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/lit/ - Literature

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790939 No.790939 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to get one of these to put on my bookshelf as a sort of memento mori. Turns out they are banned in my province.

>"The image of the human skull is the thing that's really problematic for us," said LCBO spokesman Chris Layton. "That's an image that's commonly associated with death. It's especially problematic at a time when there are concerns around binge drinking by younger adults, which in some cases unfortunately has resulted in alcohol poisoning."


How does that even begin to make sense? Wouldn't you want to remind binge drinkers of their mortality?

>> No.790940
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>> No.790957

I'm 20 and live in US.
I don't even

>> No.790965

>random intelligent discussion

I like this trend

>> No.790961

Dude won't allow those to be sold because it's a skull, and people can die from drinking? Jesus, why sell anything shaped like a skull? Or anything that reminds anybody of anything unpleasant for that matter. Sheesh.

>> No.790969

"And that's another thing. I don't know what allowance my uncle makes you, but I don't mind betting you're spending double. All this" he said, including in a wide sweep of his hand the evidences of profligacy about him. It was true; my room had cast its austere winter garments, and, by not very slow stages, assumed a richer wardrobe. "Is that paid for?" (The box of a hundred cabinet Partagas on the sideboard.) "Or those?" (A dozen frivolous, new books on the table.) "Or those?" (A Lalique decanter and glasses.) "Or that peculiarly noisome object?" (A human skull lately purchased from the School of Medicine, which, resting in a bowl of roses, formed, at the moment, the chief decoration of my table. It bore the motto Et in Arcadia ego inscribed on its forehead.)

>> No.790984

This pleases me.

>> No.790986

Google says it's from Brideshead Revisited.

>> No.790995
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>> No.791002

i saw some of this yesterday when i was buying some elijah craig 18 year to make mint juleps with

>> No.791008

you should read it

like, right now

>> No.791017
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>implying bureaucratic regulations ever make sense

>> No.791019

I love you.

>> No.791022

I would not have expected such silliness from canadians.

>> No.791028
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The Game

>> No.791285
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>> No.791314

All the control boards for alcohol in Canada make me rage... Except Quebec - you could probably get it in a real human skull in Quebec. When queried by the press, the head of Quebec's control board would just give an expressive Gallic shrug.

brb moving to Quebec

>> No.791390

You're MIXING Elijah Craig 18yr? Sheer bloody lunacy.

On another note, I went to the Crystal Head website, and the video from Dan Aykroyd on the main page is greatly entertaining.

>> No.791395

sage for Ontario, worst province

>> No.791433


It's ok, I'm from Northern Ontario.

>> No.791443


You poor bastard

>> No.791650

come on now OP, everything I've heard tells me canada is supposed to be a bit more sane in their legislation, wtf is up with this? this is some deep south religious puritan bullshit

>> No.791671


This is what happens when you don't write freedom of speech into your constitution.

>> No.791674

Quite a few people are naturally discomforted by the image of a skull. This began at the dawn of mankind, when we would associate the bones of our kind with certain doom, and danger.

However, I don't see how this is unfitting. Alcohol certainly is dangerous. For some, it is indeed the harbinger of doom.

And besides, a skull-shaped bottle is kickass. I'd buy twenty. Is it seriously shaped like Dan Aykroyd's skull? I'll buy thirty in that case!

>> No.791676
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Can we discuss Skulls in this thread?

Do you feel that thrill of foreboding in the pit of your stomach when confronted with its bony, maniacal grin?

I, for one, have always been fascinated with how happy skulls look.

>> No.791688


It's called "Freedom of Expression" up here.

>> No.791708


I find them quite charming, actually. Like you said, they look almost goofy with that big, toothy grin.

>> No.791738
File: 33 KB, 370x550, f101e58e5427d9be5ca6a43e0a89278ba7c2885d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finding such joy in death unnerved me, honestly.

>> No.791760


Death is inevitable, may as well have a laugh at its expense.

>> No.791764

Apparently Dan Aykroyd thinks its awesome that they banned his skull bottles.

>> No.791792

OP I'm planning on doing my bachelors and post grad shit in Vancouver, would you say that on a whole Canada is a generally ok place?

>> No.791802
File: 1.07 MB, 2592x1944, Koerner_library_(UBC-2009).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, just avoid Surrey and remember not to leave your liquor purchases 'til the last minute because the stores around here close at like 11.

Pic related is my library

>> No.791803


Vancouver has a lot of rain and Asians.

If these two things don't bother you too much and you don't mind big cities, I'm sure you'll like the place.

>> No.791805


oh wow someone who browses /lit/ goes to UBC

I don`t know you, do I...

>> No.791807

lol asians, I'm surprised it gets all the movies made there with all the rain. I hear its basically like Seattle. sweet i'm looking forward to it

>> No.791809


Vancouver is better then Seattle.

Nice people, nicer food, much prettier, etc. etc.

>> No.791814


Probably not, I don't have a wide social circle or really one at all

>> No.791816


Good, lets keep it that way. /lit/ browsers are probably stuck up elitists irl

>> No.791818

Imo, Vancouver is a bit like San Fransisco.

>> No.791819


*tsss*, burn, ohh, you sure got him!

>> No.791820

nah i don't believe in elitism, I don't think it's asking too much to for a person to understand 3 syllable words tho. As an American i've lived with too much anti-intellectualism

>> No.791824

>why are you studying at UBC, was it the only grad school you got in to?

>> No.791825


It's true, I don't respect anyone who hasn't read In Search of Lost Time before they turn 18.

>> No.791836


>Good, lets keep it that way. /lit/ browsers are probably stuck up elitists irl

I, too, sip Macchiatos in Starbucks, while balancing 'Ulysses' on one knee and posting on /lit/ from my shiny new MacBook.

>> No.791837

>Implying Proust wasn`t some dumb faggot

>> No.791841


OMG I think I see you on the other side of the starbucks im in!

I`m gonna wave. Wave back if its you.

BTW nice hardcover edition of Ulysses

>> No.791842

goddamn you took it up another notch

>> No.791880

I buy Polish potato vodka for 12-20 bucks from a dealer I know that blows this fancy bottled over-prices crap out of the water.

>> No.791904

What a retarded thing to ban, I'm sure glad I live in Ontario where our laws are reason--
Shit just got real.

>> No.791932

San Francisco is awesome, don't hate
damn son