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/lit/ - Literature

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789765 No.789765 [Reply] [Original]

Reading it right now. Really liked the description in the war chapters and the characters so far. 250 pages in.

I would liketh opinions.

>> No.789775

You've got a lot more to wade through. Keep going.

Once you finish, write a much better report for us than "really liked the war chapters." That doesn't start discussion. Think of something better. Use your big-boy words and big-boy thoughts. You're on a literature board.

>> No.789824

My copy is rumpled at the upper right corner. Goddamn Borders.

>> No.789851

ha ha all of borders books are like that in store

>> No.789853

yea, on a literature board on 4chan.

>> No.789854


A literature board that just so happens to be on 4chan.

>> No.789865

And before the summer happened and you underage b&s came riding in thinking you're so edgy for browsing 4chan, /lit/ had actual literature discussion, original thoughts, and interesting commentary. Now that you're here, not so much.

>> No.789873


I'm not "underage b&" and I have probably been her longer than you (as if it really matters) so go back to /b/ and shutup already.

>> No.789885

So...you post idiotic nothing comments and contribute nothing interesting to /lit/? Is that what you're saing?

>> No.789896

It's not like you didn't just do that.

>> No.789897


No. I'm telling you to shutup since you're not contributing anything interesting yourself; you act like a pompous little turd.

>> No.789901

>/lit/ had actual literature discussion, original thoughts, and interesting commentary.
No. No it did not.

>> No.789902

you know, tolstoy was originally going to name it "war, what is it good for?"

>> No.789904

OP contributed nothing interesting. I told him to try a little harder to spark discussion. You said, "lol this is 4chan." That's not a contribution.

>> No.789907

Yeah, it did. Not in every thread or even every day, but it wasn't the shit-fest it's become since June began.

>> No.789910

I don't remember saying I contribute anything

>> No.789912

It's been the same the whole time.

>> No.789913


All he asked were for opinions on War And Peace.

>> No.789916

And that's a waste of a new thread. It's not a meaningful contribution at all.

>> No.789917

Cool opinion bro

>> No.789918

Thanks for posting then. We're all glad you've chosen /lit/ as your board of choice.

>> No.789919


It's 4chan, the thread will be gone in no time and you (hopefully) will get over it.

>> No.789922


You're browsing 4chan. Quit being elitist. The rules state that discussion is allowed. Asking for opinions is starting a discussion.

>> No.789924

/lit/ is slow and threads last for days. You must be from /b/.

>> No.789928

It's not starting a discussion, it's wasted letters, useless electricity and useless hard-disk churn for everyone unfortunate enough to view the thread. If you have an opinion, give it when starting the thread so an actual discussion can begin. Otherwise people just end up saying, "Yeah, it was good" or "I didn't like it." Those are shitty threads. This is a shitty thread.

>> No.789930


It doesn't matter how long the thread will last, the point is that this thread, which in your opinion contributes nothing, will disappear EVENTUALLY, so there is no reason to be a pompous dick about it.

>> No.789933


>> No.789937

you're visibly upset

>> No.789941
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>useless electricity


>> No.789942

You're mentally sub-normal.

>> No.789945

but y u mad bro?

>> No.789946

I hate you more than threads like this, Arcueid. I consider you the first of the high-school-kids-on-summer-break parade of ass-hattery that's made this place smell of unwashed taint and sweaty asshole.

>> No.789949

Because degenerate virgins who aren't old enough to grow beards piss me off.

>> No.789954

u still mad bro?

>> No.789955

he still mad

>> No.789961
File: 279 KB, 2304x1728, 1269567557003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you still ronery virgins.

>> No.789963


you're the one getting butthurt because of a thread on 4chan

>> No.789971

Who's butthurt? You were super-offended when I suggest this thread was weaker than a girl-fart in a hurricane.

Really, I think this thread sucks. I think you've probably never contributed anything interesting or meaningful to /lit/, ever. You can't even make clever responses. You repeat /b/-level memes like "u mad" and "u butthurt" over and over. You're an empty lump of meaningless grey-matter and fat-cells held together by acned skin.

>> No.789976

You just wrong a paragraph about how mad you are

>> No.789981

No, I just rote two paragraphs about how much of a shit you are.

>> No.789986
File: 45 KB, 200x227, awshitnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.790015

stealthy sage so I get the last word:
You are all doo-doo heads.

>> No.790018

Yeah, absolutely valid criticisms of the OP (and his apologists) aside, I enjoyed War and Peace a lot.

Prince Andrei is such a strong character that he makes most of Tolstoy's points even before you get to the (interesting but way overdone) essays. Andrei's not an Ender or a Bean, who know everything by seeing a picture of a rock or something, and Andrei's not Roark, who instantly has a solution to all his problems through mere application of genius. He's not a fantasy character or a sci-fi patriarch or a mystic or a genius or a Great Man. He is simply a dude that sees problems - the slow madness of the older generations (distant aristocrats and his embittered father), the vulgarity of the younger generations (Natasha's impatient betrayal of Andrei, Pyotr's obsession with war), and the madness of war. And Andrei tries to fix what he can, with the mental resources of a normal man, but with the utmost respect for duty, virtue, and charity. And he succeeds in a small fashion, becoming decorated and wounded and dying - changing his mental take on things but never wavering in his respect for duty, virtue, and charity. Andrei lives as a great Christian and dies as one, making the moral and political world better as he does so - but he does not and cannot do more than that.