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/lit/ - Literature

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7897758 No.7897758 [Reply] [Original]

what writer do you identify with the most?

inb4 intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.7897766

a less extroverted Tao Lin

>> No.7897773

You don't identify with a writer. You identify with things which are said in his or her book(s).

>> No.7897775

mostly because I had a somewhat similar upbrining/ grew up in the deep south

>> No.7897776

same thing

>> No.7897780

Not really

>> No.7897782

rule number 1 of literature is literally that no, that isn't at all the same thing

>> No.7897783

Tao Lin

Ambitious, sexy, and intelligent

>> No.7897784

Probably Virginia Woolf. Maybe Anne Sexton. I have some similarities to Emily Brontë, although I'm not nearly so shy.

>> No.7897786

whatever lol

are you a girl

>> No.7897788


>> No.7897791

how big are your boobs

>> No.7897854


>> No.7897929

franzen desu

>> No.7898213

Kurt Vonnegut Jr most likely

>> No.7898220

>Virginia Woolf
>Anne Sexton


I read Sexton's collected poems a few months ago. Feels almost wrong to say I enjoyed it; it's harrowing stuff.

>> No.7898221

this t bh. or James Baldwin

>> No.7898271

>John Green

>> No.7898294

Shakespeare. I may write for plebs but in a hundred years I'll be the king of lit.

>> No.7898318

Ligotti, maybe

>> No.7898464

Correct. I've only been hospitalised once but I've had a lot of close calls. I know more about Woolf than I do about Sexton, but it seems like both of them responded to their bipolar symptoms in similar ways to me.

>> No.7898470

Do u still have a penis?

>> No.7898475


>> No.7898477

Flannery O'Connor, intelligent, catholic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.7898481

flash us your tits love

>> No.7898564

Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because I've never written anything in my life.

>> No.7898570

John Hawkes

>> No.7898648

Hunter S. Thompson. Though I don't do drugs and never have.

>> No.7898653

Jack Kerouac. Though I've never really travelled anywhere or taken a road trip before.

>> No.7898901

Augustine of Hippo

>> No.7898904


>> No.7898912
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r u some sorta psychic

>> No.7898956

It's gonna sound weird, but Jerry Spinelli.

His stories and his people are so real and easy to connect with. He uses plain speech in a way that's nearly poetic. He makes very normal scenarios like your first love in junior high feel more magical than you could ever imagine, and more devastating than you could possibly think. And you feel like what he writes could really happen.

>> No.7899024

Yes, I'm INFJ.

>> No.7899030


>> No.7899424
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For me it's Michel Houellebecq - intellectual, existentialist, and with a cuttingly misanthropic grasp of social satire.

>> No.7899437

rær notalkingplz :^D

>> No.7899451
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Aleister Crowley. An occultist first and foremost, recreational drug user (and opiate addict), well-read and reverent of the classics, right-wing with fascist sympathies, voracious sexual appetite. I am straight, however.

>> No.7899454

Kazantzakis. Torn between the west, the east, and all encompassing nihilism with a strong belief in the potential of the individual.

Actually now that I've read most of the Greeks at least once through and dabbled in existentialism I can't wait to read through him again.

>> No.7899463

William Blake, the harmless autist that everyone puts up with.

>> No.7899465

Adolf Hitler.

>> No.7899486

>fascist sympathies

>> No.7899505
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The Spook Man.

>> No.7899992

>identifying with someone
well spook'd, my property

>> No.7900010
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Gore Vidal, because I'm a self loathing closeted homosexual who wants to fellate a Kennedy

>> No.7900015

Camus. Intelligent, absurdist and no sense of humour

>> No.7900076

A female version of Lucien Carr, self-destructive egotist with some dying wish to fuck in an alley in Paris. Frankly I'm not much for being a writer, I find pleasure in being the one people can bounce ideas with.

>> No.7900163

Alice Munro.

>> No.7900172
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*same taste in glasses
*thinks camus is a faggot
*no original ideas, ideology a poor synthesis of other people's ideas
*horrified by being looked at
*hate being stuck in/bound to a body/having organs and teeth and butthole/not being a pure substanceless mind
*unlimited access to pussy/long term gfs but would never get married or sleep in the same bed with anyone every night or have children
*attracted to idea of the Solitary Man (Thoreau, Nietzsche, etc.) even though skeptical of it
*attracted to some permanent higher form of Heideggerian re-encounter with being (becoming God) even though skeptical of it
*into uppers
*hate idea of being given a reward by external party (broke t-ball trophies when i was little, burned diplomas, etc)
*mostly interested in 19th century writers
*value playfulness over seriousness

>> No.7900177

>broke t-ball trophies when i was little, burned diplomas
My heart cried a little.

