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7904154 No.7904154 [Reply] [Original]

Was "si tacuisses philosophus mansisses" the ancient way of calling someone an enlightened fedora? What's the deal with peer pressuring people into humility and pride-shaming? Why are we not allowed to be pleased with ourselves? Is it a general societal phenomenon, efficient way of keeping the sheep in place through self-denial and so on? Or is it more of a modern phenomenon, children being taught to not be proud of what they are born with anymore, nazi memery and so on?

Could humility be a precursor to self-abnegation, self hate? If so at the individual psychological level substantiated pride should always be preferred over humility.

Why is it that we see statistics how people with above average intelligence tend to rate themselves as average. What's the deal with all this self-denial? Is this not absurd? Do people really not realize their strengths, did they internalize at a young age to never think too highly of themselves and shun the smug underachiever within?

Smart is as smart does indeed but there's a reason for that: The fucker is smart.

Maybe humility fuels the need to prove yourself and this is in total more beneficial for the individual and society alike. All at the cost of emotional well being of course and this part is what worries me. What if we all said fuck it to humility and danced with the gods? Is thankfulness the modern version of pride?

I am honestly interested in your thoughts on this, recommended reading and so on.

Please excuse my style for I am not a native speaker.

>I made a similar post a week ago but deleted it out of shame ;_;

>> No.7904174

Humility is easy to control.

>> No.7904176

>Why are we not allowed to be pleased with ourselves?

You can, but you want approval of others too. And excelling in being a fedoralord it's not something society approves right now.

Try being a famous rapper. Then you can brag all you want.

>> No.7904184

Indeed it's approval that's the bitch.. even with rappers. Kanye comes to mind.

>> No.7904204
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Man I feel so torn right now. I keep coming up with wacky ideas about meditation and philosophy and all this shit but in the end if there's no one who sees any value in it I am not allowed to feel like I achieved anything and I can not properly feel the "truths" I have unveiled. Everything hinges on approval with me even though I'm a pariah or maybe precisely because of that. I hate it. I wish I had a cool masculine mentor or something.

>> No.7904213

if it is of any help know that even ancient philosophers weren't well regarded.

>> No.7904233

Humility and pride are not opposites, and do not contradict each other as long as both are maintained at healthy levels.
Humility is certainly not anything like self hatred; I think you are lacking nuance here.
People overrating their intelligence is more widespread than people underrating their intelligence as far as I'm aware. It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect. I rather think that arrogance and certainty in your own opinion is positively correlated with ignorance. Smugness is more of an issue than humility, in my mind.