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7912247 No.7912247 [Reply] [Original]

Why does homosexuality feel so patrician /lit/?

I can't even read books about hetero love without rolling my eyes at how gauche and childish it seems.

>> No.7912253

cause the jews done pulled a number on you.

>> No.7912254

who is this semon demon?

>> No.7912257

Maybe you just shouldn't be so gay, OP.

>> No.7912263

Because you fell for the gay """""culture""""" meme. Starting with the Greeks comes with certain risks and that's one of the bigger ones.

>> No.7912265

A. Women are, by and large, boring. Or crazy if they aren't boring. A woman who is neither crazy nor boring will not be good-looking.

B. Most men with experience feel the exact opposite of an afterglow after having sex with a woman. After the nut is busted, all her flaws seem so obvious.

C. If you're at all rational, you'll see that women are doomed to age out of attractiveness, making it harder to feel romantic about them when you know it's not forever.

The most patrician option, however, is not homosexuality, but to be rich and worldly enough to take the pleasures of young women as they come without getting attached until you meet one hot and interesting enough to breed with.

>> No.7912268

If you remove erotica from the equation (90% of which is probably by women anyway), gay literature does seem to have better prose on average.

>> No.7912273

I dunno, being a quite, matter-of-fact homosexual with a cute, young twink on your arm seems like the most patrician, artistic way to live.

>> No.7912274

tho most faggots are dumb as soap and enslaved to consumer ideology and identity bullshit

>> No.7912280

Because it acknowledges that humans inherently aren't meant to be exclusively heterosexual

>> No.7912282

It's not bad except that having a beautiful woman on your arm opens doors. People, including gay men, will perceive you more positively. It's unfortunate that people usually debase themselves trying to get such a woman, but if you can have it and not stress about it much it's the way to go.

I still miss the way people looked at us when my ex and I walked into a room.

>> No.7912283
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Gay life is hell. I thought college would be better.

>> No.7912284

If you're basing things like who you'll fuck around what the "patrician" thing to do is, you can rest assured knowing you'll always be a gauche pleb.

>> No.7912293

Stop caring so much what other people think about you. It's not healthy.

>> No.7912300

That only makes the smart boys more precious desu

>> No.7912301

Excuse me for liking to get my way. Have you not noticed that well-perceived people are treated better? People just do it automatically.

>> No.7912302

>Stop caring so much what other people think about you. It's not healthy.
only losers think this.

>> No.7912310

But Freddy Nercury said suffering's the shit.

>> No.7912312

If /lit/ can convince people to read "Finnegans Wake", it can easily convince people to take it up the ass literally.

>> No.7912319

You are trapped in a prison of your own creation. Sad.

>> No.7912327

>he needs to be convinced to read one of the greatest literary works of all time
Thanks for proving how much of a pleb you are. You can be drowning in boipuss and you'll still never be patrish.

>> No.7912330

This. I have a cousin who is like a sister but who's not great looking or socially graceful and has developed this whole "stop caring about dumb people" worldview to justify not caring about anything except school and work in the most reductive ways possible so she can use any care taken with appearances to lump people in with the popular kids she resented in school.

Learn to aesthetics and manipulation. You don't have to become a slave to something to use it to your own ends.

>> No.7912340


>> No.7912351

You have to be 18 to post on 4chan, son.

>> No.7912373

I'm too ugly and repressed to be a homo.

>> No.7912389

Don't worry we have lots of those. See grindr

>> No.7912415

True. There's a happy medium between having a unibrow and bulimia.

>> No.7912517
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>tfw been super gay all my life
>also the most socially awkward and sexually inexperienced human on earth

I miss the days when I repressed my sexuality just because I wanted to fit in, avoid attention and be "normal" like everyone constantly told me liking men was the opposite of. Now even though I've accepted my desires as a part of me I repress my sexual urges and stave off such desires because I know I am disgusting, an ugly loner who would be alone in the world regardless of who I wanted. Now I repress and reject it just to avoid the pain that wanting another human being brings.

Being gay is not any better or worse than anything else, if you suck as a human you'll still suck if you want to suck dick, and you won't become any better if you want to suck tits instead.

>> No.7912533

'gaybots' are basically the same as 'fembots'
you might be able to feel real feelings, unlike a woman, but all you have to do is download grindr and you have instant sexual gratification.
its literally impossible to be a gay guy and not be able to get laid. you don't know what suffering is.

>> No.7912536

>its literally impossible to be a gay guy and not be able to get laid

Gays have standards too.

>> No.7912542

Not that guy, but I know an ugly Mexican manlet who pretty much fucks a different dude every day. When he walks into a concert or non-gay bar, he'll open up Grindr, somehow indicate that he's there, and then just link up with another Grindr user who's in the bar and leave with him to go fuck.

The gay guys I know who complain about not getting laid are huge pussies who self-sabotage.

>> No.7912583

There are plenty of ways to be a gay guy and not get laid, even more than there are ways to be straight and not get laid. Apart from my crippling social anxiety and general ugliness, I also have a much smaller dating pool with a much higher chance per person of running into someone with an STD. I will ALWAYS be alone, and while being gay has plenty of bonuses, all I can boast is perspective, and maybe some better written erotica.

Being straight is just as easy, as in if you're a socially retarded autismo fuck you're still gonna suffer.

>> No.7912593

It is literally impossible not to get laid if you're straight, just lower your standards and go pork a hambeast or old lady. You don't even have to worry about stds as much!

Only people who are straight and virgins are pussies who're too scared to fuck something they're not even attracted to just to brag about getting laid.

>> No.7912599

who is this fluid druid

>> No.7912637


The bible is entirely correct in its characterization of homosexuals. Gays are doomed to a fate of torment, self-loathing, and paradox. Sodom and Gomorrah isn’t a literal city, it is a metaphor for the lifestyle and mind of a homosexual. First come the festivities, followed by the chaos of a relationship being broken, finalizing itself in the ruins of a destroyed mind and soul. All of this culminates in the image of Lot’s wife, and outsider who looks into the heart of this pain and anguish. Turned to stone, not because of shock, but due to an immense feeling of sorrow rooted in an outside perspective of the situation.

>> No.7912650

>Why does homosexuality feel so patrician /lit/?
'Cause the male form is aesthetically superior to the female form.

>> No.7912662

I've seen what you just described happen with more straight normies than homosexuals. Have you never seen Facebook, been in high school or seen divorce statistics?

>> No.7912680

I apprehend that it's more of your personality and beliefs than it is literature's fault. If you're homosexual, then that's understandable, but I absolutely did not like Alan Hollinghurst's Folding Star. It's one of the few novels I dropped. In this regard I vehemently disagree, because repetitions of 'penis' to me seems a lot more gauche than any work of Kawabata's.