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7901694 No.7901694 [Reply] [Original]

Lovecraft was truly the spookiest spookster


>> No.7903245
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>> No.7903247

Those invisible space critters where spooky as fuck.

>> No.7903253

Lovecraft hated spooks.

>> No.7903256

On Lovecraft's temper and fights

>"He admits to having an 'ungovernable temper' and being 'decidedly pugnacious': "Any affront - especially any reflection on my truthfulness or honour as an 18th century gentleman - roused in me tremendous fury, & I would always start a fight if an immediate retraction were not furnished. Being of scant physical strength, I did not fare well in these encounters; though I would never ask for their termination."
p.50 / 51

>> No.7903265
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It's funny how Ougi-chan is a literal figurative spook.

>> No.7903267

On Lovecraft's sexuality

>"The matter of Lovecraft's sexual conduct must inevitably be addressed, although the information we have on the subject is very sparse. We learn from R. Alain Everts, who interviewed Sonia on the matter, that: first, he was a virgin at the time he married; second, prior to his marriage he had read several books on sex; and third, he never initiated sexual relations, but would respond when Sonia did so. [...] Sonia herself has only two comments on the matter. 'As a married man he was an adequately excellent lover, but refused to show his feelings in the presence of others. He shunned promiscuous association with women before his marriage. [...] H.P. was inarticulate in expressions of love except to his mother and to his aunts, to whom he expressed himself quite vigorously [...] One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""

>> No.7903374
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>One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!
What a goofball

>> No.7903393

>sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""
you're in 2d heaven now sweet prince.

>> No.7903540

What book are these excerpts from?

>> No.7903554


Joshi's "A Dreamer & A Visionary". Try googling.

>> No.7903566
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Joshi follows that anecdote up with "Move over, Casanova!"

>tfw even your only academic biographer belittles your neotenous expressions of frustrated olev

>> No.7903722
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>> No.7903728
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>One way of expression of H.P.'s sentiment was to wrap his "pinkey" finger around mine and say "Umph!""

That's... Unbelievably cute actually...

>> No.7903801

On one girl's memory of the young Lovecraft

>"Clara Hess, the same age as Lovecraft, supplies a telling and poignant memory of Lovecraft's devotion to astronomy [...] "Howard used to go out into the fields in back of my home to study the stars. One early fall evening several of the children in the vicinity assembled to watch him from a distance. Feeling sorry for his loneliness I went up to him and asked him about his telescope and was permitted to look through it. But his language was so technical that I could not understand it and I returned to my group and left him to his lonely study of the heavens."

>> No.7903806

On Lovecraft as depressed 'loser'

>"Adulthood is hell. Faced with a position this stubborn, the "moralists" of our time grumble in a vaguely disapproving manner, waiting for the moment to float their obscene subtexts. Maybe Lovecraft really couldn't become an adult; but what is certain is that he did not want to. And considering the values which rule the adult world, it's difficult to argue the case. The reality principle, the pleasure principle, competition, permanent challenge, sex and work...nothing to sing Hallelujah about. Lovecraft knows there's nothing to this world. And he plays the role of the loser every time. In theory as in practice. He has lost his childhood, he has equally lost his faith. The world disgusts him, and he sees no reason to suppose that things could be presented otherwise, by 'looking on the bright side'. [...] Very few will have been at this point of saturation, penetrated right to the marrow by the absolute void of every human aspiration.The universe is merely a chance arrangement of elementary particles. A transitory image in the midst of chaos. [...] Lovecraft is well aware of the depressing nature of these conclusions. As he wrote in 1918, "all rationalism tends to minimize the value and importance of life, and to diminish the total quantity of human happiness. In some cases the truth could cause suicide, or at least precipitate a near-suicidal depression.""

>> No.7903812
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Dumb cunt