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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 500x471, do anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7907388 No.7907388 [Reply] [Original]

What is the first sentence of that book you're working on, anon?

>> No.7907394

Her asshole glistened in the moonlight.

>> No.7907396
File: 66 KB, 499x501, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we found our Chinaman dead in that desert, nobody had much to say about it.

>> No.7907407

Don't call me Ishmael.

I'm doing Moby Dick with the intention of saying the opposite of everything in it in the hope that there is some wisdom to unlock in it

>> No.7907484

"What is the first sentence of that book you're working on, anon?" OP asked.

>> No.7907521

He knew the book would be in large print, but when he opened it he was nonetheless disgusted that the print was so large that it might as well be braille.

>> No.7907546

I am seated in an imageboard, surrounded by memes and shitposts.

>> No.7907551


>> No.7907552

Cheap coffee.

It's a short sentence.

>select all images with coffee
What is this.

>> No.7907554


>> No.7907580

That's autistic.

>> No.7907584

Cheap coffee isn't a sentence, you monkey.

>> No.7907654

Dad died today. Or maybe yesterday, I can't be sure.

>> No.7907671

Dad came back.

>> No.7907672

It is. It does lack a predicate, but it's still a sentence, you smartass.

>> No.7907678

I hope this is a joke.
I always start whatever I write with a number

>> No.7907686
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An it wafs party time

>> No.7907695

Feverishly, Tarquin Featherbuckle cast off his pantaloons, cleansing the focal points of his mind for vengeance-fuelled anal smorgasbord about to commence.

>> No.7907700

you're autistic m8

>> No.7907701

No you

>> No.7907709
File: 158 KB, 1000x963, pepe88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The starry eyed farmboy with a destiny united with his transgendered dark-skinned companion to adventure to the outskirts of the dystopian young adult scifi world in which they lived.

>> No.7907728

Sentence require a complete clause

>> No.7907745

Papa*, not Dad.

>> No.7907762

Who is Jack Grey?

>> No.7907796


>> No.7907832
File: 341 KB, 472x348, migrant1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Musalah held her child tight as the waves battered the dingy. "mama, will we be safe in Europe?", little Abdulla whimpered. She could not answer because she knew herself that this was a desperate journey."

>yfw I actually have been paid to write a novel about a """Syrian""" family illegally coming to Europe.

It's called "Illegal" and should be done in a month or two. I am also Jewish if any stupid /pol/ bigots want to know.

>> No.7907838

I'm writer

>> No.7907857

It is. I reworded it from a book like some other ones from people here.

>> No.7907886

"nonetheless" can this meme die? This word is disgusting. "He knew the book's print would be large, but when he opened it he was disgusted to see that the print was so thick that it might as well have been braille."

>> No.7907895

I had no sense of space or time.

>> No.7907904


>> No.7907906

Well memed

>> No.7907966

I, Nathaniel Cromwell, write this last will of mine with my full mental capacity and - wich is more important- with a pure heart.

Origninally in german, and yes, it's intended to sound generic.

>> No.7908235

He tried cracking his egg on the edge of a stove, but it only made things worse, as the shell got cracked like a spiderweb, and he had to crush open the egg, above the bowl, but little pieces of the shell got in the bowl, and he knew, he just knew, that it is going to be one of those days.

>> No.7908694

Not entirely sure yet, but knowing me it'll probably be something like:
You stupid fucking wanker!

>> No.7908706


really, really clunky

>> No.7908711

It all came too soon.

>> No.7908727
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This has never happened to me before, I swear!

>> No.7908729

I'd split that into at least two or three sentences. Even then I still don't like it.

>> No.7908761

There was a low mist

>> No.7908765

Sudden and uncomfortable. Divide it into at very least two sentences and consider adding something before it.

>> No.7908766

"Beautifully built, isn't it?"

>> No.7908793

A screaming comes across the sky.

>> No.7908821

Oh god dude give up now.

>> No.7908919

Stacy, plump butt, mulled again, came to him staring, baring a bologna sandwich Amir in his blazer licked raw.

