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/lit/ - Literature

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7897219 No.7897219 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 18 and just getting into literature. I've always been a pretty big reader and I've read books by lots of more well-known and 'classic' authors (Hemingwey, Tolstoy, Dickens, Faulkner, Poe, Twain, a bit of Joyce, Orwell, Kafka, Fitzgerald, Proust, Huxley, Aghileri, etc), but I'm just starting to get into more 'contemporary' literature.

Is this book actually good, or am I getting memed?

>> No.7897221

read it yoursef and find out.

>> No.7897236


>> No.7898112

I just opened the third page.... what am I in for?

>> No.7898116

I just spent $28.67 (with tax) and spent the bus fare to go to B&N to buy this book that I am now asking you about what I should expect.

What should I expect/

>> No.7898182

I think you'll like it OP. I liked it. A lot of people here like it. You should read it.

>> No.7898246

OP here, just marathoned the first 5 pages!

*wipes brow*

were they good?

>> No.7898352

Aw you guys...

First of all OP, good on you for reading those works at your age. The work is good, but you may enjoy it more if you were acquainted with postmodernism (which wallace is responding to). Try Hawkes, Pynchon, Barthelme, Calvino or Gaddis. They're my favorites. Basically, Infonite Jest is a return to sincerity, though this 'return' may be lost on you if you haven't read any pomo

>> No.7898361

Does it have deckled edges OP?

>> No.7898448
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You probably got memed. Personally, I refuse to read it because of how much you fine gentlemen constantly lick it's balls and shitpost DFW memes. Perhaps I'm missing out on something grand, but ehhhhh...

I've read the synopsis and it just strikes me as garbage and a waste of time, like every pomo decon turd being foisted on our already vapid society.

>> No.7898451

It ain't pomo m9

>> No.7898474

Good call. You're not missing out.

>> No.7898478
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Congrats on your venture into pomo, OP. Just so you know, you're not getting memed. IJ is a legitimately great and masterfully written novel, easily one of the most important of the last twenty years. DFW narrates like an old friend to the reader, creating a brilliant contrast between the Enfield Tennis Academy and the halfway house, demonstrating to us the struggle of life in contemporary America. DFW is right in the notion that we all share the same two options of becoming vapid and hedonistic in our lifestyles (halfway house) with nothing to lose, or perfectionists constantly cleaning away desecrated flaws. Heroes or pale kings. No matter which path we choose, which deity we worship (as indicated by his this is water speech) we are simply leading our way to death.

>> No.7898503
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Deconstructionist mumbo jumbo!

The audacity! As if the human experience, the human psyche, could so easily be broken down to it's constituent elementary particles and reconfigured into a cold soup of dubious nutritive value!

These shitlords will have you questioning the sanctity of human latency & conferring significance to the phlegmatic braying of a dying jackass!

Fuck IJ & DFW.

>> No.7899104

>What should I expect/
buyer's remorse

>> No.7899111

I would agree with that friendly normal person, its slave morality to blame a group for your problems

>> No.7899136

you dont have to put 'classic' and 'contemporary' in quotes

>> No.7899160

classic memes here lads
wait until you get to pg 150 and then pg 330, oh boy

>> No.7899164

I uh... whatever you're trying to do here, you're either failing rather hard or you're doing something immeasurably dumb. Not bad prose quality though desu
full house digits

>> No.7899198

dumbest picture ever

>> No.7899432

Well that's a great reason not to read something faggot.

Why don't you formulate your own opinion on something instead of waiting for lit to meme something you can react to?

>> No.7899524

The typical Americans experience with television and mass media in the 20th and 21st century is enough experience with pomo ideals to understand the reaction.