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File: 196 KB, 625x625, Zadie-Smith-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7908803 No.7908803 [Reply] [Original]

>upper-middle class! david foster wallace! black woman!

the definition of the hack

>> No.7908818

She so wants that whatever on her head to be her dfw bandana trademark

>> No.7908820

mean post :(

>> No.7908823

is it true she changed her name from Sadie to Zadie to support her lit career?

I sure fuckin' hope not.

>> No.7908861

Her real name is Melissa

>> No.7908867

Fresh Meat reference?

>> No.7908876

wanna kiss her cheekbone

>> No.7908888

her real name is madame zimbawa the dreamweaver

and she a cute. CUTE!

>> No.7908937
File: 1.08 MB, 3072x2304, alphasquad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7908941

this looks photoshopped

>> No.7908989

>Dave, remembering where he is, resists the urge to jerk off

>> No.7909005

Zadie disgusted by manlets

>> No.7909022

I only know Dave Zadie and franzen.

>> No.7909023

Last guy is eugenitals

>> No.7909033

I don't know what your point is but White Teeth is an excellent novel. And she wrote it when she was like 22!

>> No.7909055

And she hasn't written anything good since

>> No.7909089

I haven't read any of her work but I expect it to be middlebrow liberal slog. I'd rather read Toni Morrison if I want to fill my "diversity" quota.

>> No.7909110

Really stretching the term "black" to it's absolute breaking point.

>> No.7909118

are THESE the most glamorous in america? jeez

>> No.7909452

it's totally real
good post, good numbers

>> No.7909475

Why are identity politics an illegitimate topic of discussion?

>> No.7909837
File: 82 KB, 900x600, Zadie Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New novel out in the Fall!!! Who else is stoked??

>> No.7909849

This is the last time you see DFW in the light

>> No.7909861


White Teeth was charming.

>> No.7909869 [DELETED] 

>that her
Does she realize we know she's not black?

>> No.7909876
File: 173 KB, 960x720, maymas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7909882

>that hair
Does she realize we know she's not black?

>> No.7909883

niggers cant be authors

>> No.7909886

I find it weird white people think shes not black when blacks would look at her and immeditely say shes just a light skinned black or mixed

Honestly why complicate things

>> No.7909887

go to bed, edgelord

>> No.7909890


she's bi-racial/half-and-half. what's so hard to understand?

>> No.7909902


>> No.7909904
File: 32 KB, 258x400, 9780349141923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered a book that she recommended, can't wait for it to arrive in the mail. (pic related)
I love that even though she's world-famous, she still reads abundandly, even books by completely unknown people. Guess it's the only way for her now to not stop growing as an author.

>> No.7909911

>who is james baldwin
>who is toni morrison
>who is ralph ellison
>who is zora neale hurston

>> No.7909928

>lol that's the place where you go to be like an asshole all the time right lmao
go away

>> No.7909936

It's not so much her racial background but the fact that she grew up in a London suburb with a British parent and went to Oxbridge and still chooses to portray herself as a totes African dreamweaver from the ghetto.

>> No.7909951

i mean, if she ever purported to experience the same level of racism & hardship that darker-skinned blacks face in general, i'd find fault with it.
>from the ghetto
when does she act/look like she's from the ghetto?

seems to me like she's just tryna "get back to her roots" and express a feeling of belonging/membership to her mother's culture & ethnicity, which, i don't feel she's hurting anybody by it

>> No.7909967

>if she ever purported to experience the same level of racism & hardship that darker-skinned blacks face
wew lad
Darker black people think lighter black people are priviliged now? Will the ride ever end?

>> No.7909983

but this is objectively true. even within countries and regions that are predominantly black—in fact, in most countries where people are predominantly anything other than white/pale, e.g. latin american countries—there's a hierarchy of skin tones, with lighter-skinned people at the top and lower-skinned people at the bottom
this isn't a recent development either; colorism has been a thing for hundreds of years in africa, india, and other parts of the world, and it has more devastating consequences than simply being called mean names

>> No.7909991
File: 57 KB, 640x640, IMG_0228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>black women
>ever relevant

Pick one.

>> No.7910002

Isn't that just because paleness/light skin is associated with the ruling class, eventually becoming a beauty standard? Not trying to argue that no kind of racism of this kind exists, but the general explanation for this I always heard was that peasants do outdoors labour and tan, while the elite stays rules indoors and stays light-skinned - so the lower class is darker in skin because being low class makes you darker, not the other way around.

>> No.7910004

I think I've heard the same. It sounds reasonable to me.

>> No.7910061

this holds true in asian societies as well

>> No.7910140

>colonel sandals
I laffed.

>> No.7910142

Identity /pol/iticians gonna identity /pol/itics.

>> No.7910147

>still chooses to portray herself as a totes African dreamweaver from the ghetto
Does she? What are you referring to? Afaik she's written about London and the US, and her books are fairly realist. Are her books actually full of wacky African folklore or something?

>> No.7910152

oh you

>> No.7910273

Amerindians are brown even without being out in the sun, please educate yourself.

>> No.7910324

>that look of disgust


>> No.7910340

>old guy wearing tennis shoes who doesn't know where to put his hands
>old guy wearing sandals whose camera is being used so he has the camera bag at the ready, so that he can put it back and conceal it from THIEVES
>the guy from everybody loves raymond
>balding IT consultant who got a tiny bit of hair implants done
>cutie who's wondering who dragged her into this
>midget beggar who trampled into the picture at the last second
>aging non-tenured professor who tells everyone how great hemp is, even his jacket is made out of it!

this picture is amazing

>> No.7910402

Anyone with brown eyes is black

>> No.7910415
File: 132 KB, 349x500, daves_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cast lineup for >pic related

>> No.7910421

top fucking kek

>> No.7910429

okay, but are you conceding now that almost every societies, not necessarily white as >>7910061 pointed out, came to value light skin for reasons other than "muh superior genetics"?

>> No.7910439


Alternative explanation: The lightness of skin is associated with the strength of UV rays. It's a trade-off between Vitamin D production (sun required) and cancer protection (sun avoided).

Stronger sun -> darker skin as it's enough for Vitamin D production, weaker sun -> lighter skin as more light has to be allowed into the cells.