>> No.7908936


An arse comes farting across the sky. It boldly and loudly makes the following proclamation: no discernible talent

>> No.7908944

interesting, energetic and frenetic

Once they've got you making the right shitposts, they don't need to worry about the answers

I kind of want to read this now

Pretty simple, but this could be to your advantage.

A bit corny to be honest.

Also a little bit cliche, like something they could say at the beginning of a Scooby Doo episode.

Too much repetition, ends on a cliche which cheapens the tone, clunky and long, please consider revising.

Sounds very classic, quite imposing, makes me want to read it to tell the truth

This could work, but make sure what you write doesn't assume the existence of space or time on a fundamental level or they'll just seem like empty useless words meant for effect and nothing more.

My own:

There he is, sat by the edge of the Lake Garda water, all my future lovers.

>> No.7908981

do the whole thing and I bet people would fawn over it

>> No.7908995


>> No.7909002

LeGuin pls go

>> No.7909004

ewww vomit vomit cough cough fuk

>> No.7909029


>> No.7909039

All right, all right, novel, let's go, first sentence, let's set the scene, get the reader intrigued, it's gonna be famous one day, like Dickens and Melville, nobody's read it but everybody knows the opening line because it's so famous and this is it: bahh.

>> No.7909078

Adrenaline pumped through me with each passing swerve around the corner made by the armoured van

>> No.7909119

I should have known I was going to eventually end up in a situation like this, I just didn't expect it right here and right now, that's for sure.

>> No.7909129

Cut the "that's for sure".

>> No.7909148

It's cleaner

>> No.7909166

I wept slowly into the toilet paper smeared with fecal matter.

>> No.7909235

The fact that women have vaginas fucks me up daily.

>> No.7909262

The bird ripped open its talons as I looked up. "No bird please no" I screamed in unlimited terror as it took my eyes.

The book is called "A Call to Romance".

>> No.7909264


>> No.7909265

Agent Nick Steel traced along the balcony's edge in the pitch black night, secretly hoping he wasn't gay.

>> No.7909267

Oops didn't mean to quote that guy. Anyway, my book will be finished by the month's end.

>> No.7909270

"Inshallah, brothers. Purge the world of infidels!"

>> No.7909355

I hope this path succeeds.

>> No.7909364

If you've never met a truly charismatic person, consider yourself lucky.

Looking for a way to make it more powerful but that's the basic idea.

>> No.7909388

That's your OPENING line? I hope they're not paying you too much.

But I'm guessing you're just lying for replies.

>> No.7909403

You are now manually breathing, bitch.

>> No.7909425


I actually went with something 75% olfactory and 25% spinning lights in lieu of a first sentence composed of words. The exact nature of the smell part is proprietary (although I'll tell you it involves peet moss and a new plastic bottle), but if you're sitting in front of a light source you can simulate the light part for yourself by facing the light source and then moving your eyes back and forth rapidly. I don't know, this opening sentence might not be /lit/ in the strictest sense.

>> No.7909428


>> No.7909429


>The bird ripped open its talons

A bird's talons don't "rip" open, they just open.

>as I looked up

Pretty pointless. We already know there's a bird there, and it's self-explanatory the character was already seeing the bird.

>"No bird please no"

Yikes. Cheesy, and awkward. I suggest "No bird, PLEASE no!" at the minimum, but you should change the line entirely.

>I screamed in unlimited terror as it took my eyes

"unlimited terror" doesn't do much for me. It's not bad, but meh. "As it took my eyes" kind of dulls the terror of it, you're better off with something more interesting like "stole my eyes", or following that up with a comma describing the blood coming out of the sockets so it packs a punch.

>> No.7909457 [DELETED] 

I stood invisible, hidden among the passing crowds, feeling utterly alone.

I'm not actually writing anything and I don't ever plan to, just wanted to see if I could come up with anything interesting.

>> No.7909465

I stood invisible, hidden among the passing crowds, feeling utterly alone.

I'm not actually writing anything and I don't ever plan to, just wanted to see if I could come up with anything interesting.

>> No.7909469

"What am I doing?"

>> No.7909473

It will be one of two.


"The letter was pushed beneath the door while Isaac slept."


"Isaac stared dimly at the envelope sitting on the doormat. 'I can't deal with this shit right now,' he sighed."