>> No.7900180
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"listen you queer. stop calling me a crypto-nazi or i'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered!"


>> No.7900191

Louis C.K. because my life is a joke but I dont kill myself because I have kids and would miss chicken tendies too much

>> No.7900194

Piero Scaruffi because I admire and wish to emulate his commitment to amassing as much knowledge of human culture as possible

>> No.7900198

All good authors are suicidal. Most of them just don't ever kill themselves.
A lot of them kill themselves with alcohol though.

>> No.7900203

My nigga
No one ever talks about him. He has such a great writing style/voice too.

>> No.7900207

One of my favorite authors
Good taste my man

>> No.7900209

T.S. Eliot.
The world's shit.

>> No.7900210

I can't believe this guy is hailed as being great. He was a brute and a nobody.

>> No.7900216

I'm writer.

>> No.7900219

>*no original ideas, ideology a poor synthesis of other people's ideas
Was this in reference to sartre or camus?

>> No.7900220


Knausgård. Same overambition in youth, same role in social situations, same appreciation of solitude, same thoughts on art, culture and the zeitgeist.

But not quite as handsome as him. Yet.

>> No.7900257

He may of been a brute, but his brand of irony and arguments based in pure spectacle now dominate modern media. His influence is felt across the world, and in many ways he founded or at-least popularized American neo-conservatism.

Still Buckley was a meany

>> No.7900282

I don't know. Maybe Wallace Stevens? I'm older than almost all of you and I'm highly educated and I work in insurance and I haven't been discovered yet because I have crippling perfectionism and I've never submit any of my work to anyone or anything or anywhere because I'm terrified that none of my stuff is good enough to compete with the all-time greats because if I'm being entirely honest with you I'm only interested in competing with the all-time greats and I have zero interest in writing to sell a few copies and be happy creating things off in my own little word because I'm in this for the fame and I'm in this for the legacy and I want people to know that there was a great mind living on this earth in this time and his name is my name and I realize that sounds elitist and it sounds pretentious and it sounds like every other synonym you'd like to add and it is and I don't care but sometimes when I drink I do care and I realize just how absolute and utterly foolish that sounds and this makes me realize my ego has grown out of control and is one of the, if not the sole, primary causes of my crippling perfectionism but I can't and I don't want to let it go because sometimes when I drink I don't care and it burns like a fire inside and I believe that's what makes great men great and that all great men feel the same and I feel that it's essential to what makes me me and essential to what makes my work mine but the truth is that I know all men, both the great and the not so great, feel they're great and that you, the person reading this right now, deep down, feels that way about yourself and your own work and then I get angry because that's when the fear rises that if I can admit that the not so great feel the same then maybe my ego has lost itself to delusion and then the pendulum swings back and the other side fights and it screams and it rages at the fear that if you don't think you're great and believe you are the best and are in it for the fame and the legacy and the acknowledgment of your work in this life or the next then what in the hell are you doing all this for?

>> No.7900288
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lol wtf

>> No.7900295
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Morrissey, definitely. Melancholic, asexual, obsessed with James Dean. Also a vegetarian, not the Meat Is Murder kind though.

>> No.7900335

Came here to post exactly this.

>> No.7900336

You mean pansexual.

>> No.7900347

You mean you're a gigantic faggot, right?
>identifies with Morrissey
confirmed faggot.

>> No.7900351

Yeah, I identify with his stylistic neuroticism. Like DFW, but more grounded in real life

>> No.7900395


>Same overambition in youth

Where did you get this from? Or did you actually read the attention whore's six volume journal?

>> No.7900416

homosexual, depressingly gay and a wicked sense of sucking cock

>> No.7900435

Bret Easton Ellis, mostly for less than zero but also everything else

>> No.7900486


Book 5.

I'm halfway through book 6. Have you actually read him? Journal is definitely the wrong word, and seems to suggest you misunderstood it fundamentally.

Attention-whore really isn't particularly accurate either.

>> No.7900497

Ovid lol
>inb4 fag

>> No.7900556

Dude I'm hungry as s*** man I want some fun I was a chicken I really really want some chicken

>> No.7900559


>Attention-whore really isn't particularly accurate either.

It's not?

Naming your novel "Min Kamp" after Hitler's work isn't attention whoring?

