> No.7912638

I'm 100% with you on fashion being a shit hobby. I'm talking just about the boards. /mu/ is barely about music.
90% of the threads are shitposting and post irony. /fa/ at least serves its purpose, even it that is a shitty purpose.

>> No.7912671

The few friends I talk literature with all have postgraduate degrees, so it's not really much of a problem for me. Granted, the girls aren't really physically attractive to me.

>> No.7912685

there's really no other way to talk about literature other than what you liked and didn't like about it. you fall apart once you get into the reasoning for it because why you like 'beautiful prose' is probably the most reductive, baseless reasoning on what art 'should do' as determined by a short, shallow summer fling with the canon

>> No.7912711

Great. Which one are you going to live on?

>> No.7912733

>unless you have money, your life isn't fulfilling
I hope I never become a braindead middlebrow consumerist like you

You are cultural poison 2bh

good night

>> No.7912734

I'm so disillusioned from love and romanticism that I literally couldn't care less whom I attract.

>> No.7912752


>> No.7912759

I can't have a engaging conversation about literature with anyone.

Reading is a mostly solitary hobby anyway.

>> No.7912760

You know how to use the last remnants of English accusative though, surely any girl of your liking will come calling.

>> No.7912771

ironically apathy is pretty attractive; blame women.

>> No.7912798
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Fuck you I love alterhacker

>> No.7912800


what's wrong with her face?

>> No.7912804
File: 118 KB, 390x484, CreepySu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cosplaying creepy susie

>> No.7912808

I'm not sure that one was supposed to be better than the other.

>> No.7912809

>I work a job where most people have graduate degrees


>> No.7912810

my friends and I are all pseudo-intellectual pieces of shit who enjoy literature and also enjoy being fucking memes about discussing it so I mean

>> No.7912818
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>Nothing more patrician than snuggling cute boys.

>> No.7912822

>being a jack of all trades and master of none
>that is oftentimes better than a master of one

>> No.7912825
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only if they are qt traps, actual boys are ugly and stupid.

>> No.7912830

homosexuality is a sin

>> No.7912833
File: 57 KB, 500x750, 92a00d08e80361fcb814e53dfb6757a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traps are best desu.

Not if the balls don't touch.

>> No.7912847
File: 106 KB, 452x360, tumblr_nyaixo1EHR1ubo0kpo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, dudes are gross, but that's no reason to disregard any male that doesn't look like a girl. boys (qt twinks, late teens and early twenties) are best, guys (average, up into twenties) are alright, men (anything past 35 or 40) are shapeless lumps worthy of disgust.
boys are a multifaceted, beautiful race. just because some are shitty doesn't mean all are. most are wonderful, you just gotta know which ones to look for

anyone have any LGBT book recs? to stay somewhat on topic here


>> No.7912874

I know I would hate her but goddamn if she isn't a qt.

>> No.7912875
File: 2.36 MB, 420x428, 1451778928166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic does things to me

>> No.7912890

How fucking expensive hardback books are. I want to know the jews responsible for making a $3 paperback book $20 as hardback. Its fucking bullshit man.

>> No.7912892

Literally nothing

If this is the type of girl /lit/ attracts I'm going to really buckle down and start from the trough of the anus of the greeks

>> No.7912912

>That pic
I'm fine with this one

>> No.7912967

my cum's not on it

>> No.7913005

Oh look, it's one of those pictures which try make you anxious about your life choices. Jokes of you faggot I regret every single one anyway.

I wish I was never born.

>> No.7913127

Dennis Cooper

>> No.7913133
File: 57 KB, 720x331, qt scythian waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do if I want to attract a girl like this?

>> No.7913136


>> No.7913139

I don't see how that will help me attract a large-boned and powerful caucasian waifu to raid mediterranean manlets with

>> No.7913155

>unkempt hair
>facial scabs
>jutting collarbones
>curiously absent body
looks like a meth-head to me.

>> No.7913181
File: 10 KB, 220x169, 220px-Ukok_princess_reconstruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this reconstruction? Does this help?

PS. the tattoos are there because in addition to horse archery, raiding and just generally terrorizing agrarian manlets, she performs the function of priestess in her community.

>> No.7913218

Absolutely beautiful.

>> No.7913363

It's a /fit/ fetish. It has to do with their obsession with right nutrition and superior genetics, so a plate full of aryan vomit makes them hard.
There's more to it, but that's the short version.

>> No.7913373

Fucking lol, agriculture is for sandnigger cucks.

Aryan diet = Largely meat and dairy

>> No.7913474

aryan diet consisted of 100 % oats

>> No.7913484

sounds like most of /lit desu

>> No.7913490

It did not, the west eurasian cultures that haplogroups R1a and most likely I1 and I2 descend from were nomadic pastoralists.

This trend continues to this day with scandinavian agriculture having traditionally been based on animal husbandry.

>> No.7913506

because you can't fucking grow anything in fucking scandinavia except for southern sweden maybe. days are to short, winters too long.

njo one cares what your fucking haplogroups descended from. germanics domesticated oat and kept eating it up into the 20th century, cause all they had was oats and beets. dairy farming is for inbred mountain degenerates.

>> No.7913507

That's true for R1a and R1b.

I1 and I2 were the original European hunter-gatherers, who eventually converted to agriculture through contact with G2a migrants from Anatolia in the neolithic.

>> No.7913518

Wait six months, order online. Most things drop in price at least 50%

>> No.7913552

Glad to see the /lit/ posters are up to snuff. Thanks /pol/.

>> No.7913557

This is one of the rare moments I'm glad to be /lit/.

>> No.7913558
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Damn dude. Could you try any harder?

>> No.7913646

Yeah the world would be so much better if everyone were le smart but lazy.

>> No.7913650

the idea that the degenerates that browse either board could attract any sort of girl is laughable

>> No.7913836

You've never attracted a girl?