I realize it's not super compelling one way or the other, but OP asked for the first line and I'm having trouble expressing in the first line that the letter is intended for Isaac's dead brother Samuel without it feeling contrived or trite or poorly executed.

>> No.7909478

"But most of all, I'm doing this because Subway no longer offers 5-dollar footlongs," James wrote, finishing up his suicide letter.

>> No.7909483


I wouldn't continue reading if I came upon this first line book in a store. Sorry, anon.

>> No.7909485


Please tell me this is for real. I would buy this book in half a heartbeat.

>> No.7909493
File: 972 KB, 1197x1237, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am also Jewish if any stupid /pol/ bigots want to know.

>> No.7909495

I caught myself canoodling on the beach.

>> No.7909498

I remember how innocuous it all started, nothing astray, no medical anomalies, no bad aura, no foreshadowing, not even a symbol of bad luck to be seen. Nothing.

>> No.7909503

Absolutely. This book is coming straight from the heart.

>> No.7909512

The moonlight began to gleam off the blades of longgrass as the clouds gave way

Fantasy epic I'm working on. I'm a prologue and three chapters in. What do you think of this as the first sentence?

>> No.7909513

Bless you.

>> No.7909515
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the animufag thinks he can beat anyone up

>> No.7909516


Some may disagree with me, but I have never liked when stories of any variety begin with a description of weather. The sentence isn't bad in technical terms, just a bit clunky.

>> No.7909522

I'm a relatively novice writer, so most of my work can be summarized as clunky haha. I'm trying to just dash through a first draft before editing though, I'll put some effort into making the writing smoother once I have a full frame down on paper. Thanks for the constructive criticism, anon!

>> No.7909525

awkward but you can save it

Try reading it aloud and work a variation, here's my take

>The moonlight gleamed on the longrass as the clouds parted ways.

>> No.7909526


Have a (You).

>> No.7909528


Keep it up! There are no writers who can say they weren't a novice at some point.

>> No.7909534
File: 490 KB, 499x499, 1430792501485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs."

>> No.7909536


There's something special about getting to spend a night with a dead man. It's even more unique when it's your father.

>> No.7909539

>There's something romantic about getting to spend a night with a dead man. It's even more unique when it's your father.

Sets the tone perfectly.

>> No.7909540

Cyril never thought he'd be this happy for a sack of water, but it hurt just holding it.

>> No.7909545


This is interesting. Gives a fair portion of characterization right off the bat, with that nasty-delicious hook first lines need. I'd keep reading if the book were in my hands.

>> No.7909552


no no no, that's the mother section of the book

>> No.7909553

Lieutenant Hunter “Flint” Cutter fought hard against the hum of the engines.

>> No.7909554

Actually love this take on it! Do you mind if I use it anon?

>> No.7909558

His heart roaring, he stood and listened. When the noise came, he nearly cried with joy. He hadn't heard a woman's scream in two months.

>> No.7909564
File: 72 KB, 408x480, cute-chihuahua-puppy-red-bandana-13244924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7909587

lol knock yourself out

>> No.7909591


Garbage. You'll never make it big.

>> No.7909599

<333 DFW <333

>> No.7909614

Red and white, the Tyrant’s blood on the floor, lit by a false sun.

>> No.7909620

Thx anon! I know this is a minimal detail, but I just thought that new structure for the phrase was perfect and couldn't ignore it lol.

>> No.7909621

On the eastern side of New Mexico, just some miles before the border into Texas, lives a small county under the name of Quay.

>> No.7909623


Hey you posted this in a previous thread.

I think I'm even the one who suggested you cut it down to this iteration.

I like it.

>> No.7909631


"The Union of Eastern Europa Republics hereby announces the formal acceptance of the Heilig Kaiserlich Reich request for a unconditional surrender. Soldiers who have devoted yourselves to the Motherland throughout this Six-year-long war, this is a victory won through your blood and sacrifice!!"

>> No.7909650

One fine morning in the month of May an elegant young horsewoman might have been riding a handsome sorrel mare along the flowery avenues of the Bois de Boulogne.

>> No.7909653

Lol thanks anon but Its the exact same line from last time, unchanged.

