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7901492 No.7901492 [Reply] [Original]

Has your life ever been changed by reading a book?

Which book?

Pic related

>> No.7901498

The prophet by Kahlil Gibran. Also this book is awesome I'm up to chapter three. It was written in 1987 when he was actually more liberal.

>> No.7901503
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>> No.7901507

Is this book a meme?

>> No.7901509

it's "apocrypha"

>> No.7901512

I'm several pages in and it's fun as fuck. It's just Trumps itinerary of cool shit he does in a day. It's a book for winners, masterfully written with the best words.

>> No.7901537

How many mexicans does he strangle?

>> No.7901539

I made it to age 9 and I can't read it anymore

>> No.7901592

War & Peace

>> No.7901703

Don't give up till you read the part about the first time he masturbated

Thats a quality section right there

>> No.7901735

oh shit, gotta keep going

>> No.7901750

Is trump a 4th order simulacrum?

>> No.7901810

I personally found it boring desu. But to each his own.

>> No.7901834

Baby's firts self help book (if not first book ever)

>> No.7902306

Love that cover. PDF?

>> No.7902340


>Tfw was literally just about to start reading it

I read Crippled America (Which he signed at a rally by the way)

>> No.7902366
File: 192 KB, 649x1024, holy-bible-cover-649x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7902389

Donald Trump... How to become rich? Inherit 200 million USD.

A real self-made man...

>> No.7902411


>he thinks taking 200 million to 5 billion + is easy

Wew lad

>> No.7902418

how many lottery winners are rich and functioning?

>> No.7902442

>what is marginal utitlity

>> No.7902444


His father died in 1999. $200MM was allotted to his 5 children. Trump got about $40MM.

Trump was already a billionaire by the 90s.

There are loads of lottery winners that lose more than Trump started out with.

>> No.7902462

Don't forget his multiple bankruptcies. This man is nothing but a con artist duping low IQ voters into supporting racism and Islamophobia.

>> No.7902465


>> No.7902477


Homemade pasta for moments like these. Even though I think you're b8ing with the "Islamphobia" bullshit

First of all, he has never filed for personal bankruptcy. Companies associated with him have, out of the literally hundreds he's had under his name. There's a HUGE difference between personal and corporate bankrupt. "Bankruptcy is not the end. It’s a strategy for eliminating debt."

1. Although it's true he (or his shareholders) have filed for bankruptcy four times. It was actually the same single company renamed with the same assets, every single time. Trump Atlantic City Casinos. I'll send a list of his successful businesses in a second.

2. Two of those occasions 'he' did not file for bankruptcy. His shareholders did at a time where he wasn't even the majority shareholder.

3. He actually profited 3 of those 4 times. Like I stated earlier, bankruptcy isn't "bankruptcy" it's a business strategy used by (or willing to be used by) every major company in the world.

>> No.7902478
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>This man is nothing but a con artist duping low IQ voters into supporting racism and Islamophobia.

>> No.7902480
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>> No.7902483

If you aren't Le epic trolling please fuck off to Tumblr to discuss John Green novels, child.

>> No.7902485

>calling trump racist
How does it feel to be a media drone?

>> No.7902518

It's true. Smart and well informed voters are voting for Bernie.

>> No.7902539


My wife's son threatened to beat me up if I didn't vote for Bernie with him. I mean I was going to vote Bernie anyway but still.

>> No.7902691

Bernie wants to turn America into Zimbabwe and he's the smart one?

>> No.7902704

does lit really not have jannies or mods anymore? surely this is a thread more fit for pol.

>> No.7902705

If the Scandinavian countries can have a socialist utopia so can we. Bernie is the only intelligent candidate left.

>> No.7902708

>socialist utopia

you mean countries where social mobility is a literal impossibility?
countries where mass immigration is destroying everything?

>> No.7902711


>> No.7902718

Mass immigration isn't destroying anything. Education is the problem and Bernie is going to give it to all of us for free.

>> No.7902741


>> No.7902790
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I just want my country to prosper. Bernie supporters would rather see it burn in the name of "equality" (not actual equality) and free stuff.

>> No.7902796
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>> No.7902805
File: 13 KB, 338x240, Blog_EMP_USA_vs_Europe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mean countries where social mobility is a literal impossibility?

>> No.7902809

>Scandinavian countries

When will this meme end?

>> No.7902820

confirmed for literal retard

>> No.7902827


When will modern man realize that Nationalism is just worship of the State?

I have to agree with Libertarians here. Statism = Nationalism = Fascism.

>> No.7902839

That's because you're a degenerate and hate your family and the soil you were born and raised on.

>> No.7902844

Bernie is the only candidate supported by actual economists.

>> No.7902845

>falling for the trump meme

>> No.7902848

spooked like a gook

>> No.7902858

Cite your sources.

You're a lost cause.

>falling for the not trump meme

>> No.7902870


I am OK with that.

Soil is soil. I don't want to be tied to it like some peon.

>> No.7902922

Family is important but why would anyone ever give a shit about soil they don't own?