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/lit/ - Literature

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7903992 No.7903992 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

/g/ fag here. I need some /lit/ approved books to impress a girl I happen to love.
She's into books about relationships and is a hardcore /lit/ fag. She's also a feminist and a liberal.

Give me something I can talk to her about k thx.

>> No.7904010
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>feminist and liberal

>> No.7904013

Don't do that, you'll get friendzoned hard, if anything be more retarded than usual, more agresive and act like you don't give a fuck.

Liberals still like to fuck Chads

>> No.7904014


you'll find no help here my friend

>> No.7904017

120 days of Sodom
or justine
the Virgin suicides

>> No.7904021

Is /lit/ secretly /pol/?

Me and her always fight about our political values since I browse /pol/
I need to convert her. Deus vult.

>> No.7904033


It sounds like bullshit but it is the truth.

>> No.7904087

wow i always thought /g/ was for guro. you just blew my mind

>> No.7904110

No but a lot of /pol9k/ faggots crosspost here.

>> No.7904145


>> No.7904287

this, all women like the same thing. even a smart literary girl would dump a smart, charming literary man for a chad in a second. you have to become as chaddy as possible, and if you don't have an attractive face you have to lift a lot to be very /fit/.

>> No.7904300

Surely you all are very successful with women

>> No.7904317
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>She's into books about relationships
>"""Hardcore /lit/ fag"""
>She's also a feminist and a liberal.
Pump and dump

>> No.7904320
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>She's also a feminist and a liberal.

>> No.7904331
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Seriously. You post Murakami and it's not Norwegian Wood.
That novel is softcore porn posing as literature.
You can pretend to have literary interests while reading about getting pussy.

Just read that and fuck off from /lit/

>> No.7904420
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This is what a lot of smart men don't understand. Even if she's into the same shit you are, you still have to be a fucking man. You don't have to be a Chad, but you can't treat her as if she's your best friend either.

>> No.7904429

She probably thinks John Green is the GOAT author, so just pretend you read TFioS and she'll think you're super intellectual. Make sure to give out one of the cheesy quotes too.

>> No.7904433

>Dating a liberal

Literally not even once.

>> No.7904510

>be a fucking man
anon is right. this is a must for getting any woman.

>> No.7904542

Sophomore year of uni I had a crush on a girl who liked to crochet. She wore cute yarn hats. So I bought some yarn and the metal rod thing in pic related, and I started learning how to crochet. I got ahead of myself and awkwardly "worked" into a conversation that I crocheted as a hobby.

And it was totally fucking obvious to her that I was learning to crochet because she liked to crochet. I think my point is pretty obvious here: if your friend is smart, and if you haven't established a history of reading literature, then there's a decent chance she'll be able to identify the ruse (especially considering she probably already suspects you like her), and, unfortunately, she will not find your desperation attractive. So just be careful is what I'm saying.

I never got laid with crochet girl

>> No.7904548
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>> No.7904557

You didn't have to post the spoilers, we already knew.

>> No.7904573
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You're are doing it wrong

>> No.7904659

OP is a massive faggot for dating someone who wants to destabilize Western society.

>> No.7904763

hey g, what's the deal with apps

apps more like craps amirite

>> No.7904795
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>feminist and liberal
Find someone else to impress. You phony idiot.

>> No.7904800

>I never got laid with crochet girl

No shit, you have to be good BEFORE you meet the girl in whatever interest you have in common. And even then, this is just an excuse to talk to her &c. As other anons were saying, you have to be a heavy-dicked man as well, metaphorically speaking.

>> No.7904807

The most distinctive thing about "Western society" is precisely its liberalism, jackass.

>> No.7904820

You do know Chad probably sodomize her without even knowing what crochet was?

>> No.7905039

Which sadly is the main reason why this board turned to shit.

>> No.7905054
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>> No.7905059

Nice meme, but it's the truth, maybe with older women it's different, but with young girls (late teens and early 20s) its the truth, not even being edgy here, go 'dating' for a while and you'll be amazed how girls react differently to the 'I don't give a fuck' attitude