Selling out your friends, family, and your wife, in particular, isn't attention whoring? Including saying, "I didn’t think of that when I was doing it. I didn’t think of the implication at all, in that sense. I was so frustrated that I didn’t foresee the consequences. I thought, If the consequences are that she’s leaving me, then okay, she can go. That was how it was. There was a certain desperation that made it possible. I couldn’t do it now." That's not attention whoring? I didn't foresee the consequences, my ass. And then going on to say, "But still, there is much more to a relationship than what you can say. You just take one more step back into yourself. I’ve never understood psychoanalysis. Mentioning things doesn’t change anything, doesn’t help anything, it’s just words. There is something much more deep and profound to a relationship than that. Revealing stories and quarrels—that’s just words. Love, that’s something else." Oh, wait, you didn't just write 6 volumes...3600 pages or something worth of words, Karl...words to sell? Oh wait...I'm sorry...he's not an attention whore, right?

Only taking dark and brooding pictures accompanied by interviews where he has the balls to quote, "I can’t speak for other writers, but I write to create something that is better than myself, I think that’s the deepest motivation, and it is so because I’m full of self-loathing and shame. Writing doesn’t make me a better person, nor a wiser and happier one, but the writing, the text, the novel, is a creation of something outside of the self, an object, kind of neutralized by the objectivity of literature and form." (insert eye roll), Jesus Christ. I remember my first literature class in college, too. Good God, it's gross. He sounds like a sophomore just back from summer break ready to really dig in and find himself.

The dude's an attention whore and the "high art" "literati" is eating it all up because they're dying out and being consumed by other forms, and he's playing them like a fuckin' fiddle. Plucking each and every one of their sensibilities like strings and then people like you parrot it back to the masses.

Disgusting, desu. Art my ass. He's a fucking attention whore. At most, the last gasp of an endangered species.

I say good riddance.

>> No.7900649

>All good authors are suicidal.


>> No.7900655

Probably Ezra Pound.

Fascist sympathies, a genius critical eye but sometimes lacking in the ability to execute his vision, a tendency to be highly conceptual and overwrought but occasionally rather crude, a singular obsession with poetry, a bit of an egotistical asshole, a desire to reinterpret and reinvent literary tradition, but really a man who in the end lived a life of self-imposed misery and disappointment.

>> No.7900719


Oh, and by the way, this is entirely ignoring his first work, Out of the World, which is basically just trying to ride on the controversy of Lolita. And it ignores his second book, A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven is on the nature of angels.

So...here we have a guy trying to ride the coattails of controversy with a Lolita-esque concept debut, a follow-up about the Christian concept of Angels, and follows THAT up with his third, SIX VOLUME work, in which he finally and unashamedly just admits it and whores out his closest friends and family and names it after the work of the one, the only, Adolph Hitler...

No. He's not an attention-whore at all...not an attention whore at all. No sir.

>> No.7900791

sylvia plath or jean paul sartre

>> No.7900926

No. A writer is an individual who should (in most cases) be looked at separately from his or her works. For example, I might be a big fan of Lovecraft's work but his views on people of a different race are absolutely abhorrent.

>> No.7900968


Are you the black guy from This American Life a couple weeks ago who loved Lovecraft when he was a kid but didn't realize until he grew up that he hated black people?

>> No.7900979

Yeah, but he even rejected those racist views later on in his life

>> No.7900998

I think you can ignore the author when looking at a work, but not vice versa, unless all they wrote was pop biography or something. So when you're asking about what authors you relate to, you should consider both the author and their work.

And honestly aside from that one poem the only times I remember any sort of racial themes were in "The Street" and Innsmouth.

>> No.7901011

You know, the people you get the most angry with are usually those that you see the worst part of yourselves in

>> No.7901027


At the Mountains of Madness has some crazy racist themes, man.

Lots of his shorter works too, but that's the one that really stands out as his magnum opus of racism.

>> No.7901037
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>You know, the people you get the most angry with are usually those that you see the worst part of yourselves in

>> No.7901052

Interesting. I guess I haven't read his work in too long. Are there any critical works on the topic that you would consider valuable to understanding how his racism affected his stories?

>> No.7901087


I haven't read much criticism around this stuff, I'm sure there's something more substantial out there, but China Mieville's introduction to the Modern Library Classics edition of AtMoM is prety decent. http://hateball.tumblr.com/post/61428057818/introduction-to-at-the-mountains-of-madness-by

>> No.7901114

He definitely makes some good points. Thanks anon! I'll look around for more material on the subject too. Lovecraft was one of my childhood favourites but until just now I can't say I've ever really examined him deeply.

>> No.7901318


No I still don't consider him an attention whore. Your arguments aren't very compelling.