Right now I find it hard to edit without taking away its punch, but honestly I have a bigger concern.

In the same story I'm considering using flashbacks, the line you just read is the beginning of the first flashback. The issue is that the entire series of flashbacks can honestly stand on its own as a full story arc, and although I have them arranged fairly well within the present day stuff, I notice the flashback opening packs far more punch than my present-time opening which is here >>7909540

So I'm wondering, should I tell the story linearly or keep going with the intertwining, both lines compliment each other very well thematically so I'm hesitating on separating them. Another concern is length, I want to be compact when I can since its shaping up to be a meaty story, the whole of it being part 1 of 2.

>> No.7909659


No kidding. I really thought it was a lot clunkier last time but maybe that's just my fatigued mind fucking with me.

>> No.7909692

Many subsidized years later, as he faced the collage selection committee, ETA graduate Hal Incandenza was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover mold.

>> No.7909697

"Heaven is in my heart and I want to sing of the pleasures of paradise."

>> No.7909751

Hamlet: Who's there?
IJ: I am
Me: I am who?

I'm doing a parody of Infinite Jest

>> No.7909753

His life had passed by in a week.

>> No.7909756
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7909758

ditch the 'had' and its moving

>> No.7909785

"Fucking ass vaginas!" said the shit-brained assistant manager.

>> No.7909800


He's dead.

>> No.7909805

The beef curtains ascended.

>> No.7909811

Oh but you would brand him incompetent if it were not for his earnest belief in that which had most recently taken his fancy.

>> No.7909813

Once upon a time.

>> No.7909819

>not "Whence astride a moment"

>> No.7909853

The black circles around the colour of her eyes had faded, with her face still young as there was a noise from shallow underground next to the fire.

It's for a finnish fantasy-mythology that I'll release in maybe 10 years or so.

>> No.7909917

The waves bore back again, down, below the earth, in a realm betwixt old Abzu, salt and sea, seeds of The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra.

>> No.7909985


Two sentences are better, since the black circles "fading" is a process while the noise is instant. It's strange to to 'as' to connect the two ideas when they're not really occurring at the exact same time.

The black circles around the color of her eyes had faded, her face still young. A noise came from the shallow underground next to the fire.

The only thing about using a word like 'betwixt' is you better be able to hold up the old-English vocab for how ever many pages your book lasts. I like it a lot though, you should post more.

>> No.7910013

"If you've never met a truly charismatic person, at least you have met luck."


>> No.7910022

It was almost dusk ???, a small town situated next to a local beach that was now empty and shabby looking at this hour.

Haven't thought of the towns name yet hence the '?'s

>> No.7910025

in ???*

>> No.7910028

Last night, the spiders came back as we sat by the fire and watched.

>> No.7910033

Being conscious of automatic breathing is a joy.

>> No.7910038

"Attica, you have been avenged."

>> No.7910051

as far as i'm concerned it started with an awards ceremony in [x], although maybe it started with an agonizing home-birth in [y] with a father high as a fucking kite on methampthetine punching holes in the wall inside, or maybe it started with mirandization, where every word you utter will either be discounted or used to incriminate you

>> No.7910058

i genuinely love this

>> No.7910067

"Fuck. Vaginas. No, I'm tired and I don't give a shit about how are you, you know? *sniff* And so on. And so on. And so on. And so on. But I think it's bullshit, you know -- anyone can be a socialist, no? I am for communishm," splattered Zizek to his increasingly irritated audience.

>> No.7910118

That does actually sound better now thatI think of it, thanks

>> No.7910149


et tu, puppy.

>> No.7910304

kek I like it

>> No.7910380

A god or a demon came to us as we slept.

>> No.7910450

Go to bed James.

>> No.7910579

I fell over and all that remained was moonlight

>> No.7911111

Haha good one, but how does it smell, just curios haha lol.

>> No.7911238

I haven't had the blessing of a painful farewell.

>> No.7911407

>I like it a lot though, you should post more.
It's already a book, written by /lit/. "Kolsti in the Everglades."

