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/lit/ - Literature

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7908493 No.7908493 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody calls James Joyce bad because they are worried a man with glasses will call them stupid, even though Joyce wrote things like this

>"I thought we would start with a little full metal alchemist" she said, reaching into a cardboard box and setting a stack of manga on the table "and if there is a little time, we could watch some anime, I brought in some Dot Hack Slash Slash Sign, have you heard of it? It's based on a video game sort of like Fields of Fantasy"
>"Nice" I said impressed by her selections, and here I was worried she would whip out a Pokemon or Sailor Moon in a lame misguided attempt adult effort to be cool.


>He ripped down the flyer I had just put up and studied it with narrow eyes. "But, what the hell is a manga club?" he asked, pronouncing it "mahn-jah." "Does that mean 'vampire' in Swahili or something?"
>"Funny no. It doesn't. But I wouldn't expect your pea brain to jnow any Japanese, so don't feel too bad." I was impressing myself with my witty comebacks. Who knew I had it in me? "ooh, you're so smart, Freak Girl. I wish I could be a nerd like you and start a mahn-jah club at school"
>"It's manga." I corrected "Hard-G"

Now I admit that's decent, but it's not the best writing ever. Plus there are weaker parts of Ulysses that honestly aren't even as good as some of the writing in Metal Gear Solid, yet that doesn't get praised because it's a video game. What writers do you think are overrated /lit/?

>> No.7908496

interesting b8 angle. feels a bit /reddit/ though. 6/10

>> No.7908503

Your pasta is rubbish. I hope you become blind like Joyce so that you may never be able to read again.

>> No.7908506

You just cherry picked "average" quotes in his works. I could drop things he has written that would invalidate your argument.

>> No.7908507


Hey, don't listen to these guys, OP I enjoyed your post thoroughly 8/10

>> No.7908508

>metal gear solid

When will /v/ children leave? This is a literature board.

>> No.7908509

6/10 is still a passing score desu senpai

>> No.7908516

I really liked the vampire in Swahili line

>> No.7908523

I kek'd, good jab!!

>> No.7908529

Are you cal chucesta

>> No.7908594
File: 145 KB, 809x1024, LeCriticalRussianMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw your english is patball to Jamba Juice's champion game

>> No.7908908

the metal gear solid pushed it over the edge for me: 6/10

>> No.7908931

8/10 bait

The misspelling of know as "jnow" is a nice touch, implying you typed those lines yourself. The picture is the standout detail though.
Would have been a 10 without the metal gear part. It just seemed unessicary. Next time commit to one joke or the other before posting.

>> No.7908992

>"metals: fill up, all the way to the top--the alchemists mind. So in kind we'll watch their story unwind! She sung out as she slammed the box of DVDs down on the old table Gran used to take tea at; double the milk one lump of brown sugar only, she'd pass on the cubes of white, or forgo tea all together need be, old Gran break but not bend until the day unbending in ambition she broke her old back skating on the little lake isshi outside of town.
>she rummaged in her seat, looking as she spoke, through her bag ' oh where's the blasted set of .#//!?
>doya kiss yer mother with that mouth love? (He'd like to see that she did, on the mouth, the daughter sneaking in some tongue, it got his little pepper growing hot)
>I'm not cursing you daft pervert it's the name of the show! And stop smelling my farts, yer over there like a judge at a rose show and I had curry for lunch I'm gassy as a grape fed fox.
>he was stupifed. She had the box set of nerdy looking anime shit out on the table now and her hair was about her face blushing at him
>I wasn't sniffing, and I wouldn't stop of I was. He said drawing in a large breath from the nose

>> No.7908996
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>Now I admit that's decent

>> No.7909219

I like how this passage is really committed to mimicking Joyce at first (not entirely successfully), but as the poster got bored the mimicking becomes more lazy. He starts relying on fart jokes and stops mimicking all together (nerdy looking anime shit instead of, say esoteric Japonisme drama).

>> No.7909459

I google'd a sentence from OP's pic and a result for "Gamer Girl" by Mari Mancusi comes up. Nice job, OP.