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7906693 No.7906693 [Reply] [Original]

Im 20% into this, is as terrible as it seems?

>> No.7906718


>> No.7906722

Feels like a children's book or Coelho tier literature, should i drop it then?

>> No.7906734

My English teacher made our class read it over the weekend in our sophomore year of high school. Some of us complained about having to read a "whole" book in such a short time, but it really is the sort of thing you can read in a day or two and not really miss or overlook anything in.

Memeingway's a middling author at best.

>> No.7906846

You are an idiot, and should drop reading altogether.

>> No.7906878

fiesta is much better
i love themes of disillusionment and being disappointed with life. was a shame that to me none of hemmingways other stuff lived up to it

>> No.7906881


i'm reading a moveable feast right now, its pretty much humblebragging:the book

>> No.7906887

__One two*******ggg*******

>> No.7907048

Why? Because i dont like a book you like?

>> No.7907054

I started it a couple of weeks ago. I'm about half way in and it's starting to pick up some momentum.

>> No.7907063

You shouldn't be taking that long to read it. It's a tiny book with tiny ideas in unadorned prose.

>> No.7907067

I'm sure you can tell the difference between "I didn't like a book" and your shitpost >>7906722

>> No.7907090

So you're offended because he called your beloved memeingway an author of a children's book? He's right though. It essentially is a children's book. Even the title sounds like some sort of fable.

>> No.7907122

What is it you don't like about this book?

>> No.7907148

fucking nu-males itt hating on based papa

>> No.7907152

> memeingway
You sound retarded.

>> No.7907156

Bro, if you want to whack off to a faggy little story about an old man nostalgically chasing after The Big Fish, that's your business, but don't equate this sort of limp-wristed glorification of meme-masculinity to actual masculinity.

>> No.7907163


You can genuinely make many valid critical points wrt Hemingway, but calling his work children's books is really missing the mark.

>> No.7907166

I'm not saying they're all children's books. This one definitely is though.

>> No.7907172

I enjoyed it. I read it out on the lake and finished it in one sitting. He has a different style but its very straight to the point and lets your imagination go wild

>> No.7907176

How are you so slow at reading? It took me 2-3 days, tops.

>> No.7907179

as long as you realize that it doesn't make that "children's books" isn't a label that lets you dismiss something

>> No.7907196

Gr8 b8

>> No.7907215

Im not dismissing it, but it's extremely easy to read and the dialogues are naive as fuck. Im just saying that i expected way more from it.

>> No.7907559

lmao ok

>> No.7907569

Babbby tier criticism. Have you read Harry Potter? Sounds like something more suited for you.

>> No.7907579

>>7907156 're a fucking cuck.

>> No.7907588

Yeah i know how you feel i hate Moby Dick as well.

>> No.7907631

Its not a criticism, its the way it is, maybe this book is not for me. But im only about 40 pages in, those are my initial reactions to it, i will finish it for sure.

I just asked genuinely if this was considered a children's book, its my first hemingway btw

>> No.7907662

it is not a children's book but it is distinct in its style, as is Hemmingway. You may want to try The Old Man and the Wasteland, it is a modern spin on the Old Man and the Sea, set in a dystopic post war future. I found it to be more satisfying to read than Hemingway's just because the settings was more interesting.

You can't get a good sense of Hemingway just from tOMatS, but if you try Farewell to Arms or For Whom the Bell Tolls and cant get into them, H. is def. not for you. Doesn't mean you have shit taste or anything, some people just don't like his style.

>> No.7907670

His short stories are some of the best ever written, although I agree that he's a criminally mediocre novelist.

>> No.7907674

You are the worst.

>> No.7907774

Thank you anon, i will probably read Farewell to Arms after i finish this.

>> No.7907890

Nice try champ, but sucking dried up dead old man semen doesn't make you manly.

>> No.7908517

don't bother, The Sun Also Rises is his best novels and imo the only one worth reading, other than that read his short stories

>> No.7908827

It's comfy lit; it's simple because it's meant to be simple. I used to really hate Hemingway, but now I've come to appreciate his "purist" approach to storytelling. I read it when I'm tired or stressed. If you are looking for a life-changing book or an accomplishment in prose, his work probably isn't for you anyway.

>> No.7908855

Yeah I didn't like it either. I think it's famous because it's been taught in high schools in a long time, because it's short and simple, and this has created the illusion that it's Hemingway's masterpiece. In fact his novels and stories are all better.

>> No.7910457

Gonna agree with the other guy, read Fiesta/The Sun Also Rises, it's by far his best novel and it's not long and equally as good as his short stories.

>> No.7910732

read it in an hour or two. yeah its not that great in my opinion. reads a bit like a bare, overblown didactic fable.

>> No.7910778
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Hemmingway isn't very good, I'd advise avoiding him (especially if you don't enjoy the book many claim is his greatest work). Don't waste your time, read something you prefer or would be more worthwhile.

>> No.7911158


Don't you think it's because it won him the Nobel Prize?

>> No.7911171

The Old Man and the Sea is better than Moby Dick. He explains a fishing trip in under a 100 pages when it takes Herman 'the Hack' Melville over 600. His prose is clearer and his message for the people of earth in it is truely profound. If you didnt like it you probably just didnt understand it.

>> No.7911188

>he explains a fishing trip
>herman 'the Hack' Melville
>message for the people of earth

Are you retarded?

>> No.7911207

I work really late so I can usually only get a couple of hours (sometimes more on weekends) of reading in most nights.

>> No.7912842

If the whale took bait as easily as you, maybe the book wouldn't be so damn long.

>> No.7912854

I actually laughed out loud

>> No.7912859

Absolutely pathetic. I was able to absorb the content of Hemingway's entire discography through direct physical contact in just three minutes. I then had a spiritual experience in which I took his manly essence directly into my spirit-body. Furthermore, having a job identifies you as the worst kind of subhuman trash imaginable. You clearly do not belong here, my friend. I bet aren't even fluent in sanskrit.

>> No.7912877

One of the best shitposts I've ever seen

>> No.7912883

>this level of cultural regression
I was born with the noble blood of the English flowing through my royal veins, and the eventual disgrace that was Hemingway was present in my first digestion; as I took the milk of Chaucer and the blood of Shakespeare, his pathetic form emerged from my unblemished bowels, heralded by the fart of America, and in time I was taught by my righteous kin to deposit all 'hemingways' in the white vanishing-cauldron in which they belong.

>> No.7912899

I thought authors won the Nobel for their body of work, not particular books.

>> No.7913440

nigga its really short how can u even say ur at 20%, u read 7,666 pages?

it takes 2h or something to read it whole but u take a break at 17 min to shitpost?

>> No.7914475

If you're a woman why are you here

>> No.7914530

ITT: a whole lot of social posturing by people who don't read.

>> No.7914532


>> No.7914554


Oh god I'm cringing

>> No.7914796

I think the whole thing is an analogy of his life and works, so it takes some perspective.

>> No.7914818

It is simple but beautiful and the prose is refreshing. The Sun Also Rises is his best I think.

>> No.7916007

20% into the old man and the sea is like what five pages

never post on /lit/ again please

>> No.7916018
File: 420 KB, 377x594, No sleep tonight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love themes of disillusionment and being disappointed with life

Do you know any other book that has the same feeling to it?

>> No.7916032

well, my version of the old man and the sea has 232 pages, wtf are you talkin about.

>> No.7916042

Well, nevermind, just noticed that more than half of that is a biography of Hemingway for some reason.

I was more than halfway trough then.

>> No.7916286

why do you think the sun also rises is his best book?