>> No.7911445
File: 22 KB, 367x500, livelifeontheedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7911470

so TRIGGERED by your RACIST SEXIST insubordination

>> No.7911475


>> No.7911483
File: 177 KB, 1150x647, la-fg-ukraine-airport-photos-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to read the Bible everyday. Could never figure out why I always read it; maybe it was out of habit or maybe it was just because I was told it was the right thing to do.

>pic related

>> No.7911484


maximum overkek

>> No.7911493 [DELETED] 

Three commas in 14 words. That suicide which you've been considering will do you better than putting more garbage into the world

>> No.7911659

*tipping increases*

>> No.7911672

Haha, so you opened me :)

>> No.7911681

With a name like Nick Steel you just know he's a flamer.

>> No.7911696

'Out Of The Past' was the name of the store, and its products consisted of memories: what was prosaic and even vulgar to one generation had been transmuted by the mere passing of years to a status at once magical and also camp.

>> No.7911707

Plumply, Fuckbuckle Monaghan went up the escalator, balancing a bowl of porridge in which a Magic 8-Ball floated listlessly.

>> No.7911730

Working on a historical novel set in Sweden during the 800's what do you think /lit/? I'm still polishing some of the text and trying to find out what my own style is like.

The grass was wet and the morning was unusually cold when the freemen walked up to the rock waiting for Karl the lawspeaker. I knew that my family had a hopeless case at the thing against someone as powerful as Jarl Ulfur. My father looked at me and said "don't worry Sven, with the other farmers supporting us the Jarl will see the error of his ways and abandon his claim, I'm sure of it." His optimism was admirable given the circumstances, and it was true that many of the other farmers in Visby supported us. But alongside Visby's fading fortunes in trade, so had the honour and generosity of the Jarl been stripped away over the years.

>> No.7911740

The faculty clock rang twice sending a clangor into the room.

>> No.7911749

I like it. Maybe try: The faculty clock rung twice sending clangor through the room. Just a suggestion man.

>> No.7911752

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

>> No.7911754


>> No.7911771

The "U" in the title of Ulysses formed a wicked, Cheshire cat smile, as if to taunt or smugly rub in my face that it would sit forever on my shelf, untouched, gathering eons of dust.

>> No.7911795

Thousands upon thousands of tiny knives rained upon me, blinding and cutting me as the bastard wind howled, mocking my misfortune. The desert is a cruel bitch.

>> No.7911838

A boy falls in love with a girl.

>> No.7911848

That sounds incredibly dry. What makes that time period appealing to you anyway?

>> No.7911850

tfw no (you)'s, plz /lit/ tell me what you think

>> No.7911853


>> No.7911858

Don't know, just the language and the way people lived I guess. Any tips for making it less dry? Should I add more descriptions?

>> No.7911979

A red car rolls silently down the street.

>> No.7911988

"stop using this word, I don't like it"

>> No.7912043


>> No.7912127

"I felt desire and fear when I found his face, covered with cigarette smoke, staring at me"

Translated from turkish (badly too)

>> No.7912236
File: 30 KB, 500x339, moonlight-on-the-sound.jpg!Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A distant sonorous foghorn crept, hung in resonance over the moonlit sound; wakes and icy, rolling waves tinted as dark green glass by the low moon, tide glimmering like city lights on barely translucent, worn windows of an ancient tired cathedral."

>> No.7912288

She was never much to look at in life, and death had done her no favors.

>> No.7912298

have you eve heard a foghorn?

they do not creep.

also it seems like you're trying too hard to write a really great sentence by packing in lotsa "poetic" visual description. But it's too much. the reader drowns

>> No.7912311

Yeah I know it's not very good.

I could've posted my best first sentence but I was trying to be honest to the thread
For the record I could hear foghorns linger for a solid 40 second when I lived in Cali

>> No.7912313

People ask me if i still live in my dead grandfather's house.

>> No.7912325

You passed. Congrats.

>> No.7912331

Good selection of words, but seems like overkill with the amount packed into that sentence. But in fairness, this thread is only about opening sentences so it probably wouldn't need to as packed if you had the rest of the story to showcase your writing. Nice work.

>> No.7912336

Deciding to speak up about the way my Dennis was shaping my face, I feel that I set him in a mood of irritance. Dennis was a good barber, but I could never project my brilliance of want into his mind.