>> No.7901387


>first paragraph boils down to refusing to differentiate between 'selling out your friends' and telling theirs and your story, disregarding most of the persons appearing in the books are okay with it
>goes on to say that because Knausgård realizes words are a poor and imperfect image of what they represent, writing is pointless
>second paragraph boils down to calling him a sophomore
>third paragraph is mostly incoherent with contrived use of fiddling metaphor
>fourth paragraph consists of saying he is an attention whore for the 5th or 6th time

y u mad tho? Is it because he is one of the greatest living writers and you can never hope to achieve as much succes as him? Is it because he is more handsome than you? Is it because you had hoped to write a long memoir but lack the insight to make it universal and the courage to be radically honest :^)?

>> No.7902279

No more of a meany than Vidal, one of the most malicious and hateful men that ever lived.

>> No.7902890

Shakespeare and Kafka, maybe a little deef

>> No.7903621

How would you say you identify with Shakespeare?

>> No.7903637

>hate being stuck in/bound to a body/having organs and teeth and butthole/not being a pure substanceless mind
Interesting, where's this from?

>> No.7903645
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>> No.7903649


>> No.7903651

They're different things, but you CAN identify with a writer, you're just being cunty

>> No.7903658
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>> No.7903659

Can you flash us your butthole pls

>> No.7903947

>Tao LIn

>> No.7904617

Annoyingly wordy, consistently presented pretentiously though only actually relevant or intelligent ~10% of the time
Existentialist which usually concludes in deification of high art
Overthinks every social interaction to every possible conclusion, perspective, etc.

>> No.7904631

Could you please flash us your book collection?

>> No.7904637
File: 24 KB, 285x352, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an austitic manchild

>> No.7904647

The fact some of these are not ironic goes to serve my deep, lingering suspicion that /lit/ is actually the most pathetic board on chan

>> No.7904653

Henry Miller

>> No.7904661

my cat sometimes leaves wet paw prints she is the best writer I identify with her intelligent nihilistic sexy

>> No.7904678

A well-hung pretty boy with schizoid personality disorder

>> No.7904692

It does get annoying. I doubt that most of the people who post that stuff actually mean anything by it but it serves no purpose and gets in the way of actual discussion.

>> No.7904702

Are you a Catholic patrician qt? I want to marry one of you and have 5 babies.

>> No.7904706

>actual discussion
Nice meme

>> No.7904994

You sound like there is some doubt of that left in your mind.

There ought not be.

>> No.7905613

I identify myself with John Fante. All I want is a qt mexican girl, make some cash and to be a famous writter.

>> No.7905675

Bob Woodward.

>> No.7906003

>inb4 intelligent, nihilis...
>to late.

>> No.7906256


I never read DFW before this year. I watched the "This is Water" video and thought it was kinda douchy. Then I saw the trailer for The End of the Tour and from that alone, I knew that I HAD to see this movie. Before the movie came out, I bought the audiobook for "Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself" which the movie was based upon and Infinite Jest. I've listened to that audiobook twice now in six months and I'm currently 1/2 way through Infinite Jest. I like DFW the person more than I like him as an author. I don't hate Infinite Jest but I don't adore it the way that I adore the other book. It helped me in a very uncertain time in my life.

>> No.7906282
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this beautiful guy

>> No.7906311

So you're an occultist who's bound to die alone, penniless & full of regret? What a great occultist you must be lad.

>> No.7906315

His views honestly were expected of someone reclusive (take a look at the white recluses of today and of any recluse really, they're almost always radically right and ethnocentric, or on the occasion radically left) at his time. I can't remember who, but somebody wrote an essay concerning him and a huge point was that, during his midlife, a lot of people had 'socially' changed their minds concerning race, while he didn't - his teenage views on racism were probably acceptable, but they didn't evolve while everybody elses did due to his reclusive nature

Also I honestly feel much more of you guys would be able to identify with Lovecraft more in that you're awkward, reclusive, manchild-y, and have literary talent, I know I do

>> No.7906332

then wtf

>> No.7906339


>> No.7906351

oof you got a long way to go if you're gonna compete with the greats buddy :^)

>> No.7906359

What monitors do you guys use to read on? I'm on the lookout for a secondary monitor I can put vertically. Are there any monitors designed for reading? My eyes get pretty tired after reading on my current monitor so I usually just stick to reading books or on my kindle

>> No.7906382

Buy the book for whatever it is, man.
It's more satisfying and obviously less eye strain.

Unless you're really poor, then go with the kindle or whatever

>> No.7906593

Houellebecq, probably. Spawned by belligerent hippies then given to a far-left relative and raised in the bay area. I'm similarly reactionary in my writing and political opinions.

>> No.7906626

Bernhard, Chekhov, Flannery O'Connor

>> No.7906635

Eco probably.

>> No.7906645

well I am not like other men. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen ;]

>> No.7906664

>what is implied author?