>> No.7912337

"This is my period, yes, my period, more solid than liquid, and it's on this plate, look at it, look at it closely."

>> No.7912339

"There's a ravenous beast, lurking just beneath the skin -- I can feel it."

>> No.7912343

Rate my intro please. I wrote this back in 6th grade.

Back in the county, we didn’t have those high flying jets, long distance satellites or those hypersonic aircraft. On the farm, we did manage to scrap up some material to build us an antenna mount. Looked like somebody had twisted rusted barbed wire into a knotted maze and tossed it up onto the roof – thing scared away the birds. The vehicles putted around on dented roads, swiveling like cars on the derby, killing us slowly with their elegant diesel fumes. I remember listening to the birds calling to us in the morning, finishing my breakfast occupying a classic Westport chair. By rush hour they’d be dropping dead from the branches.

>> No.7912344

I can't see this as an opening line, but I want to read more

>> No.7912354


Yours is gay.

>> No.7912372

I wrote it in 10 minutes off the top of my mind without any story in mind. I'd love to write more. But thanks.

>> No.7912401

Blasphemy behind the rising gate, sun radiant, of a cold, untimely grave wherein baptism of uncleanliness dwell; that was the lot of the times then.

>> No.7912466

Hibiscus, Lavender, Lilies... The flower shop reminded me of my mother and how she'd lay a bouquet of the finest pruned Roses next to my father as he grew more ill by the day. That filthy rodent nigger of a mailman poisoned him with Anthrax instead of his usual bill statement.

>> No.7912587

I meant 9th grade. Damn it's been a while.

>> No.7912591

Literally so bad

>> No.7912602



Full story. I wanted to do SO much more with it. My teacher made me add a reason we wanted to go to Mars. Best I could think of was drone tech. being acquired.. I don't like that part.

>> No.7912605

Here's a tip:

Write something new, ninth grade you isn't good at writing

>> No.7912607

It was twenty years ago come to think of that shit.

>> No.7912636

why would you share something you wrote 20 years ago and feel no shame about it? Sometimes I read the shit I used to write as a teenager and have to delete it right away and that was only 5 years ago

>> No.7912640
File: 1.37 MB, 1944x1944, IMG_20160118_043555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was inspired yesterday to try and write for the first time, this is what I came up with -


Please tell me if I should stop now.

>> No.7912670


Within the niggermen, there was a question of the solstice.

>> No.7912674

What makes an opening sentence good?

>> No.7912675

Sturvant's been having a tough time relaxing lately.

>> No.7912676
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>> No.7912686

Generates Intrigue and highlights/exemplifies authorship style so the reader can get a feel for what they're getting into.
Should have some relation to the overall themes of the book

It can also just start if you don't want to get too fancy with it but a strong opener will help your books marketability and will make people like it way more.

>> No.7912687


Is that a thumbs up, keep going?

>> No.7912744

Never stop.

>> No.7912811


As other people have said, you're better off not starting with describing the weather. Weather is boring. Talk about what it looks like outside later unless it's really invaluable to the scene (inside of a volcano, perhaps).

>His optimish was admirable given the circumstances

No need to spell this out, let it be subtext. The character's dialogue/actions will let the reader know he's optimistic.

>> No.7912894

write tight pupper

>> No.7912904


You have a lot of potential, but something about the entire piece just feels entirely pretentious, thesaurus'd and fake. As in,you and I both know you couldn't write 300 pages of that in the same style with a good story. Keep writing, but don't be so self-serving in your narratives, you're writing to possible entertain someone else, not impress yourself with how smart you can sound.

>> No.7912909

wannabe Gass t b h

>> No.7912925


Well it's not that I was trying to sound smart as much as I was trying not to sound as stupid as I usually do.

I added in another paragraph, is this style better? -


>> No.7912933

I'm new to reading, hadn't heard of him until your message.

>> No.7912971


Same guy here. Here is a good quote from "How NOT to write a novel: "It is not necessary to give us a play-by-play of your protagonist's every passing flicker of emotion. These emotions in themselves, furthermore, do not constitute action in a scene. They may be spurs to action in a scene, or reactions to events in a scene, but if they overwhelm the action, what you have is not a scene but an encounter session.

Basically what you have here is way too much setup in each sentence to get your point across. It's called purple prose. It is absolutely a good thing to be concise. Your writing calls way too much attention to itself that it's hard to even pay attention to the story.

>> No.7912983

Can you please post a paragraph

>> No.7912984

Alright thank you I think I understand what you're saying.

How though, can you paint a vivid picture without fully describing it? If I know what I want people to read into the text how can I make them do while leaving it up to their imagination?

>> No.7912985

It could be interesting- that is, if he had anything to say and wasn't hoping pseuds would desperately contrive some stupid shit from it; which, of course, will undoubtedly happen, elevating it to meme status.

>> No.7912992


You can paint a vivid picture when it's called for. It's great to be poetic when describing a mountain, or the beauty of a woman, or the sight of a pile of bodies, but if you stuff that same "poetry" into a simple dialogue back-and-fourth, or an opening monologue, that's where you start having purple prose. Let the characters talk (and make sure they're varying degrees of clever/intelligent, you need idiots to contrast brilliance). Try to avoid things like 'he decried'. Stephen King once said that "he said/she said" is divine, and I absolutely agree. There are definitely times to use alternatives, but "said" keeps the book moving and the pages flipping.

>> No.7913003

Ah okay, thank you again. I was wary of using he/she said out of fear of it sounding just "meh".

>> No.7913020


>> No.7913029


>You have a lot of potential...

This is why this board will forever be shit.

>> No.7913037


Fit in harder. I only add a compliment if I genuinely believe someone shows traits of possibly being a good writer. >>7909429 is my post. That guy's was absolutely awful and he will probably never write something good.

>> No.7913043

post your work

>> No.7913044

toppest kek

>> No.7913049

Didn't sound thesaurus'd to me.

>> No.7913063

Nothing is. A plane of existence apriori to all, heavy with submaterial substance. Inversions of Plato’s ideal as shadow forms that move in large and weighty silences.

>> No.7913076


This is such a disgusting implication that criticizing work on the internet has to be prefaced with the scrutiny on one's own work. And then - do you have to follow up with your own work, when you invariably shit on mine? Fuck you idiot. I've posted my stuff plenty of times.

>> No.7913078

How shit do you think my writing was?

>> No.7913080
File: 14 KB, 782x503, void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a story that is based in the vaguest sense on the Welsh myth "Branwen ferch Llyr". I'd love some feedback


>> No.7913098

Then you should have no problem doing it again, here I'll start with bit of my own.

>The door was red, and even warm from the scent - rust and mold. I pulled the handle and opened to a dark space. With no light I waited out, hoping the lamp behind me would provide some angle of its own pure but fading insight. After a while the light seemed to bleed red into the shadow itself - violent gradations. I knew I couldn't wait.

IMO without a sample of your own work everything you say is suspect. That's common sense. Why even get offended?

>> No.7913115


No, NOTHING I'm saying is suspect, because if you read what I'm posting it's all pretty standard advice for writing fiction. If you have something to call out about a specific piece of advice I gave, then go for it, but don't simply reply with "post your work" like a fucking 12-year-old on the playground who hears "X musician is bad" and follows up with, "Oh yeah? Let's see YOU write a good song!".

>> No.7913122

lol I just wanted to see your work. Should i have asked nicer?

>> No.7913129

>because if you read what I'm posting it's all pretty standard advice for writing fiction.

Its not what you say, its what you do.

>> No.7913159


A lot of shit. Doesn't mean I think you should stop writing. I think that dude needs to stop criticism.

>> No.7913170

What needs changing about how I write?

>> No.7913208

Reading this thread makes it obvious that none of you autistic pseudo-intellectual faggots will amount to anything or write anything worthwhile

>> No.7913212

needs to stop

>> No.7913214

Hi, I'm >>7913098

I'll say for starters that the opening wasn't doing you any favors. As the opening there was no objective or indication on where this thing was even going, but as soon as it was done things started to look tangible with Thomas at the table, but where is he? Who is he interacting with? Why not label him as Thomas from the start so we know he's thinking these things, and why?

Definitely keep writing, we all started off shit, but definitely read more too. You'll notice the best writers always take the time to set the stage with clarity and precision as to where the story is headed.

Have you read Lolita, or at least the first few pages? Thats a good example of starting off all high-winded while making clear what your premise is. What you have is not the absolutely worst start, your prose is functional, but content-wise its very disjointed and unclear. Words in a vacuum.

Also, Have you read any books on writing? I'll recommend Gardner's Art of Fiction as a starterpack. It helps iron out tons of beginner mistakes while providing much for further study.

>> No.7913231

Thank you for the feedback I'll take it on board. Embarrassing as it is to say, i've never read a novel. I'll definitely start reading the type of literature I'm trying to write haha.

I only really read philosophy because that's where my interest has always been.

>> No.7913239

Posting my work in this thread was a mistake.

>> No.7913241

I was purposely trying to keep it a mystery as to who he was talking to and why, i'm not sure for what reason I was doing that though

>> No.7913252


Why? Because you realized how horrible everyone here is at writing or because you realized how horrible everyone here is at writing and your own is even worse?

>> No.7913265

Christ. Just kill the poor bastard.

>> No.7913267

Well memed bruh

>> No.7913268

Let the last sentence of the book be - "you have to go back"


>> No.7913273

I would think about the situation and the overall direction of the story, where you want to take it, and then decide if you would prefer to have the recipient be anonymous or not.
With refined technique I think you'll be able to pull off the effect, but as of now its extremely rough and even unclear that he's speaking to anyone at all. You would at least want some indication that there's an audience, but not necessarily do a full exposure - characterize them as being anonymous, if you get my drift..

All that's ahead now is reading, study and practice, good luck anon. Remember to have fun with it.

>> No.7913278

Yeah I think I have some idea of how you could do that. Thank you very much for the feedback and the other anon too.

Time to practice.

>> No.7913280


Part of this whole show is to weed out the faggots who can't take criticism and bantz. They don't deserve their place in history if they can't keep going, despite hardship and resistance.

Come on, anon. You know better than that.

>> No.7913606


Kneeling down beside the once proud woman, who lay helplessly on all fours shaking in fear, Rick whispered into her ear in a calm soothing voice. "Do you want to know what I did with the women I've captured before?"

>> No.7914076

Have you ever been punched by a fictional character?

it's a fanfiction

>> No.7914116

He opened his eyes for the last time and blinked, five seconds later he died.

>> No.7914405

>Stephen King once said
Pleb alert.

>> No.7914406

Nah, kill yourself

>> No.7914413

The standard advice is given for and by pleb fucks who aspire to write the next airport fiction bestseller that'll make them a million bucks. Fuck you and your standard advice.

>> No.7914426

Unnecessarily confusing, and grammatically incorrect

>> No.7914437

Don't listen to this faggot >>7914426
he just can't read. It's fine.

>> No.7914462


Of course it would be confusing without the next lines but that's not the point of this thread

>> No.7914474

>from randoms on an Armenian Armchair Association
Yeah, nah. Eat a dick, homie.

>> No.7914709

She thought of her dad. It was the worst time to do it, but she couldn't help it. She thought of his dead, cold body. And she hid her tears in the speed of the moment.

>> No.7914984

lmao. No, it's because everyone here is a fucking idiot. You would rather go on and on with empty criticism on a piece not even worth criticizing than actually provide any kind of useful feed back to those that are.

I didn't even get a comment on mine.

>> No.7914992

Link it.

>> No.7915368

It was around the time when I walked about the town, derided and deprived, this town that leaves no man behind without a mark

>> No.7915390

that's the spirit, son

>> No.7915568

Marcus contemplated suicide at the sight of his slight yet apparent receding hairline.

>> No.7915579

I pointed the gun at Joel, who was pointing a gun at Joel, who was pointing a gun at me, the real Joel.

>> No.7915596

When God brought me the breakfast to bed i was getting a bj from mother maria.

>> No.7915619

They killed one point six million this month in this city alone, all perfect locked room-style murders.

>> No.7915634

Bitch thats Albert Camus. You just replaced "mom" with "dad"

>> No.7915637

Yup, like that guy wrote from Moby Dick. It was a joke, a reference.